The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, July 02, 1897, Image 2

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/-esc: - < -'V «S'i.ti!% ■ J » MURRAY NEWS. r, published : prrrj Friday Morning By f , • t. : r ■ » ... t ■ e. h r * • 1 Suitor and jPublLlier. r it JfKo'.a! ,Organ ot Murray County. f i y ■. /. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: fine Year . . 50o. WiJLlifontfcs 25a. f <•' r 1 . t i t* ____ Entered &tt,he postofflee at Spring.4*lace, > Georgia, as -seeoud class mail matter/ ' ii_™*—££.—-----—.-~ /ulyerti^ing Rates Reasonable /-ill—l-d—— Z.Z.U OT CorreShO^enAe Solicited, When writing for this paper /our name must accompany ° A- .. ALei——fm—A. Address all communications to / " 1 ' i MITBBaY NEWS, Spring Plau*, lla. Friday Morning, July 2nd. t l SUMMER RESOKTS. Many delightful summer resorts aid situated on arid reached via the SoutlielU ftailway. Whether one •GcHim. tko ' seahidc pr tb« mountaiim kthfe hotels °r quiet coun 'iry homes,Tliey can be reached via ^this magnificent highway of travel Asheville, N. C., Jtoan Mountain, Tenn., and the mountain resorts of .East Tennessee and Western North •Carolina,—“The Jjand ot the Sky”, IGtnia - <tbw spiings,also i^f.i»v«i;»»irf the seashore renoit ; are reacheij by the Southern Hail way on convetiieat schedulee and at very low rates. ' > ''TLlt doatjiern Railway hju issued a haiidtlortifi ftr'dw, ontit.led "siuniiii-r Homes and liesorts”, descriptive of nearly one thousand summer tesort -hotels and boarding houses,including ‘information regarding rates for board -at the different places and railroad -yates to reach them, i ( Wrjte to P. A Benscoter, Assist ant (Lenerai Passenger Agent, South ern Railway, Uhattanooga, Tenn.,for a copy of- this folder. tfa. NUMBER SEVEN WRITES. Editor Murray New,. -I notice in-your ’ valuable y paper if Of Jtmc 1 (th . f , „ A r ol. I, No. 44> oi “QUt lebt- )ept),’Is Slftitig fhAt tt obtain' young lihan js entartkie 1 !! in Ctipid’s vines with a voung * ladv of Dennis ' to the extent • * that absent-mindedness, hypnoti.-m 1 and snggifstivefiess are the lennina tion thereof etc. ’ ju reply to the above 1 desire not to personate anyone so delicately (situated as your leportet has placed 'the young Prof., nor do I wish to mislead your many readers as regards Thfe truthfulness of the same. I dare 'not deny the fact of his loving the joui^f hu y, >t ** Users*, m., i -> say that‘it w ft person?,! God.given ^ jitMoft' illffifi 1 , *hd Boblo men Should }>os»es8. ft matters hot how ■mii/.h 1 umhiav enVv'his * A std'erc* * in X. this * life, . . ... lets not, as W.o 11 °* 1'“ 1 1,5 'sentiment, anti in wliirse hands )■« the lever of success, discourage the young edterprising men of • Bmion tells me that thev .npst e’re long take possession of fortunes, our art, and our places in society and 'it MUST B15 so Jndiy. ‘ I also find in the “current reports” of June 11, Vol. f, No. 42, 'as afore said and herein mentioned that be, the said Prof, of Dennis, Gs., did, absent-mindedly, go “wend ’ing” nis -’ ay in the dead and stilly hoars of night with his umbrella '“spread!’