The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, October 15, 1897, Image 2

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he,,, - 1f -^^-•^7^--,.-~— MURRAY NEWS. J'uollshet) Every Friday Morning By ~ C L HENRY, Kdltor ami Publisher. f -Jftigial $rgan ot Murray County SUBSCKIPTION E ATES: fine Year ......... , 50c Six Months .... - ............'/26c ~.........------ , . ,,, * — ............ ■ Advertising Rates Reasonable tST r -,.'"T~ Corresnondence , c ,. . When writing lor this Article/ jour name must accomoany not for of publication, good faith. as a guarantee A Address all MURRAY communications * NEYV.H, Spring Place, Ga. isRYiduy Morning, Oct. 15th. Ill METAL ISM IS NECESSAltv. A royal commission, composed eminent men, appointed nearly years ago, to enquire into the suh aject of agricultural depression in En¬ gland, jssuod its final report dusing j)ie month of August last. pjynoipal report, signed by fourteen members, deals with ettbji cta which bear generally upon the agricultural positions, and with the recommendations and conclu ¬ sions based thereon. A supplement¬ ary renorj, signed by ten out of sixteen commissioners, deals solely with the evidence submitted for arid against a change in the monetary policy of England as a remedy for the agricultural depn salon. After . careful considering the evidmie jtheso ten commissioners have arriv¬ ed at certain conclusions, the important of which may be briefly stated as follows: First. That the agricijihural de pression is not confined to put js general throughout and the Coiiides, and levs been yere in the Ihiited States, Jhat, witli regard to wheat, the commodity has fallen the most, there was no ev to show that the decline had .been pauue4 by oyer-production, 3 tatigtijig yhowjng on the ilpa,t, in the words of Sir Robert G i f fen, fftho growth cf the aoreagp wheat lias lagged behind the growit of population ” Second That the only two tries which apeav to have been from agricultural depression are In¬ dia and the Argentine j,he one witli a silver and the with a pap^i currency. Tinrd. That agriculture has suf i'ored and E suffering severely from the Jesuits of the gn at morn tai) changes made certain countries of Europe and iu the United States m J878. Foiuth. That if international an agyeei»en£ were made for t .e oj»ep jcg to silver of the mints abroad and jn India, and its restoration, either wholly or partly— to the position it filled prior to 1873, it would be jhe greatest benefit to the agricuUu lal industry, and that the English (government should npsitaly ow-qpor aj,o yilh forejgn Powers in jpg a confeveuce to bijng abbut result, 4»id thereby give effect to thq numerous resolution in the House of Comijious pissed pi Febiuirv ^895,- Ex. The poet bewails “the fatal smile of woman.” When I was younger, it was not ao, A girl., frigid was what we boys thought ‘ fatal— ' p.fto. A ? u, The country newspaper man’s * friends . . those , who . are pay every year. Jlis best friends are those who pay gt the beginning of each f,io» year; or, if that is inconvenient, When the tune of receiving it is half x if unfortunate and on): or, any are have pot the money then, before the year closes be 'will pay up. The city newspaper’s friends are all real, foi (he publisher tber of will send m paper unless lie gets bis pay in ad vance. That’s the difference in hav jug friends who will ask for ti list and those who will trust von; ami con ‘ jfidenpe should , not tie abused.—t , ar tersviiie News, Since Spain thinks it is funny to y^iua shenl. po»e ki.led moie men jp five minutes ins than done her in 80,000 Cuba train in |' ‘-tl sold have r ; nicntbs.