The Murray news. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1896-19??, September 24, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. 37 • | “Local Dots.” | Don’t pay any money or any thing else to any one ex¬ cept Mrs. Kerr or the Editor receipts from any one will not be recognized. Go to Kerrs to buy groeerers Miss Lela Wilson was in town Thursday. Mr. Kerr ami Mr. Petett was in town Tnursday. Mrs. W. J. White and Mrs. Dock McIIan. were in to", fl Tuesday. Advertise your business The Murry News. .Miss Nora Anderso'i is % ititi „ *»-« J K **.«.. .Mrs Kfort-mm L >wry was cost of Mi*. G N. King the .•st of the week. Miss Eula Edmondson is at h me f -..m Tm.ngu, uhereshe ].,»* been teaching. Fresh lot of candies at Kerr's. Mrs. I 7 N. ,’i.c - and Mi~3 . Oallie Anglin, of Smyrna were here Saturday. r-rc'-b hit ... -*'» 1 A nt Kerr's. > M*es«s Erhel C..U* an 1 Henry have ...... > i-int.g rela t i ves',.t OdaWM.too. t Gd-.r uti-1 * -v —s Snmgit'S, t'lU rui ,u •« 'i- < '■ > ■ ■ Gi andm.i ri■ • itt.-, 1 I ...<»» o and Ms A’iil B. i.eri . ,.f land. W C!” • i i t ■ .vii Su, tr 1 ti.e your prodne-- t<* ’ ' ns nt Uiiii “ Y - 1 K-a Miss Frankie Anderson’s school closed at Fidelle last Friday and she is at home to her many friends. Misses Florida and Jimmie H xrris, of Eton, have been guests of their cousin, Mrs. c. JL Brown. Dry goods cheaper at Kerr’s than any where. Mrs (,lass and^ gram , g j ■ ter, Miss Ida EthriJ„e a. Cohutta Springs for a two stay. Typo Writer For Bale—-—t worth $60. —Apply to 0. King, spring Place Ga. Miss Then Townsend and little bother Roscoe, of T)aklanfl, spent last Saturday with her sis ter, Mrs. Doeia Roberts. Mr<. Mary Brown, ot w'o'rth, is visiting hey smtei, Mrs. \V. W. Sampler and is itnpru.. ing m health. . Wheu you waut ~1 good papers subscrptiuii for the News and get the Southern Ruralict, this a cash offer. Miss Mamie King lias returned home from Knoxville and Eto wall, where she has been ing relatives. Mrs. Frank Vonberg and chit dren are at home again from t’iiattanooga, where they have been visiting her mother. , M. W- Shields . Col. , , Rev. > • King attended the Babtn-t ass0 ‘ ciation at Finey Grove, the asso ciaiion meets at this place next year on Thursday before 3rd Saturday in September. Weatherproof Roffing farrar Lumber Co. Dalton THE MURRAY NEWS. SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEO Rtf! FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 h 1909. FIRST BALE TUESDAY j Farmers Union Ginnery Gins Its First ..Bale at Chatsworth Last Tuesday. Tuesday the Farmers Bnion Ginning Company at Chatsworth ginned the first bale of cotton on their new modern up-to-date outfit. Levi Brannan brought in the first bale and got a premium from the company and the bale afterwards auctioned off on the Street and the bidding was very tpirited and a as finally bid by Isaac Stuart for 16 ceuts per pound. Levi said he was prom - to have sold the first bale ev > r sold in the open market at Chats worth and was more pleased with tta * ^ , "'" ,he 1 ning, W hen f he when*is of the gin turned yesterday. 1 new era w a s begun in Chatsworth, Iron this date Chatsworth will „ flfc il it is Urn biggest and be" cotton market on the new ville and Nashville railroad a| henceforth our Murray county farmers can-sell their cotton in their home county, trade with their home merchants apd quit carrying the fruits of their mi! to another county, With 1 be creation of a competitive cott 011 market at Chatsworth, we cun build up our own county instead of keeping up towns in other oounties, where none of the prof¬ its get back to us and the money f '• C•-:.!• vn-d uj' tite;m never gets back in circulation among us. Chatsworth will t have or four Cotton Buy= e5 - s who will be here all - the t j le tj me and pay the full market price here for a jj co tton brought here for sale. ' The modern $5000.00 ’ginnery here will save many dollars to the farm= of the county in the splendid sample and turn** out in Ginning, t In buying the machinery this Company has not spared expense ^ SMuri , ]g fche fine8t made in t j e worl( wlu j anc ] f ro ,„ the modern brick building to the engine everything is new throughout. T j |e p ttrm0is Union ompttn y j s owned by a company and the stockholders ! are scattered from the eighth the tenth district and all over the county and the object of the (men who compose th'is company is to provide a modern up-to-date Qn y ^ for ginning that will Jn0dt return:! in weight and ; j„ the pockets of the J$ on producers of the Murray farmers county, and It be! nga to j s rut) strictly m the interest ( the farmers. I The following are the officers n f company : j (jharles Durham, \( ar tin Roberts, Vice-president; 1'aul Bond, Secretary; Harold Willingham, Treasurer. j The directors are composed of the above officers and Merrill ! Wood. These directors elected Bob Dunn ginner and ] . manager; Jim Smith, assistant; j Judge W. A. Childers, fireman; yy a. Campbelt, weigher, and ^ directors cordially invite every fanner in the county come and bring their first bale to tins gin and try this ami these men who are ning the outfit. They will gmu that you will never he bet treated. