Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, October 15, 1891, Image 3

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r ft- >v ^A-U---- frtlZ: »• Jimplecute 0 - HOME NEWS. Bill H.mry htteiMal U K It = rl in Atlanta last wetk. See lbe latest impart.- lions in Laces at IlenonV School opou©<i Monday itb. hot a small attendance, Jao. L Edrnondaoj, ol DLtee. paid Spring Pir.ee a firing visit last week. By George 1 that's a'pretty Tuit —Yes, got it at O ,ft i Jim King, of Knoxvfi-i is v,sit¬ ing relatives and inand* in Spring Place. }'• O. Tredtl’ejn Dalton is the place to boy Drags. The yoting people enjoyed a so¬ cial party at ihi residorn-- of S*i riro Daly last Wednesday night. Th« latest Paris Notiviis nt Herron’s. Barf.W W *\ bur will preach at (ho Presbytsfi-in church on Silorday mglu end. S.m-Uv. 6 . L. Moore V ek-ung out a big portion of bis r*iH’k of goods at co . ! Mrs. ^ d-.}- x SUK Cedar lii.fgc, moved to their hand- eumo^roaidonce in HprlnR F'ace on Monday. We :.yo i’ao ja i,p' - to. 1 -y your Dry Goruis &i.d v Ciuimng ■ from. We will v. - j uu lUofi- ey. J. Ti otter V Sun---. We regret to ckranislo ti v r-cri- 003 illness of Rgrs, Daoiei Iscnhow- er of ilassbv jV|i>ls, a a 1 hope- she ’ ■jl an? •-' - virg Gas a complete! line. <•. : .. cu < goods invile iiie la tier to <xaiuin© them before dsAliny els, . uere. Ovbcy. There is n r.■ inn L ea K-ct to build a new Baptist Church at | this place and to coBvsit the P k] one into a rchool fenusa. Hats! Hats! 1 ; T? ii a ft •••!!! A select lino just - •i r - d :l Robinson & Fincher. When you sall- y*nr; eoMca IogM target the printer. Wr huve to )ivo just like you, act! wo have j debt* to pay the rc.tr« a* c* ke.? j people. j T. J. Ovbey will sell yeu clothn-g as Ga. cheap as it < -.*j be bought in Mrs.«G-aU, of Ukcrcb ad, ftciono panied bv her grendfteng!:!.-r, little Miss Macs:.-;; Twit of Aid- more I. T., is visiting roktives io the city. Come to Herron’s. A" tin- very latest notions in d.ess goods and trimming?. Sara Br ;wn. of this county, is off to medical college. V. o believe Sam will make an cx-ic-a-ai p; D. and be has our best vi&bos for success. New trimmings at IlCITon '8 Bryant & Fhichorhiv© cj 5 a new Drug Store r-l Dalton In the Hotel building They have an ex¬ cellent stock an >r< nice. gentlemen. Brocaded r-Ciped and Velvets, Jet gitnps, bilk .praps, Silk cord?, Large pad buttons Venetian- carpets, etc., Jet pad steel nailheads at Herron's; The Dramatic Club has bsan rsorgamzofi Lift . -w-* flat.:'bug prospects tha a e. vs: before. They will give the people a splendid performance in the rear fnluro. DonT fail to call and so" us when in Dalton. Wo are al¬ ways glad to '-L-u .v y hi goods. J. Trotter A Sons. Col. S. M. Carter pessod through town Tuesday enrou! e from Dal ton to his plantation in U. lower end of the county. He paid ns a pleasant call and left filthy lucre for fiia jiaiPLKOtJTH for i so ysrrs in advance. Wo will semi n copy of the paper three months iiv - :c the next man tliai heats be (fa: way. Call'eariy a ad avoid the i A:. T. - 'T— r&sasmass&BfXi&tdr- -•:• •• sac* Pn is Green Velvet. 5 v ! new slnde just Jet • out} and steel Nailb..ud 3 at Keiron’s.^ Jno, Put mss /'‘•n H yesrr, picked ? 