The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, September 03, 1897, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. What is Going on all Over the County. In a Condensed Form for Murray’s Prosperous People llev. Taylor left for his homo at Fairmountlasl Sunday. Mrs. Florence Lowery visited in our city last Tuesday. Lew Daily is visiting his at Ringgold this week. “Weldon and Faby Durham in our city Tuesday on business. Claud Green is now carrying the mail from thi; place to Dalton. Genial Prior Campbell paid us an appreciated call last Wednesday. Bailiff Bob Bagiev passed through our city last Wednesday morning. Genial John Harris, of •was in our . itv on business Monday. Yess Dickson and wife are ing his father’s family at this Gas Yarning and wife, of Morgan county visited in our city last Mon¬ day. Deputy Marshall Crawford among friends here one day week. T J Springfield, of Doolittle paid us a very pleasant call one day week. Clever John Elrod, of Wells, was handshaking with friends here last Monday. Genial J A Langston, of Duun, was circulating among friends here last Monday. W II Hampton, of Fashion, was howdying with friends here the first of this week. IIS Winning visited in the upper part of the county the latter part of last eki Marion Elrod and W A represented Holly in our city last Tuesday. Frank Hampton was trading with ■Spring Place merchant a last W< dnesdav. \V JI Bagiev was circulating among friends here a short tim Yv ednesday morning. Doak Leonard, of Frnt. Mountain, passed through our city Wednesday ou route to Daltou. Dr. W W Anderson and wife went over to Dalton on a shoping 'expedi¬ tion last Tuesday. Miss Amanda Peeping, of Mountain, visited Miss Mattie phreys at this place. Dr. L P Bagwell and son visited the Doctor’s father up near Cleveland Saturday and Sunday. Miss Jennie May Edmondson oyer to Dalton last Sunday to school at that place on Monday. Forest Williamson, of the Cleve¬ land Banner, is spending this wihh his aunt, Mrs. J I!) Temple. Mesdames W J Johnson and G Kelly made a shopping to Dalton last Tuesday. Esq Jack Baynes and . _ F M „ gore of Bull Fen, were in ou, city Prof. S J Howard, of Amz,, was circulating among friends at this place last Monday. James W McCamy, of Sumach, passed through our city last Mon day en-route for Gordon county. The campmeeting will be held at the Murray Camp Ground the first -Saturday and Sunday in October. CoL W H Tibbs went upon mountain the first of this week and will probably stay about two Sheriff Robinson and Sheriff Bonds took off four ers to the chaingang the latter of last week. William Pendley has built a gni house and has bought a new up . . to-date gin and will soon be tea i.i to gin cotton in a huny and uo gc.o work. ' The protracted meeting at the Methodist church of this place broke last Monday. The meeting vyas wall attended throughout and resulted in much good. Judge Reid and wife, Mv, Me j (Tendon and wife, who have been; spending the summer at the Maddox „ «,!.»».« j Atlanta last Saturday. ! ! Mrs. Essie Edmondson returned j j the latter part of last week from an | extended visit to lower Georgia, 8 he reports a very pleasant time I while away. We wc-rs sorry to hear of the death • f “Bud” Morrison which oe cured at his home last Monday morn¬ ing. We extend sympathies to the relatives and friends. The,Board of Education met here last Monday with all the members present for the purpose of making out the third quarterly report to the State Cmmissitnier. At what age tnay a man and at what age may a woman be styled old without a breach conventional po Site ness? Does that age come earli¬ er for a woman than fora man? And if so, why?