The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, April 09, 1897, Image 3

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HEARD, SAID, DONE. - - What is Going on all Over the County. In a Condensed Form for Murray’s Prosperous People. -Superior Court convenes at Da! ,i(.n tUis week. E.sq ,F M Killgore graced onr streets last Monday. Ross Terry was circulating among friends liere Monday. Hurral’. for Spring Diace! She is on a boom now-a-days. Bailiff Springfield of Doolittle was . in our city last Tuesday. Frank Hampton was bowdving with friends here Monday. Will Childers went over to Dalton ,on business one day this week. W C Groves and son went over to Dalton Wednesday after Guano. A large number of locals were un¬ avoidably crowded out of this issue. That clover citizen of Fashion W R Davis was in oar city one day this week. Uncle Davy v tehoH of whitfield County was in our city Wednesday on business. Dee Parsons has been suffering from a vising on his foot for the past few days. Judge L M Jones and Poke Leon¬ ard took in the city of Dalton one day this week. The News and the weekly Con eti.ution win be sent to any address for only $1.25. Genial Frank Vonberg of nooga is visiting relatives and n lends liere this week. Col. Sam Carter of Carters was a wrong Spring Place friends a while last Saturday Come and see our Buggies and Phaetons for the .nicest outfits for Lhe 'least money. Berry Bryant. Hardware Co. s E , Berry Mgr. W J & J E Johnson have added an elegant line of Millenery to their nice stock of goods. We were glad to see Capt. W Tilton able to be out again after a ■cotinued spell of sickness. Dr. Sam Brown attended Prediv •terv at Liberty, Gordon County, the latter part of last week. The Board of Roads and Re venues met here last, Wednesday and trails acted a. large amount of business, « L Moore has some of the nicest pocket-knives we have seen in many a day, and is prepared to sell them for lies than merchants pav for then. Come and see onr Buggies Bhae tons, for the nicest outfit, for the least money, so come on. 3f >. E Berry, Manager. We are sorry to learn of (lie d mth ^if itiss Ti-nnie Birksdaie daughter mi a former cUizeti of this Joe Barksdale. Site died the 24th juf last month at her home in Texas In a letter to bis brother, Sam June Jackson says they have had snow there about six inches deep. The letter was written from near Ashville, N. C., and dated the of last nimoh. Do not forgot that Berry Bryant Hardware Company are sellinor a LilIi grade Acid Phosphate and Buffalo Bane Guanno, see to before buying, s E Berry, Manager. COFFEE—J ACKSOX. Married on the 4th in*.., at fhe Jiome of H R Ayers, Mr. J W Coftee and Miss Hester Jackson; D W Bond officiating. extends congratulations The News to the happy couple. The manv friends of Rev. Martin Isabelle will be sorry to learn of his deatli He died at his liome in as a few days ago after only three hours illness. He was once pastor of the Baptist church at this place. Bud iiall of the Eighth paid us an appreciated call Tuesday. Bud says he and II R Beamer have not lost 1 anv time because of the rainy w«ath er but heav put in the time building good fences. They now have the best fences in their district. FOUND.—.A watch on the 20th, of March,1897, near the residence of Rev. s H Henry Anyone having Ipst a watch ai d producing theirs satis factory proof or this one being can obtain it by calling_on^me wd paying 1897. a t exp^nsee. ’ Ga _ FOR SALE. A splendid young ho ’^ e, ^° 0 ' 1 driver and saddle; also a good Buggy an ?vn " arn H 8 eheat, for cash W W SaraDler ' ’ Dennis ’ Ga. forget the , Berry u Do not to see Grocery Company before Sm/ar Meat Flour, and any Ling you want, usually kept in an up d rw h e g g Add . They have the prettiest and clean eBt store in Dalton and their prices are as low or lower than any RE/ID ALL THE «EWS OF MURRAY (BOUNTY. S U M AI IN 0 LEA NINOS. What the Feope of That Thriving Place Are Doing, As Our Correspondent of That Place Writes