4 tor ‘ flatV a b an think lie T t-r: t-i ship of Nt-rifc Georp When you want anything ni the Drag line sea Trcviit of DaHon; he will fix von up. Austin & liciig- at have a first clftfs Mori Market in Dalton, op¬ posite their stable and citizens of tls’s county will do yrsli to call on them whoa stopping at a wagon yard. 'ilio Sin-yin ' '*c Convention at Plearaat Valley was largely attend¬ ed Saturday and Sunday. The best of mimic and plenty to cat was the reward for ^ood attend¬ ance and every body w-;s wall paid for tie trp. Drags and A!?dicincs rold by Trevitt, of D .IIod, are fresher and than lho~e sold by any other Wj dcsirs to return thanks to Jake Hooker for a fine mess iurnips n d will say in the way pfimtihifta-i that “(ho Lord lovrs :;iW»Y' if t.hera iw-v auy Do-jriu's tbwry' rt'-inaius no a Kvs-o!;', A young lad;, Spring Place says aha \u* dis- tha missing link bfr.t wwh and a monkey and tha people oo longer sc main iu doubt, as the (rath of (h. theory. CtjrV'fock of clothing is com- pi fce. We will save you mon* y if you givt us a call, J. L ol ter tfe To ns. A recent dUcuyery by a . the motion!. a c l' if;V cf ch»s!nut.i contain psore nutritive power than the same amount of corn or beat. T II [' UU i 1 : 8 .. D tha co.sc- ap4?r lot r f iho b-v 6 ^om« .1 kma vrill soon bo go m they can t roe. VV c call the alien* ma of its..- L.-,.: i. g-mfc stock of Di-ess Good wl-ich we are si lling v-siy .„>;.y, J. Trotter At Sods. 4t The school board at Bamuafi lias- secured the erde of Prof, Humphreys for another year and l&aku r r- a-.K- rof i«u->c-v f > tnents is iho way ot new doren- tor- *. Thin is good n*wft to the poeple of Murray coauSy, for Prof’. ricnjffcr«.-y 3 is an txseFc-t tutor *nd never falls to pEase hi.- pitrour, Tlie Tenth wondei- < ! tb<- woild! Robinsou & Finebei have it ia the way of a shoo, or rather the name, winch is: No. Gentlemen’s 14 Box Toed, Double; S led, Brogan Shoe, Call early and get yourself a pair of them. Our oosr M'.nd Jo© D-jsneati . bad a serious accident to happen to him last week. While- in the woods chopping his axe glanced and struck bis left foot almost sev¬ ering three of his tees. Medical aid was sewn summoned and. he is row making rapid s:rides toward r « eo ’ r W : - f ’ Prcdusp-' Produce! Produce 1 * We want all the pro* 4^'ce you have and all y cu 'can bi>y for the next ten days. Remem¬ ber that we pay CASH and the highest market price, so dont forget to call on us when you haqe anything to sell We especially want Chick - en°, Eggs and Butter and vnli pay fancy prices for good stack. Respect! ally, D l JoU BNet r & Co. Dalton Ga. Quito a painful actidcnf hay pev.usl to our fii«nd JoV.u Buiko the first of tha week. .11 * was try¬ ing to pbss ■ something up when tie prize pole slipped loess aud struck i-iA on thu n;->ss i-ii c’ir.g a painfal v ound on Ihaf port.on ot.hn: physiognonoy. . JULIAN & BOgERS -Tv •- T,p ipg Clothiers of •' G level and Teir" HR & ’V :i 5 i‘ , J 3 poor.*!© of Mu my Oo„ Ua.’fo market their cotton here !; «y year Cloth Inc, Simes, Hats, U.-. lervrear n«l ©very thing iaan . hoy wears from them. Yon t the best prices H yi*r, .-, ;.E-i more Clothing for yo.’r money here than sis Com-', everybody, and wo. --■CCr VOU. Y o U i‘B Trulv Julian AHD Sogers, Ocoee Corner. . j- mmkm ft i-OpN y-.sM'iftA ' •- . ' t JBHK /TVV; k VM: vv: M -Y ■§ t v f .