—Dalton Citizen. IN MEMORY. Mr*.joWtj£i00 ■■Him *iepacl.ed this \ | life Sept.., 26th, » t nvi w yard. u> buried l«ft. at the Arthur old grave She a devoted husband and six children i her , loss, , only , .them,but , to mourn not j a great number of friends, some of Whom may live a great while before they lind a woigia/i JU>$t would ren der the kindness and sympathy that : She bestowed on neighbors; also peo | P ! « »* the ‘•‘'••'««nding c mntry where there was sickness, she was there, J any one in distress or want, she was ! t iere, * and a’ways ' helped 1 them that uou,d heI dmmeives much . “ ot P as as^e .was aldy to do. She was a member of the Baptist church four teen years. Her seat was al w^y3 occupied if sickness or some other trouble did not keep her away. She was kind and effect! on ate to all old people, she never closed iter door against any one. Her husband and live children belonged to the same church she did, her youngest clii.ld has never been converted. Her re¬ quest was that her family and friends would pray for his conversion and encourage him. Mrs. Rose was sick about fifteen days, suffered ag fety doaj, though she bore it with patience. We learn that the sufferings of thrfc present time are not worthy to bp compared with the glory vyhjrcb yha/l be reveal ed in tis for the earnest expectation of the Creator waitetb for the rnani fcstation of the sons of God. M K J’uyKuy. -------- — Sumach Gleanings. Sloiaou, Oct., 11.— At last the vain has come. 8 11 Harris took a business trip to Dalton last Friday. Mrs. Rose Barrett, of McHenry, Gordon county, attended Presbytery here last week. She was accompa¬ nied by her niece, Miss Lill y Beck, whom she left in school at this place Rev. S M Bennett left 1 ;st Mon day for Lebanon, Tgnn„ where he entered the Theological department of Cumberland University. Mi Bennett will be much missed at Su „ iac h. Miss Pearl Bates, of Lough ridge, S entered school at Sumach last Mon | f j a> . 8be boards with Mrs. S 11 j j( APr | 8 , This gives Mrs. Harris a quartetee of charming school-girl | )()a i-derfl. Misses Tujie Gregory, j (Gertie Webb, Pearl Bates ami Lilly Beck. Glad to hear fn?ra our friend Giles Dunn. Y\'e would a3vi a e him to come back to Georgia among the “goober gvablcrs” an they will surely j j bt> Ha f er than \V ‘fenyotes \yish hiip and rattle- in 8rJfl j ces ? e success his school work. Dr. Barn Brown and wife, aeoom pan led by Mis S Harper, presbytery one day. 'Flie Georgia Presbytery of ihe j | r p church, met with the Sumach co ngregation September the IjOth. j Continuing in session until October J ;p. ( j r p| u , preaching was good and ne .arly all the business meetings were j [ enjoyed by * the large ^ audiences pro ^nt. ^ Christian endeavor rally was j le j,| „„ Friday night which was a j j pjeasigg H Miller, feature of Nashville, of tiie services. Tennessee. Rev ; j j ^nqdteat missionary; of Tennessee s y,iot|, was present put of the time. His speeches and suggestions were ver y helpful. i***,****** 1 McUamy ['■‘ s Chapel batuiday. Ootobei i p |!,to ! ' r '^' What C ' has ' l g ' become KH of ‘G s amantha. 1 "' 1,l0 [ ■ Next n r «. FETZE1UON NEWS Fetzkrton, Tenn., Oct., 11.—Dr Puffstuff will not write this week. h has not rained a drop in five ; weeks, it thundered today, maybe it will rain tomorrow, ( best nuts are opening study how. We had a tine debate last Batur day night, Ketxerton’s find, and second nine , were to play a game of Rise bail last tjaturdav evening, hut, had no game feunday , school was hnebundy, , no^., body but those who were interested were there, the rest were iu the j Water Li ly, you shall near from ; p,.. |> Q ff sl «if „ e xt week, that is w bat he told me, | Miss Martha Bain, of this place, is 1 visiting relatives at YViregraa*. .Bill Buster, of thin place, is griev ing hijn&elf to dyath because his girl : married today, The worst part of w that he is a babi headed man. YVe sympathize . With h m Mis^ Essie Fouls will leave Athens, Tennessee, where she will j go to school. j Latkb: YVe had a good rain list night, for which let na thank the Lord. I will write «» more, you will hear from Dr. next and me again. Jack Whimkijj. ORDINARY'S ADVERTISEMENTS GEORl A Murray County. To all whom it may concern : Mrs. EM Haney has in due form applied to the undersigned for tet's of administration to issue same discreet person on the estate of Timothy llanev late of said, conn tv deceased, ana 1 will pans upon said application on the fir t Monday in November 1897. Given under my hand and official signature the 4th day of October 1897. 