—Dalton Argus. Jim Bishop cut his hand very bad lv last Wednesday with an ax. The ax penetrated his thumb on one side and came out on the other just glancing the bone as it went. The principal keeper of the peni¬ tentiary’, sent after Deck Kerr last Monday. He was sentenced to serve) ! during his natural life in the state chanurang by Judge Fite for the murder of Henry Dickson up near the Tennessee line. A certain prominent young gentle man of Spring Place, went home with a young lady last Sunday night and happened to a strange accident of bumping Ids head on the door steps. My friend, was the old gen tlemail’s boot following you? Wheat brought over a dollar a bushel the past week; cotton made a big upward spurt} an Ohio man sold his wife for $luO, and a man in Mis sourt swapped his wife for a fine young mule. Who said good times were not coming?—Dalton Argus. Judge T J Ovbey has been invited to attned a meeting of the Ordma ry’s of the different counties in Ge n gia at Atlanta on the 20 th of this month to devise a plan for the im~ provement of the public records. ! Everybody is invited to come out | and assist in cleaning off the vamp,* ground and repairing the i pome and bring your tools pepared ; to work on Friday morning b for Use fourth Sumi y in this month. , i Hon. J J Bates will go down to j Atlanta the 20th of this month to | meet .the Penitentiary committee, Mr. Bates is a member of that coin-’ mitlee and i„ is one of the most im- i , . . out u\v .i! oortant positions given in i ‘ j because it will .i iieai , i last Icp’I slature present convict system atul , w*th our 1 \ , 1 .. rit<ue than likely frame a bib ;o put before the legislature at its meeting to dispose of the The speaker of the House appoint-! ing Mr. Bates on that committee is certainly a compliment to him as a legislator. Handsome Will Black, of Dalton, was circulating among Murray friends and relatives the first of this week. Dr, Fincher, of Atlanta, visited in this county the latter part of las t and the first of this week. j R Henry> of Pitt 8 burg, Penn., who has been visit ng rns parents and other relatives near Su - n thig countVj returned to his home last Tuesday. A deJCalh county man has sued ^ wi{e for divorce because she would not patch his pants. Proba b | y ghe was right. They may have been a country editor’s pants-be vond Hatching.—Dalton 1 Argus. * We learn that several men begun to talk politic) and begun ‘‘running” for office. Watch friends that you don’t run yourselves to death long before the election. Charlie West says it makes a far mer feel his oats and enjoy his corn to get a dollar a bushel for bis wheat _—Dalton Argus, Fincher Bros , now have a nice . . ade c i ot !,i n g and wdl uc » a g jj 0W them to von at any J time and sell them to vou as cheap &a j 0U car) p, U y tijem anywhere. _ \lfnn*crf—Sn WahiCU Mil IHpa lucd patent? tsing to ^ K5^”r b Srotamdi^'to«?tiS>? I ^waf e ° ff " ‘‘Sumach Gleanings.” Sror \cn Aim. 80_School opens j ( Sumach today m™ m»v of Place, and Miss Gertie Webb, of j| e} spent, part of last week with friends at this place. Mr. and airs. B W Gladden with daughter Miss Nettie, are visit¬ ing in Alabama. Miss ©ora Cole, of Cartersville, and Miss Lula Anderson, of Dunn, spent last week with relatives in the neighborhood. Miss Mary Jones, one of Dawn V1 ]]’s belles, visited Mrs. Davis a few days of last week. Prof, and Mrs. Humphreys, of Calhoun, took in Saturday and Sun¬ day of the August meeting. After a pleasant three weeks visit to relatives. Rev. J K Henry, of Pittsburg, Penn, will leave for that n city to-morrow. He ,, expects , ,. to stop t • over in . Nashville T . ... for , about , thie,e| days ou his return trip to Pittsburg. The annual protracted meeting at Sumach closed lost Thursday night. The preaching during these s; rv'.ces ! ! was