us. April 5 Editor—Plea c do not mention the weather. During the few bright days be tween showers out- gardeners planted garden,corn, patches, etc., so we hope to have garden “sas” by and by. IJliss Tandie Gregory, a Sumach student, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Loughridge. Mr Higgles of “Old Fort” l'ennes see, has entered school at this place. Misses Oma Gene McKnlire and Evelvn and Alma Gregory ofSumaeh spent last Saturday night ,with Jessie Ilenrv of Beaverdale Fred Waterhouse of Hughes and Miss Ellen Howell of Cisco attend¬ ed church at Sumach the 4th Sun I day. Miss Annie Whitler and brother of Cohntta Junction visited Miss Nellie Bryant last Week, Miss Lois Abbott our charming • music teacher, accompanied by Miss ! Lola Gregory visited home folks near Su8 , ar V . Uj ,; v Stalit u a few days of j j, wt wef ,j. Our friends James II Gregory and wifl> of j)altwn wt ,„. at the home ^ j )) 0 ther, Mrs. Margaret Greg ! ory for a few days last week 'profs. W m liieharels, ,J M Grego* w A Gladdbo, and Miss Lula Gladden are late valued additions to the student element of Sumach school. ! Revs. Mann. Bennett, Brvden, and Ruling Eider James W Leamun are attending Presbytery of the Cum* J | berland in Presbyterian Gordon County, Church, Ga, which meets j The scliou! atUnionSprings closed taught by Miss Lucy Haggard on last Saturday nignt. with a public ; tainment consisting of recitatioAs dialogues etc. 1 he evening was spent very pleasantly, the students : llM '!;. ,,arl f er r d ; tably \ 1 he public schools nave about all „ ; closed out for tin* year. \v hat i pity it -is that Georgia has only live "“inths free school We sincere y | nope that arrangemeuts will he (oompleled to enable ns to have sev (»*' , P" l * ths <>tf "cm school next year. .1 hen, when Georgia takes her place in tile front ranks, j educationally,of !Southefti states, ana Ijvot till then wiU she be fully enti j tied to her boasted cognomen pll .„ 0 [ U le iSoUth”. j Sincerely, Nu,vm;>. i FORT MOUNTAIN FLIP-FLAPS The Newsy Iiems of That Thriving little suburb of Spring Place. April b,—Rain, mud, and high wa Ler - Health very good at this . writing . . D. M Peeples had a fine yearling drowned last week. Prof.Lateh’s school closed last Fri day with a good attendance. Prof. Lee Peeples has returned hoBM5 (,. om Holland, where he has been teaching, to the delight of his | aiany Some fru of nds here. boys and girls onr are going to enter school at V al)t D’ at ;111 earl y date - Aaron Xix of Dennis was in village one day last week. I Mrs. DM Peeples visited near Mount Zion to-day. Prof. Clias. II. Shriner and lady ' visaing relatives here. are W F Langston and wife of Pleas ant y a j] e y f visited the family of Esq O I) Keith the latter partof last week arK ] tlie first of this, ! A McIIan accompanied Rev, E J Q eweeg to Hope Saturday, i Genial Walker Adams spent Sat¬ urday night and Sunday with rela i tives at tills place. p ro f,Jackson and p afSsed t | )roU g ll j, eve Saturday on : ,| K q r W ay home from Mount Zion w j Jere tbev have been in school. c L(J( , nard , aced ^ Saturday< . Guess who got the nicest “April (fool”. Uncle Jackson Willbanks accom | panied by his granddaughter, ; Leiaj 8pent Saturday night and Sun day at Jasper Reed’s. ! Misses Alice Ballew, Alice Mtton and Mrs. 1 A Cantrell went to p] d ' OU a shopping 1 • : ' , | fred^McHan and a Immber of others w„U,b„'g „ town ! Success to the .sews and its ma «y readers. Yours Resnt., Le;,'A and Mae. THE NEWS FROM TEMPLE GROVE. ! As Our Hustling News-gatherer Gathered And Sent It In To Cs From There. !>•<>« April 1. Editor.