The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, April 16, 1897, Image 3

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HEARD, SAID, DONE. What is Going on all Over the County. In a .Condensed Form for M urray's Prosperous People. Oiever John Lougbridge was in our oily last Friday, ‘ Bud JUrod , , of Ball , Ground attend ed court here ■* Jail Monday. 3 Jeff Holland amlLias Mclfan weftt over to Dalton one day this week. * To tend eiL-ourt' Adi, hi Tlal'ton'* JZ ihu'week B,In ^" over to Dalton last Monday on busU * ness. -We were glad to see Col. J A Me .iCatny on our streets one day this week. Frank Batqn of Dunn was ing with friends here the first of the week. Do not jorget th»t Berry Bryant fJard ware Co are selling a high grade Acid Phosphate anti Buffalo So. me befoiv :§t S E Berry, Manager. T M McLain of Fashion paid us a .very pleasant call the latter part of last week. U N ,1 ones and son, Samuel, went .over t'> Dalt.ui an business *. this week. Jr"'L 1»“ Z ! week. * last j Corne and see our Buggies and .Phaetons for the nicest outfits for the least money. ! Berry Bryan d Hardware Co 8 E Berry Mgr. Genial Coot Gladden and wife of : •.Sumach were m our city a i Xirne ,.ast .'.mm ty. ] Master Houston Davis ^ G oi |an I >arf 1 , ' l! ' • . tons, for the nicest outfit, for the ■least money, so come on. ?t s. E Berry, Manager. C 8 Bangle of Cohutta Springs ,wp,s etrculating among friends here .--.i .his a k. *f 111 an''appreciated ^ и , cw daV-this tvTpaid c^ll "-Mrs «jne week. McBntire and Mrs Rosa r.-tt passi-4 through our city last Sun day en routefor 8mnae.h. Sheriffs Uidiinsoo and Bonds made a business trip to Gordon County the latter part of last week. B. I* Collins called • Prof in to see us a few days ago and told us to к, nd Inin t.lic Nkws for a year. IL v N A Parsons will prea di Port Mountain Academy the fourth jpmidtkv afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrss Mamie Dickson of this place isiled Miss Jessie Henry of Beaver dale the latter part of last and the Jirst if this week. Dr. E O Stafford passed through our city the first of the week on his way to the bedside of James Ellis who is still right sick. The pastor of theMet-hodist church requests that all the members of this church be present at next Sundays services as he has some important business to transact. Tite Murray News and Christian Advocate both for S1.95, less than what the Advocate alone costing you Now is tie nne ° subscribe for both papers. T A Keith of Ferguson Texas is a new subscriber t the News this: week. In a letter we receiv d from Tom this week, lie says hi thinks the News the best paper published in Spring Place for ten yean,. Do not forget to see the Berry Grocery Company before buying Sf Sugar, U Meat, "stoie; Flour, alsoThe and an T)j ,, "3 e Grocery highest 1 grade of Guanno and Acid* They have the prettiest and clean est store in Dalton and their prices aye as low or lower than any otheis. THE NiWS FROM BULL PEN. SVhat The People in That District are now Doing, as Seen By“AFriend” 5.__Health of the pity ' good Nix’s at little present. baby is improving Lor a little now. George W Henson has ruade some valuable improvmeBts on the road leading from his house to the main roa< * this _ . Th e farmers of commiinitv are going ahead with their work as far."as the weather will permit. were soii'v to learn of the sad death of Mr. Fortner, and extend our sympathies to the bereaved relatives and friends. L Henson is improving well now again a hd says he thinks he w.U get Success to the News,— -A. Friend RE/1D ALL THE NEWS OF MURRAY eOUNTY. PLEASANT VALLEY ITEMS. The News of that Thriving Village as o» CorespondentLives It. April 15.