Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, July 16, 1891, Image 3

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County Dir cto y. Superior Court meets 3rd Monday in Feby, ad Avgust. Hon. T.'W. Missis, Judge. Hon. A. Mf, Fits Solicitor Genera!. S. H.Fixcsxg, Clerk Superior Court. Court of ordinary meets 1st Monday in 'sack month. W. H. Rasis-t, Or^in.^. J. C. McEstibe, Sheriff. '**’■ M. H. Bbamelkttb, ’lax Receiver, H. SJ. VStnca, tax Collector. J. A. P.ccsoar, Treasurer. M. RoesBTS, Surveyor. H. F. Ticker, Coroner. C»urt of Couutr Commissioners meets on ■Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month. w. Lcfruas, Chairman— w. E. Coviso tom, S. A. Gbeojut, A. L‘. Weaves, Jas W. Mackey, Commissioners. JUSTICES COURT. Town District 2nd Monday. Bali Grouttd.Dist. 3 d Saturday, y Bighvfc U j A u fia H Ton lit tt 3rd « Alaoaisa 2nd it Sh ick I>en 2nd Boll Pea 4th 1813th 1st Coanty School Brard—S. II. Husky, CSC. E. W, RfcitBgRT, T. J. Brvakt, C. I> GiinsuT J. A.McKaky, A. T.Wkavrr. HOME H.EWS. JUDICIOUS , OVERUSING "Creates many a ue»v business; Ealarges masy*an; old business; Preserves many a U*gc business; Saves many ia failing business; Sccb'cs'isucccss in; any bnsinefs.” m ini» m »«n Rev. M W Shields preached in Sown Sunday night Kemnuuts! llunnants! At sticking b« In this cifiev this. week. . <*• Look f at ~* o'-ir 5.00 man s suit. I.ovuuan's. U * T J Ramsey spent a day or two in AtfenU last week. Good Ginghams, only 7c at Lovemau & Mona. Prof. D O Trimmier opened Kchocl in royn Min-Jay. Lawns 3c per yard at Love¬ rnal) & Scm Richard Malkey of Eilijiy was in town Saturday and Sunday. Mens Malts $3.50 at Love man & Sons. Murray camp-mceting will em¬ brace the second Sunday in Au¬ gust. Dress Goods, big line at Loveman & Sous. The picnic at Coimtta last Sat orday is said to' have been a gr ind success. Mr. and Mrs. John L Galt visit¬ ed relatives in the \ ilhtge first of the week. Remnants of calicoes and Ginghams, at Love man's. The Sporting Editor has laved by his crop and now rests ia the shade, Straw Hats at cost, Love man & Sons. Justices Heartsill and Carter held their usual session of court in town Monday. Childrens gaits' $L40c at Lovenians. J. S. Keister, wife and baby are visiting relatives at this place. Call ’round Circuit. Crop prospeols were nover bet¬ ter in this county according to the various reports. Col. T Starr and family have moved out to Coimtta Springs lor a few months. Col. W C Martin and Mayor Black of Dalton attended justice court in town Monday. GuS Keister is home on a short visit. He made his usual trip to Woodlawn Sunday. Mrs. La Fay (tte Ramsey and her children, of Texas, are visiting rela tives in this county, A picnic of huge proportions was enjoyed by the people of the Eighth District Saturday. New stock of clothing just in at Loyemmi’s. Mis, Mary Rowan has been vory lot the past few days. By George! t.hat'a a pretty suit —Yes, got it at Ovbey's. Dr. B S tHeNe&l is quito an rd uiticn to the society circle, of the village. Undo Charley Staples Was in town Tuesday. lie is stout and hearty for ono of bis age. Straw Hats at] at cost at Loveman & Sons. Cur neighbor, J S Addington, took in the Gate Oitv last week and reports a pleasant time. Plantation Chill Cure (Regular and Tasteh ss) is the only remedy prescribed by physicals. For rale by 1 J Ovbey Spring Place. Mrs. E W Remberfc was right badly hurt on Monday mcim'pg by •her milch cow which ran over her. We have the best Si.50 man’s shoe iu Dalton, Lovemau, Rev. J E Hudson filled his reg¬ ular appointment at the Baptist church in town Saturday and Sun¬ day. Stop and think! Plantation chill euro (Regular and Tasteless) cures 99 cases cut of ever hundred, and pries only go cents. Far solo by T J Ovby Spring Place. All Light Scarfs at cost. Lovemau & Sons. James A. Dickson has been ap pointed Jailer by Sheriff iicEatire, and will.no doubt give satisfaction to (he people. