The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, September 03, 1897, Image 2

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J** TT MURRAY NEWS. | -’ubUsUed Every F>»!&•> j c. L. HENRY, Editor aiul Publisher. Official Organ ot Murray County. ------ — SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year .... ..... 50c Bix Months .. ........25 » f Entered at the post-office at Spring Oeor ac la. as second -cfaw mail matter. Advertising Rates 53 s * Correspondence Solicited. When writing tor this SBtiBK guarantee of good faith. but a Address all communications MURRAY' NEWB, Spring Plate, Ga. Friday -........' Morning, Sept. 3rd. •......... - Bpjiin has ordered out 80,000 more troops, 27,000 of them are to he sent to Cuba and 13,000 to the j.tno islands. The short term convict, leasing aynUm has been found to be illegal and the Governor will act very promplly for the protection of the convicts. This leasing system has always been a disgrace to the state of Georgia and it is now hoped that the remedy will noon he applied. William F Hardly member t >f the National Democratic Committee been removed by the democrats of Pennsylvania and James M of Pittsburg, was elected to his place. Today’s session of th > Zionist con gross the delegates present unani¬ mously adopted, with great eiitl.u si asm, the programme for re-estab¬ lishing die Hebrews in Palestine with publicly recognized rites. A dispatch was sent to the sultan of Turkey thanking his majesty for the privileges enjoyed by the Hebrews in his empire—Constitution. Fashionables from Fashion Fashion, Sept. 1. —After a silence of some length 1 will endeavor to be with you again in this week in the form of a short communication. The healtli of our community is some better at present. 1) YV Bond who has had a severe spell of fever is getting well. Mr. Gus Vinuing, of Ruiiege, Ga, came up last week and is visiting his brother, Mr. T B Viuning and other relatives. R T Bond attended the district Conference at Adairsville last week. Mr. J D Harris was selling some of his wheat to Dalton’s grain dealers last week for $1 per bushel. Mr. Ben Vaughn spent several days visiting with relatives in Cleve¬ land, Tenn., sometime since. Misses Saliie Norton and Emma McGhee, ox Atlanta, have been the guests at the residence of P. McGhee for several days. Clifford Wannack Misses Cludia and Georgia Wannack visited their uncle and aunt, J YV Spruill and wife, of Dennis, last week. Torn Maddox, of Harrison, Tenn., has been in our community for the last few days. News not being plentiful I will close. Sport. CONN ES AtJG A 1TEMS. Consksaijoa, Aug. 30.—The pro traoted meeting has been m great) at this place for the past week while we have i>u ou ^ .me ,»* s sion, wc feel that much good m> been accomplished. Christians have been inspired with a now supply of religion religion mm amt most of us have lestiti _ intend cd lh&t we never lo s p se rv ing the Lord, tnnners have been shown the necessity of living a cluis tianlife and I trust atulhope they will ,-onsider their awful condition and aece ptthe Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour. Now chriatiau ... friends . , , let , us not expect to get to heaven by being religious during a revival, w s do right at all times. Mr. Stephenson has has been Dcen siiguuj slightly indisposed for the past week. John Stephenson’s hoise ran away witn him last YVrdnesday morning, John escaped 1 uninjured, but his can was torn to pieces. Clever A J Martin has been com plaiuiog of rheumatism, but we are inad to know that he is able lobe ® j>Ut. * . Ur. Cailor and Mrs. Smith, of Hughe , were married the fourth Sunday iu this month, Rev, Stokes officiating. Each were of consider¬ able age anti have three children J A wedding worthy of noting was! (hat of Miss Minnie Hall to M r . 