- : - . MV-,- X ? ' JV "..... : I Vk: ' ■" ‘5 ' , ’ r V- V a -.K-- ; VVVX - Walcli flits Column for * Loveiiiau AXO Sons, mm* week. Auhour cement: It If; a i hut our D- css goods and Inmi-iiDg-; arc as handsome as esn be seen in Dalton. Our Cloak*', JV.ck'-.ts nuu I j Caps are as ’at\be-h as can be) found in the city. ; j Our Line of Boots, Shoes, Ho s i e : y and. Gloves, are as good I as were ever brought to Daltorx, x no r? honesLly believe, that we have more Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, Gomfo‘ , t-i and Shawls, I than any other house in town, -lotlVftBg! Clothing# Yen .we Bare stacks ot Id? V A Suits' and Overcoats, nt remark- s-bly low figures. ■We have Uudrslderfs Gvershirls and Top shir Is, jpats, Chips, Umbrella?, Cull;;, s, On Os ,-md Kycklios! ROW GIVE US A TRIAL. WE WANT TO SELL YOU. We want to please j. . If iow prices and reliable goods amount to any thing. We. will do both. • - LOVEMAN & SONS. I SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Go to Robinson & Finch* er‘s*to buy your shoes. They sell f/noap for cash. For tonifcak-ncs and mounmental work calt on C hi King. Winn you need any kind ol Job Printing write to MoNelly <& Ilcaitsill Cleveland Teno. They will do your work neat- «Oid deliver it f VMwii the Spenc'*: Opiie:-! C-^^ Y**'*- 1 Speot^andeya u> y ar;i Vt:; T S. ,aGse8 a n(1 y 0 ” shpuhl try them before . put chasing else- where. S. J. AfcKuights New boVs, no bo-ier goeds can bo had in tha market. Geovgi' Moore will sell you Oihey is leading h elotbing, FOE DYSPBrKIA fTteo |^ 8 ®wB’e JU’oa Hitters# rbysicriRBi recrfrnme:\d it. All {'i?»lcrs \Mip it. £1.00 \>o.v l/oUl<f. Gnu.if ims 4as tradd-marfcmid erosscU r««l iin«s on wrapper. If you arc going west or south west ami want Cheap 1 iekois am! Quick Time ad¬ dress or call on W. E Sutton or J. L Smith general emigrant- ticket agents Dalton Qa. .t-Aonas tliflt b’dlldisu n ionic, Dy children lake* Wflnt v'u c-liould BROWfVJ 1R03C BUTHRS. It is plcr.mnt to tako, cuirtfs dealars Malaria, keep Indigos* it. tion. and iiilloiiaioss. All Notice To The Ladies, We are bound to suit the bdW laucy regardless of what, it costa, flavo received btaul.ilul stock of ladles’ km:-; and would like to stress tktt fact that they are of the FtnA style and fashion. A conik-u invitation to all. T. J. Overt. Vila 50.(. 1 V. v.i;; :,s?u Virginia and C. org-ia Rail way : ;> yi-tcr.i. 0 fi’RTJNK Ll,N.E TO THE Y/esT By Ink > 01 !I p;iftft,:‘ii-;e?>; f-;r Kansas, Arkansas, Mis* souri and points in all otho i P'eaten.: States and Ten itorit-s, ivake fewer changes ot oars than by any other. All classes ot passengers ;V ' e furuishc-d with comi-orta* j bio and elegant accommoda¬ . tions. Time is always the quick* esfc and low rates to all West¬ ern points are always ia effect. ■ « For Further to nr call on J. L. SwiTig’ Pa-;.-j niKV Agent, Dalton Ga 0i . B. W. Wrenn, Gcunral Ftisftuiigur and Agebt, Knoxville Tenn Mi ■v; O ftu* Bemiiiary. U?H-*xee t*o«i for cfSSftta ccy-ani ckospnosc. F .ouvf y nf fi-ivr abie. 1«»chcrs. Bi.»*dif;gs w J aqitipp •; ?-- % r scjiooi'purp.- T-ijU:--'. « $! V- >2 * c r '.noutb, Xv»i'k?o - *-k\ foo 2;> (• cfcalA per tenru B Aft r-l kbrap, vad tinrmitp- rlcs ti aayw’i rc*'«t frv r\uD.* t« who wHvtt ir> bcArdthfb’se'vccowiAe in Book- NT per : {*• i. Sitt.TfGGA n.ltu;Usf*j ivift.y U • • ■*!*-•<• \ Juiv ’LL IS--* hA j-ii, the 15th lf;9j. J,«r fut liici* info•; »r<*.if.br atl<Iro*-: IU . J. V. TaU,h*‘\ A, ; M. UrujilicTit of 1'Jy y V. * j.q La 7 7w VWVv—w g ‘ ‘ C “"145 5371“,£¢“;1-';r-W ?