Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, August 27, 1891, Image 2

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Jimplecute. CaaraateeJ Clre#l«Uo», . - 600. The Official Pn|>er or the County, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, #nd enured in the Post Offloe etSprin* Piece G*., a# eeeood elaee matter. 8. B, Carter , J. 0 1 Ueartsell, Publishers & Pro¬ prietors. Sufeecriptlon Bate*: Oa* year,$1 Ot Si* months, 5#eents;Three ■tenths,lleents. Payable in advance. Address *11 eommunications t) T** Jtun ftmvn Earing Plans, Ga. THURSDAY, AUG. 37, I»®1. The Georgia Veteran*. The Constitution. When they marched with Lee and Stonewall they were fifty thousand strong, * And prondly wared their banners, and grandly rose their long Of "Dixie’* Land," the fair, the grand—0, they were in tbe row! A hundred thousand, but al»sl they’re •caret a thousand now! Though war’s loud thunders rage no more, and Peace her bepner waves, The brave old ranks are thinning out and greater grow the graves; Rut their country dots them "honor," when tbey faint and fall alone; She gives her braves their grassy graves and marks them with a stone! Men of the glorious southland) shall These—your heroes—wait, Like wanderers In the darkness—like beggars at the gats? The very God of battles looks from the realms above, And bids ye houso your heroes in the fhelter.Qf your level A fellow up north has at last invented a folding theatie hat. JUet us pray. The StateJAUianoe met in Atlan¬ ta last week and re-elected Liv¬ ingston to the Presidency of that body. ♦ It takes public rpinted men to make the machinery of progress move is any town. The rain producers made au experiment at Midland Texas the other day whioh was a decided success, This is truly the most wonderful and beneficial discov¬ ery of the scientists. The reform legislature is doing valuable work now,(?) They are about to pass a bill prohibiting a man from picking blackberries on his neighbor's land. The Bachelor and the Blackberry bills are con¬ clusive evidence of their good work. We heartily agree with editor Cain in advising all democrats to do their duty as well as is Grover Cleveland. If thoy take to the advice it will not be long until we shall have an overwhelming majority over all opposition. The State Alliance advises an unconditional boycott of all new b papers that do not agree with its actions. Like Wrench of the Ar¬ gus we think Artemus Ward hit the nail on the head when he made that remaik about tbe “natural born dnrned fool.” She Smotberad it. A Camilla lady engaged a new cook the other day. The lady gave her order lor dinner and among things ordered smothered chicken. When the family went to dinner they were very rnnch surprised to find the cook had taken tbe order literally and the chicken was serv¬ ed in feathers with a rag over its head showing that it had been smothered.—’Camilla Clarion. a »ig dob. General Gordon has declared bis adverseness to a Third party movo moot in a loug Jotter to Kditor Martin of the Romo Tribune, and states that he will be here shortly to tell the people how he stands oa the matter. Gordon is one man among a limited few who has noth¬ ing but honest m otives in his mind and the people put confidence in his deciiious —Spuisg Flaok Jim- pLEOUTB Just you wait, Sonny, until Qe»- eral Gordon answers the demand of the Alliance for his position on the Ocala platform, and if he does not prove to the Democrats of Georgia that he is worthy of their confidence we will agree to swallow oar Goss perfecting press whole,— Tri bu ne-of-Rome. 8IMP8DN AND THE NEGRO. There will be no occasion for the force bill’s enactment if Jerry Simpson’s Thiid party movement is successful, The Kansas Kangaroo and his cohorts are blending tbe force bill, the Ocala platform and some side issues into a grand conglomeration of cuss** edness. The Ocalaites intend that the negroes shall be pro* tected m their political rights, and that their votes shall be counted as cast. The New York Post publishes the fol¬ lowing interview with Jerry, the Jay: “Won’t your fraternization with the Colored Alliance hurt your movement socially?” /‘Not a bit. When the Col- ored Alliance affiiliated with us at Ocala, all i that ground was well covered. They do not ask to mix with the whites but only to be protected. We have promised them protection politically. We Lave it in our power, and we are going to see that every one of our people, white or black, is given a chance to vote, and ^that his vote is counted as cast. We are going to settle that race question in the South, as tar as political rights and privileges are concerned, and it will be done peacefully and effectual- ly.” “And will your work be conducted ioside of the Demo¬ cratic fmrty hues?” * No. There will be a third party. I had no idea what the feeling