1 Browder, of Tennessee. I. think j those Tennessee boys ought to have to pay a tax on girls tney marry in Georgia, because we north Georgia ° boys are too timed to ask a girl to »-*na. P robabty it u,o™ 1». J Side of the line and spine of the girls j would get in such awav to get off “T •*, ! Mnr “ wo woul(l * a >’ • 1 th,,,k 1 it would be right for them to pay at least $10000 for a wife they get in j Georgia. An Ohhurver. CTTabEITnWb. Cm vih.k, Tens’., Sept l - Lon ] Dickson visited his mother at C’on | nesanga last week, Saliie Chable and Annie Arthur were visiting on Ocoee Sat¬ urday and Sunday, j Salome and Willie Citable attend cd camproeeting in McMinn county last week. 'I he primitive baptist are prepar. , mg to erect a new church bouse at {this place. j Wonder why hrank Rowan g 0< ‘ I tiie )»ost office thiee times a WtJ * J ■ I when the mail is only carried twice ja week! The Mi Kissak and Howard saw j ^ jg now erT . % o turn out firrt diws | ttmb Ask L A Triplett how he likes horse-swapping ou Sunday. Anonym us. ALAUULSV NEWS. Ai.acui.kv', Aug., 31.—Prof. D W Harrison, of Cookson’s CreeK, lias been teaching a singing school at this place for the past two weeks and had very good success. Sieve nil of the good buys of Cisco, attended singing over here last week. Come again boys. Andrew Kerr and Eh Rymer, of Sylco, were on our streets last Fd day to the delight of their many friends of this place, Hon J J Bates, of Spring Place, was in our burg last w eek on busi¬ ness. Mrs. C M Campbell and children, of Ocoee, have returned to their home after a pleasant v Lit to te!a lives and friends of lids place. mi>. Marion Kendrick visited her sister near Doogan lust Thursday and Friday, Quite a large number of the peo¬ ple of our burg attended church at Ml. Sumach iast Sunday morning, also Sunday evening at Hockey Pace, All report a pleasant time. Lilly Kendrick was visiting her sister Mrs. Poiuhitt, of Cisco, last week. B F Fouls is tearing down his old houses this week and fixing to erect new ones instead. Henry Vestal and lady, of Mobile, were visiting his father-in-law last week. John Collis is attending the bed side of his sick brother across the mountain this week. Success to the News SI A U UK, DOOGAN NEWS. Doogan, Aug. 81.—Rev, W L ] Taylor, of Cleveland, preached the t funeral of Garrison Poteet at Sumach last Sunday; also preached at Rock Face Sunday afternoon, ! keys. V\ A Boles, Duckett, Ha ; attending the preachers institute near I> U oktown, passed through to ffav en-route for home. , Miss Roxy Arthur, ot Cisco, is the guest of Ten tiie and Mary \\ liito this W eek. L L J'oteet and daughter, Elsie a *tended church at ,ut. Sumach Sun ,y AV . Prof. D W Harrison takes his ] Rave for home this morning. Come a,_ain Dock, and teach us another ; singing school aid we will go to see ^ Hiere. I was about to tell it a jp . Miss Emma. Clark, of Beaverdale, >s visiting at the home of her uncle ■ David White, at, Doogan. VValter HU | graced our streets this morning, who has been quite James Rice sick is slowly improving to the de hgbt ofinsmiinyt'nemls miss V 1 1 lie Park, of Gravsville, is the guest of Miss Julia Rice. Mrs, S E is on the sick list t .is , Well as I am busy making jelly i this.week I will close. Success to rise News. Water Iaeuy. LEG A I, A D V fc IIT L SE ,Yl EN I’S OHI) IN A H V S A1) V E1ITLSEM ENTS. Georgia, Murray County; To all whom it may^ concern; Victoria B Osborn, administratrix the estate .. Gideon , , , ot deceased, represents to the court in her petition duly filed that she has fully admitiisterd said esf ate and de wires letters of dismission and if no ul jictions ait, fiii d leinis ol dismission will be gianted on the first Mot day in September. This June 7th 1897. T. J. Ovbey, Ordinary. whom'iuuS'im'l'kr (’amp! bell having in due form applied to to the undersigned for letters ot guardianship on the estate of Cala way Campbell. Notice is hereby given that his application will be heard at my office on the first Men day in September next. Given un der my hand and official signature, this the ‘2nd day of August, 1897 f J Ovbey,. O r dinary _______ Georgia, Murray Connl v: To all whom it may concern; L P administrator of Peter Ransom