Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, July 23, 1891, Image 3

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Jimplecute. County Dir cto y. fcajverior Court ueets 3rd Monday in Feby, id August. Hob. T. W. MiL\sr., Judge. Hon. A. W. Fit* Solicitor Genera!. 8. U.Fisohub, Clerk Superior Cf .. Court ef Qr-ijeary meets 1st f Jay in each moat!). W. ir. Rajis*.t, Ordinary. ) J. C. HcEktirk, Sheriff. M. H. Beauelettk, lax Receiver, M. SI. W*LCH, Tax Collector. J. A. Dicksok, Treasurer. M. Roberts, Surveyor. II. F. Tucker, Oorener. Court of County Commissioners meets on Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month. W. Lvi'Emak, Chairman—W. E. Covixo yos, S. A. Gregory, A. B. Weaver, Jas W. MaCKBv, Ccmaiissioners. JUSTICES COURT. Town Distriot 2nd Monday. Ball Gronud'Dist. 3rd Satur’ay. Eighth 2nd XJooiittlo 4th Tenth et 3rd Alaeulsa n 2nd Shack Pen 2nd Bull Pen *«♦ 4th 1013th if 1st County School Beard—S. H. IlEKitv, CS C. E. W.Braeer^T.J. Bryast.C. D Uilbekt J. A.McKauy, A. T. Weaver. \ HOME NEWS. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING “Creates many a new burliness; Enlarges many an old business; Preserves many a large business; Saves many .a failing business; Secures success in any business.” NOW, Now 5 Is the tune to Subscribe for the Jimplecute. Sul»§cribe Now and pay by November the 1st. Tell your neighbor to send us his name. Help To BOOM The Circulation of Your Coun¬ ty paper and you will see Murray boom aa she never has before. $1 A Year. Spring Place has been horribly quiet for the past week. Messrs Ramsey and Adams went to Marietta Monday. Legal ads for next month must, appear in our next issue, A party of Ailantians are on a fishing expedition at M y Hill l<ev. W W Putman of Carters was in the city Tuesday. Dr. Harris is having a coat of paint applied to his drug store. Don't j on want to lead the news? If so send in your name. T. J. Ovbey i3 having a substan¬ tial residence erected on his farm rfiear ton-D, W E'os© Blassingame speaks of ' £ 0, n U -do tho Sewing machine business. ihe voun| people -vi ill have an other picnic at springs Saturday. Several wagon loads of corn have passed through town this week on the way to Dalton. 4 lion. E. W. Eembert came up from Atlanta and spent Saturday and Sunday with his family. Mrs. Mary Brcwn and Miss Peeples, c»t Chattanooga paid the JiMeLEcuTK a pop cal] Monday. Miss Amanda Stewart spent yesterday ivitb friends in the city. John Wright the drummer is in the city today. What 13 the tn.itter with the Dramatic Club? They ought lo meet and begin preparing for an¬ other exhibition. Gum Swamp had an all day sing isg Sunday conducted by Prof, Springfield. A big crowd was in attendance. Mr, Jim King of Ilollv ert-ek baa been quila sick with fever lor several days. Mr. 8 T Fincher, of the Bed Front, has been on the sick list for the past two or three days. The Society Editor says two young gentlemen of Spring Place fought a duel the other day. Charley Hnclnr says ho wants lo know what is the matter with Bob Humphries; Mr Coats, traveling salesman for Johnston & Tipton of Cleveland was doing the merchants Tuesday. Tho infant child of Mr. and fVIrs. 8. G. Carter was badly hurt a few days ago from a fall The infaut child of Mr. and Mrs. T Starr is very sick at this writing. We hope the Jittlo sufferer will soon bo relieved. It is an old che. tnut to ask for a big watermelon, but wo will g ve a years subscription for tho largest melon brought to this office dur¬ ing the season. Put your names in the pjt boys. The school at this place is pro¬ gressing finely and it tho house don'llall-down and kill all the children it is likely to prove a success J D Harris, A J Love, J A Pat¬ terson and W J Herd tool: their departure lor Texts on Monday where they go on a prospecting tour. Ebb Humphries has tho contracts of repairing the houses of Capt. W H iiamsey and Col. C N King. Bob is a first class workman, and more than that he likea to stay in Spring Place. Died; Mrs Mauley ot this place died on last Friday, £be was an old and respected lady but had beeu an invalid for a number of years. Tho bereaved relatives have our sympathy. A Good Home For Sale on Easy Teems— 53 acres m two and one half miles ot town; adapted to corn, cotton, wheat etc. Apply at this olfice for further in¬ formation. The Spring Place base ball club played the Dalton club a match game last Saturday. The Dalton club beat the boys but they all say the dinner and nice treatment, they received was sufficient reccm pense for the defeat. The Dalton boys will come to Spring Place on the 31st when the second game will be played. Montgomery sub*a]!iance No. 1595 will have a public meeting at its next regular session, Saturday August 1st at one o'clock p. m. There will be a public debate at three o'clock; subject; Resolved that a third political party would be beneficial to the