Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, August 06, 1891, Image 2

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Jimplecute. ,Cin»rantcf'i t lrmUitlon, _ _ 600. The OtticMi Paper «r the County. KmiiSHEDlBVBSr TIItJBSUAV, snJ entered in the Post Offlce atSprinj Place 0»., aieeeond elm matter- S. B. Carter , J. (J. Jkartell, Publishers & Pro¬ prietors.' -—— - “ r .' ^ r .nj= Suhacription Rates: Oa* year,$l 00 Si* months, 50cenU;Three month,,20cents. Payable in advance. Address all eommurJeatiooe ta Thr Jih- rtr.c'JTK Spring Place, Oa. Till HSDAY, AIK;. «, lUBi. *r- People’s Parly! Gosh, what, a mime! Who said third party? It U a Thirdpartyite? ‘Hah for Socldess and hisliopub- lican crew! (?) By-BloodJ Git out of the way till wo pull our socks off. (Third party.) ' # . , ___ | Just wait till t ho third party is in power. Then you will sou tho fur fly I -*■ Show up your true colors. Be a democrat or a republican. (If not favor a', third party.) When a man tolls yen he favors u third party just keep .your eye on him; ho is no democrat,^neither was ho over one. Step to the tronl Oemocratn, and show tho brazen-faoed enemy the foarlcissness of your position. Don't lot a submissive] idea for once enter your minds. When the third party elects roll¬ er to the Presidency in 1892 h~l will be to pay and the legal tender will come from tho sub treasury ranks. We regret that there is little hope of Editor Cain's early recovery, lie is one of the most thorough newspaper men in the country and the gang missjiis spicy£and point¬ ed articles. When Jerry Simpson was nomi¬ nated to.Oongress he ,tmnod to a iriend in surprise and said: “Wouldn't it bo h—if I were elect- od? ,? It has been something oi that nature.™Tribune ol Rome. Truly said, Brother, The Hist balo of Georgia cotton this year was sent, from Dougherty county laBt work and sold before the cotton exchange in New York for seven cents per pound. This is a good starter, and tie farmers can better see the effect of holding for higher prices. The Arkansas river carried eff a space of CO by 25 feef of Pine Bluff'S most valuable real estate last week. The riyer threatens the destruction of tho most prominent busiuesa street in that city it im» mediate action is not taken to protect the property. , Spring Place is the homo of the prettiest girl in Georgia.—-S i'king Place JuirLEcriTE. Then why in the thunder don’t you tell her privately News. what you think.—Stale of Dade Later— We told her and a blaek- eyo is the result for, what she call¬ ed, our ‘•impudeuee”. The editor of tho Swuxa Place J iMeuccTE sajs Pioprietor Seay, of the Borne Tribune, is “either a cussed fool or fills a long felt want as a jester journalistic to gny the hay-seeds. courtesy?— 7 ' Is this Chattanooga News. You are mighty right, it is. Seay is allright, though, and is making a good member in the lower house. He only wanted to have a streak of fun. Ob! woman, woman, whether loan or fat, ■ In form an Angel but in soul a Cat The only crime ever committed by an Editor was perpetrated Up in West Virginia the other t],ay. Theft is tho nature of the offense and a pretty girt the stolen prop¬ erty It might be policy to state that the girl was willing to be ta¬ ken, and if wocan find another in the same condition Spring Place will be the aetna of a similar cir¬ cumstance. Locae Bile. Notice is heieby given that an act, entitled an act, author¬ izing 1). M. Peden, a Confed¬ erate Soldier, of Murray CV Ga. to take A mb: o types, j >;i- guerreiau and Photographs, in this State, without paying a specal t«*v therefor, will be introduced in the Ga. Legis¬ lature, now in session. This Aug. 3rd 1891. ilEtJNlOS. Dalton, Ga. August Iff, 1891. 1st At a meeting of a number of ex-confederate soldiers, held in Dolton Ga., this day, it was resolv¬ ed that tlio ex-confederate sol¬ diers hold a grand reunion < u Wednesday the 12th instant, at the Park in Dalton Ga. and that ap¬ propriate arrangements be made for the occasion. 