good, a number claimed corner si> >n and a very good interest was manifested. Rev. A J Mann is conducting a protracted meeting in Bartow county this week. A pleasant reunion of the children and grand cl) i 1 d ren (oxcept ttvo fam ilies in Texas) of Ri v. and Mrs. S II Henry was held at their home last Friday. All enjoyed the day la gely.j Several young men have already j moved into dormitories at this place , and will again occupy the enviable ; position as school-boy. I Nunttius. Mr. and Mrs. Lake Quillian j Mar,, lace and and if H is sail) 1 move to ... spring will take charge • f the T,.m 1 '■ idp House. «:i T"" 1 Tennessee e.—One or the week s n-p- j pv events was the marriage of Major Tcrrv 1 D to MlSS Georgia b Gregory of j ‘ Murray. The ceremony was per- j formed in North Dalton by Rev. M | M ‘ Walraven Both uarties 1 are well; and favorably known and congratu’ - lions are undoubtedly in order.-— Mr. J \V Glass, a nehew of I)r. Free Harris, has moved to Gabon, and is n , a({ipg medicine under the latter— j fc wo| ,],j |,] ( , ape a g ( . a ; nan .' poo- ; ^ Murray J,,ij„ and WI i'lield to have j AJai .A lja!) sc;n to rc-appoint 1 of 81 ting l'lace, to i deputy jiiisHUij). . . j, I•■(>!) , . is a tine r. . . hi. ei and ,,,,A a „ | , immane one.—Mr. Jt-s e Langston, 0 ( Dunn, Ga., wa< in the city rlqy Mr. Langston if one of t he .. finest farmers and plrmuos in Georgia who makes Ids btissiuess profession^ email , . ano a - jjves \ howu^ aJway-v— , ... -i-s I*annie . ai i>i'Own . . in . trom f> i>ro\vii , urove v k •>«, c p!nritatu*n , Momj.'.y l extreme ■■> satisfaction of Imr r.nmvi 1'inkert. ii\s men hit engaged in (icti ct.i"g smiles on the grower’e face.—The Dalton Citizen. S II Fincher attended district Oonfprence VvOllltiLUGW ia la Adairsville Jiaiun w a day j or two the first of this week. M 1 £S Claudia 1 eeDieft 4 baa return this place attei _ ed to her home at a very pleasant visit to relatives Dalton. ]Jora C(jlp> of Cartersville, is vlsitirg her unole , J L Cole , ) j ace _ Judsre ® DennitH Johnson WHS cn*~ fliends # this . cnlating among at a short time yesterday. v\ learn that ^ , xr V 1 Ij ,ir \V , , £ , 6 and faniil t0 . Y a, ’ e 80011 move tO | Ringgold, W e are sorry to oose them, but wish them well David White, r i Iiesaca, passed through our city . yesterday , en loute j to bumach , (j c \ (j jr King made a business tJ .jp t0 Dalton one day this brush-arbor meeting is now in progress about two miles ^ o{ ^ place . MASONIC NOTICE. A full attendance of the craft is requested at our regular meeting in September. Work in the third de and j other ,i , • jgree important , , C N King YV. M /ft Che AN RELIEF cures OolF. ^ Neupalgia and Toothache in T^five V* Summer minutes. Complaints, Sour Stomach Price, 25c. and ‘ LAND OF TDK SKY.” In Western North Carolina, be tween the Line liidge on the hast Broad, two thousand feet above the Sea, lies Ashville, beautiful, pictur¬ esque and world-famed as one of the most pleasant resorts in America. It is a land of bl ight skies and in¬ comparable climate, whose praises have been snug by poets, and whose beauties of stream, valley and tnoun ain have furnished subject and in¬ spiration for painters brush. This is truly the “Land of the Sky,” and there is, perhaps, no more beautiful region on the continent to attract pleasure tourists or health seekers. Convenient schedules and very low rates to Asheville via Southern Railway. 8-31. CHEAP RATES TO ARKANSAS AND TEXAS. 