—I will write I 'j * few dots from our burg as have not seen anything from here j in 80Tne l,me * i Rev.,S H Henry was visiting the family of Mrs. Bookout Friday. Esq.,! W Leamon was in our town yesterday. Dock Bagby is very sick at ibis writing but we hope lie will soon ! recover. Dr. Mat Painter passed through his'| j our town a day or two ago on i Wii y 1| W hotn Alaciilsy where he ; lias keen attending the sick child of j jProf M D DouthiU. ! Miss Li lie Pedon, of Cohutta, is visiting at her grandmother’s Mr& ( j Cox this week, , B J Little on is improvin'* "’shed Store by the addition of a new room and square front. j . Our school closed last Friday with a good attendance, John Isenhour, Torn Harris an j others of Sumach passed here Friday j on their way to Alaculsy. John Franklin of Sumach passed I here a few days ago on his wa> 1° i | Fannin Coun ? y, ' : Sam McCamv and Webster Coin ■ | j bee of Dalton were in our burg one j (day i this week on business, Peddlers ate very few to-dav, on jour ]y five from Chattanooga wanting 1 j poultry. Mount Sumach Church of /yiaeuL ; | S y seems to be attracting some of the j hoys from Sumach, A fair damsel front hear (he Tep-j I nesseo line has brought back the smiles to the face of an old bao'ne- \ j (him l„r in our neighborhood boquet of flowers. by giving a nice ‘J i ^Ve are sorry to learn that w hit I leaditlg |, w horse Join Cox received j a ; p a j ; n f u | ,vound his by alio foot. ving the an ; ma t0 step on 1 »w pc« y is visaing down Sumach at the home of Mrs Frank | i lin. l We will clos for this time and 1 ; this finds its way into print we will | write again.—Butler & Smith. j : THE NI-WS FROM LULL PEN. ; What The People in That District are now Doing, as Seen Dy“AFriend’ j Ajril 4. Editor. -I will give you a few dots from our district. Health very good in our commu¬ nity at this writing. Our farmers are working very little owing to so much rain. Col regardless Johnson j s ttoing some clear it)(r of the rain, Charlie Williams b»» , bought , ,, some g«’^. anlJ "ouldhe glad . all his old friends would call on him and hi™ a trial. ft M Walls ]>aid us a veiy pleasant call one day last week. Guess who went to see his be-t girl Saturday night and got left? Success to the News.— A. Friend HOLLAND DOTS What the People of That Thriving Com launity are Doing as Seen by Our “Dodger”. I April L—Health of our commit- 1 ” 1 }’ ver y l ,a d at present. Prof Lee Peeples’ school at this I place will close Friday. He has taught us a good school. .Jesse Wells is imprving in health now 1 . Miss Mertie Adams is up and a ble to visit her grand- mother. Ed Childers was in our burg one day last week. Steve B. Owens and family visit I ed here last Sunday. j Misses Nannie Itovvaid and 1 -u! ■ j Childers visited at Mrs Brown’s one day last week. Jap Moreland was the guest of Lo ; I Teague Sunday. The “ , oung %‘J peop j e enjoyed j'ff a sing, ing at the of Brown Bill Baggett graced our streets : one day last week. Bill is as lively as ever. Wibb and Walker 4dams made, a ‘ business trip to Dalton Saturday. I Jim Springfield was circulating ( among friends here recently. j Success to the News. —Dodger 5 j-------------- The Mlksay News and Christian __ i Advocate both for $1.95, less than „„„ , h , Advojale alo „ „ as becn cobl i n <r & * VO u, Now is the lime to subficrbe for both papers. 4 A Card 4 From HARRIS BROS., Fashion, Ga., We have embarked in the Mercantile business at this place. We have a good stock of General Merchandise consisting of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries., Hardware and Shots. We buy in the best market ; pay spot cash for every* thing we buy, getting all Discounts off. We have no house* rent to pay—board at home tree of charge. Of course we can sell cheap. We expect, by fair dealing, unceasing effort, and careful buying and selling, to build up a good business here, • . Our present prices on a few articles are given below: 2 0 lbs. Standard Gran. Sugar for SI. Steel wire nails, per lb. 2 l-2c. 7 lbs. Good Green Coffee for $1 00. Standard Trace Chain .25. g j bg< Arbuckle’s Coffee for $1.00. Horse Slices, each, .05. ,, nd . D0U11( 1 j 05 One foot Plow Stock, .80. ‘ <*oo« iooaccco . .u Womens S. G. Button Shoes .91} . A. II. Soda per pound .05. • Mens’ Congress Shoes, $1.25, Alld many other articles , at COS T, Bleaph Domestic 5c Best 27 in. Cotton Checks .0o Stand trd Print .05 Yard Wide Sheeting 5o Women’s and Children’s Hbse .05' Dress Ginghams 5c Metis’ Half Hose. 5c At the above prices we expect them to be settled for at time of purchase, We pay the market price for Produce. If pou need anything in our line Come and get our prices before going elsewhere. HARRIS BROS. (.6 \W :! % !) } r a <WV % ar mwm iisi HA.VlS.ONb f c t* S ?.1 ( c ifg§ A (jARft MR M m 7M i * 1 lm mm Jl/I A 13 U y I -p v?