Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, July 16, 1891, Image 2

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Jimpleeute. fin rautced Circulation, _ _ 600. rue (Mttlii,Pt|)«r «f the County, PtiSUSUEDCVKRV TilUBSDiy, ■ad entered in tfctt'fost Office atSpriuj Place Ga., at lecond elate tcatter. S. B. Carter , J. C. Ilearteell, Publishers & Pro pr ietors (iubscrlptlott B*tew: 0»e jeer, (1 00 Six months, 50atnts;Tliree moBthe, 25oeats. Feyaklc in advance. Address all ecmteunicatiobs tj Tub Jib« PLM'.-Ti String Place, Ga. TMUItSDAY JU1.Y 10, 1801. Kamsoy Squibs. The Normal School in gsssion at Mt. Zion. &3jonrned on SatcyJay, 'fho aDondance was Rood, and much benefit was derived from its teachings to each cne. The debates of Tuesday and Fri¬ day nights were lively and enter laming. While both the affirm? live and negative contestants soa tained their arguments admirably. The next place of mooting will bo at Sumach in November. Weather continues dry, though our prophet in this vicinity pre¬ dicts raia soon. Crops are looking well, but tho farmers are having a lively tustle with king grass. Several schools in those parte open to day. Mrs- Tom Hemphill has heen quite ill for several days but am glad to bear she is much improv 0 ( 1 . Itov. McAfee Bates preached r.n interesting setmou on the 4th Sun¬ day at Mt. Bisgah to aa niton live audience. Iho attendance was large and the interest of iho con¬ gregation was kept throughout the service. Rev. 0. Parrott is shaking binds with his friends after nn absence ol pevpral months at Tunnel Hill Mr- Harvey Turner, a Murray boy, returned home on Sunday liis praises of the Star State are im¬ mense. He will return after a brief stay at his former home. Aunt Pyrene C°n»ally, an aged and most excellent lady, who has been quite helpless for a long while is much improved. ' Whereas, there has been intoxi¬ cating liquors brought upon ami drank on the grounds belonging to Suraaoh Church. Murray county, Go, which grounds are dedicated to tho service of God, and are regu¬ larly incorporated by special act of the legislature, and whereas, wo the officers of said church leel it to bo oar bounden duty to prevent, it possible, such desecrati ms of said premises-. Therefore Resolved: That we use all dilli gouoo to prosecute, and bring to justice, any parlies guilty of such n«farions conduct. Juno 27th. 1891. D C McLean, T J Lackey, J W Lcamon, C II Humphreys, W L Henry, Thomas Leach, \V G Harris, 8 T Tyo. Coosawattee News. “Laying by” is the order ot the day in this vicinity. Corn crops are looking extra well. Cotton is small, but is growing very rapidly. We are all feasting now, as beans blackberries, Jane apples and fried chickens are all ripening. Mr. J. A. Berry is the happiest man in those parts, it is a 12hbs. Alliance man. We do not know what he has named him, but would guess ho calls him “Larry Harry." Mr. Bogle Montgomery left this place Monday for tho Indian Ter¬ ritory. Uev. Win Brown filled his ap¬ pointment at Mt. Herman last Sab bath. School will open at Montgom¬ ery's Monday 13.h of July. Vows. v i tt-MM rai» «ggj» The Normal School. The Teachtrs Normal School of Murray county, met at 511, Zion June 29th, 1891. and pro¬ ceeded to business, W. L. Tur ry was elected secretary and Miss Sal lie Leonard assistant secretary. After the first day, M. W. Shields was appointed chan man for the week by chair man, Rev. S, II Henry, he nec¬ essarily having to be absent. The week was spent in cussing the best methods of teaching and lecturing on the most difficult principles of our