Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, October 01, 1891, Image 3

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“PIKE’S PEAK Or Bust”, Well, Wot exactly Pike’s Peak to Bust But we are far from the danger ot haying our pockethooks Split by too big a load of big, bright, Dollars from Use simple fact That their non-appearance has become painfully' monotonous. We full y Appreciate the fact that the JIMPLECUTE has a vast Concourse of subscribers who ai c its 8 TA t \< E Friend* These friends are, every one of them, intelligent men and women and know that it takes money to conduct a business of any kind and it is unnecessary •or ns t, s'.r.-t/i t will be tli k fal receive what they d i we u to are ie us oa any 1st Tuesday auJ nesrc Tiles l iy will be a good time to begin the fuu. HUME NEWS. Prof. Will Terry was in the city this week. George Moore will sell you more goods for a dollar than any other merchant in totvn. Uncle Ross Bates was in town Monday and was as lively as usual. G. L. Moore is closing out a big portion of his stock of goods at cost. Tim Ovbey moved out to his new residence to4*v. Drugs and Medicines fold by Trevitt, of Dalton, are fresher and purer than tho'-e sold by any other druggist. Suit ot Clothes, $3.50 at Loveman & Sons. Mr* Huffaker, of Melvile, Tenn. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Daly, of this place. See the latest importations in Laces at Herron’s. Come to Herron’s for the very latest notions in dress goods «nd trimmings. 1< • u. Trevilt’s in Dalton js the place to buy Drugs. Engineer Biil Bell, of Atlanta, is up visiting old acquaintances. Mr, Beil is a whilom citizen of Spiing Place and his old associate* are happy to have him visit them. Farmer's Brogans $1.00 per pair, at Loveman & Sons. Best Indigo calico, 5c per yard at Loveman <fe Sons. Whsu you want anything in the Drug line see Trevitt of Daltou; he will fix yon up. Best checks, 5c per yard at Loveman & Sons. From all indications fall fights wifi soon be on tbe market. Blankets only $100 per yard at Lovemau & Sons. When you need any kind ol Job Printing write to McNellv & Heartsill Cleveland Tenn. They will do your work neat and cheap and deliver it free. Next week will have been the appointed time for the protracted meeting at the Methodist church in this place. The latest Paris Notions at Herron’s. Paris Green Velvet, (a new shade just out) Jet and steel Nailheads at Herron’s. Good comforts only 75c at Loveman & Sons. All who agreed to take a copy of the Confederate Veteran‘s pict¬ ure will call and leave the money with Capt- W H Ramsey. The pictures aie in his charge and if you vant one come and get it. Respect, EngenejjH. Taylor. New trimmings at Herron’s Tomorrow is the day set for tbe big meeting on tho top ot Fori Mountain. Loveman & Sons will sell you a good suit for $5.00 Ladies! come to Lovemans for your new dresses. Brocaded striped and plain Velvets, Jet gimps, Silk gimps, Silk cords, Large peail buttons Venetian carpets, etc., Jet and steel nailheads at Herron’s. Mark MatlieWS is here and everybody is glad of it. He is preaching the soundest and most interesting series ot sermons ever delivered m the town of Spring Place. Ladies Jackets, as low as $1.50 at Loveman & Sons. Yes! Our cloaks and jackets ar* the cheapest and best in town- Loveman & Sons. The weather is just lovely on farming and cotton picking, fodder pulling , etc., are „ being rushod rapidly along. Two Drives at Herron’s,— 100 doz. Towels 25 per cent under the market price, 150 pieces ot Flamburg edging at oue halt regular prices. NOTICE. I hereby request all parties indebted to me for professional service, or othei wise, to come forward and settle at an early date. This is no dun but merely a request and if you owe me I shall deem it a personal favor it you will come to see me. Very Respectfully, W. W. Anderson. Arthur, son ot W H Jones, near this place was bitten by a snake one day last Week while picking up stove wood. The bite was quite painful at first but is better ncn * Everybody, even the devil and tbe preacher, have had their pict- ures taken this week. Taylor takes pictures lor’em all alike