—As . having . we are a few dry days to'regain evervione 'lost seems to he striving L time. tik e „f *. iJo«,uan „ on every side. There is no sesious sickness in our community at present. Aunt Sanora Keith has moved to Dr S A Brown’s and expects make that her home. in 1 ll,ld M'.it of ^oi t Monti taln miu 0 ,v ca uu 1 U ' ls Sunday; not a profeslmmal ca 1, how > V ei, mure of a chronic nature. ,. m[ D.-.VI JCimc,ilJt., 1, w”» h»,e in ’ our ' midst. , w , T p . . j w .J 'SrL^l " Prof M L Peeples, I) W >»<i Mm Amaiula IV,.,,I„, Mar, and Fannie Latch, of Fort Mountain are among the recently added pupils to the Pleasant Valley gohool. (The /aou'ty of this institution has organ ized a teachers class, in which be jj SCUS8e( i the latest and best meth ^ OJ) t ,,„ science and practice of and goveraing . Phis is a step in a advance, and we believe one t }, at w ;p «f untold value to the young teacher and tnose prepar itur to teach. If the standard teaching .sever raised it must be done through the teacher. Mr G B Jackson who has been on t,he «i<tk list for several days, we arc to UO e,i« improving. Our Sunday School continues to « row anti flt>lirish G h Moure’s family of your city visited in the Valley the first of week.—-Stella. - — _____ ........... F0{{T jjouXTAtX FLIP-FLAPS ' The Itenis of lliat Tliiiviiig ... little suburb of Spring Place. April 12.—Spring “cleaning” _ is on hand and we think most all have taken part. While we are cleaning houses, barns and shed, I think we ought to ult . a!1 heart and head, Uncle John .Mooney is very sick at this writing and is uot expected to live. D W doer. Alf McIIan and W C Calhoun went, up to the TaicQuar ry Sunday evening. Rev RGDarker was vith relatives here Iasi Saturday. vVe are requested to announce that there will be tinging an hour or t w0 nex t Sunday morning, before pre a.ehi n gr at Holly Creek. Every body invited to come and bring your l( p eminial Songs” with you W T Brown wag handshaking with friends here Saturday and 8undav. ° Wiljbanks, / ’ Jr., ’ was with us Saturday n,git. Bud Morrison is very sick at this writing. Messers M A Ballew, Will Bal lew, T A Cantrell, Louis Thompson, Hughes Calhoun and Duncan have been hauling rock off from L }) Le0hard - S )and< Sunday School was orgaoized Sunday, and everybody is invited to come oat apd take part in the exer pises. Miss Alice Knix and Mrs. Lillie Morrison vjsited at Clint Sunday 7 . Frank Adams graced our streets Saturday. anc j jjrs D W Ch'er’s baby got badly burned last night with a » CU U Success the News. —Lena . to ana MAm WANTED—I will pay a fair price for two hundred good sheep. If you have any to sell, either come 0 r write to me. Yours Respt., Hat Di vine,Carte rs,Ga. i hassi-eb Miu. dots n» N,„ Tiiat. Community Qath ered By Our Hustling Cowespon ! dent of That Place, 13.—\\ have been him , j April e so grubbing, burning corn stalks and «*»**•» has b ll 0,rculat,Bg "! T’*’ *» *”* j " 0t “ e " ' I We bad heav v frOTt Saturd * V - night. j The continued rain has injured wheat considerably in the low lands j of our valley, but it looks very thrif »y on high lands. j D| . Gu( ^ . <)f Fashion spent a : night of last week with S A Grego -' *« H~»» «<>»* “<« i Bates were visiting Miss Jennie Yurr, uut wwlt. i S A Gregory says he has the best saddle-mule in the country, U 1 Ask him how long it took him to * — .......... Mrs J P Gregory .took dinner with j Ctori. Sunday. j Guess what young man of Ilass | ler last Sunday evening ladies in went alighting to j sist some young j from their buggy, and becoming ox cited, loosed the horse from the Igv j and then took the harness And. as the nature of the case de _ ] n.anded, he had to assist, after ser vices, in untangling the harness and rehitching the horse. While doing all this his sure-enough