Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, October 22, 1891, Image 3

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Jimplecute. Mk&M-' 'b V : SPICY S0BT8. DOS’T read Thh, but hand it to your neigh bor if he is one of our subscriber* and it will inform him ! hut we are badly in need of what ho is due us. This does not mean you, (unless you ewe us,) so dent get on your ear about it and stop your paper, but act only as an honest con science would dictate and help us out of our terribly fi'.arving. desti¬ tute condition. Now boys if you ‘‘love your neigbbo- cs yourself’ you wili lend us your eai along wiih your noble assistance, Keep the fact that ‘ God hates a stingy man” constantly before your mind, and know ye, also, that He ‘"ove3 a cheerful giver” equal¬ ly as well but don't let that idea take up with you that you are giv ing us anything when you pay up your duas- Sovcral of the boys,attended U. S. Commissioner's court in Dalton Monday. See the latest importations in Laces at Herron’s. Prof. Mauldin‘s singing school closed Saturday)uightfand ‘ Chuck” ia happy ever the great improve¬ ment his class made during the term. By Georgel that's a'pretty suit —Yes, got it at Ovbey's. The latest Paris Notions at Herron’s. G. L. Me ore is closing out a big portion !of his stock of goods, at cost. We are the people to buy your Dry Goods aud'Clothing from. We will save you moh- v\\ J. Trotter &'Sous. All who wish to pay their' /sub¬ scription in wood may do ec if they will bring it on and not be always waiting for a betier opportunity Gamp & Br j. hum gianod one hundretl^balesof cottoa up to the JPIIats!_'Hatsi!! Hats!!! A select line just received at Robinson & Fincher. Come to Herron’s for the very latest (notions’! in dress gootlajaid.‘trimmings. Gamp & Bro, ibis pj^ce have taken tho contract to manufacture 5000 Bogg's Got ton Planter-’. HORRIBLE. The Wolf's at the door and your SUBSCRIPTION is all that will drive him away. New trimmings at Herron’s Paris|Green Velvet, (a new shade jusGout)’ Jet Sand steel Nailheads at Herron’s. Our stock of clothing is com plete. We will save you mon¬ ey if you give us a call. J. Trotter & Sons. Oscar Arnold, 5f Spring Place, has moved lo Dalton to work in the machine shop of Manly & Green,—Argus. Yes, and we are deprived of a Society Editor by his removal, but our loss is the gain of his employ ers. Prof. Mauldin will conduct an sll-day singing at Brown's church on next Sunday. Everybody cor¬ dially invited to come and bring their books. The Dalton Minstrels will give an exhibition in Spring Place at asa early day. The proceeds will be donated to the School House fund and we hope Ike people will turn out en masse. The paper is out a day early this week and cur excuse is that presence at the Piedmont tion is quite indispensable. will be back next week ia fuli force then you may look out. Tb.town council [meed an dinauco l«l week to ha.o an ganl fence erected aronnd Courthouse. Tho money is to raised by a special tax levied on each Freeholder in the Slats. anxiously await the completion the fence. Ji Mi T Jp & A m Jm 6 Y ft warn lafegT mimM *■* "-Vc m Watch fills EYLRY WEEK. Column for Loreman AND Sons, Announcement: Dry Goods, Shoes, Hjds, Caps aud Clotbiug. Yes, wo arc headquarters for the above goods a:.d will give the peo¬ ple of Murray county honest vahie for their hard earned dollars. We arc showing special good things in Dress Goods, Cloaks and Jack*ts, We can give you good worsteds for Sc, a splendid Jacket for SI.50 or the beat $5 00 Cloak over fahown imany Dry G oua store. We can say tue same in regard to our shoes We aie selling an oxcollont Bro¬ gan for 81.00. Wo will give you a ladies fme kid button shoe for $1. We have the best Glove Groin Button Shoo to -sell for §1.25 ever brought to Dalton. Best chocks only 5c. Good calicoes 5°- Curtain Scram only 5c. A good'eomfort for 75c, A good'pair of blankets for $1. In'faclpliere is n r item of Dry Goods, in which|)we can't under sell any competitor. Now as to Clolhing just give us a trial. We have suits at §8.50 (not wool) which r.ro aheap for (no mon¬ ey, but at §G,00, $7.00 and up to 10 and 15 dollars we claim to have the best of any house in the city. Remember us when in D'dton. Como to see us and we will try fo make you,t visit pleasant and