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Mil At CII&LSWO: th Last Saturday. Large and Representative Crowd Present. The Sunday School Convention ,et Chatsworth , on Saturday .... 18th. A large representative crowd was present, and much i nterest man itested. Not only was the “old time” revived, there was launched a new and better inter¬ which we predict vill con to grow and great and last tor the uuliltmr and ot.tlu> Smui.y Seta*,I work not only in Murray but all of North-Georgia will result. After attending the great re¬ vival being held by brothers Mc Cutcben and Butts, dinner was , under tJ|( . #niammoth tent M ha(] iousl be , n ten . for tho U8e or the lion. 1 The meeting was called to or¬ at 1:8U p. m., by the Presi lent, J, J, Bates, and after stat¬ ing ; tite purposes of the meeting, tfu,* following were introduced in order named: Dave Voting, of W. 1). Betty, Rev, Butts, Mull Kerr, Alvin Jones, Sam Brown, G. B. Barton. All made earnest and eloquent speeches in the interest of the Scnoof Recitations by the Free Hope Sunday School btu- 1 | on t Si v era anil Etliel Anderson, Annie and Minnie Bearden were well delivered and appreciated, the Free Hope Singing Class, led by Prof. George Bierce, ren¬ dered-several beautiful songs. Brof. Lyon and his choir fur¬ nished music for the occasion which could not be surpassed, and was greatly appreciated by the large audience. The com mittee appreciated very much the assistance of Brof. Lyon and are under lasting obligation him for same. 1 hen followed the election officers foi the ensuing yeas, which resulted as follows: J. J. Bates, unanimously reelected president. G. B. Barton, Miss Nora Anderson, O'- The Superintendents of each were made vice-presidents and the time and place .of holding the next meeting was left We express our thanks and appreciation for the use of the gospel tent and for the kindness shown by Revs. Butts and Uutchen and Brof, Lyon and to the people of Ghat* worth for their kindness and assistance. J. J. BateS, President, Hcli. Kkj;i:, Secretary, \v eatherproot Uoofng, Farrar Lumber Co. Dalton Ga. GRLAL REVIVAL CLOSES. The Baptists have just closed a successful revival at Oii&fs wotth. They have had tiling like a hundred conversions, The baptizing will take place Jay, (Friday). Bros. McCutcfi e n, Butts arid Lyon are, u)e n in the work. The News proud of this meeting, ami hope great good to the end. Subfcrib.e for The News. I r<S? : It " 1 A Kv Tl •«> H ' > V f US §11 a ; m ST? SHETLAND I , 1 I*-: -.-:- . ' P I P, yftf I A % * • M ■ - y } : i Oi |i: : I - “Di: IE” The beautiful bay 1 4i..y a fheiia ot,y 3 1-2 years old to be giv- 4 Jk avvey to the boy holding the lucky ticket on Christ may Day. l- , I V th suit from $2.00 and in price every up we will give a ticket which entitles the li . ler to one chance on the pony. n - , Our stock of Clothing was never so complete ■ and ihe prices are as low as highclass mer ciiandise can possibly be sold. .1 • G E TTs¥lfGER! a chance with each suit at CANNON’S , DALTON, QA. in Loving Remembrance ^ ^ athef. () , ’-her (I, the ,j e ^r ; , ,-.t ... Dec it,, 2 g um;; . B. V mornfeg, ! >• ,n(b>‘v- i sis do not ho has only g on( , before. , 'pare to meet him | n that i id vv here parting comes no moi . Deur motin , ,'p not weep he |ftS g 0lje p, s ] you will meet him bye ami to walk the golden str : ' \VQ arc left to mourn and w i ifong this lone -nnie way. hope to meet him there in . r. bright, ccles tial day. If be conic 'y speak to us, he would sfc ‘dear children arid m-tinnc... up this way.” Yes, come my we will go and -oe our pane, slnm our trials will be over, wnerc sad pari ing comes no more. \ Oh, the glory that awaits n? Oh, the joy that we shall share With a shining crown of glory With our dear Father there. .AV.'/AK JOUXSO.Y, Shriner .sells shoes. Sliriner sells school books Dispafc! s fail to state wheth or Kermit i igged those five Hops and three Talon- vjtli a kodak, Weatlnrp H' ling, Farrar r JJo. Dalton Ga. ' —------ Cedar and Cypress ihigFs. Farrar Lumber C< . Dalton Ga. mm m mw m m ! in -t IS W, K - a yL mt I :!W]f V\ s*n 1 i»a f tLpAaiG nL ‘H'G| 1 Ja® h k ff I i m & . -. © fi ' 'idle Boys and Girls can now dust up their hooks, sharp n their pencils and' get ready for School. There's one thing—every one of them will want a pair of School Shoes. We anticipated, their wants and are ready for the rush with the best School Shoes that are made. TOR BOYS Box Galt, Vici, Gun Metal Calf, Velour Calf, etc., etc. Strong oak soles. Seams well stayed. Built to stay with the Boy. t Sc, $1.60, $2 00 to $8.50. Wc guarantee our School Shoes to do a full measure #f duty. We’re experts in fitting Children’s feet. ^ THE STORE OF LITTLE PRICES NO. 38 FOR GIRLS Box Calf, Patent Colt, Vici, Gun Mejal Calf, etc. Button, Lace or Blucher. Good looking, comfortable and durable Shoos. 75c, 98c, $1.60, to $3.00