Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, October 29, 1891, Image 2

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Jimplecute * — Gtwraritccil CIlTCtttUlnil, - COO. ,'itp «>a»ripi »r oic V. PKBLIsIteO EVERY a il 111: *1> V V, *nd entered ta the Post Ofie* ntSpria^ PUee t$a., cs e«0)n4 cine* matter. S. !>■ Gli'ten', ,/, (\ JimrMl, Publishers & Pro¬ prietors. Miilf-crij!.i«« Ifate: ; Ob# j*a», $1 ## Sis iatiU>, *. 68ce» * * ;?!m* uiastiis.SSuotiU. Pifsiilc in advatwe. AJJrt i alt eomimunioatioo* t > Tub Jim- tixamx Spring PI ;«•>, «». A. THIj ftSI>ATT,NIv roHEH if?, tSOI* , iiggftiS.' ■ « x: *«•# 4» #••*•* HSCiY.W, GKADY JOURNALIST, ORATOR ) PATRIOT. JidUor of The Atlanta Con.- Htitution. HyaN ia 'A’nu:: n (bv.. May ‘21th, 1:00; Dim in Atlanta Dkc , 2Hiti), 168*55 GiiADUAlFD AT Til IT, ST ATE uNiVEitsrry ihe year 1868. HE NEVER HELD OR SOUGHT PUBLIC OFFICE. “WHEN HE Dil.U HE WAS 1.ITEK- AI.LY I.OVIMI A NATION; INTO J»EACE,»> Did over a to ilei.ee convey uu rc of t.bo .milk of liuinc.u gratitude and loy/ilty than does this lust — “when he died he was liteiahy loving u nation into peace’’— which is engraved on the monu¬ ment of tho beloved L rady. “A nation in peace! A broad land disturbed by no civil sions, threatened by no foreign envnjyi A people united and homogeneous, prosperous asjd hup- pyt No trace of contlict, no bit- tor memory, no questioned loyal- t; t T h t people lej'.icfbg in the universal spirit of fraternity, re- t,tuning only tho pleasant reco'loc- tions oA tho past, harmoniously solving tho problems of civiliza tion, working out together the grand destiny of a common zcoun- try—that people will over hoki in grateful remembrance tho life and public service of llcnry W. Gra¬ dy." “Frond ought Goorgiu'do be of her noble son'; Proud ought the south to be of her;'gteat bentfaclori Proud ought the nation to bo In r eloqm.r.t, pooi tie. 1 1 or The Jimplecute says the T'alton papsra are afraid to express thera- BeiVes against the kuklux. Oh &huh!—Argus. Just koepbn your shirt, Sonny, and don't be so apt to -jump at a conclusion. We didn't »;ry life lhlton papers were i-frind to ex¬ press themsolves against, tno kn klnx—they can say mote than has beeu'said andhviih a gunl deal oi propriety. Of conrso the Dalton papers ain't Mr. id. Theveiy ldea! KM.! Cliestnnt*: UMdftw.:: ___________. ______ 1891 — Clothing! Clothing!— Something we bound can't do with- keep out and weave, to We have received ami are re - eeiviug the large-1 Hue ot Clot king eve? hrought i O Spring Place. We have euikd the market tor bent goods that could be had, and buying in large quantities, enables us to sell at Rock Bottom ]> iocs. T. J. Ovbcy NOTICE. I hereby request all par ties indebted to me for piofv.ssionul set vi- e, or oth- iwi-ie, t > come forwaid iuh! (Settle at an early date. Tins is no dun but ‘pit rely a requ- st and ii you mve me I shall deem it a p>-rson; 1 favor it you will e mm to see pi'-’. Ver\ lle.