2nd. That all ex*confaderates and their families and the public be invited to attend and to bring their baskets with them. That one of the objects of this meeting will be the organization of a confederate veterans association, and arraugments will also bo made for future meetings and reunions. That pains be taken to circulate this in the adjoining counties, and all papers in this region bo re¬ quested to publish this notice. Wj K. Moobe, Chairman. A. P. Robkkts, Secty. THIS 18 UEMOCIUC V. The following are the Dem - oeratic articles of faith as laid down by Thomas Jefferson; 1, The people, the only source of legislative power. 2. The absolute and everlasting severance of chinch and State. 3»The freedom, sovereignty and independence of the respective States; 4. The Union a Confederacy, a compact; neither a Consolidation nor a centralization. 5. f’ho constitution of the Union, a special writ of granted powers, limited and defined. G, The civil power paramount to the military power. 7. The representative to obey tho instruction ot his constituents. 8. Elootions free and suffrage universal. 0, No heriditary office, or order, or title. 30. No taxation beyond the pub- Ho want. 11. No national debt, if possible. 12. No costly splendor of admin¬ istration. 13. No prescription of opinion or of public discussion. 14. No unnecessary interference in individual conduct, properly, <.r speech. 15. No favored classes and no monopolies. 16. No public monies expended except by warrant of special ap¬ propriation. 17. No mysteries of government inaccessible to the public eye. 18. Public compensation for public seivicies; salaries moderate and pervading economy. We can't see for the life of us wliht more our Alliance friends can ask than is contain¬ ed ill the above. It these prin¬ ciples are once put into effect the farmers and every other class of citizens will see a rev¬ olution in the affairs of the country. It is true that this doctrine is not carried out but the reason as known by every voter in the south. The Dem¬ ocratic party has never been giv en a just show in governmental affairs and we do not think the alliance should want to form a third party when the prospects for Democratic rule are so bright. Friends, look before you leap and you cannot help but,diseover the utter hope¬ lessness of such a movement. You only get the farther from power when yon withdraw from the ranks of the old party. Grand CLOTIIING Sale! . Tim Ovbey Now Offering Great Reductions Reductions In Clothing, Hats, Shoes, All Kinds of Men’ll Ihhiriiishlngs *r prices) that cannot duplicated'this side of New York. $ew and Stylish Clothing just Received, ! Call and Examine our Stock of Dry Goods ofj every des cr ipt ion. We Guarantee to make yourj vis it both Prof itable and Pleasant and will! be glad to show you our goods at any t irae. We also keep a full line ol Family Groceries on hand at nil times mid sell as cheap as they can be bought on the railroad. Our Farmer friends are requested to call and get prices before lay¬ ing in their supplies. Specialties in Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Shirts, We make Neckwear, and all kinds of Boys and Gents Funiishing Goods. Our stock m this line is full and complete in \yvery respect, and New and Stylish goods are arriving Daily for the Fall trade. Come around and let us lit you up. Make our Store heidqnartera through Court week. ©vliey, the Merchant, Spring Place. Calaway * & Longest, /I i SiiMi W'rm? "-fTT w Dalian da. We desire to call the attention of the jyih. lie, and the ;wple 'of Mar *,, especially thatwa are now wide awafce in the LIVERY BU ilNESS; having purchased the entire bui- incss of J!r. S. I). Poarch. Wagon yard it eomeetton with Stable. LISTEN? & Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS at Dal¬ ton (successors to Hurd & Delany) will tor the next 80 Days give with each DOZEN CABI¬ NET PHOTO’S one 14x17 Crayon Picture, all for $4.00: or the Cabinets!without Cray¬ on for $3.00. Work guaran¬ teed in every respect. Bring in your old pictures if you want them enlarged. WHS IN IN DALTON Callatthe NEW BARBER SHOP for a first das* Shave cr a Stylish Hair Cat. Shampooing .t Dying done in workmaa-iike manner, N-.