common school text books and carrying out the programme an pre-arranged. It was decided ‘to hold the next Normal at Sumach also that the term would be two weeks, commencing the last Monday in November, 1891. Prof. C II Humphreys, Prof. T F Shackelford, Prof, W L Terry, Miss Ida Ramsey, Miss Bailie Leonard j were appointed as a committee to ar.ange the programme of the first week of said term, which is as follows: MONDAY A M. Address of welcome by Prof. TF Shackelford, Response, by M W Shields. A report fr. m all the teach¬ ers concerning their success m their summer schools; including a statement of the educational condition of the communities in which they taught, also a general history of their ex-peri* enee as teachers. Essay, The Country Schools as an educational factor, by Mrs. K. 0. Wright. MONDAY P. M. Discussion on Orthography, conducted by D C Trimmier. Miscellaneous business. TUESDAY. Essay, what it takes to con¬ stitute a Normal School Teach¬ er, by 5Iiss Ome Henry, Discussion on School govern¬ ment, conducted by J 51 King. Writing, conducted by J R Keith. Miscellaneous business. WEDNESDAY. Essay, how to interest little ones, by 'Miss Aggie Ramsey. Discussion on reading, con ¬ ducted by ill’s. V B Osborne. Miscellaneous business. Essay, music in public schools by Miss Sallie Leonard. Exercise on Geography, com* ducted by Jif W Shields. TnmisDAY. Discourse, the end and char¬ acter of an education, by T J Leamou. Discussion on text books, led by T F Shackelford. Discussion on Arithmetic, conducted by W M Lowry. Miscellaneous business. FRIDAY. Discussion on Grammar, eon ducted by W L Terry. Miscelkneous bus; ness. A lecture on what time in the year our‘ public schools should be taught, by M W Shields. There will be two debates, one on Tuesday night of first week and one on Tuesday night of second week. Question lor Tuesday night of first week: Resolved, that fictitious writ¬ ings are more beneficial than injurious. Affirmative speak¬ ers are T P Shackelford, W 51 Lowry and Miss Laura Hum¬ phreys. Negative Speakers, T J Harris, W T Holland and Miss Bertie Leonard. Question for Tuesday night of second week. Resolved, that America should be reserved for Americans. A SI. mative T A Keith, D C Trimmier and Mr«. E 0 Wnght. Neg. J T Leamon, W L Henry and 51 rs. V. B. Oo borne. After adopting the above programme the school passed the following resolution: Resolved 1. That the County School commissioner and Comi¬ ty board of education do c -n* tribute out ol the teachers fund ? of Murray county, such a sum as will pay for the pub¬ lishing of the minutes of tin* proceedings of the Norma! School from time to time, and 1 - ' esolved 2, That 53 VV Shields, I). C Trimmier and W L To ry as a committee, pre¬ sent t > the Hon. CoiruiHHgiom r and Board a copy or these r«s elutions for thei: tonsidcra tion. A resolution of thanks was then tendered the chairman and secretary J for the prompt and | discharge of their (ill- . accurate | The House then adjourned to meet at Sumach the last Monday in November 1891. M vV Shields, Chi’. W L Terry, Sec. Traverse Jury drawn loi August term 1891. W R Davis, J W Lowry, T D Terry * .Teffry Be d:. Joseph Ridley, L D Roberts, 51 T Osborn, A T Weave , F M Kikrort-, J H O’nei), W 0 Cftusby, T A iVleEnliro. I) J Isenhower, L F Clark,, T M Hemphil), 51 W -Thitamoiv, B F White, N B Bates, J D Love, J L 5IcEntire, 51 L Smith, J II Keith, S ,.i Walls, D II Hsrns, J M Lull iu an, John Hayse, J R Phillijtps, J W Book out, II W Bagley, J W Sirup son, C J Williams, W 53 Evette, F A Bro.vm, I) F MeJIahan, ' T. W Mathis, Caleb S Smith. “Turn that wrapping paper she other sido out, 55 said a lady ! j the clerk in a dry goods store. “1 don’t want to bo a walking adver¬ tisement for your establishment.’’ Tho clerk astonished, looked at. her inquiringly for sin explanation. Thcnsho added: “I read the news¬ papers us all intelligent people do, and I thick they are the proper place m which to advertise your business, instead of making your customers carry your sign around with each purohase. r —Abbe viile Medium. 1891 —Clothing! Clothing!— Something we can’t do with¬ out and we arc bound to keep it. We have received and are re¬ ceiving the largest line of Clothing ever brought to Spring Place. We have culled the market for best goods that could be had, and buying in large quantities, enables us to sell at Rock Bottom prices. ' T. J. Ovbey i of , 5fS&!‘SR2?iSSI5& D H Loughridge tfeat 0 B acd Mary Jans Gentry on or about t el(kh of November T8SS executed and delivered to said D fl Loagh ridge a mortgage on eigb«y” acres off the j j Korth portion «f ut of lend So. 183, in the 8th Diat. and 3id Sect of Murray ocanty Ga , : ridge for tie agiin/t purptee lo*' of securing eaid for the It II Lough- (J B j as surety sai l ' and Mary J.-ue Gentry oil a prom r-ry r.oto • 1 executed by 'hem to John Ililt, dated Jana sry 2Tth 188", £.rTbir:y do:lars pr'ncipsl, | | with eight jier cent per suum and due bee. 1st 1687, on width .aid note judgement has been j taken in favor of said J -bn Eii! against said V II Coegbridgs which said O E and Mary 5 _ . Jane Gentry refutes to pay. It is ther fore j ordered that tbo said 6 B and Mary Jane .ptitr-jsftv into this court on or before the text leroi thereof the sum $36. and Int. at 8 p r cent from data of s ai-l iir.fe, and tiio cott suitor ta default, thereof tkc court v-ill proofed fes to jus;ice sLali aj ncrtnln sud it a therefore ordered Uitt this rule Lo pub lisbed in the North Georgia. Tijcfs, a news | ’paper published in said c -anty of Mormj, one o p .tciGh fer four Dion tbs, or s r?ed cr* tb« fraid 0 XJ and Mary Jane Gentry, or th^ir special agent or attorney thro months pre vi'»a* ?« ihe» t*xfc terra r A this court. Josv.fi A- .Maktw, Tnos. W. Mil?* ftn f Petr. At'y?. J. s. c. c. c. 1 kereky certify that tke above is a tree ex¬ tract frG ,-3 th minates of cowl, Foby Term 1890. S II Fistcntiit, ClorkS 0, NOTICE TO PERFECT SERVICE. Mast; Fa era a Va Y,’m F.bbib. A}i{ilieati(m to set aside rattriage eoistesot in Murray Repo:inr court,Fcby Term 1891. It appearing to Oia eottrt by the retura of tire Shat IT in the afcove stated case that the defendant does not residtt ia said ooucty and It further appearing that he doc* not rcsido ia this Sta e. It is tkfrefere ordered ty thu «>«*»•««* by tbo twice** publreatiou p^iua of this o 1 the der defer d anl ol as>c« a ia nnth for four month* bsfero tho next term of tkia court in tbo North; Georgia Tiairs a new* paper published iu Murray county Ga. Taos. Vv’. Jorras A Martin, j s c c e. Petrs. Attyi. I certify that the abovo s a triso ropy of the order from tho minutes of court. This Apr. mb 1891. S U Hinchkr, G S G. ' PETITION FOR PARTITION. Mrs. Georgia Murrow al vr. AS Vining et a); Petition for Partition of let of land No. 65 arid north half of let No. SO 9 h Dist. and 3rd section Murray Co. Ga. It appearing to the court that Bcjatuin Vining Sr., one of tho defendants and ten¬ ants i i common in this case resides ut o tho state. It is ordered by the court that *aid Vinlllg be corved by pab'tcat-on in terms of the statute—otjon court Feby, Term 1091. Tiio3, W. Milkkp, J. B. C. C. 0 I certify that above is a true copy of the order‘rum the mirrtes of court. This Apr. IDlli 1891. 