/ J/ I VI A |J I j T j MN T T* SP ! ! putting I The above cut is one ot the many r fine Statutes weave ( up daily. If you con&emplate purchosing a tombstone or monu¬ ment, we can save you money. Give us a call. Tlie Dalton Marble Works, II. P. Col v aid, Proprietor, Dalton, Georgiy PLEASANT VALLEY ITEMS. The Fcws of that Thriving Village as Our Correspondent Gives It. ■ April 7. MurrayNews.- —I have but very littlepmws to give you this tune The heallh of our F e0 !> 10 is 8 °"* good, Dr, S A Brown has returned from business trip t> Atlanta and other parts Grandma Terry and her grand daughter, Fannie Loughridge, are in Chattanooga this week. Oapt. Green Treadwell visited in our vicinity the first of this week. We bad a wedding in cur eommu „ity last Sunday. Miss Hester Jack to Mr J W Coffey. Mr. Coffey has won for his bride one of Pleas antValley’s moslaccomplished Hester young ladies; and, Miss has won for her husband one of Murray’s thrifti «*t farmers. \h wish for them a long and happy life. Hr. \Y. F. Holland has been visit ,n 8 111 the v:ill «y tins. Messers J E Willbank of Fort Mountain, and .! C Langston of Am have entered school here.—Stella xiIK NEWS IN ANI) AROUND ORAN. : , „ , ““ om , tu ll sil ‘!'" sm * ”’ ' 1,1111 "° 1, 0 ,l U1 ,u , respondent Gives Thera. ... April 7.-......As we have failed to give yon the news for the past two weeks will try and send you a few ^ IK ' S Health of the community very good at present. John Padget and montber of Loughridge, visited in this comtnuni P hist week. Will Owen visited at Dawnville Sunday. Prof Shriner and wife are spend* ifig a fgw days with the tatter's par enls near Mount Zion. Bud Racer went to Dalton on bllsine88 t0 . day . [toward of Dawnville visited ,friends in this community this week. T B Davis and lady visited S S Davis Sunday. John Sc,had wick seems to enjoy the rainy weather swapping horses. Henry Johnson and sister of Spring Place spent Saturday and Sunday with their brother of this place. Some of the boys of Oran took a nice race last Thursday, in the way of an April-fool. J L Bell of 'niton has moved hack to tlie farm of Mrs S J Jackson. W I! Steed is preparing to build a new barn on ins premises. We are expecting a wedding in our town soon. Guess who? Good luck to the News, —Lucile. FASHIONABLES FROM FASHION. The News of That Growing Little Town Gathered for the News by Our Correspondent. April 5,—Again the merry man¬ age bells have been ringing in our vicinity. Yesteiday, Mr. John W. Coffey, one of our best citizens, was married to Miss Ilestvr Jackson, one of the many yohng ladies of our community. The wedding was a quiefc one; the ceremony being pur— formed at the residence of Mr. II R Ayers by D W Bond. Mr Daniel Smith of Dalton was here last week buying beef cattle. E W Bond has been quite sick for bevei'al days and is still right fee¬ ble. Mrs J P Coffey who has been very sick for the past wreck is sorae w'h a t improved. Steve Miller and Oscar McGhee started for the West last week. S T Maddox of Harrison, Tenn., was in our town Saturday and Sun day. The school at the Woodlawn A cade my closed last week with school entertainment. Prof. J yi art . ls gave t he children a treat. q’|, er p was a musi. al entertainment the Payne k"which residence one night last wee was highly enjoyed bv ‘> a score of young people. Dr C L bond and and N V W VV Pavnc I have gone to Dalton to-day. We tmnk li a rains much longer « «11 .took on,- f„™ ! fish, fiogs, und mud turtles to make living.—Sport. Letters continued on opposite page 1st Co!