Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, October 29, 1891, Image 3

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li-AicTOb■' h ' SPICY SORTS. *%» ‘V RfTO V A ;ff#< ”v •'■,•' ",' V Dost- <JV pskg. More dust. Health good. Lois of ilnst. Hot temallics. Indir.n summer. f Windy weather. A m w clu eh. A school i oa o. 'Jell us the'new a. Golden hiu-d is'. ;:; Colton opening fast, pay your subscrip;'on Joe Demean is improving. Tha Thinks jiving link -y grav ; fatter. The toEiini bil l linnter 1; b vent* ured out. Itev. S'ono ph.'J .1 iL • Baptist eh»rc a Sueduy. Tho sonnd 'of tho vhistfa is haar.ijaoc.wtod-th'y at the ff •c- tory. A largo crowd from Eprfr.y Piaoe attended the exposition ir. Atlanta last.r-•ok. Prof. B hv;ux!s e n-iuoi-vl an in fem-tiny shniR ?■ r- iLe I'onl \ church Frid y ; f.-T The-town council j : i r-u o- dinanco last tv k h t all t i,o ; r.b- ecribers to this j p r ninst pay nt f nee. All who fail to < on n.-y with said ordinance by the 16th tin'- of N-oveniber will lc double- t mc ’ :,r,d have UA- costs to“jj.-r. our fiiend Lee Terry paid ns a pleasant call Tuesday and infom- . cd tis that ho i.-rt ugbt two fine hoys to town which weighed re¬ spectively 2-If and 212 pounds. Mr. Terry is on--* of Siurrav 4 : cud prosperous lancers. LOST. Sometime dciimr fins year 1 loaned mv overcoat to soma one and ha vp fo;gotten to whom. '.t he,- jnerscn in poa««-csii)n f it knows it and will do me a f- vor t<> return the tune. I’e- p«>< tfdly, P. McGhf'e. Sec the latest importations j in Laces at ilenon’s. By George] fhatA a pretty suit —Yes, got it at O -;bey*R. The latest Paris Notions at Hen on’s. G. L. Hoove is closing out a big portion cf his stock of goods at cost. We i.ve the people Clothing to buy your Dry Goods and from. We will save you mon- J. Trotter tfe Eons. All who wish to pay their sub¬ scription in wood M.ay do so if tic. v will bring it on and not be always waiting for a bc-hcr opportunity. Hats! Hat-'.! Hats!!! A select line just received at Robinson & Fincher. Come to Herron’s for the very latest notions in dress goods ' nd trinmrngs. New tiimmisigs at Herron’s Paris Green 7 civet, (a new shade just out) Jet and steel Nailheads at Herron’s. Our stock of clothing is com plcte. We will save you inon- ey if you give us a cdl. J. Tk otter &, Sous. . Cartvvrkiht B.--? is hcadquar- tern for Dalton’s -h. o h: ie. Examine pi As la Cart, wright. .Bros Clothing Department and you 'Dalton. will buy at no c/lher place H Go to Cart writbl Bros, fur fine worsteds and dress goads. No other house in Dalton will sell you 1 he.sseic goods for the same .mon¬ ey- ’ Bargains in all kinds of /roods at Cartwright Bros in Dalton. Tha New Y rk Millinery Store, at- Dalton has received". « Hrgn.stock of French (mpor.cii N'wel:u-B and Pattern Hats. _j TOTOR] >■ - ' / Mm -V .'■• i - t 1 WsPa -TOTO an ■■ •' ■ AY ' f TO? ■-•='•.. . • A--? /; A A " y : * A -- V n I ; , -' -T s ; . . m&s& y c ~‘ s ■ • ■ ■■ - % T-X *^4*sk iSjW-fi-,.*, ■ Wafela tfela E\x:nv WEEK. u in n for Loreimn A XIl Bors, Dry Good.", Shots. Hats, Ci-pa au ,( t 'l<.t Y-.-s, r ;■ aie h ru’.q tnrterB f.:r thf>i above goods anl will give the poo* { \,, . ?3 x.irrav -nai!v'houert ;rm’« va:«e t u- ir haul - dollar.