laboring class ot this nation, Everybody is cordially invited to attend and lake part; both sexes. The editors of the Jimplecute have a special invita¬ tion to attend. J. C. Loamon, By older oi alliance. Quito a number of Dalton's so ciety gentlemen and Jadies paid Spring J'lace a pleasant visit Mon day night. The party w r as com posed of S. Loveman and Miss Blosser, B Prater and Miss Bass, John Thomas and Miss Thomas, Frank Manly and Miss McAfee, Duff Green and Miss Bitting, After partaking of an elegant supper prepared by Mrs Temple, the party left for home much pleased with their vu.it. Come > agai n. sor “The is hard, way of but the the transgres-J way to reach tlie pinnacle ofsticess in business, oh ye merchants of little faith, is to advov- 1 i so—advertise . persi stoutly, advertise liberally, advertise in the Jimplccnte.'’ We sell the Spencer Optical glasses. Company’s They Spectacles and fine eye are very glasses and you chasing should else¬ try them before pur where. S. J. MeKmghts New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. In last weeks issue, we stat¬ ed ouf intention of going fishing. ''Veil, we went, ac* companied by our bette.-half and children and spent two days at May \>t Hill, enjoying the hospitality Pavson Phillip).s and his good lady. Oar eb forts were not in vain, tor by hard work and the faithful help of Mr. C. II. Barret!, we were well paid for our trouble, We caught several fine fish, the largest one weighing 17 pounds —besides a number ot large turtles; had lots of fun and plenty of good gtub. We will state right here, that no man has ever sailed on Holly creek that can beat Charley Barrett pulling fish out of the water. Work on the Talc Factory is progressing finely. We see lumber passing daily for the building. There is a repre sentative of a Building and Loan Assocm lion in towu and, donbtles, it Will not be long before we shall see*Spring Place dooming up like unto a metropolis and the pockets of her denizens sticking way out with big rolls of greenbacks. Stop and think! Plantation chill cure (Regular and Tasteless) cures -99 cases out of ever hundred, and price only 50 cents. Far sale by T J Ovby Spring Place. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Go to .Robinson & Finch¬ er's to buy youi’-shoes. They sell sheap for cash. Why pay 75 cents or $1 00 when you can buy Plantation chill cure (fiegula and Tasteless) for 50 cents, which is guaranteed to euro you For stile by T J Ovbey Spring Place. The New Fa k Mil finery Store at Dalton is now closing out its summer stock at a very low rate in erder to make room for new goods. See them while you can buy cheap. My sales of Plantation Chili cute (Regular and Tasteless) exceed in amount all others together- For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place Ga. For pure fresh drugs go to F O Trevitt Dalton Ga. I would not urge an article with¬ out merit. I urge and guarantee Plantation dull Cure (Regular and Tasteless) For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place Don't forget to call on F O Trevitt when in Dalton. Drugs and Jewelry. # I am now receiving a complete line of imported dress goods and invite the ladies to examine them before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. Do you want to live in your own County and build up a good business that will insure you a good living? If so address T, II. Yeung, Dalton Ga l.J. Ovbey will sell yeti | clothing as cheap its it can be bought ill Ga. If you want your prescriptions accurately filled take them to if O Trevitt Dalton Ga, By Geovge! (hat's a pretty suit —Yes, got it at Orbey's. Plantation Chill Cure (Regular and Tasteless) is the only remedy prescribed by physicans. For sale by T J Ovbey Spring Place. F O Trevitt i3 the druggist of North Georgia—see him at Dalton. LADIES Needing a tonic, or children that want building up, should take BROWN’S IRON RITTERS. It is ud pleasant to take, cures dealers Malaria, lntliges- it. tiou. a Biliousness. All keep FOIl DYSPEPSIA Use Brown’s Iron Bitters. Physicians recommend it. All trade-mark dealers keep it. $1.00 per bottle. Genuine lias and crossed red lines on wrapper. If you arc going west or south west and want Cheap Tickets and Quick Time dress or call on W. E Sutton or J. L Smith general emigrant ticket agents Dalton Ga. For tombslones and monumental work calt on C N King. Notice, Pavtklp wishing to buy En gines, Sawmills, Cotton Qins, Power Presses, Elevator Fans, Wagon Scales, Shafting Pub leys, Etc., Etc., will find it to their advantage to .corres pond with me in regard to specifications and pi ices before placing their orders elsewhere. r t .t „ * U ’. 