-pecit.il!,', Ay, W. AkderSON. HOME NEWS. ~ J, have n» & J. IL Graves »ow I .-.lock the largest and haneadmcst disn’ft.v of MiiH'.mty t vet trough) D'liiOn, Our ftj, r.Js rod cuslo n;ers will ru; 1 arid fee our pretty 1 he chi ar.d reliable Orta of 1 <k 1 H 0raves, of Dillon, ate dmi-x a n-fhingr fvfillinery bnssDfss tliivfalh | They carry a complete itcek aim arc v .-11 known to our peoplej a fir,a which alveus gives its, cufto- :ncr@ big bargains, Tom lb.:n»*vy, son cfKncx, end Lank Barrett rrcTffiitkfthc ibdti- m o to piolbiog F Store 'and invite their »at»y*fiien is to gi»c"thcm a call.accFlhey.wi'ip eli them cis^fitK'i dhatpaEy rouse in , Dalton- F. O.jTroviU has the linrct>Uef lino of toilet soap, to',be ’found in any house in tb-u AimuicHu mar- ktl. Tsras.Jive and Icdjive, •ji.o.-t lot, of Handkerchief c x - tnieu'actl Perfumery ever cho’vn in (ieoi'j. n at F. O. Treve t‘s. Go and see him. Tht'finfsl m;d eltcspast lot of hair, tooth and clothes brushes ever cxi:ib ted ia North Cn. at \\ () Tic*villas Daltm On. , Xmas Presor.ts at F 0. TrovitPe. Hoar Ye! Hear Ye! Tlii.-; is rny laift will an 1 testa mmt. If you ara due me anything on y nr LAST year's account I must have the money. All win. fail to c nnis forward with the mon oy wid Ibid their accounts in the hands oi 0. N. Kipg for col Action. G. L. Moote. Holiday Goods at F. O Trcvitts. Two Drives at Herron’s,— 100 doz. Towcla 25 [hiv cent undo', the market price, 150 pi<n a of - I'.mbu' g edging one halt rcgulnn prices. ©PC. SIlERlilMB SAJ.ES. Htatb ov Geukhia, Murray Will be softl hrfo.e the court houso door i» tho town of Hwe, to tho highest, bidder at pub out c-y between il: • t. .cal h- nrs "G-alo cn. .ho 1st Mny ,» Dec next, the loilowiiifj defcnbcd prop u'ty to v. i;: .Lot of - and No ono h'nndr ;, d and thirty one in tho 8th Uiafc ami 3rd s ction of said county, levied .on as the propc-ify of Ssrab F- Baglcy. by virtue <Ta fi fa, from Murray Super'ci' Court, in favor of Miss- rdaggio • i : i-hi against Burah 12, Bug Icy and Ml he is. Also a!, the same time and place forty four acres off of the north side oi lot No 132 andi fifty nine acres,"off the north Mast corner if lot No. 133 in the StbsDiA and or 1 section ot said county, laried ou as the property oi*J. N. Welch by virtue of aTi f-i from Murray Su¬ perior couri in f.iv..r of the New England ,53orfgago Security Co. against J. N. Welch. Also at the same timo and place one homuf^and lot in the town of Spring .Place, being tho place where Dr. \Y. \V. Anderson now lives, gai-1 lot containh g seven ■ cr>;move or less, mrd being tho land now under fVuion and being pr.rt lot No ' 41. in 9th Dial and 3ld 'section, sai l. Levied on as j tho property of Vv. W. Anderson by virtue of a fi A ii\ m &•?array ., !»>}.