. I have consulted Simon and he tells me that the moon proves an “Alibi of biniitafion-statute-bap” ‘ which is to say, she was easting her silvery riys at that time upo« the . Oriental regions, known as Cnuia, is ‘known. Therefore, the 2ndfy may 'lot be true for Grier’s Almanac c d bicides with Simon. So* page 18, May 23rd, 18971 This I have written to set forth facts as tbev were ami Correct report« of which - ton were ir.dignanUv - in lormed. * Hoping this will in asure out gen eral salisfaetioii to all interested, 1 hasten to subscribe—No. 7. , Wanled-An Idea ot some atnu-ie aeya. Wa»blngton, lujitlreA P. C.»for iuTcntloc* their #!.WD Prtsd otter 4i,d UK o # two wam^u. MENTAL DEVELOPMENT BY C. H. SHAiNAR. S', F-v«tn as man’* mental faeoilte* to rn the chief (list(fiction between himself aii'a the !>iwer animals, so | ought the development of those fae i allies employ him who would 1 himself above the level of the brute creatton, , He who fails to strengthen atnl develop the powers of his mind doe, flat appreciate it as lie should, and r , , measure ungrateful tools he in a f neflmit creator. The mind is not merely aware where dry facts and Hurt; are stored, but, in its most important sense, a w. rksliop, where motive ell an intelligent ideas are pro ■'"/ inclination .*'«r and power to tearcb valuable truths, arid the ability to re tain tlivm is truly edueated. Witlmyt thin training a man pooffy prepared for iha dutios life. The many pet jtlexing ot to-day disarm him of confidence and make lailur.e almost certain. He is crowded down and out. Mental development prepares us for maim: labor. The muscleH move with mere alacrity and precision wdten directed by a trained intellect. The daily laborer « arm* hw bread with more ease and pleasure when bis brain directs each stroke of his ija oj. Oth, labor becomes mere in v, hieh there is #0 pleasure or in lerest, and neon which there can he little or no improvement, jpr bUng form. >•....... All ooui.oatiom ire necessary to Lite welfare of our race tfhly in need cf more skillful workaien, Mecliatlical power is fa>t • ' n . tH .. u j. lr force l)i e car that whs drawn , by the horse is now driven by the force of elec tricity, intelligently applied. Every invention tends in this direction, Even in war, that relic of barbarism, the victory . is . not toe , strong alone. Jt has well been said that, the emu m m scools are the hope of our country. While universal edueati. n may not increase the m terial wealth of a nation, it will in a a re all a com P *»««•,the abiT O enjoy it. H)« educated m -n sees a use in evervthiiig. He sees j n every lieaveti, produce of earth, a l.: l f ri „„ to be uiilismd for is pleasure or welfum We l.-nk with admiration yi-oh foTget.tiug many him Imp:mi a chieyemetits, in rniinj they were conceived. But. think not that lie lost his reward Th* glow of satisfaction winch truth brought into hi.* far truns oetided anv which mere applause of men could give; lie loved the truth ami counted himself happy to devote liis life to his farorate theme, if, so doing, he might throw a ray of light, where all was darkness before . II ,s lh,s l’ lei, " iUr '' *""} ' j[ lt , ages of eternity van not destroy. But, what are some ot the pleasures peculiar to the educated mind? First we might mention the pleasure of conversation. Not ish chatter which leaves the mind .. tS en»jatv and helphss as before, ihn exchange of thought and feelings which point ns tea broader spmp.