The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, September 03, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. 36 Dont pay any money any thing else to any one cept Mrs. Kerr or the receipts from any one else vvii not be recognizee. __iMMflll | “Local Dots.” | Fresh canned good at Kerr. Subscribe for The News. Miss Eugene Henry is visiting relatives in Chattanooga. Dock and Buel Cox were in Dalton Saturday. Fresh lot of Ginger snapps at Kerr’s, Advertise your business in The Murry News. Mrs.Mae K. Heartseli is rep¬ orted no better at this writing. Subscribe for \our home paper. Mrs. Alice Hemphill of llam hurst visited Mrs. B. H. Will ban) s Sundoy evening. Sam Carter of Carters, Ga. pas up last week attending to business. Mrs. Sam Kelly son and daugh¬ ter will iisi in Chattanooga next week. Bring me some fodder on sub¬ scription this is a easy way to pay your subscription. Mrs. B. L. Heartseli of Dalton, Ga. is visiting in Spring Place fcnia week. Riy Harris and sister Miss Laura were over lrom Dalton awhile Saturday. Take yo ir produce to Kerifi and get the Ihgheflt market price i ggs 2oc per D /. FOR SALE—One good No. 1. buggy, cheap. Apply to M- W. Shields, Spring Place, Ga. Prof. Trotter, of Ohattrnooga, Tenn , was vissting here recent¬ ly. M. T. Flanigan, of Chatsworth Ohatswnrth was on our steets Tuesday, Rev. J. W. Butts preached an interesting serinsn at the Bab tist Bchurch Sunday. T. A. Wright and A. J. Pat terson and W. S. Cox was ovei from Chatsworth this week. Type Writer For Sa/e—At $2i worth $50. —Apply to C. N King. Spring Place G:. Mr. and Mrs. E. ML Shield) has returned from an extender visit to Knoxville, Tenn , and o her pointr. M. W. Shields is visiting friends and relatives in Chatta n*oga and other points th week. Meeserr Turners and Adair of Alairsviile and Haws d Slagel of Calhoun are vLiting in th* C ty. Farm For Balk. 160 acres,- 50 acres good creek bottom, balance upland of good quality. A bargain, call or write. C. N. King, Spring Place Ga. The Tri-weekiy QUih and Murray News, from now ‘til Nov. 15th, for 40c. Rural car¬ riers, now is the time to build up your Route Editor: B. L. Heartseli was over from Dalton Sunday. Mrs. Heartseli and little daughter visiting relatives here. Max A. Keister, wife baby came over from Sunday. Mrs. Keister and remainsed for a visit to relatives. THE MURRAY NEWS SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 3? 1909 . Colima Ga. Aug. 24 . A Great Revival Revs. Hull Kerr of Spring Place and Oscar Green of Oakman holds great revival The meeting run eight days The Holy Spirit sweeps the entire congregation. Forty three souls ware converted during the meeting from 12 to 80 years old, besides were reclaimed, entire churches were baptized with the Holy Ghost, both Baptist and Methodist and all denomina tions revived, Rev. Kerr an* nounced in his first sermon that the Holy Spirit would keep order, that he needed no Sheriff or, any lawful officer to keep order that God would attend to his own business. Bro Kerr is a forceful speaker as well as Bro. Green hardly has an equal on earth, he is second to none in the power of the Holy Spirit, Sam Jones nor any other man on earth has ever held a great er meeting than Bro. Keer held. It was really an old time feast from beginning to end. The people moved, met at ten o’clock and shout until half past one, and from seven until ten or eleven at night. At the close ot the Bro. Kerr was re quested to hold another meet ing next summer beginning the 3rd Sunday in Aug., at which time the people agreed to erect a large arbor on the beautiful ground surrounding place, and to invite people from Atlanta to Knox\ille to attend the meeting, Please do not forget the date as you will miss a great ‘meeting. 3 rd Sunday in Aug. 161 O be¬ ginning at eleven o’clock. Calima is situated between Oakman and Ranger on the L & N. R. R , where you find tie fine t most loving ,>eo pie in the world. VVe art going to have a great choit organists to furnish te misic. The R. R will >e asked to stop tlie trail tear the ground to acconirno late the people. Every bod) may for the success of th neeting. Fresh lot of candies at Kerr Came to the Old Murray Camp Ground. On Friday Sept. 17 th. t< help clean off and prepare foi the Sunday School Celebra¬ tion which takes place on Saturday Sept. 18. Let all the Sunday School’s turn out aid help make the celebra¬ tion a glorious success. Ev¬ erybody will enj >y a day spent on the old grounds where we in the olden times had such good times, when our fathers and mother were sweethart's, and served tht