de ceased has iu due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said decease J and said ap|dication will heard on the first Monday in JSep i,., r ,j M . P next, this the 2 day of Au gust, 189L T J Ovbey, Ordinary ..... ’ Ww' 'lk»’aU vV i lottl j t m ay «otic< ru; John administrator on the estate of Will ial& McEntire, deceased, applies to tlie undersigned for letters of dis mission from said estate and I will pass upon his application on tin first Monday in November next, Given under mv hand and official signature, this the 2 nay of August, 1897. T J Ovbey, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Murray County: R. L. Terry has applied tor exemp¬ tion of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock on tnel-kh day of September, 1897, at my office. T. J. Ovbey, Ordinary. GEORGIA, Murray County: Thomas I). Terry has applied for exemption of personalty and sapling apart valuation of homestead and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock on the 14th day of September, at my office. T. J. Obvcy, Ordinary. VY E S E N I) I T F R E EJ -----TO - WEAK MEN Young ajid Old, Rejoice with us in the Discovery » When a man has suffered for years with a weakness that blights his life and robs him , . ot all thut really .I makes , v „ ... hte worth .. , In' ing, if he can avail himself of » complete cum, why nut possess the moral courage l’> slop his downward course. POWElUnn. Or. HOPFM.V.VS VITAL RESTOItATlVIS TABLETS, with a legal guarantee to pi-rmanenUy cure LOST MANHOOD, SELF-AJII’SK, WEAKNESS, VAlUt OCELE, s’l’OPS forever NIGHT KMInSIUNS and ail un natural dv wins. Returns to former ap poarances emaciated organs. No 0. O. D. fraud nor recipe deception. Jf we conM not cure, we would m-t send our medicine FREE to try, an- ", satisfied. Write tq-day. as this i.: ’ app again. Address, WESTERN MEDIC r :E Co. * Kalamazoo, Juk-Uigau. INCUUlVRAiUU. : PROFS'I ON A L CARDS. : h. P. Baoyvrll, M- D., Spring Place, Ga Tenders his professional to the people of this section. jTJrT’ronipt attention given to vails day or night. L IlUFFAKKK, M. D., Dalton, Ga. Calls in town or country promptly answered. „. ease of the Befctum> Hemorrhoids or Piles, Diseas of the Nose, Throat and Catarrh. Office over fiwt National Bank. K# 3 N. B.—I mil be in Spring Place the first Tuesday in each month. \V. YV. ANDERSON, M. L. Physician and Surgeon. Spring Place. Ga. Offers his services to this am) sm ¬ rounding counties. • C. L. HENRY. Attorney and Counsellor *. Law. Sprinu Place, ( ] Will practice in all tue courts both ‘ State and Federal. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY S TABLE T. J. Bryant, i Dalton, G-!. Teams furnished any r u t ,v..v i-; ! muht- Good teams, eaia tut hi s'- eis J a»d thebest of turnouts turmsitu at I reasonable rate» SUMMER RESORTS. Many delightful summer resorts) are situated on and reached via the Railway. Whether one <L. s i rPS tf;e seaside or the mountains -the fashionable hotels or quiet 1 coun¬ lr homes, they , can be reached , via y this magnificent highway of travel. Asheville, N. C., Roan Mountain, TeIH1 ., and the mountain resorts of , J£a»t Tennessee and Western North Carolina, ‘ibe Land ... of the .kv „ j j —Tate springs, Twin ..Oliver springs Tenn., Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Lilhia springs,Ga., the various Vir- 8 inia 8 f J,in fthe seashore resorts are reached V>y the southern Railway on convenient schedules and at very \ low rates. | The southern Railway has issued I n handsome fo’der, entitled “summer, j i Homes and Resorts”, descriptive of j m arly one thousand summer lesort ] hotels and boarding houses,including ! information regarding rates for hi ard j a t the different places and railroad ratcs to reac h them, .... Wnte . C „ A . Bensooter ,, A , . . t0 , * S1 * t > - ] ant General Passenger Agent, South¬ [ ern Railway, Chattanooga, a copy ot this folder. tfa. u.ypp YOU GOING*” The attention of all patties the"' think ing of taking a trip to West is called to the famous Mem