prof¬ itable. LGVEMAN & SONS. line I am of imported now receiving a complete dress goods and invito the ladieB to examine thorn before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. T. J. Ovbey will sell yen clothing in as Ga. cheap as it can be bought We call the attention of the Ladies of Murray to our ele¬ gant stock of Dress Goods which we are selling v^ry low. J. Trotter & Sons. 4t The Tenth wonder of the woild! Robinson <fe Fincher have it in the way of a shoe, or rather the name, which is: No. Gentlemen’s 14 Box Toed, Double S led, Brogan Shoe, Cal! early and get yourself a pair of them. Look at the new dress goods at Herron’s! New Bedford colors, (solid and stupes,) Broad Clothes Ladies clothes, English homespun, Storm Bund. phi<K Stupes «n<l flan- ha oots, 1 laid ami stuped Dels, sy ew shades in Hem lettas, Camel s hair and Caraf 1 s Bulges, aUo a fall line of town worsted in high goods at Herron’s. JULIAN & ROGERS, Leading Clothiers of Cleveland Tenn., Wentthe people of Murray Go., Ga. to market their cotton here and buy your Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Under wear and everything nr it or boy wears from them. You can get tho best prices for you cotton and more Clothing for your money hero than elsewhere. Coui j , everybody, and we will please you. Yours Truly Julian AKD Rogers, Ocoee Corner. Cotton Market f 1 If You WantXKOME and ATLANTA pri¬ ces for your Cotton bring it to Cleveland Tennessee. Our cotton buyer came today and the market is now open lie will be here until January 1st. 1892- Try fs with a LOT. we will make yon happy. Oct. TO COTTON Planters MU lilt AY CO. GEORGIA; Dear Sirs-.—You and your families are cordially invited' to examine our atock of Dsv Goods, Shoes, and Carpets. We have the largest stock ot any house here and buy goods in big lots for cash, which combined with tho (act that wo don't sell goods d im«“ enables us to give you more for your money than mer- chants running the- “credit system. 1 ' After you get the Highest Rome and Atlanta price for your cotton, come to cur store and get, tho low¬ est New York prices on your goods. Beautiful lot Ladies Cloaks and Jackets also latge let Blankets, Shawls &c. •Don‘l,|forget the place. We will make it to your inleieit. Yours truly, Chambliss 1 KcKainy, Cleveland (‘‘Opera House Store”) Term. P. S.—John Robinson's big show here on tho 28th. Wo wili offer special prices Dial day Brocaded striped and plain Velvets, Jet gimps, Silk gimps, Silk cords, Large j)ea:l buttons Venetian£carpet3, etc., Jet and steel nailheads at Herron’s. Doivt fail to call and see us when in Dalton. We are al¬ ways glad to show j'm goods. J. Trotter Sons. Produce’ Produce! Produce!* We want all the pro- duce you have and all you can buy for the next ten days. Remem¬ ber that we pay CASH and the h ighest market price, so dont forget to call on us when you have anything to soil We especially want Chick- ™ . , en* Eggs and Butter and will pay fancy prices for good stock. Respectfully, Dr,J ournett & Co. Dalton Ga. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Go to Robinson & Finch¬ er's to t-uy your shoes. They sell sbeap for cash. The EUst^'S'ennessee Virginia and (It-Brgia Hallway [System. The Trunk Line ro the West By tliis route, passengers for Texas, Kansas, Aikansas, Mis¬ souri and points in all othe; Western States and Tenitories, make fewer changes of cars than by any other. All classes of passengers are furnished with comforta¬ ble and elegant accommoda¬ tions. Time is always the West¬ quick¬ est and low rates to all ern points are always in effect. For Further intormatino write to or call on J. L. Smith’ Passtnger Agent, Dalton Ga., or B. W. VVreiin, General Passemrer and Ticket Agent, Knoxville Tenn. Wm-..“wmm{ l BEHflWEEfig 'Maltcm. t0 mm anew @fimm m Hatch ’ (MW gmafla of; watches,- $16., is secmacfi ®lwfifiwg m jmvefiry,§l amamg i? i yer Our house prices in ‘tha on Wat South. Chas are Imver‘ than any oth-i Come on and buy that Clock and save money. Dorm forget the pEac’e, sign offlm Mg W atch.