The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, April 09, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. 31 LOCATE HAPPENINGS Miss Inez Vance.was over from Dalton Sunday. Charlie Durham and mother were in town Tuesday shopping Lewis McHan was in town this week. Lewis is a fine farmer. Garden seeds at Kerr’s. Don’t forget to subscribe for The Murray News. Mrs, Hardie Grea'son was shop piog in town Monday. Tom P. Ramsey made The News a oSill Tuesday. W. II. Milner a salesman, from Cartersville, w£s in town Friday. J. L. McHan was in town Tues* day. ■* ' v A. L. Keith Renewed his sub script-ion to The News while in town Tuesday. M. L. Johnson, of Gass Station, was in town Tuesday. Relays he is going to run for congress Col. John C. McEntire, of Su¬ mach, called on The News Tues¬ day. Will S. Cos, the big merchant ©f Chats Worth, was in town one day this week. Faby Durham, of Sugar Hill, visited in the city a Yav days this week. *25c. bottle of White Pine Cough Syrup at Kerr’s for 15c. E. L, Brainblett, of Amzi, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Bramb letu is a good man. ' Mr, \yY14t-Black, of Oran, was among^the distinguished visitors j to Spring Place Tuesday. | ,uai<e your wants known | through the News and save time 1 and labor. Messrs. Nick Henry and Mont Douthitt, of Sumach, spent Mon day night with Col. C. L. Henry, Judge T. J Ovbey and Mr. An¬ drew Harris attended Ordinary’s Court Monday. Everybody took advantage of the fine weather the first of the week to make garden. 1 25c. bottle Of Syrup of Figs at j Kerr’s for 15c. i Harold Willingham, with Miss Lola Barxtell, of Chatsworth was in town Tuesday. l)r. T. W. Colvard was 111 town this week. The Dr. is talking of moving to Atlanta. Will the neighbor who borrow¬ ed my spirit level bring it home? M. W. Shields. J. M. Lenier, of Atlanta, was working the merchants here this week. W. A. Campbell, former treas¬ urer, was shaking hands with his old friends here Tuesday. Dr, D. A. Allison, of High Point, was in town this week looking after his business. If you want the best 10-in-l tool ori earth call on Prof. A. L. Weaver, R. F. D. 1, Spring Place, Ga. 1 15 horse power, second hand engine, in good repair. For sale cheap. Call on Finley ArSon, Dalton Ga. Prof. W, L. Henry, of Eton, ... attended Ordinary’s Court Mon¬ day and made The flews an ap¬ preciated call. C. T. Owens, T. M. Hemphill, J. A. McGhee and Ben F. Bates were in attendance upon the county board Tuesday. 1 15 horse power, second hand good j tor 1 ? , l e engine, in repair. sa cheap. Call on Finley A ^ on Dalton Ga. lt is said that there is only one class of people who die Chitsworth they'starve Ga., and they are Doctors and to death. (The place is so healthy.) THE MURRAY NEW SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 9 , 1909 . Mrs, Kerr has received a qice line of spring dry goods and*in vites all to call and see them. John II. Harris, of Sumach, renewed his subscription to The News Tuesday. John is a good fellow and a good farmer. Esquire O. D. Keith, of Ft. Mountain, was among his town friends Tuesday. 'Squire is one of Murray's best citizens. 1 15 horse power, second hand engine, in good repair. For sale cheap. Gall on Finley <Sr Son, Dalton Ga. Thos. M. Wright, one of Chatsworth’s most enterprising oitizens, was in Spring Place Saturday afternoon. Hon. Pleas McGhee, of Fash¬ ion, was shaking hands with lus many friends on the streets of Spring Place Tuesday. See Mrs. Kerr before buying your hat. She can give you the most up-to-date nat for tlie least money. Genuine li^eser No. 1 cotton seed for sale by F. H. Bond, on R. F. D. No. 1 , Spnbg Place, Ga., at 75c per bushel., It, H. A. Willis, of Adair Ga .,has returned from Blue Ridge where he. has been visiting his sick father. Mr. Wells is a good man and a good farmer. Drink Coca*Ginger, cold on one side, hot on the other. Manuiactured by the North Ga., Bottling works. Dalton, Georgia. Xhe farmers report farm wor. generally as greatly behind account of so much wet weakbfr, but they are now J fastyfe#&hirig U P- * Oliver Dickson, had the mis fortune to step on the upright point of a nail on Friday and as a consequence