-i thy ami a higlu-r existence. Closely akpi to this is the pleasure of read ing. Tjte educated mm .oves and enjoys the gems of literature as olh erscan not lie seeks the eompan lonship of the, the good and the great of all ages. lie compares their thoughts wjth his own and delighted to find his To own emotions who is so aptly expressed. one shut up in a sick room or prison, what a priceless boon a good book may to! How it robs solitude of its discomfort and misfortune of its sting! Mauy who have given _ themselves up'to appetite, or other sensual grat iiication, might have been saved hau they tocn trained in youth to apprt* d “f lhei ? l« g bt>r pleasures 1 he universe of God is one sehoo | v00 ^ t r 0 the meditative mind. Phe eye is trained to set*, the car to hear, and each sense to feet things which pass unnoticed to the thought ^to dcv‘h»>.*d mind is conserva live It does not jump at conclu s ions, hut demands the past| ort nf evidence frein every theory that de mands recognition. Our law-sand i» s tu ions are sate n such hsnd . Cnme is kept at the minimum. The qj„ n j t y c f labor is maintained; the honor of manhood and the purity of j womanitood is nobly defended; truth and the Father of Truth ad; held in respectful reverence; and out race jjjoveS grandi v ouwar <i and upward Slus ;r wa,Jship on " arl!l \ estate III Heaven. : - v~" •*-vwsr~ • j ’f vA OT IMIOFSMON AL LA HUS. - L. }\ Baowet-l, jVJ. D„ Spring Flaoe, (i & Tenders his professional serve r:« tH l h( , f> „ op | e ()f petition, ;y 'Prompt attention given to calls day or night. l lii-mKi^ at. ii, , 1 blit,oil, Oil. ,, Calls in town or country prouip.tly answered. Spccialtieo. -Female Trouble*. Dis ! ease of the imetuiu, Hemorrhoids <>r Files, ' r II.-I will be in Spniin 1 l»ce <be first J tic.,,lay , in each ; T' .' 1 ' ’ I- ............. W. VV. ANDERSON, M I). /iiysp'l-v ■> v:,D M-kckoS.. . ^^ ' a ‘d ni „ ll ,|i nrT counties. . ! GG a,. |,aw. j Spring Place, G... Will practice in all the courts I both State and Federal. KIIiST-CLASS Ll\Ll!\ SlABLl, T. J. Biiyant, Halt on, ba. ( . o(m] }( . a , I)N ; ;i „, f „. f , ri \, ,j It! b e «t of tunmu.s furnmhed al reasonable rale ---------- ^ ^ KN 1) 1 1 1‘ f k A h ! Young ami Old Hejoice W jth US ill the Discovery, wa ,. n ,,9 years wbb weakness tbit hllahts lb- iife and nm m.'.nnU'oi'mmn'lf'm n 'r’9V;,V wiiv nni. pnss.-ss the uim.iI «•< - . u v Viipeud'v-u in mob AUsnU'Ti:- 1,Y KUBK. in plalu i'm P t. in, M L WJ ,, A , ,, :ss . v A Itl <)< KLE. MW f ;; ill (IT ESI bsMON.-. and nM im p, j!' u ' J. T9'.|p,e'd * otk ink ? No U. O. D. fraud nor recipe deception. «««could not cme, «■ would not , u ! our medicin;; H:l.b to t,>, »»•: a ■ ..aristiM. \Vrue to-day. tin- m - „ ^ w estern^medic 1NE.CO; i!?oom»cn? * . rj kt'Ctt ik'CS, ■' "'T ■]> i e as u r<: t- : L', 1 : • ; n - . cfe i -•■«/ /•• - i. vc. L'p-t O - >1 :t 1 tv . L h impM ■merits, cheat) pra-.'-: a! ’ .1, , \V. A. t o t c: Reduced tales to Nashville via inf.hi‘ii) RaiRvav aeeount iVnnest-t.-e Centennial, The southern Railway has on sale 1 ' ;l!1 **‘ U 1 ' 0 ' 11 A ,:! "'W y^ u " ! ' 1 ” ' 1 " " ! '" v ’ ■', 1 °» , ; ? ‘“’ f ‘-''f* ou;lw ' u 1 !,' ! V' ; w « v ^ . 1 il <,n i 1 "' ‘ 1,1 / 1 ! i M '’" I <lUS .* ' ( 1 ' <-■ ; “ ‘ >T’"nnitno, about rav- : ud tu-.v,-:-.. 