whether they are “ugly or homely. ’ The town council passed an or¬ dinance last week prohibiting the nse of profane, vulgar and obscene language on the streets. This is about the best action they have taken siuce the begining of present session, for tho wrong sort of talk is calculated to cor- rupt the minds and morals of the young. NOV. SHERIFF SALE. State of Georgia Mcerat Co. Will be sold before the court , BOUSG uQOr , 2Q tho , Ci Spring . LOWD Place, to the highest 6 bidder al public out cry between the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday in November next, the following ° described , ., , j roperty , to wit: Also at the same time and place one setentli undivided interest in the east half of lot of land No. 301 in the 27th District and 2nd sec¬ ond section of Murray county Ga., levied on as the property of J J Jackson to satisfy a Justice court fi fa issued from the Justice court of the 1011 District G M of said county in favor of Goldsmith & Bro. vs. the said J J Jackson, This August the 31st 1891. D. B. Parks, L. C. Also at the same time and place one fifth undivided interest in lot of land 153 in the 8th District and 3d sectiod of said county. By virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa from tbe Justice court of the 984th Dist. G. M. said county in favor of B B Brown vs. Jack Johnson, as the property of defendant. Also at the same time and place forty acres more or less of lot of land number 49 in the 9th District and 31 section ot said county, bounded as follows: Twenty-fonr acres off the east tide of said lot and sixteen aches off the west part of forty acres of the northeast part of said lot. By virtue of and to satisfy a Superior court fi ta is¬ sued from the Superior court of said couuty in favor of A L Keith vs. J Band MJ Holland as the property of Defendants. \ This September 31»t 1891. I J, C McEntire, Sheriff. M. V. Tesx, A. T. Logak. J. E. Findley. TEEM, OGAN & FINDLEY Livery Feed & Sale Stable. First Class I Accommodation: We solicit a share of your patronage. KLLIJAY — — — _ Georgia. --- NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION ! Just Received at the Miliuer) Store ol J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A now ando'egantasaoi'tmentof Milinery and Straw Goo38,eQTiBi8tiog of Straw Bonnetsalid Ladies’and Children's Hats [trimmed and untrimmed] Neck and Sash Ribbons, Vilvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, SatinB, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Faathcrfi,Ornaments Ao. Our Roods were bought of thel argestand best importing Houses in Balti¬ more and New Y orK, and will bo sold at very low ices for cash. Company’s We sell the Spectacles Spencer Optical and eye glasses They are very fine glasses and you should try them before purchasing else¬ where. S. J. McKnights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! A select line just received at Robinson & Fincher. T.J. Ovbey will sell you clothing as cheap as it can be bought in Ga. I am now receiving a complete line of imported dress goods and invite the ladies to examine them before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. By George! that's a pretty suit —Yes, got it at Ovbey’s. The New York Millinery i Store at Dalton is now closing out I its summer stock at a very low rate ! in order to make room for new goods, See them while yon can buy cheap, L’ ME! LIME!! LIME!!! The Celebrated Graysvilie LIME for sale by us. J. T m Tuorrm & „ ^ Sons, Dalton Ga. Ellijay Seminary. Unexcelled for efficiency and cheapness. Faculty of four able teachers. Buildings from?110 well equipped $2 for school purposes. Tuition pormonth - incidental feo 25 cents per term. Board cheap, and dorinito- ries at small rent for stud©ats who wish to hoard themselves. Special course in Book- keeping$3 between per month. Students admitted any time July 6 th 1891 and Apri, th j“far“«info.»*tio B address: Rkv. j. e. Taixant, a. m. President of Faculty, Ellijay Ga. J. L SMITH, Passenger Agent M. & C. U, It. Dalton, Ga. E. T. V., & G. Ry. Train Arrivals, East, North and West Bouud. No. s. 8:07 A. M. No. 12. 4:47 PM. No. 14. 4:10 A.M. No. 16. 