The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, March 04, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. 26 COUNTY PRIMARY APRIL TWENTIETH Executive Committee Sets Above Date. DEMOCRATS URGED TO VOTE Invitation Extended to Others Who Will Support the Nominees. A Democratic Primary to se¬ lect nominees for Senator, Rep¬ resentative and the various of¬ fices to be filled in Murray coun¬ ty is hereby called for April 20, 1904. All Democrats, and such oth¬ ers as desire to affiliate with the Democratic party, and will pledge themselves to abide by the result of this Primary, are urged to turn out and vote. By order of the Murray Coun¬ ty Democratic Executive Com rnittee. L. F. Peeples, Chinn. J. B. Gregory, Sec’y. The Democrats of Murray county met in the court room on Tuesday. L. F. Peeples and J. B. Greg¬ ory were chosen temporary chair¬ man and secretary, respectively. The chair appointed the follow¬ ing committee to choose the members of the new County Democratic Committee, the same to comprise two members from each district in the county: W. L. Henry, Sam Higdon, W. J. Peeples, J. C. McIntyre, C. T. Owens, A..K. Ramsey, Frank Killgore, J. N. Holcomb, Henry Beamer. The report of this committee was adopted, and the following gentlemen,chosen to serve on the executive committee for the ensuing two years: Spring Place District—D. T. Brown, L. F. Peeples. McDonald—S. A. Gregory, S. L. Trimmier. Shuck Pen—J. II. Harris, A. J. Keith. Alaculsa—J. It. Harris, Sam Higdon. Doogan—John Thompson, Ma¬ rion Poteet. Eighth—W r . N. Gallman, Hen¬ ry Beamer. Bull Ground—Patterson Mes¬ ser, J. A. Holcomb. Doolittle—John B. Gregory, D. M. Peeples. Bull Pen—John Burks, Char¬ lie Williams, sr. Tenth—R. P. Campbell, M. D. Douthitt. After adjournment the newly elected committee organized by choosing L. F. Peeples chairman aird J. B. Gregory secretary. State Primary on April 20. The State Democratic Execu¬ tive Committee met in Atlanta Monday and selected April 20 as the date on which the Democrats of Georgia may express their preferences at the polls for state officers, judges and solicitors general. At this meeting the Seventh District was represented by John L. Edmondson, proxy for S. P. Maddox; J. T. Foster, of Cobb; Moses Wright, of Floyd. The date for the state conven¬ tion was made June 1. Committee Called to Meet. The newly appointed democrat¬ ic executive committee for this county is requested to meet at the court house in Spring Place nil Saturday, the 12th inst. for the purpose of arranging for hold¬ ing the primary election and for such other business as may come before them. L. F. Peeples, Chmn., J. B. Gregory, Secy. Little Dimple Heartsell has been quite sick. THE MURRAY NEWS SPRING MURRAY" COUNTY, GEORGIA, MARCH 4, 1904. TO INSTALL ’PHONE Commissioners Grant Permission to The Murray News. The Board of County Commis¬ sioners met in regular monthly session, Chairman J. D. Harris, C. 0. Keith and T. N. Hemphill all being in attendance. It was ordered that the public road across Doogan mountain be straightened where the bend oe curs in same in crossing the creek at Alaculsa. Permission was granted The Murray News to place a tele¬ phone in its office, conditional upon it not increasing the rate of insurance on the court house. Six Dollars was ordered paid for the burial expenses of Mrs. Lillie Aley, and $1.60 given to Mrs. Thirza Hooker, a pauper. W. D. Wilbanks Announces in this issue for Ordinary of Murray county. Mr. Wilbanks is a prominent young farmer of Dennis vicinage, a man of sound business capacity and the possessor of many quali cations which tend to make the efficient officer. Living among you for thirty years, he has nev «r before sought any office with¬ in your power to give. He rests his claims to your suffrage upon his well-known integrity as a mail and a Democrat. Appointment of Treasurer Deferred Believing that the interests of the county will thus be better conserved, Judge Ox bey lias con¬ cluded to defer the appointment of a county treasurer until a later date. May Pass Stock Law. It is very probable that at its next meeting the city council will pass an