1 '* ‘ ' ■ A p.v rt T , v - y 0? *v/« *> FO «*r , ■ 5 ni n of Anv >ica. Chat', a mm-; >, TVnn. Reduced rates \i, Southern Rail wav For the occasion of the seventh Annuil Convention of Baptist Young People’s Union of America, Chattanooga, TVnn , dull 15—IS, IS'.iT, the Southern R:.ilv a-. will sell tickets toChaU::mmg.;.Te!i:!., and return at rate ... mu-fare Cr t; round - trip. Tickets will be s..!d Ju Jy ITh. i ith, ami loth R; 7, d to return until July'-1st i«>< Limits may he extended to August 15th if tickets are deposited will. agent Chattanooga before July Hkh. Call on any age it of the sojitlieru ; Railway for information, ‘ 15 XI XV •A* # v Convenient schedules and reduced Ga southern Railway, Very low rates are in effect to Nashville and return for the occasion <jf the Tennessee centennial from all pnnMpal southern Railway stations ' and special schedules with through sleeping ear service have been ar ranged, call on anv agent of the southern Railway for full informa o-U. * * ** * COUNTY CLAIMS By order of the Board of U»u; alu i Revenues of Murray , oanly, all parties holding claims of any char ! * cler ;i K a,nst sa,d C0Un! -V are iconest • ed and required to l’.’ 8 */ 11 jliem to ns by July Ud'*, i 80T This deraade js made ; section 507 of code ot 1882 T J Ovbey. V N King. Com r. iSubsoiihe for the Atlanta Oopsti If :?™' ,hl Ml ' RRVV * Nr '- r ' s on_ * V I LEGAL A5)V>.•. )1"EMENTS j UNITED -MARSHALL'S Kor tin- Northern bisttiot of Georgia, ( j. f < } j•<; ■ j j s \t, ... u.vtt; •. j „ ,, 1 in p' vn of *r n * tween it.* *gal boms of on t n< hr«t t •('!'. - in Ju[v . um, the i'nlli.'V m-; .ici rib, <1 pi.>i v, t,i wi:: ; Lot of land, i umbpr two hundred J i ami thirty live in ihe eiy;tit 1 .1 igtu) district ai d third <8r«J) fitiCr i ’li-m of Murrti county containing i otiehundre.J and .- xty('lt>0)ue.-es more or less, levied on as the property of • Wii’iaml’bittwood. Written notice j en William Chittvrood defetsdertt ! iu po**-;.ioti as required bylaw, The above named property b ino ‘ ^,t i 1 Stole• - fm the northern district of Geoigbt aoiiius-t W. '). L'iii A inei j*al uni William Clou ? = £.; I V J - m a Kurvi }■-> TI 1 2 'I nis Jun Ltb, ; Also .it t ‘ same uine ami tnsee th following lots of land Xu, Oflt.* ■: hundred ami forty four (11.1) and 1 me liiutdtcd and eighty one {;••!) in | the eighth pSth) dtsliict and third . ction of Muri av count r 1 Ga. , ‘,J lots Nos. ( It* hundred and ! MX ,, i: ,. , ,i nWlv seven'f lU7) o.m hundred mi i ( hiJ n) , ; . , ; t j-endivd ami om- <g«d j- in tie 9 '' i luL ’d G/'i’] •, moiv , • |,.. s |«. V! . ! on as ' F"«- : -»y of J. B. be, . '• rilicn'iiotn.- _::v n J !: !', \ ‘ , rtv levied -•.» I .' Dm: A f f ■,i, , . . . : : < leor -iA in ibe ease of the tilted .States against ,, .t W. A. G : , „ Oft ... ,, bA-.Li !., ! . . ■ 11 * m ti ; m .mil m n, of b-i, „t ;.,n i . UVl , hu.nJ,. d t m . n .• uv ) |m ; ^ ;j , .....; < wo lm,..i.,-d :md t oy mo I Georgia, 15^4 e.outiuiting hundred one I ! and eisp.ily (180) ecu more or less i‘-if the flite'SC iinmliers, jjCi je.l on :m the propertv of W. A, Gaiism - lice given ■y, (LiSlitian d- *•. nd.i it in i session a If ii'ed by/aw. i>* above named p r- jpertv levied h o satisfy a ti fa t- r. ued from -the v eii States Hi net i v'ortiwrii ili-ii of Geo tin in tie I)" United Mates A i pri.icipni, .J. ii. limelu-U and vV . < Gilman surejits on i. f! L ( DUN LAP. t tiiled V ales Jijrshftil. B.t 'A . It. t’WskEtWLY, Dipt. 1 is Jam olh, 1 A D V if UTSs E.M K NTH. - murntx, Murray or n;i: J „ ;>n wil ,. ;>l „ mar concern Charles Priehard lew i n dae form ;.p plied to tiie urulersi:’tied for perma mo-1 letters oi ijdmiiiist.nuion on the estate of Peter Ransom laie of said , , - m * : : --m. on L f bay ,, ,, v hand ami o'.i '-ml :m tius tin *21 day of May 181*7. T (h Ordinary , f Murray county Ue.