-no but W h i t o Barba rg employed. Our Dandruff Eradicator is a dead shot for dandruff. Shop epposlue Heury Weatherly 's Shoe House, U, V. Bostwick Prop. Eilijay Seminary, Unexcelled for efficiency and cheapness. Faculty of four aids teachers. Building? well eqmpned for school purposes. Tuition from $1 to $2 per month. Incidental fee 25 cent a per term. Board cheap, and dormito¬ ries at small rent for st:ident% who wish t* bourd themselves, special course in Book¬ keeping per month. Students admitie 1 any tiu.0 between July 6th 1821 and Apri, the 15th 1892. For funner inionnation address: V U KV . .] . K. T A hh ANT, A . M . President of Fiicinty, Eilijay Ga* A pamphlet, of information and ab- •. instruct Obtain of Patents, the laws, showing Caveats, llow Traitetjl to M \ Marks, Co|>rrl*hta, smt Irte./jttL MUNN &• CO yAE .,Mr Broadwar, V °rL . ~ ■ ->»• >.v ' ,>■ .v ’’Qy 'ZyZ i iS ! .v. i ■*... Aim r. . ”” g* Mr --.tts* f- ti f v i’f ; -’" *v L ,.' : j U ■ j VWii kilNil'; I?e»r'-y«• ccss. sm !:•' to* m fc,: : J I'.'s&aC f&UE.’ift IvfSBg up «sc - stir.to iv:jis.fra-{ .1 :! .«LU-.i.n ; :l s ctrcfaaK -. h‘v: an t? , lr, Inti'/ «-.:;*iTr.»n.r*! bfitimn j piciartie? cirfLiiK.f.- -jj ja Pi ;; ; V oivt '. S£4f“ fbNS -p," .NNL,-. CL&00 CO., fa. <*, r -r- - 41 e R s R B Western & Atlantic Railroad, SOL/D T f^AlNS / / WITH PULLMAN CHAIR GARS AND PALACE SLEEPING GARS -BET W EEX- IiaislClitaplSisMIii Close Connections in Union. Passenger Depots. See that your Tickets to CATOOSA SPRINGS -AND-- LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN —Read via— Western & Atlantic R. R , - 0 --- R0 TS«SS!yi KETS gust a. Tickets. Charleston Sleeping’ and all Florida points. write *p v to call Car reservations, cr upon b. L. Rogers. City Pass. ‘ rent, Frank Levier, Ticket Agent, C. B. Walker, .. Chattanooga T. Ag't, Union Depot. E. 1). Manx, No. 1 Kimball House, Atlanta. Ocnerr.l CHAS. Passenger E. Agent. HARMAN, Atlanta. J. W. THOMAS, General .Manager, sa „“ ip '* s6i Trammel! Starr, •# Maddox^ Starr, ^ r ATTORNEYS AT LAW DalUm , Georgia Prompt attention Will bo givei to all legal business in Murray and adjoining counties. PULES! ■Piles cured wiTiiom PAIN. Call on or Address, Dr. McK night, New Drug- Store, Dalton, , . . Ga. DE, HILL HARRIS, Dent 1st. Office over National .Bank Dalton Ga. Teeth extracted, withou pain, a specialty. II. H. Anderson Attorney at Law Spring Place, Georgia Prompt attention given to allele gal business and tho collection o claims. CHAS. N. HING:- LAWYER Spring p lace, Ga. J. J. Bales, ’ ATTO ft Si EY A T I, A XV . Spring Place, Georgia Special attention given to coilec- tioini and,oiiiHinal practice Dr. 12. S. McNEAL, Physician.and Surgeon Jkmseu ~r Ga, Prompt attention given to ("d’s d ,y or night. ( - ifice ntr the residence of Jo n K. Keith. A.tteiit£oik! Vi’o now havo our ]PLANEE“ir/ tip-top.order and are (prepared to to fiiioss and J'niatch .all kinds of lumber la the neatest manner, „ We v.-;; ’, also,;run our* Grist mill on Tridays and any time Planer is running. lamp &:Co.,t—:Spring.Place, Ga, Tiie New Mestauraut OF L. Df. Tinsley! I- _ h‘st|c]ass.]mea]s for only 2a cents. Fourth door North of Dr, .bain’s Drag Store, Dalton, Ga. F. L. Keith j ■{ Dealer In ^ Whiskies, I'V Brandies/£ nd Ij>j LB a for Sacramental purposes. 103 East Eighth Street, Chattanooga t Tenn. u hen you want pure whiskies, .'all on or send to me, I will guar- autee my goods to be as represented 3Iv corn whiskey is th« best r> this market. I invite my old ’Jnrray county friends to call and see me. Let cash accompany or¬ 4 18-ly _ Whiskey. -t will sell to the people of Mur- r,y “* “ ioi ° i ” s c ™ ,!lie8 best of Mountain Whiskies at SI 75 per gallon, and will pul a seal of wax oyer each Jcg or Kg so that cannot be tampered with with¬ out the knowledge of the purchas¬ er. Give me a trial. I think yon will be pleased. W. H. Fpivev. Eilijay. —• — Qeirgia.