Lord together at the old Mur ray Camp Ground's. A full line of fresh grocerifs at Kerr’s. aeWITT’S CAnilZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles. Burnr . Sores BUSINESS METHODS. Th* Nec«»sity of Advertising and Efficiency of Salesmen. A mau may have several carloads ability. He may have brains and ideas and other desirable things. But all the ideas ever “ideated” will not avail raise a man who neglects that all im¬ portant item of advertising. You sim¬ ply must get attention. Of course you can get attention by firing off a re¬ volver during office hours or you can do it by wearing loud clothes and pro claiming your kinship in t o sporting fraternity. But most men \\ In) have risen from the ranks have carefully neglected to use methods of this kind. Every office man must act as hi; own salesman. He must first prepaia himself by Increasing Ills efficiency. He must be able to do the work for which he is hired. Not only should he do that for which lie is hired, but he must do that work better than it ever was done before. When that item has been attended to it is then time to look about Tor more work. The wise employee will keep ids eye on the job ahead or, better still, will look at a job which does not exist, but which should exist for the good of the business. The next step is to think out a selling talk that will get the at tention. arouse the Interest, .create a desire and bring about in the ndnd of the employer a desire to do what the live employee desires him to do.—Book keeper. FORGOT HIS OWN LINES. A Quotation' That the Poet Campbell Failed to Recognize. That poets, like other folks, some times forget their own creations is shown by an Incident related by Sir Frederick Pollock. At a dinner where Thomas Campbell and Lord Nugent were present the conversation drifted from tlie use of Latin words in English to monosyllabic verse. Some one ex¬ pressed a doubt whether two consecu¬ tive lines composed of words of one syllable could be found In our language. Lord Nugent at once quoted: "By that dread name we wave the sword on high, And swear for her to live—with her to die." Campbell said he did not believe In the lines and asked where they came from. Lord Nugent said, “From your own ‘Pleasures of Hope, » ft “How do you know that?” asked the poet. ‘“1 know’ it nil by ix.evrt.'’ replled Nugent. •TT1 bet you a Huftea you can’t repeat It.” said Campbell. The bet wan taken and Nugent started declaiming, File poet soon got tired and said: “I see you know the poem. Don’t go any further.” The other insisted upon re¬ peating the whole poem or claiming double stakes, and Campbell paid the extra guinea In order to be spared the reeital of the poem which had made famous—which he had forgotten.— New -York Mall. I Agonies I I Of Pain I Never (In up, ud think that fl I ail women, yourself Included, have I fl to suffer pain. fl fl Thousands of women have writ- B fl ten to tell bow they have cured ■ fl their womanly tils, and relieved I fl their have pains; been benefited, and over In a various million fl B fl I other the forma of female 69 disease, by dur* that fl B ; S Ing past years, ■ B popular and successful female remedy OF m CARDUI WOMAN’S RELIEF B “I believe 1 would now have fl 1 B bveo dead,” writes Mrs. Minnie B Lam be, of Lebanon Junction, Ky “i» it hadn’t been for tardul. B B bad suffered pains in with bad back, cramping sides |£ fl H *P«Us, awful my bearing-down B I and arms, and |? pains. Now these pains have all fl : ■ gone, m a result of using Cardui” At All D ruggists fl WRITS FOR aict FREE describing ADVICE, sysrip Si Btating ago Ladies Advisory Dept., toms, to Medicine Co., H :*■ The Chattanooga b 39 B Chattanoega, Tenn. ._B KILL.THICOUGH LUNGS AND CURE THE «>DR.KINCS men discovery tnofOUGHSi fgr^olds!_ BPM1 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SAT/SFACTORV OR MONEY REFUNDED. Reduced Prices on LOM CUT or the balance of tha season we offer all LOW CUT Men’s, Women’s and Children’s at reduced as follows: Misses’ and Children's Low Men’s Low Out Shoes. Cut Shoes and Slippers $7.00 Quality $5,50 $2,50 Quality $1,69 6,00 and 0,50 4.48 2,00 55 ^ ,48 5,00 a 8.48 1,50 55 T-i 4,00 2’98 1,25 55 89c 3,50 5 J 2,65 1,00 55 69c 3,00 55 2,19 75c 55 55c Cl S’ 55 1,69 50c 55 89c Tl* 2 55 1,89 Ladies’ Low Cut Shoes. $3,50 Quality $2 48 3,00 5 ; 2,19 2,50 5 ' 1,75 2,00 ; t 1 ,85 1,75 55 1,25 1,50 15 1.10 On )H r j; Se)l ’Em Quick 3 Baby’s stiff sole shoes, 8 Shoe Counter have lot of sizes s we a and 4s. 25c values for 15c odd Slices and Slippers Marked per 25c, 50c, 75o, and 98c that for- pair. mely sold from 75c to $2,50 Baby’s soft sole Moccisins, 10c pr. Ladies’ India Kid Shoes at 98c pr. These can’t last a week at these Some Men’s Farm Shoes at 98c prices. Be the first to get choice pr. of these. They "are marked in Festively no such goods charg¬ plain figures. ed at these prices. 