-.riaJ t; > ou- t •, Alt Ktt a V County; ! ., ail w 1 min i . ; . , k , , 9/ ,' Jackson, : . j the court in j . &4 hat she has j fuliv ‘V; j ad-iinisrei’d ' --id ..Gy,,,,, ‘ate and de E t , n ( t)i (J arVlikd ami if. no O |, jot .uon* l.-ttus „f wil , ^ m anted tin ^ MoT „f av in September. This ‘ June 7tb i AG. T. t) O v bey. O r d i n ar v. > vbbmw jBCHwvrwmMfra r.ars. "ARE YOU GOING:” The attention of all parties think ing of taking a trip to the West is especially chilled to the famous Meoi plus A Charleston railroad as being I,\ far the best line, If von desire to get the fastest time, am! avoid l. - . vers, v, t.i.-ii are aiways a source of mucii - r*-.,.; u of time am! im nev, von sir ! .ill upon or wide to J J. Smith, ]>..-* - io, U tLt„ v v ;! hints if i;; your trie and s.-!l von tickets \i tb : XL A C. : -ilA:T FINE. The coaches on this line are in first class condition and close con— neClions are made at Memphis with trains for the West. For rates . t’.me tables and ticket* \ia the recognized route to the West the M. & C., cail oa or write to 1 • J L Smith, Dalton, Ga. C A De8aussure, G. F. A Xvlemphis. Tenn. lifGrvtr-rl nSSikU nil ft r» Mnn itiCQ Who can thtast &lli x ilcteT uv<t imtuireri leveetious wanu'd- Shoes, slippers, Hat's, cloth, Ribbon, l „'U», CO smut. VvT. have purchased the Gholston & Bailey -Hock of lyf.illen i -(,, )( j< -,jy - j by c in tiie dollar, considerable HinounL ot which was bought for this springs ti ade. 1 he ’9®“ bon pud 1 bits are simply beutitul; it makes com petition howl and get uneasv for this elegant line to be priced o n the Market at WHOLESALE COST, md some of it Below cost. tssutr & . shoes, 1 Sc to $4.00. HATS, be, up JEANS PANTS, 50c U|». eiiTTiA.MiES, 10c * ARISE ivi.E eOFt'EE Sibs for Si. OR! kN ,‘opkeje, Stbs for SI 00. 10c i’l.t'ij of tobacco for or l il—nri ♦in on’t fail to get our price*.before buying elsewhere, as we have Lome Genuine bargains to offer }-ou. We still buy and -biii I’rodatce and v/e are prepared to handle pro diux- v ith \<-ry little expense for //andicing so we can ? >ax v '■ a good price. FTiM{2;HP;R A- -a- » *•» •*- — *■ I U *? SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA e§« PLOWS Vi' BAUD TIME I R/GES r. * if?- .....s'.. AvG'j iA mM. We handle the only Gcxuisk 9i.i v i:i, Ckiu.BC I'T-cv- atyl -plow points in Dalton. triA- iie ail onr Alnrrny rYiends to call ams «*;: imioe our stock >> H ilHi T3 low Points before buying elsewhere. We also handle a full line of Groceries and will sell CUE \P. Cm! and see us at the <>h! Ficmister a ITeggie -.Stand. Gregory a G.o . Dalton, Gr. mzs^-stmsj&Bwmmuzsisaam&mBsmK S t mianMa a w^w mi-MBsmx&BF-z-^r'&BiFn-^ uOI **«e*3< A M’o have just added to our stock of Dry Goods and Groceries t he nicest, best and cheapest array of Hardware Queenswar and Tinware ever seen in 6pring Place. - AN WG HAVE AVERY FINE AND SELECT LINE OF MIL LEXER Y, Direct from New York, which is in charge of Mrs. Johnson And we cord i ally Invite all the Ladies to come and See. Nothing old. Nothing shod d\ ami Nothing that is not F irst-class all 1897 Styles. We also pay highest market price for all kinds cfo 1 1 j- n r Produce, and sell as cheap as anybody. ' J Come and see us. Respectfully, tv. j & j e johnson Phocs, slippers, Iiats, cloth, Ribbon, ’spirts,, Pants, sugar, Notions, 8 hoes! Slippers! Hats! cloth! Ribbon! shirts T Pants! Tobacco! Glassware.