I'dds & Charleston railroad as being hy far the best line. j Jf you desire to get the fastest time, and avoid layovers, which aovays a source ot much worry waste tune and money, you should ^call up 011 or write to J L Smith, r ass Dalton, Ga., who will iutcr *>t himself in your trip and sell you tickets via the M. & C. SHORT LINE. The coaches on this line are first class condition and close con— nections are made at Memphis with trains for the West. For rates, time tables and tickets via the recognized route to the West the M. & C , call on or write to J L Smith, Dalton," Ga. 0 A Dega.ussnre, G P A., Memphis, Tenn. Convenient schedules and reduced rates via southern Railway. Very low rates are in effect to Nashville and return for the occasion of the Tciiueax'm centennial from all [principal j and special southern schedules Railway with j ! sleeping ranged, car call service have been of the (southern on any agent 'Railway for full infmma tiqn. o-l5. Reduced iau-s to Nashville via i S' iitlu-in Railway account Tennessee (,’milennial, i The ami 1 hern Railway ■ has on j all oQ its principal ' tickets to Nashville _ and return at I very low rates on account of the v ...... I »««■ hern Railway Agent for particu- 1 lars regarding schedules and detail j information about rates and tickets. lu , * ’ j • 1 Wanteu-An Idea wkSderbF"/^ co” s ou weaitis. p»t«Bt amo? :*., bu.-.^a n. <•.,«.* tarsution. their *t.a« waawo. yrueoav v. • ot vwo eonessee CflteOflfcli ! VIA ws 1 IHW : GaSA ' i 1 i Sf» ] At ..... NfiSfiVlHC* Tdlll* May ISt tO OCt. J 3l8t. rJ&JSSSSKKSSS Chicago’s. pass Atlanta’s and nearly equal The exhibits are all ready, and are inter¬ esting and instructive. The live the stock display excels any exhibition of kind ever made. The Midway is great. The Western & Atlantic Railroad, and the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway run solid vestibule trains with Pullman’s finest sleeping cars, from Atlanta to Nashville, For Sleeping Car Berths, or any information about rates, Hotel or Boarding House accommodations in Nashville, call upon or write to C. E. HARMAN, Genera! Pass. Agent, ATLANTA GA. Special Notice: The Round Trip Rates to Nashvi!!e are cheaper than staying at home. * NEW 0OODS. V Just getting a dne of t ^ LalUO, eneck., . i Q Rap finer rintr. 1 is* hams. Cottonades, Jeans, 1 ereales, Uress Goous, nen Linon, Ladies Hats, Gent Hats, Cheviots. JJatlst, cashmere & Our Gents vjuitS will be in SOOI1. SOME OF OUR PRICES. I Checks,...... 3c • 9 1 Batist........ Lawns....... !! S' Sheeting, .... Ladies V ests, \ Gents Shirts, Ties,... Pants, . j If you want to buy anything in My Goods, Notins, flats, Suits, “ants, Tinware, Glassware, and crockery, call on U g. . ., Dejparuuent, _ TiOUJ, _ Don „ forget . , A^CVti, j t , OUt WOCCI} Lard, Tobacco, Snuff, cigaiS, cheroots, SOda, candy, Matcli e tc. , etc, , all at reasonable prices, We buy and ship produce. Come to see us if you want to trade, we think we save you some money, FINeHeR BROS., SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA. cy -ru I -SMOErSKESa •* PLOWS - AT HARD TIME .' RICES. We handle the only Genuine Oliver Cmuau Plows am! Plow p t ,; llts j n palton. We invite all our Murray Friends to call and examine our stock of Plows and Plow Points before buying elsewhere. We also handle a full line of Groceries and v, ill sell ( HEAR, Call and see us at the old Fie mister & Hegeie Stand. Gregory & (otiy.ouv, J mlu p, Ga 3 SCS 3 LOOK HERE! We have just added to our stock of Dry Goods and ^ roce rie$ the nicest, best and cheapest array of Hardware Queensware and Tinware ever seen in spring Place. MILLINERY. A.G O' we HAVE A VERY FINE AND SELECT LINE Ol MILLENERY, Direct from New York, which is it charge of Mrs. Johnson And We cordially Invit the Ladies to come and See. Nothing old, Nothing shod dy and Nothing that is not First-class all 1897 Styles. We also pay highest irarl et jr’cc fci fdihmcf e 1 ecu try Produce, and sell as cheap as anybody. Come and see us. Respectfully, w. j & j Ejohnson