0,1 A ^ ,,st Sl T l - 7lh 21st, and Oct. 5th and 19th, the Cot ton Belt ... Route will ... sell round , trip • tickets _ from >St. Louts, Cairo and , Memphis, to all points in Louisana, Arkansas and Texas, at one fare for the , ’ ou "' i tri P« P lu8 $-.00. This is 3 U excellent opportunity for home seekers to secure a good location. For full particulars as to rates, etc, and free copies of handsomely illus¬ trated pamphlets regarding the Great Southwest, write to I! 11 Sut¬ ton traveling passenger Agt., Chat¬ tanooga. Tenn., or E W LcBeaume, G P & T A, St. Louis, Mo. ^ jijjLj^g I A 4 A J| laa 4 SM Female h* Regulator For nil diseases peculiar to Improves women and the girls, Ap u Tones op the Nerves, Life, petite, Enriches the Blood, and gives Health and Strength. Ills the queen OF mmo» *bb oom?m:xxoh ousab. <*» ^alcrsor:sent direct upon receipt of price by Now Spencer Med. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. LAD !ES’ SPECIAL TREATMENT I In partment. Advice and book on Female Diseases, with testimonials, free. For Sale and Recommended by J. A. Rooney, Ho! Iy, Ga. -Rir BfliLK/iy. Com 'cnKi'd Mi h<*(su!« in TflVel * n:y 4^ ihdV. UuHion.*i. N o. I • j u I t * No 8 Lv Chi: i I a n trig a ,~Y ~ _ k>ia.:> | kiSpif iuiTjra Ar DiiUon............. tf.aituu i 'l p>» D.Uam Ar Rome............... 1 c.IOlm s •>• p • 1 5'ltun ArAtiuiit*.............. 1 . 1 -,>i, s. > p//> t>.ouam U tniov.n'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..... ro ho >i. >«pm aGid a? Everett..!?.’,... .7 ....... ssftaruj "yi>m r - ,-j-— : —'*1 m>R 4*3”’ '±!g’2 iinmo wicii ........ ftiio.u;. tge^jg No H curriYH Nullniiia tsleoping Ear (.hatta n ..„ > :i , ? 0 ah m-a. No. lOo'UMo. rullman Union Sleeping Car cKaitonooga to Atlanta Mo. 1; nnrriuH UvT.iiiia.i Drdwt.u* Doom P.uf ; fot SJeuping car (ih,:tua,no ga. to JHoUaonviiie and At Ju lit to Brunov lea. STA IONS Mo. u No. 7 E5Tdan». 7 J'-ini 5 p it lO.OJpm J ;>7 10 . lOjffi 4 - ;>m im Ar Dalton........ 1 i .Gam 5J.20a rn A r Ghatianoog i.. J 00 pm 4. 1 . aril puquwiw. •1 .pm 8. oc am Ar Le.vingt.ou.... floairi 5. hf> pin A r Lo uisville • ■ 8.15 pm . • A r ( incimiati.... mu 7. So pm Dv Ghattauooga l. .i.’pia ... 8.1 dam Ar Nashvilie..... 0. ... 1.545p m j No. i:icarrie.s i’uliinan Drawing lioom Huf ■ tut No. Sleeping Car Puliman Ai>ia :t t • Sleeping Cat U ( arms Union i i Atlanta to Louisvl»lo and i’u.lman Sleeping car Chattanooga to Cincinnati. No 7 carrie« Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to < hattanooga and from Chattanooga to Cin- 1 cinnatl. STATIONS. No 12 No jo i ' jj Knox'vum.^ J 8 j oO 59am via 4 B.Oiam D’Um to. 5 9 5opin 55prn % \ 10pm 9 bOani ) 3 loititi 11.4 am 1 2 2 him 4 35pm 1 loprn 1.3»am . G 40pm G. 00 a m t- J) 52pm 8 50am . 7. !0.mlM5am ........ h. 2o pm ; Xr Wasiung'.on? ’ 1Ti2am 1 9 ioptn ArN “ y °’ k , 12.13pm 0.2 Jam - No. 12 carrio» Pullman Sleeping car Ohattu cooga to New York via A-heviUo. and SHiabury to Kiclmiynd, arriving HicUmomJ No. 16 is solid train Chattanooga to Norfolk with Pullman .Sleeping Car Ch vttr.noog i ; tc Norfolk without change. Close connection rnarle at Norfolk with steamers for JJ iii • more. New York and Poston Pullman Sleep* 1 ing Car Salisbury to New York via Washington 1 ------------------- , , .. 5 . LOptn 11 b. 59., ..9 a ru : 1227am 9 50pm ibprn m .. i ! ..1 5.00am 4 lb pin WasWngton ..ill i 25pm 7.35arn Ar New York... .. 6 2.1am l 20pm No. 6 carries Pullman sleeping Car Chatta- New r.ooera to Washington and Chattanooga to y k Toc^rfefruflman S 0 Sl.epln, Car C’AU, | nooga to Knoxvile and Knox vill a to Bristol [ No 15 ........ It).50am Btrmingiiam.. ....... l.IOpm at .......... to. Meridian...... .........j M 6.17pm ;«»pm Ar ......... A r New Orleans.. ......... II.45a tn Ar Jackson ...... 