has a very" sore foot. It is hoped the injury will be of short duration. Farmers’ Union Ware House, Chatsworfh, Ga., wants all kind of Hides, Green or Dry. Pays Highest Prices for same, Sam P. Maddox is spoken of for congress. If he runs he will be a hot horse. Sam is just a plain old fashioned, home-made fellow, and likes corn bread, turnip greens, hog jowl, etc. Mr. James G. Loughridge was shaking hands with his many friends on the streets of Spring Place Tuesday. This is the first time Mr. Loughridge has been to ^ own since he was so severely hurt in a run-away last June, Genuine thorough-bred brown Leghorn Hens for sale at $1.00 each at rny house. Mrs. Mattie Wells, Chatsworth Ga. Vannoy, a little son of Col. Chas. N. King, received a pretty severe hurt just over one of his eyes while running and playing with some playmates on Satur¬ day night last. He is doing well and it is hoped will soon be all right. Lost. Between my house and Dalton Ga., one Pocket Book, color brown, 3 or 4 pockets, with flap, $ 10 - cash (2 five dollar bills) 6 one cent stamps and Union card. Finder will return and be re¬ warded by, Jim Willbanks. Up Before The Bar. N. n U. w crown, rown an an attornev attorney, 0 01 f Pittsfield, used Dr. Vt„ Kings writes: New ^ e i )ave Pills for years and find them! such a good famdy medmine them, lor we j be without Chills, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work won <iers. 25c at G.' H. Arrowood’s. Keith*Cham!ee On Wednesday night, March 81st, occurred a wedding of un¬ usual interest, to the many friends of the contracting par¬ ties, Mr. Thomas Ohamlee, of Spring Place, and Mrs. Janie Keith, of Uhatsworth’j Judge J. M. were Guinn uni¬ ted for life by bell in an impressive ceremony for which His Honor is so well fitted. The many friends of the young couple join with The Murray N«ws in wishing’for them a long and happy life. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Chamieewill leave soon for Oklahoma, where they will their future home. 'f —.......„ ................ -t v NEW SUBSCRIBERS, The following new subscribers have been added to our list u ,Vr ing the past week for which Ave liave the money and re: rn thanks: Ben Springfield, OrajjJp Spn R. 0. Logan, .Ja* R..* Love, Clinton, H A. Witlis, Adair, ?fj. W. t'b- Apr rows, N. H, R^ Ik* Fy, L. E, wick, J, S'.. ;ers, J. W. Mi Gamy, M. ilinson, H. YV Morel and, M . Clements, G, F. King, Keith, John H. liar ris. The Fnlftice Union ware hou«e Co., at epPworth will save you money fertilizers, either for cash or om f Give us yyur orders, wh union or non on ion. j'*’' ’ t Stuart, Mgr. 'tyjffiry drink of Coca*(iinger irt* vites you to call again, Man* factured by North Georgia IK, tling Works. Dalton! GaV Will Preach Masonic Sermon. We are requested to announce that Rev. H. A. Nanney will preach a special Masonic sermon at Pleasant Valley church on the Rid Sunday in April. All Ma¬ sons and their friends are cordi¬ ally invited to attend. With the Churches at Svkinu Place, Baptist. Preaching every 4t.h, Sunday and Saturday before, at .11 a. m. and 7:530 Sunday night. Chatsworth 3rd. Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. J. W. Butts, Pastor. Presbyterian, Preaching every 2nd, Sunday at 11 a. m and 7 :30 p. m. Directory of Rev. T. M. Davis. Calvary church 1st- Saturday and Sunday in each month. Connasauga 2nd, Sunday and Saturday before. Dewberry 3rd. Sunday and Saturday before. Rev. T. M. Davis, Pastor. Lodges. F. and A. M. No. 145, meet 1 st.Tuesday night in each month. I. O. of O. F. No-. 141 meet 2nd, and 4th, Saturday nights in each month. Wanted.—Responsible man with horse and buggy in each commu¬ nity, salary $5.00 to $10.00 per day, to take orders from owners of Farms, Orchards and Home Gardens. A splendid opportu¬ nity for farmers’ sons, also fruit tree and sewing machine agents, to make a business connection which will become more prodta . eac j t year- Address I . (). Youngs Island, S. C. Ormaners high grade fertilizer f or Ba i e by Jno. T. Holland One car load of all heart shingles at | 4.00 per thousand; 35 two-horse Salem wagons at a bargain. Jno. T. Holland. SB* : > -*‘1 '’a R TT J#? ft I j#;: 'tf «■ r' s ' Y i u m LkJ%j E Ifl/y > m f Mi s. m ,l4 r ./ , : \ \ v wy v / Ldm i ■"'Y ------ -• tm - *n J. 