‘ . J . L. Tapp 8L Bro. . Kiljjay Seminary. * UncxeoHcd for efiicioncy and cheapnevH. Faculty of fonr able teachrrs. Buildings from well equipped $L $2 for school purposes. Tuition to per mouth. Incidental lee 2b cents per term. Board cheap, and dormito¬ ries at small rent for 8tude nts who wish to boiird thcmsolvoa. Special course in Book¬ keeping $3 per month. Students admitted any timo between Julv 6th 1891 and Apri, the 15th 1892. For further information address: Bkt. J. E. Tam-ant, A. M. President of Faculty, Ellijay (ia. For tombstones and monumental work call on C N King. Whin you need any kind o( Job Printing write to McNellv & Ileartsill Cleveland Teun. They will do your work neat and cheap auduleliver it tree. We sell the Speneor Optical U°mpan) a Spectacles and eye tf*"™ glasses and 1 ,e >' lwe should *«,y «•“> [nnchasing you try them hefore else- where. S. J. McKuights New Drug Store, Dalton Ga. Of course I got my suit at Ov- bey's, no belter goods can be had in I he market. George Moore will sell YOU more goodsjfor a dollar than any other merchant in town. Ovbey is leading in clothing, FOR dyspepsia Use Brown’s Iran Bitters. Physicians recommend it. All daalor* keep it. 81.00 per Lottie. Genuine has tradc-jaartc and crossed red lines on wrapper. If you are going west south west and want Cheap Tickets and Quick Time ad¬ dress or call on W. E Sutton or J. L Smith general emigrant ticket agents Dalton Ga. X, A DIES Needing a tonic, or children that want building up, should take BROWK S IKOai BITTERS. I It is pleasant to take, Ali cr.rta Malaria, keep Indiges¬ it. tion, and Biliousness. dealers Notice To The Ladies. We are bound to suit the ladies’ fancy- regardless what it costs. Have received a beautiful stock of ladies’ hats and would like to stress the fact that, they aie of the veiy latest style and fashion. A coidial invitation to all. T. J. Overt, nemstreet A Leek —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES TABLETS CROSSES Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. ClHTTAN ■'OQA, TKNKr C. N. KING, Local Agent, Sprit*. Place, Georgia. 1891 1891 Robinson &, Fincher, RINO PLACE, QEORQIA .... Dealers In .... Groceries, Prov'eions, Cor feetior.oriea, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Syruji and in fact everything in the grocery line; Quceus and Tin ware; Aisoeseleet Stock of NOTIONS. THE CRIiAPKST HOUSE IN TOWN TO BUT THE ABOVE'MENTIONED GODDS. • • • • Will buy all kinds of produce, chickens,>ggs, butter, corn,...* peas and anything in the produce line, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Call and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produc# or buy -our groceries &c. w. ;j. •{ DEALER in y Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE GEORGIA The bes-tfEnst,Tennessee Flour, Bacon , Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold, at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. 1891 . 189L To 1. O V B E Y, Spring Place, Georgia CiotMng! Clothing! Clotliing!! I have on hand, and will keep the best liue of Gents ready- made clothing, on the market. ZMT Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Hats, (’nps, ; Shoes, Hard¬ ware, Groceries <fcc., and will self at low prices, for cash. M. V.Teim, A. T. ItOAV. J. FlKDLIij-, , TEEM, LOGAN & FINDLEY Livery, Feed & Sale Stable, j First Class Accommodation: W» solicit a share of your patronage. ELLIJAY Georgia. Cherokee Furniture Co Dalton, Ga, 1 Are offering to the citizens of Murray County the largest aud best selected;stoek of Furniture ever shown in Dalton. We purchasedVlarge etock for Spot Cash and can offer low* er prices than ever before. Call and examine stock and prices. No trouble to show goods. The largest stock of DAB.PETS iugNorth Georgia, Undertaking and Embalming. Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes hom the cheapest to the finest aud at the lowest prices. G. B. BRAKDON, Manager. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods, LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION! Just. Received at the Miliuei j Store of J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A now and elegan I assortmec (of Mi! In fry and Straw GoeJe.oonsistine of Rtm. Bonnotsand Ladies’and Children's Hats ftriintned and UBtrimiuedl No-lt and Sash Ribbons, Vilvfit Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, SaOns Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments Ao. Our good'e ’ were bought of thol argestand best importing Houses in Baltic more and Nov Yon:, and will ho sold at very low ices for cash.