'I' J Ovbky, Ordinary. GEORGIA Murray County. To all whom it may concern: K M Ifaney having in due form applied to the undersigned for years support out of the estate of Timothy Haney deceased, and I will pass upon the same at my office on the first Monday in November This the 1st day <»f October 1897. 1 J Ovbey. Ordinary. _ Gkokoia, Mukkay GouJtyy; Gkougia, Murray County: To all wbom it may conci rn; John Black, Will— administrator on the estate of iam M MeEntire, deceased, applies to the undersigned for letters of dis mission from said estate and I will .. ,,lf , nrst !•“? Monday v/ ,0 "i ,lls m November <?n Given under my hand and official signature, th.* the 2 uay ot August, 189t . 1 J Ovliey, Ordinary. GEORGIA Mur ay County. Notice to all whom it may con¬ cern: I YV U steed guardian for Lester arid Sibyl Steed will make application to ids honor, Augustus VV Fite, Cherokee Judge of the superior court of the circuit for leave to sell the real estate belonging to said wards after Nov. let 1897. This Oct. 7th, 1897. YV II Steed. WES E N T) I T F R E K ! WEAK MEN Young and Old. Rejoice with us in the Discovery, When a man has suffered for years with a weakness that blights his life and robs him of all thwt really makes life worth hv ing, if he can avail himself of a complete We will scud you by nmd, ABSOLUTE m\w»oSm n P. RESTORATIVE TABLETS, with a WEAKa^BSS, ^jIk-aU^I^EXUAL If Aivl(-OCELE, 5STOP8 'd!^ H.umns to SiS ^ pcarances emaciated fraud organk No O. O. D. nor recipe deception If we coifid ijot cure, we would not send our medicine FREE to try, and pay when satisfied. Write to-day, as this may not appear again. Address, WESTERN MEDICINE Co. Kalamazoo, Michigan, {NCOIU’ORyTEU. : PROFS ON'AL CARDS. , " p ‘ p ‘ u;WKll ‘ ^ yj p Spring Plane, Ga Tenders bis professional services to the people of t his section, J^ i’rompt attention given to calls ‘" lg "* J 111 AKl '“j ^ Calls ii) town or country answered. piseasof the Nose, Throat and Catanh Tp“f l w,'ir£"m Si ,r,„ s Place the :v. rst Tuesday in month VV. W. ANDERSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Spring Place, ....... .. ..Ga. Offem hjs services . to tills . and sur rounding counties. _ ______ p££ j^QND, M. D. Holly, Ga. Tenders. Ills professional services to the people of this section J^lTonjpt attenaion given to calls day (L n L^ t - C. L. HENRY. Attorney and Counsellor ;»>, Law, boring f Place, Ga. wm pract . ic e itl aU tlie courts j M)t jj Si,ate and Federal ————- ———— - * — FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE Toning furnished any tune day oi night. Good teams, careful drivers and the bee* of turnouts furnished at; reasonable rates ! “ARE YOU GOING? i The attention taking trip of ‘all the parties West think-1 is ing of a to especially called t i the tarnou> Mcm & Y^hailisten laiiroad as b.uig by far the best hoe. ' the Jf you desire to get time,*and avoid layoyers, which are aiways a source of much worry,waste of time and motiev, you should call i "S °f)aUon! in’ «a.’, who^will’int?r bimself V our trip and sell yon ttekets .via the' M. «fc 6. SflUKT LINE. The coaches on this line are in first class condition and close I ,,e ‘: ti,>n ; a,e ™ d e at Mempbis wilh trims tor the West. f | For rates, time tables and tickets [ via the recognized route to the YVeat j {ho M. & C , call on or write t</ J J, Smith, Dalton, Ga. <j A UeSaossure, G P A., Memphis, Term. (:UEAP HATES TO it KANSAS AND j * r yEX\5 On August I7tn, 8epl. ah and . 21st, and Oct. 5th and ll)th, the Cot toii Belt Route wilt .