'KgU™ mimm If!;®* TV ; ; ! m Y . ; V E • MM i'A 1 L >/ SJ V. • ' fl #*/ y ■ 1 ! ! ; v; M « > ? I ; 1 1 i . m * vi m r a f -; , r —- pil > 1 ; • "'st r -g-vv^- K If ! IkK f I : : 1 * -V r f 1 The Hou»e Copyright Kuppenheinler 1909 ot SfeL. ' ‘ G Chicago * / KUPPENHEIMER Clothes are the creative work of eminent designers who study tins taste of average men as thoroughly and as conscientiously as they study the preferences of the met¬ ropolitan leaders of fashion. It’s fun to try them on because they fit becomingly. We have yet to hear any one object to the price. $15.00 to $25.00. ■ GREfiNBAUM’S $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50 Suits are 25 per cent better values than, any line of suits we have ever seen at these popular prices. p?*f§ g- ' G 0 HE STORE OF LITTLE PRICES |||j | HOLLY. Rev. Davis filled his regular appointment at Prospect Sunday. Sunday School at' Prospect is progressing nicely. Health of the community is very good at this writing. John Pritchett and son Rob¬ ert, went to Dalton Friday and purchased a new wagon. Elbert and Tailor Harris of, Gordon county, are visiting their brother Mr. Oscar Harris, of Cen¬ ter Hill. Mrs, W. M. Morgan and her litt le grandsons, Earnest and Ed Roberts, were shopping in town Thursday. Mrs. John Burks visited Mrs. Jim Couch Thursday afternoon. John Ingle and Henry Cagle visited relatives at Fort Moun¬ tain Sunday. Mr. John Reamer has returned home from the west. lie will make his future home here with bis father. Mrs. Drake Loughridge and daughter, Miss Debbie, were shopping in town Saturday. Jim Daniel was among friends here Saturday. Grover Burks has purchased a new buggy. As news is scarce we will close with best wishes for the Editor and correspondents. Dick. Jimmie and Give me your Paper-Hanging, House Painting, Kalsomine, Wall Tinting. I’ll give you satisfaction or refund your mou¬ orl b!e a^d pj eau tifuL Work done any where> Estimate furnished. John M. Oxford, 31 Hamilton fit., Dalton Ga, 3 1 6 J LOCAL MARKETS. Quoted at Opening of Business Every Week. COTTON. Cotton 09 7-S GRAIN. Wheat $1.10 Corn... 75 PEAS. Whips $ 1.00 Clays and unknown...........1.00 White or table peas.... $1.50 -2.00 WOOL. Washed... •22 Unwashed r 16 Black....... .20 PRODUCE. Eggs ................ .11 Hens................... ....... 30 to .32 Fries.................. ....... 15 to 25 Butter, per pound ........15 to .20 GAME. Rabbits 0 c~. Birds.... o X Methodist. Preaching every 3rd, Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Directory ok Rev. (>. L. Evans’ Pastorial Work. Will preach at Spring Place e\ >ry 3rd,Sunday at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m.; at Chatsworth every 2nd Sunday at3p. m; Mt. Zion every 2nd, Sunday and Saturday before at 11 a. m ; Hassler’s Chap¬ el every 1st. Sunday at Jl a. in. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. (). L. Evans. Call On W. M. Pierce, Black Smithing, Ilorsc Shoe »°g- Dalton Ga. NO. 17 . You should not delay under any circumstances in cases of Kidney and Bladder trouble. You should take something promptly that you know is relia¬ ble, something like DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are unequaled for weak back, backache, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatic pains, etc. When you ask for DeWitt’s Kid¬ ney and Bladder Pills, be sure you get them. They are antisep¬ tic. Accept no substitutes : in sist upon getting thq right kind. Sold i>y S. H. Kelly. BILL. This Fne Young Spanish Jack, BILL, will make the present Season, from now until the loth, of June, at my barn, one mile west ot Cisco Ga $5.00 by in¬ surance. This Jack measures to be 10 hands high. March 23, ‘09. Hammond Kaylor. Children especially like Ken¬ nedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It not only heals irrita-. tion and allays inflammation, thereby stopping the Cough, but it also moves the bowels gently and in that way drives the cold from the system. It contains no opiates. Sold by S. H. Kelly. MERCHANT GET YOUR BANANAS -OF— E. FLORENCE In front of Wholesale W. & A. Depot, only. _DaL ton, Ga.