8. II. FiircHRt, 0. S. C. ESTRAY NOTICE. Georgia Jfurtay Cennty: All persons nrc boriby notified that J. R. Harris of the 1011th district 0. M. raid coun¬ ty, tolls before me as an estray, a blue or mouse colored "JecntU” five or six yrats old, medium size, mealy n''?c r t-!il b led, witli reddle and harness n.aiks. Valued ly C C Howell and N W Harris, Freeh,pliers of said Fist., to be worth $30 00. The tn acr of raid Estray is required to come forward pay charges Bird take said jer.nett nwiy, other¬ fall wise it will be fold by the Rherlff of county, on tho 1st Tuesday in August ISOS, before tho court house door in s, id county within the legal hours of sals, aa an . s ray. This June f,0ih I8S.I W II Jt.vsfKr, Ordinary AUMiNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Geurgia Murray Cctinty J. W. Mackey, Ad r. with tho will a- noxed of J. D.ilsenhfjwor represents *tl the Coart in bis petition duly filed, that he has fully administered said estate. This is to cito all uersoui consoroed, kindred and creditors to show cruse if any they can why said Administrator should not be dis¬ charged from his Bdmini'tr . tioll and receive !eUar?;of dismisiion on.tne fust Monday in Sept. 1891. This June 3d. IS91. W. H. Raussy, Ordinary. E. T. V G. UY TI.HB CAU». Corrected to May llth.’SO. Trains From Dalton 80CTHWJSST No. 1. 9:68 r. x., far Rome. Selma, Mo-! bile, Now Orleans' Texas and California i I No. II. 12:41 ni bt for Rome, Macon, Savannah, llrucswi k and Jackson ville. I ■ No. 13. p. M., for same as No. 11. { NORTHEAST and WBST No. 2. 3:48 p. it., for NnoxvRic, Bristol Washington, Philadelphia end New York. No. 34. 4:05 p. it., far Chattanooga, Memphis, Little Rick, Ft. Worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago. No. IS. 4:47 a. a., For eaaia points as No 14. No. 10, 11:30 a. m. ff Through Sleepers to New Orleans. Flor¬ ida, New Y >rk, Fhiiadelphia, Washington, Cincinnati and Memphis. B . W. Wsksk, G. P A- T. A. Kvlllsoxo Town. J. L. Shith, A VV, E. Sun-ox, T. P. A. Dalton, Go. BASHES Needing a tonic, or children that want building up, should t ake BROWN'S IKON BITTERS. tion. It is pleasant Biliousness. to take, Ail euros dealers Malaria, keep Indiges¬ it. and FOS DYSPEPSIA t'se prawn’s Iran Bitters. Physicians recommend it. All dealers keep it. $1.00 per hottla. Getmlna has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. JF/¥S5I JRAVE Isold in the Head, Throat, or Lungs, wo ca*( miro you by cur new method. Remedy pleas' rant. Cost moderate. .Send for sample,*whid! wamail FREE! AddrosB, * • / DRV. W. BL 08 SER & CO., DALTON/BA. Galaway & longest, §f j|ll| I | * f afe^s| ggi Dalton Ca. We desire to rail the attention of the pa?). Its, er.d the .eoplo of Mar ay, especially tiiatsro are bow wide awake in the LIVERY 1 ill -IKESSjhavingpurchased theectire hol¬ iness of Mr.?, t). I’oareh. Wagon yard in Cuiytcjtlaii With Stable. LISTED? Wilson i¥ UO., PHOTOGRAPHERS at-. Dal ton J (successors Fo Hurd & Delany) will tor the next 30 Days give with each DOZEN CABI¬ NET PHOTO’,-} GtiC ] 4 x 17 ! Crayon Picture, all for $4.00: or lie: Cabinets without Cray ou for $3.00. Work guaran¬ teed in eveiy respect-. Brin in you: old pictures if you | want them enlarged. j j WHEW IH DALTON Call at tbo NE’iV BARBER Slid? for a lirst dass Shave er a.Stylish Hair Out. Shanji’ooingADying done ia w.irkman-iiUo wanner, Noeb but White Barbers employed. Our Dsi’sdraff Eradicatov it a dea l shot for dandruff. i Shop opposiuo Henry Wcattcrlj’i Ehoo Uoasc, C-. V. Bostwick Pnr p. EUijay seminary e Unexcelled for efficiency nr.d cltoapaaas. Fatuity of fonr able teaclurs. Rui.dings frou! well equipped $11« f3 for month. icbool ptirpcxs*. Incidental Tuition fee 25 per cc..lc per term. Board cheap, a:„d dormUo ries at .mail rent for studo-jts who wish to ho rd tl,‘-m**lvc*. Special course in Book¬ keeping iKe $3 per inotuh. Students l£9l admitted any between July 0.1i and iApri, the 15th 1892. Povfuitttr itiftowstion nddress: lUv. J. 15. T.