Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, August 27, 1891, Image 3

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Jimplecute. County Dircctoiy. Superior Court moots 3rd Monday in Feb;, ad August. Hon. T. W. Milsik, Judge. Hon. A. W. Fine Solicitor General. 8 . H.Ftxcuxa, Clerk Superior Court. Court of ordinary meets 1st Monday in e*ch month. W. H. Rissit, Ordinary. i. C. M cEktibk, Sheriff. M. B. Bbaublkttk, Tax Receiver, 81. 41. Welch, Tax Collector. J. A. Dicxsox, Treasurer. M. Robsbts, Surveyor. H. F. Tuckkb, Conner. Court of County Commissioners meets on Wednesday after 1st Tuesday in each month. W. Lorrsis, Chairman—W. E. Covixa- rox, 8. A. Gbbooky, A. B. Wiavkb, Has W. Macxbt, Commissioners. JUSTICES COURT. Town District 2nd Monday. Balt Ground^Diat. 3rd Saturday. Eighth u 2nd Doolittle it 4th Tenth 3rd « Alaoulsa « 2nd « Shook Fen " 2nd « Ball Fon " 4th msth H 1st County'School Beard—S. H. Hexrt, CSC. B. W.Rbxbbbt.T. J. Bbyakt,C. D Gilbebt t. A.McKamT, A. T. Weaver. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING "Create* msoy a aew buiineas; Enlarge* many an old busiueas; Preserve*,many a Urge business; Saves many a failing business; Sacures auocoss in aoy business." HOME NEWS. NOW, Bight Now, Is the time to Subscribe for THE Jimplecute. Subscribe Vow and pay by November the 1st. Tell your neighbor to send us his name. Help To BOOM The Circulation of Your Coun¬ ty paper and you will see Murray boom as she never has before. $1 A Year. McNelly s Heartsill GmeralJob Pi inters, «• Cleveland Tennessee. Send for samples arid prices, II work done neat and at a nr reasonable price. L. F Peeples is quite sick this week. Dr. John Green of Atlanta was in town Tuesday Fodder palling has begun in earnest. Lawyer Charley King is attend¬ ing court in Calhoun this week. Twenty converts were baptised at Peck's ford on Sunday. We suppose the watermelon sea* sop is over from their scarcity. Mr. and Mrs. Price Tamer of Al¬ abama are visiting relatives in town. Bob Humphries promises to make a benedict of himself pretty sodn. Rev. Hudson paid us a pleasant call Tuesday and chatted quite pleasantly for a few minutes. Quite a number of successful re¬ vivals are reported throughout the ooanly. A cool ‘*norther” struck the town Sunday and run the denizens into their coats. Contractor Bob Humphries lias commenced work on 0 N King's house. Hon. W C Carter and Mr. San¬ ders, of Atlanta, are spending a few weeks in the lower end of the county. Misses Rosa McEntire and An¬ nie Hemphill were in the city the first of the week. Our Mr. Carter in company with his better-half and little Jimple— cutes is off this week on a visit to relatives in'Cleveland and Knox* ville, The Indian sign of rain is work¬ ing like a charm today, as it is cloudy all ‘round and pouring down in the middle, Murray Superior court will hold an adjourned term commencing on the 5th Monday in November next. Jim Edmondson and Ben Vin- mg have returned trom a \ ieit to friends in Gordon county. G. L. Moore is closing out a big portion of his stock of goods at cost. The grand jury condemned the “mountain” thrown up across the Ellijay road near the residence of Mrs. Rollins.and recommended its removal. Little Miss Ramie Anderson presented us the largest peach of the season on Tuesday. It weigh¬ ed ouncos and she has our sin¬ cere thanks for so kindly rement bering us, George Moore’s is headquar¬ ters for Hardware and all kinds of farm implements. We have been informed that a couple of gentlemen bluffed a mad- dog one night last week near town. Miss Lela Wilson requests us to state that a basket of hers con¬ taining a number of plates, knives, forks etc, was lost at Murray campground on Sunday of the meeting. The finder will please return it. George Moore will sell you more goods for a dollar than any other merchant in town. Fool Dan Dunn of the 10th says ajury box is not needed in Murray county as the subscription books of the Jimplecute will be sufficient to draw from. We see where he is right. . Ben Carter, who has been con¬ nected with the Constitution for some time, "has been appointed book-keeper and clerk in the de¬ partment of Agriculture. G. L Moor* has’decided to , Lad the vaD in the mercantile line and invites the purchasing public to come and be convin¬ ced. Rev. J E Hadron is being assist¬ ed m tbe protracted’services this week by Messers Dewees and Stone. Owing to oarelessnes on the part of some of the officers of court the Grand Jury Presentments were lost and