Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, October 22, 1891, Image 2

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Jimplecute. Gneratiteed Circulation, _ _ 600. The omcM r^r or the County, PUBLISHED EVERY THDBSIMY, end «nte -id io thoPost Oflioe i’iao« matter.^ ; «a., asjocond class S. B. Carter , J. C. IleartxeU, Publishers & Pro- pr ietor s. Rates: 1 SiibK. rl|i»)“" V>na year, $1 0# 8il months, 50.ieat!;Tbrta m*y>i,tb», JSeeota. riyable in advance. Address all commupcatiaaa PD»»;0a. t> Ths.^Jim- PLacoTt*.; V-.ug* THURSDAY,{OCTOBER **, 1801. Tho Legislature apjourned last Thursday. The Piedmont Exposition rspon- •d Monday and’will close Novem- ber the 7th. The Monument erected in mem¬ ory of Henry W. Grady will be un¬ veiled today. Every organization in the state wili bo represented in the exercises. The Wisconsin Press Association passod through Dalton last week. The boys dill not stop long but were royally entertained for a five minute's stay. , It looks to a man up a tree as if the Georgia Alliance would drop lhis Third party idea now, since Living; tone, their leader, has de¬ clared himself to he "a staunch Democrat The Chattooga News is about lo go into mourning because there is talk of an Alliance paper being established in opposition to it. Brother, don’t fret over such re¬ port?; they tried to work the same racket on us but it proved to con¬ tain more wind than substance, Tho editor of tho Kikino Place Jimpleccte boldly hurls defiance at the White Caps, and invites them to call upon him any lime, and he will show them a little of the fight ing proclivities of a country edi¬ tor.—Dalton Citizen;. O, no, Brother we have never given the White Caps such au ur¬ gent invitation to call around, for we are perfectly aware that they are horribly punctual in the ac ceptanca of all such courtesies, but vve have done one thing, and that is to use ©Tory method in our conception to suppress their cow¬ ardly assaults on tho citizens of the county and we think some of our neighbors could derote a lot of space to the same purpose with flattering results. It has been but a short time since the WHITFIELD knklux beat the “stuffin'’ out of an old man just over the lino in that county and we failed to notice any article of their denunciation in the columns of our esteemed contem¬ porary. Why is alt this thusness? We want it distinctly understood that we are not one particle scared of tho White Caps, for wo fear nothing from their hands. It shall ever be a boon of pleas¬ ure for us to brand them to the world as cowardly assassins, pol troons and every other mean epi¬ thet within our vocabulary when occasion demands it. They are a nuisance and howling disgrace to any enlightened and civilized country, and we think it the duty of every upright, honor¬ able citizen to use his most potent influence in ridding tho country of tho unprincipled cusses. - - *• ■ » •--—— TJho following resolutions were a dotted by John B. Gordon Oaipp of.Confederate Veterans, this clay, [Oct, 8,] mot in regular meeting: Resolved, That.we deeply regrot the r.ction of the House of Repre¬ sentatives of Georgia in refusing to accept the Soldiers 1 Home, so generously and grateitoiuly offer¬ ed by the patriotic uud Christian iriends of the Lost Cause as a home f r our poor and homeless comrades,'.and. We earnestly ask the next Leg¬ islature to accept it and make provision for such of the Veterans ns may wish to spend, their last days therein. Resolved, further, that we ap¬ prove the action of Hon. E. VY. Itembert, our Representative, in voting to accept the Home. R, E. Wilson, Com. -T, A. MoKvuv, Adjutant, HOME NEWS. We extend congratulations to P. 0. TreviU, vise popular Dulton Druggist, who was married last week lo lilies Mattie Leu Alley, ot