ordinance prohibit¬ ing cattle, hogs, etc., from roam¬ ing at large upon the streets of Spring Place. A New Store House. As soon as the lumber can be cut Charlie Williams will begin the erection of a handsome two story business house on the Sta¬ ples corner, recently purchased by him. This will lie a valuable improvement, and shows Mr. Williams’ continence in the fut¬ ure of this city. A New Drug Store. A move is on foot to open a drug store here, carrying a full line of drugs, patent medicines and druggists’ sundries, No doubt such an establishment would receive a splendid trade. Lost Valuable Animal. C. T. Owens reports the loss of a valuable young animal Sunday night, which fell a victim to dis¬ temper. ______ Will Lecture Sunday Night. Mr. Hull Kerr requests us to announce that he will lecture at the Methodist church at 7 o’clock Sunday night. A cordial invita tion to be present is extended to the public a t large. A Full Base Ball Team. The arrival of a new boy (the ninth) at the home of J. P. Gregory, of Hassler Mill, gives that gentleman a full base ball nine at his home. Some of these champion teams will have to look to their laurels soon. AMZI. Misses Amanda Caudell and Onie McCamy and Ed Neal were out riding Sunday afternoon. Dale Anderson, of Chattanoga, is visiting his parents at this place, and a pretty girl nearby, “Grandma” Langston “Aunt” Lizzie Varnell were vis¬ iting Mrs. Dixon one day last week. Albert Whitfield visited at Mrs. Varnell’s 1 ist week. Miss Mamie King spent Satur¬ day and Sunday with Miss Jeffie Varnell. They paid Miss Fannie Mae Bettis a short call Saturday. Mrs. Ann Richardson has pur¬ chased a handsome new organ. Bill Richardson makes frequent visits to Murray, and mostly on Sundays. Mrs. Will Henry, of Atlanta, accompanied by her husband, at¬ tended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. York. I am glad to note that James York is improving. M isses Dimple Prater and Onie McCamy called on Mrs, Claud Langston Monday last. James Treadwell, wife and lit¬ tle son visited Mrs. Mason last week. The measles scare is over and the school at Harmony is in a nourishing condition this week Hugh Duncan, of Chattanooga, is visiting his best girl near Har¬ mony this week. Again has the angel of death visited our community and claimed as his own Mrs. York. She passe 1 quietly and peacefully to the “home beyond,” Sunday morning at 11 o’clock after an illness of only a few days. The funeral services were impressive¬ ly conducted at the home by Rev. Keith, and the remains were laid to rest Monday afternoon to await “His coming.” Hers was a truly consecrated Christian life, and we are sure the welcome was “Well done, thou good and faith¬ ful servant; enter thou into the joys of thy Lord.” My sympathy to the husband and children who mourn her sad demise. Snowflake. BEAVERDALE. Charlie Dunn, of Gregory, passed through en route to Pra¬ ter’s mill Thursday. Mrs. Jim Bryant and son, of Cohutta, visited G. W. Bryant and family last week Willard Pendley made a busi¬ ness trip to Spring Place last Wednesday. The spring term of Union Springs school closed last, Friday. Mrs. J. L. MeEntire is right sick at present. Handsome Charlie Adair, of Adair, passed through here Mon¬ day en route to Chattanooga. Misses Maude and Grace Mo Entire were shopping here Satur¬ day afternoon. Cullen Bryant went to Prater’s mill Friday. Mrs. Willard Pendley and sons spent last Wednesday night at the home of Jay Evans. Will Hill, of near Tunnel Hill, visited his brother-in-law, G. W. Bryant, last week. Jud Evans lost a good cow last week. Misses Mae Howell and Jessie Henry visited Miss Lillie Bryant Tuesday night. Mrs. D. R. Dunn and son, Re¬ gie, visited Andy Jones’ family near Prater’s mill Saturday. “Bob” wheat celebrated his 37th birthday last Thursday by inviting a few friends to take din¬ ner with him. Willis Pendley visited his brother, Willard, of this place Sunday. Flinch. PLEASANT VALLEY. John Cole and wife visited at the home of Lee Cox Sunday. Capt. W. R. Davis made a bus¬ iness trip to Dalton last week. Doak Leonard and lady were in our burg Sunday afternoon visit¬ ing