do not appear in this issue. Gentlemen is (his the way to do business for the people? These presentments are the piop'-rt/y of the county. The many friends of John Seay will regret to know that he left Monday for his home at Dawson. Misses Mary Lou Wilson and Maud Edmondson ate visiting friends in Calhoun. Eugene H. Taylor a hustling young the Photographer business in is Murray doing picture now. Sec him and have your picture struck. *Mr. Bill Trimmier, o/Gordon county, had his horse and cart stolen one night last week. It you see the thief stop him! and Spring paiutully Place is still horribly quiet Read the “ad" of Saab Cantrell in this issue. Mr. Cantrell is do- iug business two miles east ot town at Steed's Gin aad has an eye to success for he belfowi^in pi inter's iuk. There is only oneTHftrchaut in Spring Place now who does not use printer's ink and it will not be long tilt be will fall iu line and join in the prooestiou moving on to success. See? Brack Willison was arrested and jailed Sunday for being accessory in the murder of Hosey Jones, bat au investigation proved that there was no warrant for him and he was releastd. Our readers will notice the new “ad“ of our old merchant G L Moore. He is well known to the people ot Murray county and com¬ ment from us is unnecessary as he is strictly a business man and will treat you right. Next Tuesday is the day for the picnic at this place and a big crowd is sure to be here. Speak¬ ing will be the order of the day and 6ome fine orators will be here to amuse and interest the people. When you need any kind o( Job Printing write to McNelly & Heartsill Cleveland Tenn. They will do your work neat and cheap and deliver it free. Mr. Isaac Davis who lives miles east.of town presented the Jimplecute a bunch of the peaches wo have seen in some time. There were four large ones on one little twig about three inches in length and it the limbs of the tree weie loaded in propor¬ tion to this twig it certainly was chuck lull. They say the hand that rocks the cradle rule i the world. If this is a fact wives punch your bus- bands in the short ribs and tell thei£ to subscribe for their county paper. And the girls-well you needn't do the punching act but just inform your sweethearts that they must read the news in the Jimplecute. Any shortcomings in tho Soci- ety column this week are due to the fact that Misses Minnie and Lula Yining, two charming young ladies trom Woodlawn. and Miss May Johnson paid the editoi a pleasant call on Monday and kin¬ der knocked him off the Christ¬ mas tree. The case of the State vs. Thos. Hill charged with rape was the most complicated and exciting ever tried.in Murray county. It took nearly two days to get through examining the witnesses and about twelve hours for tho lawyers to make their arguments. The jury stayed out all day and until 10 o'clock Saturday night when they announced a mistnal^being eleven for conviction and one for acquital. The case will probably be tried at the adjourned terra of court in November if a jury can be found in the county- Mabbud: At the residence of W J White, the brides father, in Dalton on Sunday the )J3rd Inst. Robt. L Hill to Miss Lu¬ la White. The groom is and old friend of ours and a son of Gus Hill, of this county. He is a young man of rteru business qualities and elsewhere has a host of friends here and to extend their congratulations. The bride is a charming and at¬ tractive young lady formerly of this county and will doubtless be a potent factor in Bob-s future happiness, The Jimpleccte ex' tends best wishes to the haom young couple and ti the future years « m >y be as bound® ocean and ™ light as Us I dale. Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! A select line just received at Robinson & Fincher. I would not urge an article with¬ out merit. I urge and guarantee Plantation Cfull.Cure (Regular and Tasteless) For sale by T J Ovby SpringPlace- T. J. Ovbey will sell ycu clothing as cheap as it can be bought in Ga. I jm now receiving a complete liu.