was in the South till I went theie. JL am now con¬ vinced that nothing in" the world can prevent a separate party organization next year. Our Southern fciends are hot for it. What name it will sail under, though, is quite another matter. There is time enough to think of that later.” It will be seen from the fore¬ going that the program of the Ocalaites is to have a Third party in the South* and also to turn over the fairest portion of the country to negro rule, Of course the Alliance prop¬ er is not responsible for Jeiry Simpson's utterances, but, as the ranks of that body contain many such dangerous recruits, it is well to watch the devel¬ opments of this ciusade of cor¬ ruption—the Third party. The views of Jerry Simpson represent the feeling of the North and West and the Nor ¬ thern Alliances, and of Pow- derly’s Alliance and the color- d Alliances. Representatives from* these bodies will meet in a few months and, howeve: much opposed to such a fusion* the white Alliance farmers of the South may be they will be in such a minority that their voice of protest will be ineffect* ual The safest aud surest couise to pursue is to look well into the teachings of these “false gods,” before committing oue’s self to theii subtle influences. —Tribune-of.Rome. % Come One, Come All. The Farmers Album. nee and Con- federate Vetera have a pic- me at Spring cn the 1st Tuesday in September Every¬ body ia invited to come with well filled baskets. General John B Gordon and other prominent speakers are invited to be here and a good time is expected. The News f Daily-Sunday-We’k ’y CHATTANOOGA, TENN, One of the ablest edited jour¬ nals in the South. Prints all the news the day it happens, fall Associated Press dispatches and special correspondents. Unswervingly Democratic. 'The friend of the farmer and working man. The daily edition is delivered in every town within 100 miles of Chattanooga. THE GREAT WceklY NewS 66 COLUMNS. 1 DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE Daily (Including Sunday) 1 year......... $ 6.00 Daily, 6 months,........3.00 Daily-, 3 months, 1.50 Sunday, 1 year,, 1.00 Address all communications and make all etoteks payable to iT J B POUND, General Manager UgPLiberal cash commission to agents. WHEN IN DALTON Callattbe NEW BARBER 8H0P for a first class Shave er a Stylish Hair Cut. Shampooing A Dying done in workman-like monner. None but White Barbers employed. Our Dandruff Eradieator is a dead shot for dandruff. Shop opposiuo Henry Weatherly's Shoe Uouse, C, V. Bostwick Pbop. Ellijay Seminary. Unexcelled for effioiepey and oheapness. Faculty of four able teachers. Buildings from well equipped $1 for iohoo purposes. Tuition to $2 por n inth. Incidental fee 25 cents per torn). Board cheap, and dormito¬ ries at small rent for students who wish to botrd themselves. Special course in Book- koepiog$3 per month. Students admitted any time between July 6th 1891 and Apri, the 15th 1892. Forfuttner infoi motion address: lUv. J. E. Tallaut, A. M. President of Faculty, Ellijay Ga. DENIZEnS when * i You are Hungry go to Bueklioltz » in Dalton. He feeds hi m?ets you wit: j. L SMITH, Passenger Agent M. A C. R R. Dalton. Ga. . E. T. V., * G. Ry. Train Arrival*. Raat, Knrth and West Benud. Ko.2. 8:07 A. M. Ho. 12. 4:47 PM. Ho. 14. 4:10 A. M. No. 16. 11:37 A. M. E. T. V. A G. Ry. 8. and *t . Arrival*. Ho. 1. 8.57 P. M. Ho. 11. 2:38 P. M. X®• 13- 10:29 A. M. No. 15. - 12:43 A. M. Don't buy your ticket* until you *ee bov e named Agent. ^osemite House, COn-NRR H AMI ETON and WAUGH STREETS. Calton Georgia. This House having been thoroughly cleans¬ ed end refitted, will be conducted as a first class Boarding and Lodging House, g Clean rooms, clean beds and a table un¬ surpassed. Terms reasonable, M. 0. SHOLEY, Proprietress, Georgia Murray County The Commissioners appointed to set apart to Elisabeth C. King, widow of Joseph King dec., a twelve months support from the es¬ tate* of said deceased, having filed their re¬ turn and I will pass npon the same on the 2th day of September 1891. This Aug 12, 1891. W. H: K.msit, Ordinary. Georgia Murray Conn'y The Commissioners sppointed to set apart to M. A. Davis, widow of John L- Davis d.c< and her minor child, a years support from tbe estate said decesed haviug filed their re- tarn and I will pass upon the same on the 12, day of Sept. 1891. This Aug. 18, 1891. W.H. Rimsky, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Georgia Murray County J. W. Mackey, Ad nr. with tbe will an¬ nexed of,J. D. Isenhower represent* 'to tbe Coart in his petition duly filed, that he has fully administered said estate. This is to cita all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause If any they can why said Administrator should not be dis¬ charged from his administratiSlt and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in