« «>. o '> «■*»•«««' Old vs \V W Anderson Pm and W J White and J A .YwEutira ce- ! curiiies. Also at the'sum a time as cl place .one town lot in during 1’iade j i.nowu as lot No 53 and being H»e • lot . siumted »>>• tween the id rs -iriaer lor, where J imoj Ghii.’vvs lives nad the Vvh lunyaxd, c0n_ ■ uiuui;; cue ball acre ruo or levs. Luv;tG ou as the propi riy t.i W f,1 uloreh-u.d t'j villa.- ot « 1; 1 1 iimu Justices court 824th Dist G M ia .’aver of D II Harris against W ,A Jlorelar-u, and \V L Terr.,- and J f MeEntlro endorsu-s. Also, at the -sarno time and place die East half of lot No IBS ja the 8ui D-tst ftiul 3rd Beet Laid county. Levied on us urn property ot J D e.u *-d by vii ’ua ot a ii ;a la ua Jus- iu-,» • eart 824 U in favor of A W hVe ac, :-u.st J Dlv.'ol.ot -.1. >aicl u in e mu- ie<1 i s L K fXiuisi. 'Tiiia Oat 27th 1891. J, 0 , Sheiiil, AnoasasiceEsieets To our old customers arid friends it gives us pleasure to make our ‘‘initial bow ’ as the Manly Machine €o. ? (ISCOnPORATU!’. succeeding to the individual -business as cor,: 1 ruled Hereto¬ fore in a leased plant"- Wc* li.ive arras t • bull ! a'u4 cqtilo at o icc p cotri|>l<hte Foundry* MicHina am! He- j.air.^hnn, mils new mttfbftHktjr ,r.*w ]u»ttcn 8, tow de i ■ 4 B e.ier throughout, ar.d bill it v.z in cur iiR|»r vt d facilities may retain for n - a share of the k ind patronage ire ha.vr enjoyed it? t‘» payt. Very Mrp*»cctfully, Manly Ma com© & CO O > . ?- e* X*. e t;-. yn. S.,: <£t 5“- ?tfvv arm Yoscmite Mouse, : COUKtiK MAMII.TON said V.’AtKJIt 'Si HEIST*. Balton «... r This Hou-so having been thoroughly cir*n«- td nr d rt.fitied, will be conducted aa a first clwsa Boardingatul Lodging IL.uso. f' caii rooms* dean beds and a table ua- gurpiissed. Terms rCivponable, M. C. SIIHLKY, PrcpricHf: WHEN IL DAI.TO 4 * " » CalUt'tU# NBVM5A RBKK SHOP f..r ft first classSbavaor n Stylish II .ir Cut Shampooing & Dying ilono in wuhiuaii-lilu wjaRiscf. N'rite but Wlii le B«ib» r< c-u.ptoyed. Oar OiiTidiuff Kradu-Ttor is a dead shot for dtuidra !T. Bbo|> opposiuo Ilerroubs Store. Uj V. Bnelww ; V-. ■ p NOV. MlS-AUPlv »AI,t.. • 2tat!-; vi' Ueuko-a Vtay ay Go. Will l:t} send he for a tho «' nr! house tl:.or in I he town -T Sprin*; place, to the highest. b ; tld»f 9- pit 1)1 1 o out cry between dho !•*. »d hoars of sale on the 1st luasnhiy iu F. v. niher next, tho foiloWli:,'.' described | lopcrty to wit; A1 o at. Hu* sama tirao nn i olac one recent i undivided inn rvLl in iL' 1 , N ' M ' ’ , - iL'iiol iTmraVc unH- tl 3 .. j u n : -domiw the pr 'm riy of J a Jackson t: r-ati.iv a Jusuco court il fa issue;! IVc-m die Justice court of the 11)11 Dislrad; O M of ppA county in thior of Goldsmith & Bro. vs. tho suit! J J Jj.ckson. Levied Paris. on un i ictumed to in < by D. B. L. O. Also at tho Prnuv time and place one fifth undivided intercut in Ft of land 153 in the fib District a ml 3 1 section of said county. IJy virtue ot an 1 to satisfy n Si fa from the Justice c i, art of the 984th List G. At said county in lavor > f I! 1> Brown vs. Jack ,L hnson, a? the property of <.U i'am.ml. Also at tho sains time and piece f ; tty acres more or Jce? of hit of haul number 49 in th-- Oth and 31 so-lion of said county. acres S a i! S J !.Yde saSh ‘V-»t and sixteen acres off the uei-t pft't of forty acres' of the Rdidboast Sjiorhi sued from ti'© Snperior court <- eeid county in favor of A L Keith YAXAUTY September " Uio This Silih 1891. 