11 * >u l!,st , machinery and guarantee satisfaction. .Address, T, W. Harbin, Cal ho mi Ga. Notice To The Ladies. We are bound to suit the ladies’ fancy regardless of what it costs. Have received a beautiful stock of ladies’ hiits and would like to stress the fact that they are of the very latest style and fashion. A cordial invitation to all. T. J. Ov’JlKY. A Splendid Offer. A 3-4 Life Size Por¬ trait Free. Having made arrangements with the largest copying house in this country, wo are now prepared to oiler to our cus fomets a | life sized Crayon and ink portrait copied fiom any photo they may want fil¬ ial ged, free of charge, when their purchases have amoun¬ ted to ft 10 cash. We give you the po:trait free as a premium on purchas of goods, and se¬ cure you tlie frame at the low¬ est wholesale prices. Come on get a ticket. R. M. Hereon. Dalton Ga. Ovboy is leading in clothing, Of course I got my suit at Ov bey's, no belter goods can be had in (ho market. I refund money in every instance ii Planfafion Chill Cure (Regular and T.stelpf-s) ever fails—but it never fails For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place. Yosemite House, CORNER HAMILTON and WAUGH STREETS. Dalton ., G eorgia. This IIouso having been thoroughly cleans¬ ed and refitted, will be conducted as a first class Boardingsnd Lodging House. Clean rooms, clean beds and a table un¬ surpassed. Terms reasonable, M. C. SIIOLEY, Proprietress, AUGUST SIIEIIIEE’S SAI.ES. Statk op Georgia Murray Cotxv WiB be sold beforo the court house door in tho town of Spring Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬ lic out my between the legal hours 0 f sale on the 1st Tuesday in August nr-xt, the following described prop trty to wit: 27 acres of lot of land No. 32 in tlae 91h Dist. and 3rd Sect, of mud ray county Ga., as the property of the Deft. Also (ho East) half of said lot No, 1-3 9th Dist. 3rd Sect., excepting snul 27 acres, said E. half with said exception being held under bend for title by J D Harris and part purchase money paid. The entire interest stipulated in the bond will be sold as provided by Sect. 35SG of the code. Levied on as the property II T Bec-k by virtue of and fo satisfy a Justice court fi fa issued from from the tho Jus¬ tices court, of the 1039th district a m. of said county, in favor of A 8 Vi rung vs said li T Beck, Levy made and returned to me by -3 B Bond L C. This July 1st £891. J O IflcEsTiuK, Sheriff. Watches, U, V Jewelry s i ■'n. and * Si 1 vef-Wa r o. mm Largest anti Finest Stvck of *tFm. Spectacles and Eye-Glasses u £.5 North Georgia. With one of the Finest Workmen in the Soutli I can confidentially claim that my facilities place rue beyond was competition in every line of Watch and Jewelers repair work. Upcn this guarantee I solicit your trad'*. Engraving also done on short notice, no charge being made where goods are purchased of me. J. Li. TAPP, Jeweler and Optician, Dalton Ga, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Milli it ery €r©o«1 s, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION ! Just Received at the MJiliierj store ut J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new and olegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goo-is .consisting ofStraw Bonnetsand Ladies’ and '-Children's Hats (trimmed and untrinnned] NeT and Saab Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Keck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satir.s Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our ’ bought of tboI argestand best importing goods wore Houses in Balti¬ more and Now Yorit, and will bo sold at vory low ices for cash. 1891 . 1891 . ®f|F Q O VBE Y, Spring Place, Georgia, Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have on hand, and will keep the best l'me id Gents ready¬ made clothing, on the market. skSF”Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hard¬ ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low .prices, for cash. XM-.IKUtai W. J. JOHN SON, ■{ DEALER in }■ Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. M e m s t r e e t & Leek, —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. TABLETS CROSSES. Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. C’hattaw 'OOA. Tens, C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia; 1891 1891 Robinson & Fincher, Spring place, GEORGIA ....Dealers In.... Groceries, Provisions, Co: fectiocorics, Cigars, ToBaeco, Flour, Moat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup and in fact everything in tho grocery line; Queens and Til. ware- Also a select Stock of NOTIONS. ’ TUE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN TO BUY THE ABOVE.MENTIONED GOODS. • • • .V ill buy all »iinds of produce, chickens,JTggs, butter, corn,, • • a peas and anything in the produce lino, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Call and see our goods and got prices before yen sell your produce or buy ’•cur groceries &c. M. V. Tkjk, A.T. Lcoa,v. J E. Fikdlky. . TEEM, LOGAN & FINDLEY, Livery. Feed & Sale Stable. First Class Accommodation; Wo solicit a share of your patronage. ELLIJAY — — — — „ G