Wartrace,'i ton*. ToiJl It;: IHSCy, BOB of KllOX, and L in k Barrett are with the Balti- more (JlotLing Store end invite fhsir mao y frien h to give them a call and they will sell them goods cheaper than any house ia Dalton. F. 0. Trevitt haB the finest select line ot toilet soap lo be found in any house in tho American mar¬ ket. Tensas, live and let live, Oousm Link Barrett fori owed mc^yT.nd paid off the tho Jury Whitfield at bis irtm expense and boys say they will stand to him. We have in our possession a cu¬ riosity in the shape oi a chestxu*, p esenled us b, S. H. Fincher. Three ol the lints have grown to¬ gether which forcibly reminds us of the close proximity cf the pos¬ terior and anterior poitions of our emaciatod bodies. Now's the time lo pay up. finest lot of Handkerchief ex¬ tracts. and Perfumery ever shown in Georgia at F. O. TrevetBs. Go and see him. Tha average town merchant has assumed a more pleasant smile ol late. Fad trade is tho cause of it, and wo seizi this opportunity of informing our subscribers that we would like lo “grin” a wee bit, too, so pay up. Tho finest and cheapest lot oi hair, tooth and clothes brushes ever exhibited in North Ga. at FAQ. Trevitt, ; s Dalton Ga. We are'under many obligations to Messrs. Lout i Linn, Oscar Ar¬ nold, Eugene lay lor, Jim King, Charley Maddox, and others for so nobly coming to our rescue on taut press day. Roys, weTl think of yon tyhan wa “turn up our, toes and take our departure for tho hap¬ py hunting grounds.“ Xmas Presents at F O. Trcvitt's. Prof. Trimmior discontinued his school at this place last vreck on account of small attendance. This speaks quite unfavoi&Uy for our town, because tho Trof. is an ex¬ cellent teacher and deserves si better support Ilian Uso people gave him. Hear.Ye! Hear Ye! This is inv laat will and tosia mont. If you ara due me anything ou yenr LAST year's aceonnt I must have! the money. All who fail to come forward with the mon¬ ey will find their accounts in tho hands ol O. N. King for collection. G. L. Moore. Holiday Goods at F. O. Trevitts. Two Drives at Herron’s,— 100 doz. Towels 25 per cent under the market price, 150 pieces ol Flamburg edging at one hall regular prices. NOTICE. I hereby request all parties indebted to me tor professional service, or otheiwise, to come forwaid and settle at an early date. This is no dun but merely a request and if you owe me I shall deem it a personal lavor it you will cotue to sce me. Very Rcspectlully, W. W. Anderson. The New York Millinery Stc.ro at D.'dton has received a largo stock ol French Imported Novelties and Pattern Hats. LIME! LIME!!] LIME!!! The .Celebrated Giv.ysville LIME fur sale by us. J. T hotter & Sons, Dalton Ga. 1891 —clothing! Clotiung! : — Something we can’t do with¬ out and wo are bound to keep it. We have received and are re¬ ceiving the largest line of Clothing eve? brought to Spring Place. We have culled the market for best goods that could be had, and buying in large quantities, enables us to sell at Rock Bottom prices. T. J. Ovbey Announcement ** To our old customers and friends it gives us pleasure to make our ‘ initial bow” as the Manly Machine Co., (INCORPORATED.) succeeding to the individual busio.-ss as conducted Lereto- fore in a leased plant. Wc have arranged t o build and equip at o nee 9 complete Foundry, Machine and Re¬ pair Shop, ivitb new Disusiuuery y neur patterr.fr, liew depifnn, ard modern improvements *• throughout, and iba«l Lope that our icupr ved facilillois ia»y rctaia f*>r u« a s’are of the kind patronage we have enjoyed in tbs pa>t. Very Respectfully, Manly Machine CO., Data Georgia. Yoscmite House, CORKER IIAMIIYTON and WAUGH S ! KEETS, Dalton . eoigia. This House having been thoroughly cleans¬ ed aid rcfltlcd, will be conducted as a first