1, G- McEnti..e, Shfriff Georgia Men ay County Tho appraises appointed to set apart to Min. M L SuCtud widow et J L Stafford deed, and,her four minor children a lwo!vs support, from the cBUste cf e LI de¬ ceased, have filed their retain and I will pass upon the turnu ou tint- irnhiv the 7th 189!'. thy ot Nov. This Oct. 8-h W li Usmsey, Ordinary. Gecigia iliirray County. Tlo appraisers n.-pointed to e-.-t nuirt to 5is. Boitio L Stiuo, widow of iMyiiv Htir.o dccr-a-eo, an.I her three minor children a twelve , uon {j, a H npp >rf from ti*e estate i-t 6 u<! dfc : , 8t ; i, | mve filed their ro . «„ ni an - t i I will p->ss upon the snm.-r the 7C: (Gy o' 1 N 1891. This Oet. 8th 1891 W II ip m -'ey. Ordinary. Geo gin Jl.urray Coon v The pi- ujers iirpoinit-1 io mu apart f Lizzie Ssui!i: , widow of E. Ii. h t -;a lice, ai d her ttvo miner children u fvvoivi- mo; lbs . support from the estate of said dccoaosd have filed tli -1 return and 1 wil pt,-s upon the sam-' on the 2! t day o N - tor' er 8.1 ..t my cflleo. ’ This O 2,189 L. W. II. Es'tsir, Ordinary S -.la P. 5!a TrawIneH »t»v' ... Maddox I Starr 5 m at-" ’ATTORNEYS AT LAW Dalton Georgia Prompt at.fcntjr.n v. d! bo ;:'vn j . . j| j ( .,, . SS iu Muriay and Hdj'iifi!n;r e mcticR. —: l\. li m T LA W Y sc.a, - Spribg T 'ino G !. J. J. Bates, .VnOHM.V AT J.AVV. '■‘rstao Pure, Ororau opcciAj, attention given to i on . ,'itid ciin;i; rgpractieo icons r. B. H. McNBAL, i X^ olMl ^!" rse Pto.:;ei' attention given to end-! il v or rimht. Oilice at the result nee 61 j 0 n |> KciMj IPSiLS-cil Pin cured win lo uu DA IX. Chili on or Address, 1>R. oI;Krixoirr, v cw ,. JJi Ug bl ;v, ^ - Dalton, —----------A-------- S' ■ f. M Ul: 1* a. AXsI Ji, £■■ , Eentic t. 'T ovi.r JLdioual Hai.k i i-LotoH ,, | U3. j Tecdi exliucGd w itij oi * . P al! b il --■* 1 " J: 3 ■ TM73 Ad IxelflB lA* o AIM® i i - 1 ‘ 1 V/ hislClGS, EL tmdiGS^ J nlTH&S, for jmrpo.sfjs. ‘ , id3 East Ei«i»th street, Tenn. When you want pure er.ii on or send to mo,will * V ' v «'•<» won key is He n flu's mai i-:et. I invite my M:,rr ^ lo ca » 800 ma - Ivt accori ;’'<6y dor. 4 1S 3y t , ——--- llcTCellj I Heurtslli fit W* fierai Job P.inters/ .. Cleveland Teunvssvc. Gcnd for sxtuples and prices, Ah work done neat and at a very reasonable price,-. ‘ " 1 ^ ; ; ;- • d» % C fb ' J ^ Ci - . - - 3 S ^ . -j A . C r; j -.1 ixcl i&io s lii^fiGiiycddg? ^ “ Gs!,His d:: | f ; HT.i ot ir. i.D-n: i k:;; *.,• ZYifrA, fV it'.jt.' bv;j v .eg'/ : r* a .. ; y : :;•/> \ 95 g'lSSV;; di.Swilons B ::-,3 is! Gld.G SEMI FTr.E , \ { -ksv. uie-x? usut co, S'.: -C. s . .