%34? , E x ] A E’EWE. ‘ ' M W I A g ; _ f} ,1: ., ’. ,7; V SW“ v ‘ . lg n41 am Eww wamw m ENE: W? a my @éawksrg ‘ £3; ’ W "’ """"<1'/‘r:~2-i;fl==;; I a ‘51, : Y ‘ o V _ ‘ k T». ;: »‘,§:»',é§:.,:;¢é;l}}gflg¢3%?ng2‘ V rs . e r ho u S e i n Yhe‘ 8°“ t h " L “ $$$ng ”W 1 come On ‘ an ‘ d 1‘ any mat f @1942. » ¥ 3‘" am " savngWgyégv 0H 1 f fig ”W31 E5 ‘ .Qfilfi) 4‘ a ,« gm“? E? 5 k " f 3051: ”a .P‘g? affléigg SE £1} 0 @ g ‘ Ai©iK§fFeet & Leefe 3 —DEALERS IJS'--- Marble and Granite, AIONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS CROSSES Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. UII AT TAP ■'OSA, TfiNX. G. N. Kir, G, Local Agent, Sprit. Place. Georgia. 1891 1891 Mobinson & Fincher king place, GEOHGJ A ... .Dealers In. ... C ;,:»orice, Provision*, Cor foctioBorU*, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lari. Sugar, Coffee, fcyrup and in fact everything in tU« grocery lice; Queens and Tin ware; Also a select Stock of NOTIONS, TliL^OnEATEST ..Will buy all HORSE kinds IN TOWN TO BUT THE ABOVE;MENTIONED GOODS. .. of produce, chickens,>ggs, butler corn , 11. .9 P '*> 8 nhyt’iir-p in the produce line, nnd pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRIG'S. ' Ui ‘ :i, 'J 60c cnr goods aa-.l get prices before yea cell your produce or buy -cur groceries &c. W e J. m m m s © .w 9 DEALER IN y S reveries , Provisions, Confectionery, Ci* rrr-e-. > Etc. .-j ** SPRING gars, idats, PLACE GEORGIA k he bevfc East.Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock o/Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Lock bottom prices for cash or barter. 1891 . 1891 . T e ■ J a @ V II E fir JL 9 Spring Place, Georgia Clothing! Clothing! Clothing!! I have on hand, and will keep the best line of Gents ready- nvufe clothing, on the market. LWYJso a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, Caps,V;Sb. es/.IIavd- wart:, Groceries. &c., and will sell at low prices, for cash. it. V. Tbjjt, A.T. Lcoav. J. E. Rinu.-.et. TEEM, LOGAY & FINDLEY Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. First Class Accoramodation: VVs solicit a share of your patronage. FI-LIT AY — __ ... Georgia. Kilt; agnftt - Cherokee EuriBitore C© Dal too, 9 Ga •»9 Are offering to the citizens of Murray County the largest and best selected stock of Furniture ever shown in Dalton. VJc purchased a large Hock for Spot Cash and can offer low¬ er prices than ever Pel ore. Cali and examine, stock iuid prices. No trouble to show goods. Tho iarg st stock of GAAPETS iagNcrtli Georgia, Undertaking xic! Embalming. Caskets, CofSns and Burial Robes horn the cheapest to the finest and a£ the lowest prices. G. E.BRAKDON, Manager. LEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN 1 wrp M PSA .M ter 55 ii e r y W EH O €1 ll § LATEST’ NOVELTIES IN FASHJON! J u A i 7 •? f>G i V e ii at i h e Mil ii i ‘ e rj titvre cf • • V J- B. G.GAVJC6, No. 85, Hamiltoii Street, D.ftltou, Georgia. A AO# ' . -in - :e.: rtmentof Milincry at,.i Stra» Goc-L- eonststlnjr ofStran ; . -it: •! f. .sis; ’ - - d Children’s Hat? ftrlwmetl a,,5 KBOImmedl -.n ! -V. . HiW. ...T.i fft-snrv-. ..is, ViJvet lOns-rs, Ribbons, faaih- Serb rs.O-niRmentsAe. Tics, Bonnet Silks, Satins* * .. Oar '■ ft-:*r--ft UaTti- -rooda " ' ' uc-;i::t; la -v i ii'd* i'otk, anti will !,.j soil at very ln-,< i iaois for e§4ij,.