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Go to Robinson & Finch¬ er's to buy your shoes. They sell aheap for cash. The farmers’are one by one step piiig in the shado to taka a rest from tho hoe and plow till another eoaBuu. Why pay 75 cents cr $1.00 when you can buy Plantation chill cure (i’egula and Tasteless) for 50 cents, which is guaranteed J to euro you For sale by T Ovbey Spring Place. It is reported that Capt. D <_’ Kenner is not. only a no., but a practicing* Ally.,, in the Justice court, My sales of Plantation Chill cur© (Regular and Tasteless) exceed in amount all others together* For sale by l f, J Ovby Spring Piace Ga. Mrs Christian, mother of Prof Christian of Mt Zion, has returned from a visit to her old home in Lumpkin county. Mr. William Swanson, formerly of this county, but now of Kauf¬ man county Texate, is visiting rob atives and liionda in this county. The New York Millinery Store at Dalton is now closing out its summer stock at a very low rate in order to make room for new goods. See them while you can buy cheap. The editor in chief boing absent, the foreman and devil desiring to go fishing,’ wo make short work of this issuo—Kaad all our “ads.” I would not urge an article with¬ out merit. I urge and guarantee Plantation Chill Care (Regular and Tasteless) For Bale by T J Ovby Spring Place* We aro a little surprised that Charlie Fincher hasn’t made some remark about his cousin Sam this week—he looks so lonely. Several communications were unavcddably crowded out last week. 1'hoBe that aro notout of date will be found iu this issue. I am now receiving a complete line of imported dress goods and invito the Jadiea to examine them before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. There has been but little busi¬ ness as yet filed for the August term of the Superior court. The 28th of this month is return day. Do you want to live in your own Couniy and build up a good business that will insure you a good living? If so address T, E. Y. Qalton Ga We venture the assertion that Bob Bates can come nearer hoeing cotton with a plow than any other man of his size ia this country. T. J. Ovbey will sell yen clothing as Ga. cheap as it can be bought iu Miss Ida Ramsey look her de¬ parture Monday for Arkansas where she will engage in teaching during the next five months. ‘■The of the tranegres-* 1 wav sor is hard, but the way toj reach the pinnacle of sucessi in business, oh ye merchants j of little faith, is to adver¬ tise—advertise persistently, advertise liberally, advertise in the Jimpleeate.” Ovbey is leading i:i clothing, Mrs. Mayniard Hama who has beat; visiting her som» W D and M B Harris at Tort Worth Texts, for several weeks returned to her bane here Timed ay. Of course I got my suit at Qv boy s, no better goods can be had iu the market. Quite a number of oar citizens )vill visit the west during the nest ty?o months. Some go to visit relatives and others seeking new homes. I refund money in every instance if Plantation Chill Cura (Regular ami Tasteless) ever fails—lust it never tails. For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place'. -• John L Edujondsop, Jr., took his departure ono day last week for Denver, Colorado, on a prospecting tour. We hope ha may have a pleasant trip. Wo would like to have a few loads of stove wood on subscrip¬ tion this week. If wo are so fort¬ unate us to catch-a. mees of fish we will need some wood to cook thorn Mr. John 0 Seaffcsell, tho Sr, Warden of this camp is cfi\o the Weekly Press Association which met in Atlanta Monday. This ac¬ counts for the deficiency ot (his paper. If on. M M Bates received come right serioiiH injuries by falling from the lop of a email building one day last week, Wo arc glad to Btata that he is improving ut this writing. The Society 'editor says that the prettiest girl at the picnic Satur¬ day was from Spring Place. The typo- protoin. of the Jimu-b cuts ?ays