-.i.hr:(T, A. M. I retideat ofFacntty, Eii jvy G». W ’-•ij'i 5C! rfSrltl as em» pa A pamphlet or Information and ab tstractof & the lawa.snowinK How Traded to/ Obtain Patents, Caveats, Harts, Copyrights, ient free.. ' J ~ \ti: i ffiUWM Hrondwny, At CO. yfm J iiiNk't'W bXMlXd York. 1 '•* i * v -.■< ■ f Jt hS (' \ J i r' it ■; vvj 3.;jt c . V sidjj id ii AS i-" *M: : :S i/i ^ :iSa? a.»0- i H s ft:. i .■>:•. \ e win - rtij-.i; ?J .. .... - ’ : ''' r irt-n'l c; ;• ;‘-J V ;; ivi /| ■" ‘•. • i • U i .0 i'i /.i'i " r if ^ , : F V* -riJ/riVriF.-, C3 . s:f > <3-*>-*1-f' me P m m ;-vri 1 Bln Western & AMs Ballroai ■O '23?C5lL £ ' RP & $ iKS £3t // WITH TOLLMAN 0 HA 1 CARS m PALACE SLEEPiNQ CARS -BEVWEEK Ilia litepll ft Mis Close Connections in Union Passenger Depots. See that your Tickets to GATOOSA SPRINGS. -AND LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN —Read via— Western & Atlantic R. R„ BOUND -TRIP Summer TOURIST TICKETS And CHEAP EMIGRANT RATES, j wS?eS e or et ea&n U8 Car re “ r 'Fions,<&c. j j Fiisr&misR/'I'idfetAgent! Cbattaiiooga C. B. WaiEkb, K.D.M^^ t,Uni0nI>epOt - r No. 4 Eimball Hodflo Atlanta. CHAS. E. HARLAN, General Paeeeager Agent, Atlanta. J. W. THOMAS, General Manages, Mailtos, Traia^-erf:$Um‘ i03Iaudox! itarr.g^ ATTORNEYS AT LA'V ’ Dal Ion *€eoryia, Prompt aUcntior giver to all iegsd bu«n 723 fa, Murray and adioiaing’c -uintkft Piles cured W1THOU1 ' ,?■ * PJ1X. Call on or Address, Dr. McKnigiit, New Drug Store, t Dalton, . . ; . Ga. rn. pyx HafiHis, n Dentist “ .■/’ ; ■ '- ■ • - j • . . ' Office" oyer Kalknau (At. ^ Teeth exfiactwl wTthou P an h r ‘ specialty. II. H. Andersen A Homey at Jmw SjElSQ PlaC*, I'rompt attention give n t. gal bn. ine:* upd llio colld claims. EXS. t vt. EI?(& A Spring ’lace, / v. J. Elites,' "Ife / S’TTf^ t-Y .ATl'AW. Saaixo Pi v.r,i, . u SreciiL attention gfrch ; .:on ami criminal practice* ?w ; Br. B. 8. McNEAL, PHysician and Surgeon Ramsey ~-r Ga. I ii cm it attentiun'^given to ciJir. d t}- or night. Office at the residence Jo; n R. Kmth. ttesi Jlof i! We now have cuir IPLANEl^m t'P tep order and are ;'prepared to to da<88 ftiHl-*t|,at.vh all kinds of b.mb^r ,,Ve J’ m ; ll.o,. iicatest 1 I manner, v j « so, run our. Grist mill on Fridays and;any UaeiPlaner jg rut Blit's. Gimp &H 'o-4~ gprir.g*p] aC e, G«. Tholtar“ HegfiMiraiit , OF i ’8t|daas'‘*nieal» Tinsley! v I for only 25 cents. m Fourth door Nonl> of Dr. ■ ^ ■•'J-Js Drag Store, Dalton, G* 9 J Deafer Iu. J Wh||ie s , Brandies, tor Sacramental i nd purposes. 103 Eas t Eighth Street, Chattanooga, ' Tenn. When ; oa wr-nt pure whiskies, -•all oa or send to me, 1 will guar¬ my goods to be as represented My corn whiskey is the best n this market. I invite my old county friends to call and me. Let cash accompany or- 4 18-ly iey. I will sell to the people of Mur¬ and adjoining counties tho best of Mountain Whiskies at $1 75 rf °ver ,on ’“t'! each Jug mp or " 1 Kg * B0 86,1 that oi cannot be tampered with wiih out the knowledge of the purchas¬ er. Give me a trial. I think yorx be pleased. W. H. Spivey, EUijay, — — Genrgiji.