class Boarding and Lodging House. Ciena rooms, clean beds and a table un¬ surpassed. Terras reasonable, M. C. SHOLEY, Proprietress, WHEN IN DALTG3 Call attbo NEW BARBER SHOP for a first class Shave or a Stylish H rii Cut. Shampooing k Dying done in workman-liho manner, None but White Barbers employed. Our Dandruff Eradicator is a dead shot for dandruff. Shop epposiuo Ilcrron’s Store. C. V Bo&twick Prop. KOV. SHERI UE MAI.IC. State cf Georosa Murray Co. Will be Bold before tho court house door in tho town cf Spring Place, to tho highest bidder at public out cry between the legal hours of sale on.the 1st Tuesday iu November next, the following described j roperty to wit: Also at the same time apiFplace ono’aoxentu undivided interest in the east half of lot cf laud Np. 301 in the ‘27lh District and 2nd sec¬ ond section ot Murray county Ga., levied on as the property of J J Jackson to satisfy a Justice’ court fi fa isene-i from the Justice court of the 1011 District G 61 of said county in favor of Goldsmith & Bro. vs. the said J J Jackson, Levied or, and returned to me by D. B. Parks, L. (J. Also at the same time andjplaee one fifth undivided interest in lot of land 153 in the bill District and 31 section of said county. Bv virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa irons the Justice court of the PSJthfDist G. M. said county ir, invor of B B Brown vs. Jack Johnson, as the property of defendant. Also at the same time and forty acres more or less of lot land number 49 in tho 9th District and 31 section ot said county. ISSL and sixteen acres off* the west part of forty acres of the part cf said lot. By virtue of and to satiety a Fupericr court fi la is , sued said county from ti’-o in favor Superior of A L court Keith of] ’ “of siLsr “ ,he i ; This September 30th 1891. t J, C McEmise. Sheriff. > appraisers GG 0 rgia*6!nrray appointed County. | The to set, apart to Mrs. M L S'afiord widow ot J L Stafford deed, and her four ! minor children a twelve months support from the estate of said de¬ ceased, have filed therr return and 1 will pass upon the same on Sat¬ urday the 7th day of Nov. 1891, This Oct. 8th 1S91. V/ H Ramsey, Ordinary. li7.raiTi yam Geoigia Murray County. The appraisers appointed to set apart to Mrs. Bottio L Stine, widow of Edgar Stine deceased, and her three minor children a t welve months supp srt from the estate of said deceased, have filed their re¬ turn and I wilt pass upon tho same on Saturday the 7th day of N->v. 1891. This Oct. 8th 1891 W H Ramsey, Ordinary. Goo gia Murray Conn y The appraisers Lizzie appointed lo set E. apart to Smith, widow of B. Smitfi dec- and her two minor children a twelve months support from the estate of said deceased have fifed Ikeir return and 1 wiq p :ss upon the same on the 2ir- day of November 1891 at my office This Oct 21.1891. \V. II Ramsky, Ordinary Sam P. Maddox, Trammell Stai- Maddox I Starr,p- ATT0RNEYS AT LAW Dalton , Georgia Prompt attention will be givci to all legal business ia Murray and adjoining c sunlies. —: CHAS. N. '"kINgT LAWYER Spring Place, G*. *L J. Bales, ATTORNEY ATI,AV« r . Sfrino Pi.ack, Gforgia Special attention given to collec¬ tions and criminal practice Dr. B. S. MciVEAb, Physician andSurgeon Prompt attention given to ca'ls <i y or night. Office at the residence ot do II 11. Kdtll. PILES! 2 Lies cured W1THOU1 DA IN Call on or Address, Du. McKnioiit, New Drug Store, Dalton, . . . (ill. I R. HI CL H AEUI S s Dent ist. Office over National Bank Dalton Ga. Tee cli ext) acted witliou . , P alll i a s pecin»t). ¥. -**- ° Jai-A-vL IiSaM^ 1 Dealer In J- Whiskies, Brandies, f nti WINES, to,- Sacramental purposes. 