the Society Editor lies, for V/ootHawn tarnished (ho t>rel> tiest girl on tho ground, Miss (Minnie Daly took charge other school in the lower part of the county the first of the week. Miss Minnie is one of our most popular young ladies and we have no doubt gives perfect satisfaction as a teacher. Arrangements are being inule for fclia building of a fence around the lot on which She new jail stands, Why not continue the work and enclose the court hous« ? This would add greatly to tho ajr pearance and cam of tho building. Mr V E W’iiibanks who has baen in Texas for tho past few months arrived borne on last Monday. He stopped in to seo us and laid an al¬ mighty dollar in our hand for the Jimsdeoute— ws are convinced that Yinco didn't walk home, as some of the boys say ho did. We sell the Spencer Optical Company’s Spectacles and eye glasses, They are very fine glasses and you should try them before purchasing else where. S. J. McKuights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. A Birth DAT Party. Master Glaudi® Andeisoii gave his little friends a royal reception at his birthday party on last Satur¬ day night. More than thirty re¬ sponded to the cards put out and the good time that the iittlo folks had will do their hearts good tor years to come. Oiaudie is four¬ teen years old and has got as many friends as any little boy in town. Fathers and mothers, encourage your children in this way and they will always love you for it. Died ob Apornsxy. Mr. John L Davis who resided on tho farm of Dr. John Green, near town, war stricken down with apoplexy, while alone at homo on last Thursday. When discovered by his wife tie was unconscious and appesrently dead, but after a con¬ siderable time he began to gasp for breath Dr. J F Harris was called in and did ail in his power with restoratives but conscious¬ ness was never regained—be died Saturday morning, leaving a wife and one child with whom the entire community sympathize. He was buried at tho iamily graveyard, on the old homestead on Sunday morning. Tads Carney is rejoicing over tho arrival of an cloven and one tpurth pounds boy. Two old Confederate-''hiuskots were found last week west of the graveyard. r lhey were both load¬ ed, though the stocks had entirely roiled Tmy were left thereyeu/'s cgc.—Arg r. If you are going west or sout h west and want Cheap Xic *kets anti Quick Time ad¬ clress, , or call „ on W. E Sutton , cr J. L Smith.general J?:. emigrant ° ticket , , , agents Dalton _ Ga. For tombstones and momuncalal wor^t cult on C N King. Notice. Parties wishing to buy Bn giucs, Saw mills, Cotton Gins, Power Presses, Elevator Fans, Wagon Scales, Shafting Pul¬ leys, Etc., Etc., will find it to their advantage to corns pond with me in regard to specifications and piicea-before placing tin ir orders elsewhere. handle nothing but first class machinery and guarantee satisfaction. Address, T. W. Harbin, m Calhoun Go. N oticic To Thu Ladies.' We ave bound to suit the lact foe’ fancy regardless of vvhdt it costs. Have received a b’tfutihi] stock of ladies’ hats and would like to. stress the fact, that they are of the veiy latest style anil fashion. A cordial invitation to all. T. J. Ov'IiEY. A Splendid Ofi ee. 4 A 3-4 Life Size Por¬ trait Free. Having made arrangements with the hugest copying house in this country, wc arc now prepared to otter to our cus¬ tomers a f life sized Ciayon and ink portrait copied torn any photo they may want en~ kiged, free ot charge, when their purchases have amoun¬ ted to $10 cash. Wo give you the po: trait free as a premium on purebas of goods, and se¬ cure you the frame at the low¬ est wholesale prices. Come on get a ticket. R, M. ITeuron. Dalton Ga. «*E! Yosemite House, CORNER HAMILTON and WAUGH STREETS. jD&ItoXl Georgia, Te;s House having boon thoroughly cleans¬ ed ai d refitted, will he condcclcrl ns a first 0 b.ss Boarding and Lodging House. Clean rooms, clean bods and a tablo un¬ surpassed. Terms reasonable, M. C. SU0L15Y, Proprietress, AUGUST .SHERIFF’S SALES. State of Geouqia Murray Coeny Wi’d be sold before the court house door iu tho town of Spring Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬ lic out ciy between the legal hours of sale on following the 1st Tuesday described m August next, the prop e-rty to wit: 27 acres of lot of land No. 12 in t»e 8th Disk and 3«1 Sect, of Mur¬ ray county Ga., as the property of tho Deft. Also tho East half ol said lot No. 12 9th Dish 3rd Sect., excepting &aid 27 acres, said E. hall with said exception being held under bt nd for title by j D Harris and part purchase money paid. Tho entiro interest stipulated in the bond will be sold as provided by Sect. 3586 of the code. Levied on as the property RT Bock by virtue of a mi to satisfy a Justice court fi fa issued from from tho the Jus¬ tices court of tho 1039th district a m. of said county, in favor of A S Timing vs said It T Beck. Levy made and returned to me by J B Bond L C. This July 1st 1801. J C McFktiue, Sheriff. — Watches 5 H Jewelry and S teraio r.- ;;’>S ■ ver-waro. d Largest and Finest Stock of £ a , Spectacles.and Eye-Glasses u. North Georgia.. jnGi With one of the Finest I '■m? Workmen iu the. South I c;iu confidentially claim that my facilities place me beyond competition ia every line of Watch and Jewelers repair work. Upcu this guarantee I solicit your track Engraving also dona on short notice, no charge being made where goods are purchased of me. tie Ij. TAPF, Jeweler find Optician, « Dalton Ga, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Mil K.:r' S sa ©E*y Good§ } LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION 1 Just Received at the iWHOierj Stove ol J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new and otftgitnt apsortiiionl of Milincry and Straw iln- -v,onnfetirtg of Strait Boncetoand Ladias’ a»d Cbit-troe’s Hats [tritomeg and oatrinimedi am! Vol Sash vetB Ribbons, and Crapos, Vilvet Flwwora, Ribbons, i'aatberSjOriiftnio:;.... Nock Ties, Baanst 4c. Silks, Our Satingj^F bought of thol argostand bestiiapcrtingHousesin goods were Iialti msro and Ho r Yers, and will be sold at very low ioeafor cask. 1891. m . w 18 - • p. 1 1 © Y 7 m M. o & 9 Spuing Place, Glotliing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have on hilnd, and will keep thd bast Hue of Gents ready¬ made clothing, on the market. 1^"Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,* Shoes, Hard¬ ware, Groceries <fec., and will sell at low prices,. for cash. nx3«3r.vX£e»esr3H(ca w. jo s@mmn®n 9 DEALER IN ) firocories $ Profisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc, SPRING FLAG E GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour,'Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles., all of .which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. Hem§fi*eel ii laeek, —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS CROSSES Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. Chattan 'OGA. TfiNic. C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia. marsiuxxrsasaausxi 1891 1891 Moblnsen & Fincher, SPRING PLACE, GEORGIA ....Dealers In.... Groceries, Provisions, Corfectioeerifes, Cignrs, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Stock Syrup of ar.d NOTIONS. in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Till ware; AlsoasehJ THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN TO BUY THE ABOVE MENTIONED G00B8. .. ..Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens,Jeggs, butter, corn !•••* peas and anything in the produce line, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Cali and see our goods and get prices before yon soil your produea or buy - cur groceries &c. M. V. Tb»m, A. T. Looan. J- E. FntDLKY, TEEM, LOGAN & FINDLEY, Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. First Class Accommodation: We solicit a share of your patronage. ELLIJAY _____ Georgia.