- invite - t f imported dress goods and he ladies to examine them before ciealing elsewhere, Ovbey. JBy Georgel that's a "pretty suit —Yea, got it at Ovboy's. Why pay 75 cents or $1.00 when you (Regula can buy Plantation chill cure which and Tasteless) for 50 cents, is guaranteed to euro you- For sale by T J Ovbey Spring Place. The New York Millinery Store at Dalton is now closing out its summer stock at a very low rate in order to make room for new goods. See them while you can buy cheap. My sales of Plantation Chill cure (Regular and Tasteless) exceed in amount all others together* For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place Ga. We sell the Spencer Optical glasses. Company’s Spectacles and eye glasses They are very fine and you should try them before purchasing else¬ where. S. J. McKnights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. Stop and think! Plantation chill cure (Regular and Tasteless) cures 99 cases out of ever hundred, and price only 50 cents. For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Go to Robinson & Finch- er‘s to buy your shoes. They sell sheap for cash. I refund money in every instance it Plantation Chill Cure (Regular and Tasteless) ever fails—but it uevor fails. For sale by T J Ovby Spring Place. Of course I got my suit at Ov- bey‘s, no better goods can be hat in the market. ,* Ovbey is leading in clothing, Plantation Chill Cure (Regular and Tasteless) is the only remedy prescribed by physicans. For sale by T J Ovbey Spring Place. 1891 —Clothing! Clothing!— Something we can’t do with- ? u ^ an( * vve are hound to keep ^* We have received and are re- eeiving the largest line of Clothing ever brought to g ^ * ° p] W , i, j mar ket for best goods that could be had, and buying in ^ a, S e quantities, enables us to sell at Rock Bottom prices, T. J. Ovbey FOR DYSPEPSIA I'M Brown’s Iron Bitter*. Physicians recommend it All dealers keep it. 31.00 per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. If you are going west or south west and want Cheap Tickets and Quick Time ad¬ dress or call on W. E Sutton or J. L Smith general emigrant ticket agents Dalton Ga. LADIES building Needing a tonic, or children that want up, should take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. I It is pleasant to take, cares Malaria, keep Indiges¬ it. tion, and Biliousness. AU dealers For tombstones and monumental work call on C N King. AVE ou GATAR sold in the Head, Throat, or Lungs, wo c« Wre you by our new method. Remedy pleas aVt. Cost moderate. Send for sample, whld Wa mail FREE 1 Address, 0R\J. W. BLOSSEB i GO, DALTONyEA. Notice To The Ladies. We are bouud to suit the ladies’ fancy regardless of what it costs. Have received a beautiful stock of ladies’ hats and would like to stress tihefaetj^bat style they and are fashion, of the invitation to all. ■ T. J. Ovbey. “Catch on to my style will LI .von, And my Bargains ‘by gravy.” \ Don’t wait, But come now, while you can get Watches and all kinds of Jewelry cheap. I intend to move into my new quarters in a lew days and in tend to make things hum untii that time. Come\vkile you can get Big Bargains. GOLD RINGS from 75 cents up, and nothing but SOLID GOLD in stock. J.L..TAPP, Jeweler and Optician, Dalton Ga, Hemstreet & Leek, —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS CROSSES' Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. Ohattan'qga, Tenn. C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Georgia. 1891 1891 Robinson & Fincher 5 spring place, GEORGIA ....Dealers In.... Groceries, Provisions, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Titi ware; Also a select Stock of NOTIONS. THE CHEAPEST^noUSE IN TOWN TO BUY THE ABOVE.MENTIONED GOODS, • • • • Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens,jeggs, butter, corn, * • •• peas and anything in the produce line, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce or buy ^onr groceries &c. W. J. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. M. V. Tiiix, A.T. Looax. J. E. FtNDLKY. TEEM, LOGAN & FINDLEY, Liyery, Feed & Sale Stable. First Class, Accommodation: We solicit a share of your patronage. ELLIJAY — - — — — Georgia. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION 1 Just Received at the Milluery Store ol J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A new and elegant assortment of Milinery and Straw Goo-ls,consisting af Straw Bonnets and Ladies’and Children's Hats [trimmed and tintrimmed] Nesk and SaBb Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers,Ornaments Ac. Our goods were bought of thel argestand best importing Houses in Balti¬ more and New York, and will be sold at very low ices for cash. 1891. 1891. T. J. O Y B E Y, Spring Place, Georgia Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have ou hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready- made clothing, on tbe market. I^Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Havd- ware. Groceries &c., aud will self at low prices, for cash.