-ell round trip tickets from St. Louis, Cairo and Memphis, to all points in Louisana, Arkansas and Texas, at one fare for the round trip, plus $3.00. This is j an excellent opportunity for home r w ‘ ek ®« 10 B « cwr<s a S 00 ' 1 !ocalu > n ' ! For full particulars as to rates, etc., :i nd free copies of handsomely illns tfated pamphlets regarding the Gieat SoiUhw0 , t) wnle to 1! II Sut . ton traveling passenger Agt., G’hat tawooga. Tenn., or E YV LeBeaume, 1 G R & i a, At.. L >uis, Mo. “ " , ! Convenient schedules and reduced j , ! ,a VenHuw’Sto ire 11 nr effect Nashville and return for the occasion [©f the Tennessee centennial from <' ni|t|pa) ' H^thern Railway stations fllJ „ ' cial Kl . he<Jn | e8 with , lee(li f L , lr M rvice have been ar rang , (j raU „„ anv a ^ n , t „ f tiw southern Railway for full informa j tioB, 0 -to. Reduced rates to Nashville via southern Railway account Tennessee Centennial. The somhevp Railway has on sale from all ot its principal stations , . . l ° Na * fiv,1!e , ... return at very low rates on account of the I et.nessee Centennial, (.’ail on any southern Railway Agent for particu¬ lars Regarding j»chedules and detail information about rates and tickets. 10 15-97. FREE STREET FAIR AND TRADE CARNIVAL. For the occasion of the .Merchants j an ^ , .Manufactuieis c l let street tan J aiid trade carnival, at Knoxville, - -ive. The Southern Railway will I t|L! K ,ts from points on its line to Knoxville and return, at .ate ot tare f !hi t, < " , "nth 'lu v" |imue<i'fifteen ()ct to 1 D o-i ciayf* from date of safe. raU ” u a,, v of ,he - ; nail way for further in formation. j», Ka3nt8u~~fill . • ■> « 1093 , Who can thin* of some ant-jile | Ideas; thluxf to patent? ! Protect yonr they may bring you wealth, i Write JOHN WEDDKliBUILN A CO.. Patent Attor neys, Hat Washington, 1>. C-, f^r their price otli* ?,od o'! two hundred inventions wanted. T ennessee ^ente nnlal A I I sir At Nashville, Tenn. IVSay 1st to Oct. 3ist. Tire Buildings of the Tennessee Centennial, «n numbers end architectural beauty, sur pass Atlanta’s and neariy eqeal Chicago’s. The exhibits are ail ready, and are inter¬ esting and instructive. The live stock display excels any exhibition of the kind ever made. Ihe Midway is great. The YVestern & Atlantic Railroad, & and the bS^T Nashville, Chattanooga & St. trains with PoSIman's finest sleeping cars, from Atlanta to Nashville. For Sleeping Car Berths, or any information about rates, Hotel or Boarding House accommodations in Nashville, call upon or write to C. E. HARMAN, Generei Pass. Agent, ATLANTA, GA. Special Notice: T &EX d ™S£«r to a than staying at home. f NEW GOODS. ? 9 V Just getting A line of Calico, checks, Sheeting - , Gmg k amSj Cottonades, Jeans, Percales, DreSS Goods, India Linon, Ladies Hats, Gents Hats, Cheviots, Batist, cashmere & Our Gents’ Suits will be in SOOU. 1 SOME OF OUR PRICES. C hecks, ...... 3f. Batist,...... 3c. Ix&sm Lawns...... ......4c. v j Sheeting, Ladies Vests, .. . 4^c. 5c. V ■ Q cnts Shirts, 15c. Sr s' . ■ ■ ap > .-y. " Ties,........05c. " Pants.......50c. j If you want to buy anything in Dry Goods, Noting, Hats, Suits, ’*ants, Tinware, Glassware, and crockery, call on US, We now - have a nice line of Dry Goods, tjats, Suits^ etc. Before buying vour fall and winter Suits call and ex j amine our line arftl we will save you money, j Don't forget our Urpcery Department; Meat, Flour, ! Lard, . Tobacco, snuff, cigais, cheroots, soda, candy, Match jgtc.i etc., all at reasonable prices, 1 We buy and ship produpe, Coine to see us if you want to trade, we think we can save you some pipney. FIN@HSR BROS., spring PLACE, GEORGIA. | ( * PLOWS AT HARD TIME PRICES. ^Mam^ssansssmi3B^Bsssm j YVe handle the only Geniinjc Oliver Chilled Plows and Plow •: : 1 i.duou. We invite all our Murray Friends Jto call and examine our ftopfc # f Plows and Plow Points before baying elsewhere, YV t) also handle a full line of Groceries and will sell CHEAP. j 1>H and see us at the old Flemister 4 Heggie Stand. ] t Gin | ooKY * Gregory, Dalton, Ga LOOK HERE! * We have just added to our stock of Dry Goods and Groceries the nicest, best and cheapest array of Hardware Queensvvare and Tinware ever seen in spring Place. MILLINERY. 2G WG HAVE- A VERY FINE AND SELECT LINE OF MILLENERY, Direct from New York, which is it charge of Mrs. Johnson And w e a rcisDy Invite a I the Ladies to come and Nee, . Nothing old, Nothing shod dyand Nothing tha*. .s not First-class -all 1S97 Stjdes i Wealso jay highest irarl-ct^rif IcriJl :r ( : ct cor i try Produce, and sell as cheap as anybody. Come and see us- Respectfully, w, j & j EJohnson