sweetheart left him. Poor fellow! But, we ail j have to “live and leant . j gnnday School was organized at j Cool Springs Sunday. j The cold snap two weeks ago killed most all of the peaches, and we believe the cold wave which lias j nst past l,aK take,: tUe I ' ema,n(U ' r j j£ A Earnest, oitr clever merchant' laid in a load of new goods last week j lily, S A Gregory has a Kentucky lam Mr Bush, living on his farm late | IX* Ask him how they can thrash peas, i J P Gregory traded some cattle to S A Gregory for two young mules last Friday. No manages, I believe, and health is very good...... J. Fid us. ALACIJLSY NEWS. The New? of That Locality as Seen By Our Local Correspondent. April 12—Miss Alice Rose, a charming young lady of Ocoee, was in our burg this week. Messers Hardwick, Paten, Steed atid others of Cleveland have been i in opr valley, placing a great many fish in Jack River. S*orne of the | peaple id ot mountain Cleveland people. are mighty olev ) j er us Lela O’neal of Ocoee is the guest • of Mrs W T Rose this week. J oe Triplett and lady of pine Rid^e attended church at Hopewell I last, Sunday, Daly White of Doogan graced I streetsFriday 3 afternoon. Come agSin - | Tom Brackett ,of Ocoee attended j Sunday Sunday. School, Wonder at who Hus the place last j tion was; I’ll bet I could guess. ] Lee Triplett of Blue Fridge was over to see his best girl last Sunday “Hurrah” Lee* we Want acme i^jore ; cake . Nancy Pellom of the Rice ; is visiting friends sand relatives of j this place this week. B F Fonts of this place made a ] business trip to Ocoee this week. We are all very busy this week , cutting briers and burning corn stalks ] preparing to plant corn. J B Thompson made a business trip to Dalton last Saturday 7 . j Messers Bates and Terry paid MC ° 110 . , S ° : Success to to the News. —— --— Do not forget that Berry Bryant Hardware Company 7 are selling a high grade Acid Phosphate and Buffalo Bone Guanno, see us before buying, s E Berry, Manager, the dots FKosi DKNNis As «m H,r„ ami Tim,. By <>,„ Hustling news Oatiierer. 1 >»»'»' , > 4 , « Y\ xr „ o „ aie „ all „ , ... cn „ --. gaged m enjoying the sunshine tins week. No time for much news. <>»' *« «. t»<™g .dv,,,,.*. *• fair days preparing .heir land j ! for planting. The. are badly behind School at this place closed out last Friday. The attendance during the j term has been larger than usual. All j regular attendants show marked ini provrnent. We need a great waking up to the importance of sending to ■school regularly. JKevery child ought i. , u> go, if it were possible, every * day , ' ««• The Sunday school at, Mount Zion I mas oryaiiizi'd la,t numlny willi moi-« Own one hundred members present j v Re-v N A Parsons was making pastoral calls in our burg Saturday John Groves of Iillijay was visit | ing relatives in Murray Sunday. .1 D »»d W, butler went, over to Dalton on bus last Saturday ] Success to the Nlews.—A. Umbra j THE NEWS FROM LOUGHIL'DGK | What is Happening in and Around That JhUV1Ug ^ April 14—Mrs R E Harris has re turned home after a month’s visit to Ducktown 1 Rev G P Gary has moved from Fashion to Lougbridge and is now boarding at C S Pangle’s Mrs Ross Bates is on*the sick list 1 this week ; |>,. v s 11 Henry lilted his appoint- 1 ment at Union last Sunday. ' 0 W Miller is tins week surveying | i tl Tennessee. I John McEntire went to the moan : tains yesterday which is a good sign that spring-is here. Last Sunday evening between sun¬ down and dark it was whispered ■ around that a wild animal, thought , to be a tiger,was hidden ill the thick • ot between summerours and Dew b r .V anfl HfK,n il w h » l « t «°l’ ot ' b °.V s were in hot pit £ ait . soon rlie wild fells indicator that it had been caught, but no one seemed to know exactly what it was; however, it has leaked out that it was a tiger sure enough, bur, it, was blind; therefore. easily caught (by the boys) The hide will lie turned over to solicitor Maddox and Judge Fite next Au¬ gust and no doubt some of these same boys will be called oil to identify it.