5^ A S' ■ «THE 5TORE OF LITTLE PRICES . Hill—Martin. On last Sunday afternoon at o’clock Mr. Grover Martin and Miss Katie Lee Hill were happi¬ united in marriage at the home of the bride. The bridal consisting of the bride and Miss Massie Martin sister the groom and Lemeul Fsling of Varnells Ga , Miss Emma McEutire and Mr. Emette Farmer both of Sumach. Only a few relatives and inti¬ mate friends witnessed the scene Rev. W. O. Tallant of Ooltewah in a beautiful manner the ceremony. The bride was becomingly dressed in lovely princess ot with green trimmings and hat to watch. After the wed. ding the party returned to Mr. A. J, Martin’s the home of tie groom where Ice <r am and nth er refreshments were served. The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. M. Hill and wai one of Beavordale’s most charm ing belies, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Mar tin and is one of I he most high¬ ly respected young men of Mur¬ ray tV. The news with thier many friends extends their good wishes for theia happisess and success. Go to Kerrs to buy grocerers. Our friend Neeley Weeks has sold his East Ellijay farm to Mr Billy Evans and bis 1 ome prop erty to Mr. W.H. Foster and has resigned his position with Ship pen Bros, and will move %n Mur ray county. We regret to have fiim nimi leave, leave ns ns he tie is is one one „f ot our „ nr best Citizens. —Ellijay Oou rjpr Dry goods cheaper at Kerrs am; any mhora wnere. WANTED—at once 10 teams to haul tan hark, appy Gootta Fslc (Jo. or Ilorald Williugham Chottsworth Ga, Just Returned From Colima Ga. Where I was in the biggest Revival of my life I met the biggest hearted people of the state of Georgia, among them were: Joe Swan, bis family, all the Hopper family, John Putman, the Hall family, Bro. Jordon and so many oilier good people I cannot men¬ tion their names. Brother Fowler, of Fairinounf, was with us, Brother Chapman a good man of Oakman was with us, Bro. Bill Smith the block Smith of Oakman, was a hearty wisher to the big revival, goodness knows I can’t tell or write it all, the only way to enjoy that good place is to go and be with the good people. The crops are fine, Bro, Swan, Putman and Hopper have some like river bottom, they have the biggest fried chicken I ever seen 1 sure hid some of them too. well the water is fine, the land is fine, the people can’t lie beat. Go to Oolima if you want a fine home. Good By til' wo meet again. You Need it in Your Home if "Qm — < I L J \» & ymgm “Sal i' .. ' 111 h I I - M ’ V mM | ..A. , . THE SOUTHERN RURALIST &%***£«£ REGULAR DEPARTMENTS AND STAFF WRITERS Dr H. K. Stockbridgc Agricultural Editor; F. J. Merriarn, Garden Horticulture Depart merit; Professor T. H. McHatton, Georgia Experiment Station, D artment . Professor C. I.. Willoughby, Georgia Experiment Station, Dairy; Professor P. X. Flint, Georgia Experiment Station, Live Stock Department; Dr. c. A. Carv, Professor Veterinary Science, Alabama Agricultural College, Veter¬ inary Department; Judge F. J. Marshall, Poultry Department; Mrs. F. J. Mer Ham> Home I > e P artment - A R° od stor J or seria * in ever > r number - Every i.iue h worth the price of a year’* jubicription to the man who will take reftd THE southern ruralist. % SPECIAL OFFER.— The Southern Ruralist free or two papers for ttw pric* of on*. Bv special arrangement with the Southern Rcraijw we are able to ogjnr B to our friends free with a year’s subscription to this paper at NO. 3 5 THE Southern Ruralist OF ATLANTA. GA Is the Greatest Agricultural Paper in the South today. It covers every de¬ partment of the farm and home. We have examined it carefully, and con¬ sider THE SOUTHERN RURALIST the most valuable premium we can offer our readers. It come* twice a month—24 times a year. A sample copy will be mailed free to My one on request. The most valuable filing about the South sum Rcbaust is the Prise Spe¬ cials, which are published on the firs, of each month. The IIukamst pays $20.00 each month for the best arti¬ cles from its subscribers on special subjects, such as Fall Plowing, Poul¬ try, Fertilizers, Farm Tools, Garden¬ ing, Fruit Growing, Stock Raising, Dairying, etc. These articles come from every part of the country. They are written by men who do the work and give actual experience. They will help you as nothing else will