old friends. Come again. j Prof. Stephens’ school closed at Fashion last Friday and he and his sisters are in school here. Miss Sibyl Davisand'Seth Har- ris attended church at Sumach fourth Sunday. Misses Nellie Waters and An¬ nie Steed and Messrs. Boh Keith and Grover Terry visited the Misses Gregory at Sumach Sun¬ day evening. Miss Zoe Leonard, of Fort Mountain, has entered school at this place. Miss Lucy Waters visited Miss Bessie Bates Sunday. The singing at Mr. Jackson’s was enjoyed by all present. Students are coining in daily. We welcome them to our midst. Miss Cora Gregory visited her cousin,-.Miss Nannie Sue Gregory, Sunday. Betsy. OAKLAND. As I have never given you any dots 1 will give you a few. Quite a number of the young people around here enjoyed a singing Sunday night at the home of V. A. Stuart. Mrs, John Townsend is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Docia Rob¬ erts, this week, Mollie Wood is visiting her brother, John Wood. John Townsend and his daugh¬ ters, Theo and Vinnie, went to Spring Place on business Satur¬ day. Guess what young man carried his sweethehrt to an entertain¬ ment and his horse got loose. As this is my first time, I will not write any more, hut if it does not find the way to the waste basket I will write again, so good bye. J OSIE. Will Quit Quarreling. We are told that a certain man and his wife living in the lower part of f he county have decided, after twenty-six years of married life, to quit quarreling and lead better lives. Hope they will. Guess who they are. A. B. TEMPLE GROVE. School Commissioner W. 1). Gregory passed through our burg last Thursday. Tom Burns made a business trip to Dalton Friday. Postmaster W. D. Petty was among friends here Friday. Henry Whittle, one of Fairy’s hustling fanners, was here last Saturday. Dr. F. M. Jones and wife, of Pleasant Valley, passed throng!) here Saturday. I am sorry to note that Mrs. Murray is still quite sick. Little Ralph son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Poag, is right sick. John H. Whittle and son, Wal¬ ter, attended the hall game at Sumach Saturday afternoon. William Carr was among friends here Saturday. Misses Maud and Minnie Cox, of Gregory, visited Sam Lackey and wife last Sunday. Mr. Mantooth, of Tennessee, visited his sister, Mrs. Martha Hicks, last Saturday. Misses Ilattie and Lizzie Whit temore, of Sumach, were guests of Misses Addie and Ola Ridley last Tuesday. I close with a Bible question correspondents: Who built monument in the middle of a er, what river, and why? Old Joe. Real Estate Transfers. John A. Cox to John L. Rouse, 129 acres in 9th district - Alice Temple to John A. Berry, 39 acres in 9th district 305 John R. Lynch to John A. Cox, 146 acres in 9th district - 1200 W. O. Groves to John L. Cole, 54 acres in 8th district - At Baptist Church. Mr. C. M. Fletcher will services in the Baptist church 11 o’clock Sunday morning. are invited to attend. OLD SOLDIERS PASS RESOLUTIONS TEN STAMP MILL Will Doubtless Soon Be Erected on Co= hutta Property. Messrs. Gunter, of Tallapoosa, and Lotspeieh, of Knoxville, have been examining the property of the Oohutta Gold-mining Compa¬ ny this week, and their investi¬ gations will in all probability result in the erection of a ten stamp mill there at an early date. These gentlemen are miners of experience, and stated that this property contains the finest body of ore they ever saw. Work will continue there in getting out a large body of ore, so that when the mill is put up there will be sufficient of the quartz ahead to insure no idle time. OAK GROVE. Wyatt Wood and wife spent Sunday at the home of J. M. Quarles. Mrs. Turner is visiting her son in Whitfield county. Seth Leonard, of Mt. Zion, was in our burg Sunday and as lively as ever. Ed Owens and wife visited at the home of A. B. Bradley. Guess wlie is going to order a premium from Philadelphia? Carpenter A. B. Bradley is now building a store house for W. L. Griffith. School will soon close at this place. Van Owens and son went shop¬ ping to Dalton Monday. Miss Maggie Bradley spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. Georgia Owens. Jeff