—Samantha. THE NEWS IN AND AROUND ORAN. What The People are Doing, And Other Interesting Dots as Our Cor¬ respondent Gives Them. April 14.— Farming seems to be the order of the day. Some com «'"* cotton have been planted around Oran. A flourishing Sunday school at Harrison Chapel meets every Sunday evening at two o’clock Mrs Lula Ogletree who has been , sn( , rK i; ri , r M , vera ^ ] weeks with her - h(jr ho(ne in Atlanta Saturday. Misses Alice Ballew and Alice I si Won visited friends in our town ] Tiiesday. Puondia _ visiting j .iapor ..... is 1 in ^ on,i ^ t,31b T B Davis and Ins little daitgh er May visited friends at Fashion I last Sunday. Andy Clements and father made a basin* ss trip to Dalton yesterday Miss Nora Tankerslv spent yes¬ terday with Miss Jennie Clements Lmn Lougbridge and lady visit ; ( , d Mrs s J Jackson one day week Misses Jennie and Lizzie Raper visited Miss Julia Clements Col C N King and lady were in jour town one day last week. ; i Amanda Cheek is on the sick . list this week. | It seems that W R Blackhas gone : into the horse swapping business I Well, as news is scarce 1 will close : for this .time. Good luck to the News, —Lucile. j _ j Letters continued on opposite page 1st Col ♦ A Card . # 2 ? From HARRIS BROS., Fashion, Ga„ We have embarked in the Mercantile business at this place. We have a GOOD stock of General Merchandise consisting of, Staple Dry Oooffe, Groceries, Hardware and Shot.. We buy m the be,"varket; pay spot . «tth ,, for every thing we buy, getting all Discounts off. We have no house ren t to pay— board at home free of daar^ Of Course WC can sell cheap. We expect, by fair dealing, unceasing effort, and careful buying and selling, to build up a good business here. Our present prices on a few articles are given below: 20 lbs. Standard Gran. Sugar for SI. Steel wire nails, per lb. 2 l-2o. 7 lbs. Good Green Coffee for Si 00. Standard Trace Chain .25. 0 lbs. Arbuckle’s Coffee for $1.00. Horse Shoes, each, .05. Candy per pound .05. One foot Plow Stock, .80. Good Tobaccoo .05, Womens S. G. Button Shoes .y0 A. II. Soda per pound .05. Mens’ Congress Shoes, $1.25, And many other articles at COST, Bleach Domestic 5c Best 27 in. Cotton Checks .05 Stand ml Print .05 A ard Wide Sheeting 5c Women’s and Children’s Hose .05 Dress Ginghams 5c Mens’ Half Hose, 5o At the above prices we expect them to be settled for at time of purchase. We pay the market price for Produce, If pou need anything in our line Come and get our prices before going elsewhere. HARRIS BROS. UP IN ARMS. Our competitors are up in arms most of the time about what we are doing and what we are going to do. They can’t keep track of the prices we make on the lines we sell. They howl a good deal too---“How can we sell these goods so cheap?” i 4 Where do they get such goods?” How can they keep such a variety?” LET US SAY, We can do these things because we know how, and because we have the trade to warrant it. Where else can you get- A Fixe Clay Worsted Suit for $3.75, A Fine Cheviot Suit for $2.50—$3.00—$5.00. A Fine Pair Cassimeke Pants for $1.50—Worth $3.00. A Fine Pair ALL WOOL Cassimeke Pants for $1.00—» j Worth $2,25. A Fine Knee Pants Suit. 4 to 1G Years, at $1.5(WWorth$3.00 A Boys’ All Wool Knee Pants Suit at 75c— Worth $1.75, A FINE ELGIN WATCH FREE Witu Every SJ2-50 Suit. ] j | Sp x ec jal Novdties by CVdry Freight Tr^ift that arrives in our city. BALTIMORE CLOTHING CO. A. E.Cannon, Proprietor, Dalton,