11:32 A. M. E. T. V. dk G, By. S. and W. Arrivals. No. 1. 8,57 P. M. No. 11 . 2:38 P. M. tlo. 13. 10:39 A. M. No. 15. 12:43 A. M. Don't buy your tickets until you see above named Agent. A hi 0 / A i.» l BLCIC'V’ Vi! j;. ■; < fu j J gPkj. :m IPS:, b V A V- - ,sV !• t It C ures /'T\y \ .... • f b », „ ‘ s for t'.h*’Oviti] aysuun A CT .tnd El Ait ) •'.**'» iiliH h ?. r .• •• 5 -.L . •' it;:-. JC • 1 - N. •’ * iiihe.i Irn. Hi'if s*»■» v'i aimoai <i..p : «r:*rira' i- 1 y justify IU b) V iliresJuf.i :*.i JpL -wco. 8 F.NT FS£E . i.i'i’.r »• ^ , BLO'JD BAUS ro . • 'S3 SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!! Go to Robinson & Finch¬ er's to buy your shoes. They sell aheap for cash. Of course I got my suit at, Ov- bey s, no better goods can be hue in the market. Ovbey is leading in clothing, FOR. DYSPEPSIA Uso Brovrn’M Iron Bittora* dealers Physicians recommend ft. All keep it. S 1.00 i>er bottle. Genuine (uw trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. If yon are going west or south west and want Cheap Tickets and Quick Time ad¬ dress or call on W, E Sutton or J. L Smith general emigrant ticket agents Dalton Ga. I, A DIES Needing a tonic, or children thta want building up, should take BROWN’S I ROE BITTERS. t tion, It is and pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indiges¬ Biliousness. All dealers keep it. For tombstones and work call on G N King. t*.-** uaianw^.. i Notice To The Ladies. We are bouud to suit ladies’ fancy regardless of what it costs. Have received a beautiful stock of ladies’ hats and would like to stress tbe fact that they are of the very latest style and fashion. A coidial invitation to all. T. J. Ovbey. The News, Daily-Sunclay-We’k’y CHATTANOOGA, TENN, One of the ablest edited jour¬ nals in the South. Prints all the news the day it happens. Fall Associated Press dispatches and special correspondents. Unswervingly Democratic. The friend of the farmer and working man. The daily edition is delivered in every town within 100 miles of Chattanooga. THE GREAT WeeklY NewS 5G COLUMNS; 1 DOLLAR A YEAR IN ADVANCE Daily (Including Sunday) 1 year..............$6.00 Daily, 6 months,........3.00 Daily. 3 months, 1.50 Sunday, 1 year,. LOO Address all communicat'ons and make all checks payable to J B POUND , Genet*! Manager dpLiberal cash commission to agents, EARTH, W 6 Don t want The W \u _s h a 1 E ; But we do want a good share of the patronage -.3".//‘"’-.",7I flfl7x\ 1/ ' for 25 miles around ’ f 2.311. 9" “1231“ 3. 54%,“ \f; \- i 1 / Watches, Clocks. Silmrware, Spectacles, / 3 ' ’V / V \:-\ \3/ 3/. ‘ E .7 \ ; Diamonds, Solid GOLD and Rolled Plate Jewelry, .:. ‘ ’ E (In fact anything and everytlnng usually kept. in a first class J ewelry establishmezr ) é i chE;:r3; man, woman and chlld ' knows that our goods are v the best and prices the iii ,._ ea sr . 13 f‘} good ‘ J. 3 L. Tall!” For goods and low if Prices. Iii? ' - ‘ “A Mem street & Lee —DEALERS IN- Marble and Granite MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. TABLETS CRO! Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. m OllATTAN 'OGA, C. N. KING, Local Agent, Spring Place, Geor enm 1891 Robinson &, Finche PRING PLACJJ, Gil .....Dealers In .... Groceries, Provisions, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Ci Syrup and in fact everything in tho grocery line; Queens and Tin ware; Also Stock of NOTIONS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN TO BUY THE ABOVE. MENTIONED • • • • Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens,JJeggs, butter, co peas and anything in the produce line, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Gall and see our goods and get prices before yon sell your pt or buy ''onr groceries &c. / W. J. JOHN SON 9 DEALER IN }- Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoir’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. 1891 . 1891 T. J. OVBEY 9\ Spring Place, Georg Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!! i I have on hand, and will keep the best lme of Genii made clothing, on the market. EUpAlso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Capij’fS ware, Groceries &c., and will sell at low prices, fori