Sept. 1891. This J une 3d. 1891. W.H. Ramsky,O rdinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ,Stati or Gioaeta, Marray County AH persons bolding demauds,.or owing the estate of Pinkney t Howell, deceased, will render them at onse as the law directs. This Aug. 5lh 1891. C N King, Admr. of said estate P F liowtll deed. Sam P. Maddox, Trammell Star* -ig Maddox I Starr, p- ATT0RNEYS AT LAW Dalton , Georgia Prompt attention will be givei to all legal business in Murraj and adjoining c lunties. —: CHAS. N. KING:— LAWYER 5 Spring Place, Ga. J. J. Bates, ATTORNEY AT CAW. Sfrixg Flack, * Groast a Special attention given to collec¬ tions and cfiminal practice Dr. B. S. MeftEAL, Physician and Surgeon Bamsey ~Y Ga. Prompt attention given to cafis, d .y or night. Office at the residence ot Joi n R. Keith. * PILES! Piles cured W1TIIO U1 PAIN. Call on or Address, Dr. MoKnight, New Drug Store, Dalton, . . . DR. HILL HARRIS, Dentist. Hjge HH^ Ga. over National Bank n PWeih extracted witbou feg.n ; a specialty. JOHNNY Will They Go? Well, I Should Say So. You could not hold them with a Two Inch Rope. Make a special visit to George Moore’s Big Store and . A GET YOUR Eye8on the Wonderful Bargains the; e offered in Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware and Tinware, and you will without delay—Pull—not a GUN But your Pocket book and go home loaded down with bar- gains. No time for me to consider cost or value. My early Fall arrivals are piling in so fast I need more room. Will you help me and benefit yourself? George Moore. Spring Place, Ga. 8. €. Cantrell, .... DEALER IN.... Staple and Fancy Groceries and Dry Goods. Highest Cash Prices paid for Country Produce All goods sold at “Rock Bottom” prices. Give me a trial. Two miles East of Spring Place at Steed’s Gin. Calaway & Longest, ‘- 1 * fMinifiijif * Dalton a a. We desire to call tbe atlentioa of the pub. lie, and the ;eople of Mur ay, especially t hat we are now wide awake in the LIVERY BU -INESS; having purchased the entire bus¬ iness of Mr. S. I>. Poareh. Wagon yard it eooneotion with Stable. A pamphlet of Information and ab¬ stract & of tbe laws, showing How Traded to/, Obtain Patents. Careats, VKAMnsa Marks. Copyrights, sent CO.JfP iru./A MUNN A Wfjfyi 1 v Broadway, ~— York. . .. ^ A AvUb'.:ULiii RiMitidj fGfi All blood oiSiAcee Vj Is Ohm?' loiar.-j fcluod Ba!® rf T V“ tij-csQ ftl » seacrukA, ulcers, sai.t 8HEUV., ECIEMA, ,,c 0 torn Of mallynanl S > tWPTlOS. he- *id«« beinsl emeacious in toi.lns op the syst 0 J?» and festering the constitution, when Impaired from any cause. It» • simost supernatural hi.*;!ing pr -pert»e; justify us ir. guaranteeing a euro, 1? directions arc followed. SENT FREE BLOOD BALM CO.. K' : "la r A-ekO.* ®- — *•> «:• W.&A.R.R Western & Atlantic Railroad. SOUD~TRAINS ! I WITH PULLMAN CHAIR CARS AND PALACE SLEEPING CARS -BETWEEN- Atlanta I (MutsgiS Mis -o- Close Connections i n Union Passenger Depots. See that your Tickets to CATOOSA SPRINGS -AN] LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN —Read via— Western & Atlantic R. R. ROUND TRIP Summer TOURIST TICKETS And CHEAP EMIGRANT RATES. gusta. For Tickets, Charleston and oil Florida points. write to call Sleeping Car reservations, Ac, or upon f S. L. Rogers, City Pass. Agei C. B. Walkeb, ( Chattanooga K. T. Ag't, Union Depot. D. Mans,. ' So. 4 Kimball House, Atlanta. general CHAS. Passenger E. Agent, HARMAN, Atlanta# J. W. THOMAS, General Manager, LISTEN? Wilson & Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS at Dal¬ ton, (successors to Hurd & Delany) will lor tbe. next 30 Days give with each DOZEN CABI- NET PHOTO’B one 14x17 Crayon Picture, ail for $4.00: or rhe Cabinets without Cray- on for $3.00. "Work guarau* teed in every lespect. Bring in your ©Id pictures if you want them enlarged. Attention! We now have our ^PLANER^m tip-top order and are .prepared to to dacss and ^mateh; all kinds of lumber in the neatest ^manner, -We will, also,;run our. Grist mill on Fridays and.any time Planer it running. Camp —^Spring.Place, Ga. The New Restaurant OP L. N. Tinsley! Firstfelass^raeals for only 25 cents. Fourth door North of Dr Main’s Drug Store, Dalton, Ga. F. 1«. Keith, -{ Dealer In y WINES, Whiskies, Brandies, f nd for Sacramental purposes. 103 East Eighth Street, Chattanooga Tenn. When von want pure whiskies, -all on or send to me, I will guar- dnlee’my goods to be as represented My corn whiskey is the best in this market. I invite my old Murray county friends to call and see me. Let cash accompany or* der. 4-18-ly Whiskey. I will sell to the people of Mur¬ ray and adjoining counties the best of Mountain Whiskies at $175 per gallon, and will put a seal ot wa oyer each Jug or Kg so that it cannot be tampered with with¬ out the knowledge of the purchas¬ er. Give me a trial. I thinl will be pleased. W. H Ellijay.