Love passed through our burg one day this week. Lee Griffith went to see his best girl Sunday. Tram Price and Jeff Jenkins went courting Sunday. We close; success to The News. Liza and Lizzie. New Trial Refused. Col II. A. Langston went (lows to Calhoun Tuesday to argue be¬ fore Judge Fite the motion for a new trial for Jeff Yother, which was refused. The case will prob¬ ably go to the supreme court. Yother w r as recently convicted of incest, and sentenced to three years at hard labor. Marriage Licenses. W. W. Masters and Mary land . PURELY PERSONAL. P. G. Hilliard was in Saturday. Virgil Pendley has been ill the past week. John A. Berry, of Buff, w'as pleasant caller Saturday. Mrs. O. T. Owens was what ill the first of the week. Prof. Giles and Jonas Dunn were in from Gregory yesterday. Miss Sibyl Steed lias from her visit to relatives in ton. J. K. Farrar, the hustling lum¬ berman of Dalton, was Tuesday. Our able representative, W. L. Henry, was in to see this week. Hugh Duncan, of Chattanooga, has been among relatives this week. Postmaster John B. Gregory, of Dennis, was among here Sunday. ’Squire E. A. Earnest, of Hass ler, and his little son were re¬ cent callers. William Pendley and wife turned Tuesday from a weeks’ visit in Texas. Lee L. Galt arrived from the territory, and will with us for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cole NO. 10 Met Tuesday in Monthly Session. AN ASSESSMENT IS REDUCED Committee Appointed to Solicit Funds for the Gordon Monument. John B. Gordon Camp, No. 50, U. C. V., met in the court house Tuesday with Commander W. J. White in the chair. After a prayer by Chaplain W. It. Lack¬ ey the minutes of the last meet¬ ing and all communications were read and adopted. The committee on the death of Comrade Daniel L. Leonard re¬ ported the following resolutions, which were adopted and ordered spread upon the minutes: Daniel L. Leonard was born January 27, 1805, and died Jan¬ uary 12, 1904. Although brother Leonard was not a member of our camp, yet we recognized him as a true Confederate soldier, serving in an Arkansas regi¬ ment, and being a good citizen and a true Christian gentleman ; therefore, be it resolved by this camp, 1. That we how with submis¬ sion to the will of the Great Cap¬ tain in removing our comrade and brother from our midst, and trust that as “taps” are sounded fc^us who remain, and who are now passing away, that- each of us may be as ready for the sum mo us as was our deceased Com¬ rade. 2. That we tender to his faith¬ ful and devoted wife, together with his sorrowing relatives, our sincere .sympathy in this their loss. L. F. Peeples, D. E. Humphries, A. K. Ramsey. The Commander appointed the following committee on the death of Comrade E. M. Morris: B. W. Gladden, W. D. Heartsill, L. F. Peeples, to report at the next meeting. The committee appointed to see Comrade John T. Kuhn on badges reported to postpone ac¬ tion. A good many made appli¬ cation for badges, and the adju¬ tant was instructed to write to the U. D. 0. at Dalton, and as¬ certain if they can he secured, A motion by W. J. Peeples to rescind a former resolution to as¬ sess each member 50c was passed and one by A. K. Ramsey mak¬ ing it 25c substituted. Resolutions on the death of Gen. John B. Gordon were read, and a committee to solicit sub¬ scriptions to the Gordon monu¬ ment fund appointed as follows: A. K. Romsey, E. S. Stanford, IT. R. Reamer, N. W. Stroud, W. D. Heartsill. The News was requested to publish these proceedings, and the camp adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in April. W. J. White, Cmdr. A. K. Ramsey, Adjt. Col. C. L. Henry. We present to the voters of Murray county this week the name of Col. Luke Henry, who announces for the Senate. Born and reared in this coun¬ ty, a young lawyer of unques¬ tioned ability, a citizen of unim¬ peachable integrity, an unswerv¬ ing Democrat, he comes for the first time asking your suffrage with a clean personal and politi¬ cal record. little daughter, Billie, spent Sun¬ day in Pleasant Valley. Miss Ethel Parsons returned Saturday from Sumach, where she was the guest of Miss Evelyn Gregory.