<*■ -tv W*. - « $100 Given Away THir ri no I OITE&Y S 0 HS 3 IE BUT A Donation Of O aiu (D ' Hundred Dollars nr< AiO 11 f.1 V $ Customors! Wt will give. y = u a FIVE 8 E 3 T G 83 EY 03 SEB with «<•!. •.: <;oudd, [except ilour.l pin chased at our store . and when Uv« m v ot th A " ■ d - v/ - present d by any one I'x'i'soii v.'e Wid caS"! v'iem p . :i ■; *51,23 j > n silver or tut run- cy to; " f when yoa.b •E 50 cents or more worth of goods ; at.one mu* -z * will accent ' cr ■ as n.ucli c;udu_tow:\rds pay- ; llig f 1 fame. We. want evvrvtioily to aval! t-iem^vlvcs of the* Out ft in ts hdeaguarters for everything iu o :r line and our i the lowest. Come :a,d :o-<> us and bung alljour prices are veip tiiends. A A: foi a FIVE OEIIT KOHEY ORDER ’ vi fh every dollars worth of goods you buy. J /ONQ Y OUT Ktl A GI1 7X V OisL Y WITH ■ 1 ill ,} IJlltJJ A A AX i j , m. mm mi i 9 IfcJf --0.. will civ the i '• r f phides o v Sla©es 5 llaf§ 9 C-X-Ba j Buy Vojir Gui.dv Prcrn me ar.d g.-t the I’toney iW n. ■■■wwririir" tit--i, r iriii(imurinTiu~iT-'~rTim-T —gj■~rnrinT"--m--- oOiiraY t? \i id 'l'\r \ (.io{ ■ i ’!, I SlinulilfeB&y St?. : *’ Yen could i i.-dil th in with a Two Inch Hop**. 1 . K :< ; ' ! “..it <L o .Moore's Ikg Store and > YOUR :M iiou the- fuj'. ’ in Dry Goods i f 'f w..M' mul Tinware, rovd you wil -• ■> . UN XJ ; • . ;! •.'<> I. nm ’e ;eJ down with bar- : gbli-.s. No till - i mn.-idtu' cost o; va!n?. olv curly IMF arriv'd :vo jnlaigr in so last I t;ecd morn room, ruo mul benefit vouvself? y.eorge loctc. r Place, 6a. *\\ ‘hi ‘L/ 1 ^ 4 -^ 0 '* 9 | * D .h'LELi . .., • .* j ! y ‘ ’> Gfvc.-rh-a ami I)-y f ooJs. ‘ : “ >'• • : ';- u :‘ a " h P-^‘ ^ Comitiy Protluo i h ^ il ycruks sold ui 4 *tC'>ck' B-d-tjun’’ j?:icv.4. \ r iS - y ,, . a r Ad ' ., : .,. e 1Me)i; SMe ,j. 3 Gi „. w 1 -will sell to Ike people of Mur- be.-t of «»d PouM- a-.jmnhie Whi-'ki. d;n»{ie«_ 91 Uw. To • m s ai ip,'-r-Ginn ••■:', wi" pi-. u : i ;,v v V .eh '“ig-er K . ve, it CfiPu^t betGiLfdvfta wiih vvitli* -ni the k^ow;e : ' ut\':-o ! L ,p- Give .-, a I thii.u ;.tn W'iil be picio-'C.!. . j i'. : • u j ----- AM©ffiti@nS : tee now I iwe onr PLANER, m I dp top order sms iuo yrtpemi ; to da-.ss and r. afeh ad kinds 'umber in the neatest man cor, ! 11 o wib, 8iSleri en..’ (:rist ir.i': ion Fridays and any iiir.i Id ever , i running. Co.,— Spring Phioe. G». Tao lew Mesfaiiruait K - J - L, -rr h. icr rp.- liBlcj't * -a a m*h lor 85 cents. . Fourtl, .I.:r,r .Vohl, of l)v. _ l/l'ilg N Da It (ttl, -AUiI )3 013 j i LISTEN? Wilson Yl ® ! Vt).« <T1 PHOTOGRAPHERS at Dal- ten, (successors to Kurd & Delany) will I'n* i ^ :h‘ hoy.t 30 ^ Days give W itli each DOZEN CAIG- NET PIIOTO'G one 14x17 C rayon Pic-tare, all for $4.00: or the Cabinets wit bout Cray¬ on for yd.rO. Work guaran¬ in ove*y lespect. Bring in your old pictures if _ you waufc —------_...........JR.____________ them enlarged. W8»-Jvi*'«s^ d o i j: r tSo At 2 crO O'p.Cl'f' Mssmk : ; ... ; '-vi; smmi rnim- o«. nAtlY° WG'Z'll, ..... that ,\e nte now wide awa'I.e i;, the LIVERY SIX coruecUo-a wilh Stabler.