9 4 :am 1 ! Ar Ar Vicksburg.... Shreveport... ;;;;; ! f. 2 «p™ ' ~ le j tNo. to sMo. n.n.pJnv 9 j_ tNo sMo, id ; JBpm Ro^.ar iu...wi _B.»pxn 7 t^Q'.Ar aq ? «t»■:»«! v * tt*oiL-^LOen D supt WasWngtoin u/b. j M. CULP, Traf Mgr. Washington, D. C. w A O p a. Washington, d o ! c. A. HENSCOTER. a g. p a Chattanooga Tenn /S CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, .. Neuralgia and Toothache in , i Wfive minutes. Sour Stomach Price, 25c. and Summer Complaints, n J r-h en c 1st, 1897. Furniture Exchange DALTON, GA.. Second Hand and Job Lots of New and Old Fur¬ niture, Organs, Pianos, or bought and sold. J. A. CARTER will exchange new Furniture, Pi¬ anos, Organs, etc., for old and turn over to the FURNITURE EXCHAGE co ovei haul for sale. THE FURNITURE EXCHANGE will have a Sewing Machine Department and handle various kinds of he best makes. THE managers will canvass the territory and vih also represent J. A. carter’s big store in all the fines. FOR information on goods you wish to exchange ap¬ ply to the managers, L. D. Buchanan and T. J. Newson. J FURNITURE, CARPETS and UNDERTAKING. masbsssssmimmBmtamamaaBaamaaB^mBaa czwx&jsmssr. We ClEar The Decks: ■ usti. DAZZLING CLOTHING OFFERS. Every price full of determination, full of power that moves stock. It’s a broad, comprehensive movement—abounding' with money- saving op¬ portunities. Words fail to convey the impor tance of this stupendous offering. A visit of inspection is absolutly necessaty to rully realize it’s immense proportions, to prove it the great¬ est sale of the day. Men’s suits arranged in two mammouth divisions, to-wit: Divsion 1st. A true remarkable showing Mens’suits-— faultless in detail and finish—chang less in beauty and fit, every one an example of the tailors s.rt—all the nobbiest and latest effects fiom a dozen famous mills, in all pathues.from the modish colorings to the extrevnest plaids and over plaids splendid business suits that will give entire satisfac tion and wear well. In short, more honest value for the price than in any offer in the CLOTHIG line you ever heard of. It’s an absolute fact that the small qualities are being sold m other stores at !t 8. 00 and $10.00. No charge for alterations-—unlimited choice 'for $5,65. Division 2nd. CHICE of 59 styles of Mens’ fine suits, worth $15.00. including wide and narrow vale dress suits—in black and blue; naty ch ecks, english thibets and bicun as—single breasted sacks and cutaways, exceedingly well tailored—every garment is true to style. In this lot arc suits made by one of the most reno.und manufactoers m America—elegantly in material and workmanship, faultless in fit. The' are sewed throughout with silk have fine imported serge and Italian linings, Suits that have that made to order, look—that never lose there shape till worn out—can fit anv size man, worth thrice Saturdays low price, for choice $8.25. line . of Dry Don’t forget that we carry the largest Goods, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings in the city. Whole saie and retale. * It will pay you to call and see us first be [ fn-rp pUrchrUSCS. | ' ITi ilislT) P* cLQV j i Baltimore Clothing Co. A. E. Cannon, Manager, Dalton, Ga. TIME IS MONEY. | Save it by doing milling with i i your US. We give in exchange highest j quantity and best quality flour and j bran for your wheat, Give iii a ^ trial Barrett, Denton & Linn, ( Dalton, Ga. 1 - WANTED. Beef cattle of any description or veal calves. Apply either to Wal ter Springfield or DE Ainsworth „ aid . p aUon G a. ltEDUOlfD RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY, On September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4t.i, the Southern RaiDy will sell roun d trip tickets to Washington Nor folk and Richmond, at rate of one fare for the round trip, Tickets good to return thirty days from date of sale. This will afford an excellent opportunity not only to visit these l j lree dues, but other eastern cities at small cos Call on arv agent■ «t . the Southern Railway tor fui then information,