103 Cast Eighth Street, tanooga Tenn. When you want pure whiskies, call on or send to mo, I will guar- “jr Mv “>■ corn ^ whiskey ,*» j-» is tho best » this market. I invito my old M,,rra y C0lU!t v friends to call and sce ma - Let cash accompany or- dor. 4 IS ly McNelly I Hearts! 11 General Job Pi inters, Cleveland Tennessee. 8end for samples and prices, All work done neat and at a very seasonable price. AA&.O * - ~ -s - % % i-5,^, | X A Hcusi-hold FCll ALL. iwidetiy $ * BLOOD DSSUA ako 3 £K| N BU Nr 0 iofanls Saisn RCuesS“SS lorns o' nuilgnanl SKI?: ESUfTlOI'C s!4Jibsii!9 sfiiciclesu &e- in lonlrg ailhs systjra and restoring tfcc esnafliailen, »hsn impsirsd frow any ensse. iis iostify almost sopornatural isi guaranteeing healing prs^sHle* sss a tare, if directions are felloweit. SENT FREE BLOOB 6ALU CO., AtlanU. Os. -> $100 Given Away! THie IS UO LOTTERY SCHEME BUT A .Donation Of 0«e Hundred Dollars To Our Cuslomors! We wiil give you a FIVE GEUT MONEY ORDER with each dollars’ worth o! goods, [except flour,] puicliased^at our store and when twenty of these Money Ciders are presented by any one pel son we will cash them paying $1,00 in silver or cun en- i cy fo-Alino; or, when you buy 50 cents or more worth of goods at one ti-iit^ we will accept them as so much cash Towards pay¬ ing f )i same. We want everybody to avail themselves of this offer. Our store is hdeaquarters for everything in o''r line and our j prices are the very lowest, Come and see us and bring all your friends. Ask for a FIVE CEHTJ^OIIEY ORDER with every dollars worth of goods you buy. MONEY OB DERG GIVES ONLY WITH CASH B UliClIASES. J. M. BEERY, Dalton, Ga. WILL GIV THE LOWEST PFICES ON Shoes, Mats, Hry Goods, ^ rOC . er | eS? & Co Uoy Your Goods From me and get the Money Orders. JOHNJNY Will They Go* Well, I Should Say So. You could not hold thcio with a Two Inch Rope. M;.ku ft special visit to George Moore’s Big Store and GpTT your KV" : - on tin* Won.li'idui Barg«io8 the;eoffered in Dry Goods, II its, ril)ot-i. Groci riu.% lin'd ware and Tinware, and you will without dciuj'—puli—not a lira But your Pocket In ok and go home loaded down with bar¬ gains. No time for me to consider cost o value. My early Fall arrivals are piling in so fast I teed more room. Will you help me and benefit yourself? George Moore. Spring Place, 6a. CD. Cantrell, .... Bril ALE IIIM.... Staple and Fancy Groceries and Dry Goods. Highest Ca-h Prices paid for Country Produc All goods sold at *‘Roek ILrttom” prices. (iiv - me a trial. Two miles East of Fj> ing Piace at Steed’s Qin. WM§key. I will sell to the people of Mur¬ ray and adjoining counties the besNof Mountain Whiskies at SI 75 per gallon, and will put a se 1 o' wax it oyer each Jug or Keg so tha cannot be tampered with with¬ out the knowledge of the purchas¬ er. Give me a trial. I thick you will be pleased. W. H. Spivey. Elfijay, — — Georgia. Attentiosi! We now have our PLANER n\ tip-top order and are prepared to toda<ssand match all kinds cf lumber in the neatest manner, We will, also, run our Grist mill on Fridays and any times Planer is running, Cfunp& Go..— Spring Place, Ga, The New Restaurant CF L. N.- First class meals for onlv ^5 J “ Cents. I Fourth T door ’ NTm-tb.-d °' n„ ! ^ U ° -Jftiu , - , jJi Daltou, (til. S ilg ri o;e, LISTEN? Wilson & Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS at Dal- ton (successors to Hurd & Delany) will tor the next 30 Days give with each DOZEN CABI¬ NET PHOTO’S one 14x17 Crayon Picture^ all for $4.00: or r he pabinets without Cray¬ on tor $3.00. Work guarau* teed in every lespect. Bring in your old pictures if you want them enlarged. Calawaj & Longest, WmBT H tmm m I Dalton Ca. d «ir 0 to call the attention of the pub. lie. and the yeople ef Mur ay, eepecially tiiatwe are sow wide siwake in the LIVERY BU 5II?ESS; h*vSn« purchased the entire buj- inese - Ar. S. Poarch. Wagon yard in eorneeUon with Stable.