--. !h ulodl o.,;., ( p . We can give you good wm-rI.kIs for 9a. « ;.] m; j 2 j ,< f or gi. 60 0 r the best. ihOO Uc-ai. ever iiLown.in «r.y i. ry U cuv We can ray tne Ka no ijj ivgai'i; to our shoes. V» e aif! sellii-jv ;\ ;i excel’.nt- Brc- g.uffor SI..00. »Vo will give you a ladies Sac kid but ton shoo for- ft. We have tlm pi-st (■ nve Qraili Butit-n 81:o to celt for f.I.Ed ever brought to Dalton. Best (. iu ckArndy 5c. Good calicor-a 5 t -mum oenun eidy oc. . A good comfort, fov 75c. A gc-edipair of.blankets for $1. I) Let;, i hr re is*.u > it-mi 'of Dr? <tood«, in .which;’ wo, easiti under sell any oouipcUtor, * Now acjlo Ci»»iiilj;:v just give u:- a trial. Wo have suits at $0 CO (a; t wool) which are aheap for tho mon¬ ey, but at §5 00. $7.00 and up Jo 1C and 15 dollars we claim to have the best, of any hor.ee in the city. lien;ember us «henjn Ddton. G'- me to see'us and we will tiy to make your visit, pleasant and prof¬ itable. LGVEMAN & SONS. I sm now receiving a complete line of;imported drev ; goods and in vile. I lies ja.iies to fxainiuo thorn before dealing elsewhere. Ovbt-y. T. J. Ovbcy will sell y«. u clothing as clu ap as it can be bought iu Go. We call the attention of the Ladies of Murtay to our elm gant stock ot Dress Goods which, we are Selling wry low, J. Trotter &> Sons. ■ 4t > Tim Tenth wonder of the woildf Robinson & Pmche, have it fh the way of a sTioe, or rather the name, which is: No. Gent Run TO 1-1 Box Toed : Double 8 led, Brogan Shoe, | C.ad ,, imily , ana , get yourself ,. a |HIU Ji tiiCii!, Look at the hew dress goods at He: re TO ! New Bedfo'd colors, Clothes (-olid Ladis and stsipos,) Broad clothe?, Ebglish homespuu, 8forni serge Bo-ucle pleids. 8ti ipes and Pol¬ ka dots, Plaid and striped find eTOTOTO TOb'IS Baiges, al.-u a full line ot*Jame- town worsted iu high goods at Hen cm’s. JUiJArT & SOBERS, Leading Clothiers of Cleveland ^ ie.or„ 5 * Y a -: t ! i people of Murray Vo/O-t. ; >' ci i h \ v col ton here ■ . a.yl Luy your Clo: hliiy, Shoes, Haw, Bad sovcwi >ii;- l vej^y thing IIi 2i or boy werrs fiom Ilya. - ljU c ■■■ K ; -'t 11;o best prices fo&you. cot ton trio re v? Clothing money here than eis.e-where. Coin?, everybody, and we will please Vdl. ■ You 1-8 Truly Julian A ^ :i) Sogers, Ocoee Comer. ft ©S$@2a Marliet. li Tv You WnntEOIilE and ATLANTA prf ees r- rycar Cotton firing it to <CI©TeIaia€l T®iaia®ssee. Of(r cotton buffer came today and the man fat is now open ^ //V will be here until January 1st. 1892- 1'rj ||s with a LOL r . we w ill raalce jqxs snippy © @Cta II & 5 TO COTTON Planters YU WAY • O CEOilCI.i, B os I'.irs'.—V"U -.tt.’l your families a;o cordially'invifeil to examine- uur ri n k of Di;v (ioccs, 8 hoe-i, and CAPpirra. ’Ye havc'lhe largest stock ot any house here and ‘htty (.-rods in 1 .i<> lots for cash, whi .-!» o-y/tibinod with the that wo don't sol! poods - o,; IIS to V1V’ VOU Ul H‘Q for V :U< money t.iran nier- chant 2 . r.i»Rti*g the ‘‘cro.lit F.vsteui.* 1 Alief you • Iticirr.sT Homo rl:id A ’ iiM ' ta ■"•••' >,0:,r coWon ; oolua to ,im ’ wiore iU!d ^ 1 o w Obt leva mood*. . Wow prices on your 1: ,u9i!u) lot Lir ies Cleaks and .Tachcts ;t' - la 1 go let itiankets, Sliawis &c, : ( Dot. 1. for.-ccl the place. We will mule it. to iidc, c-;t. y-'UVB truly, C&rRblfss 1 MeKmm V- ^ fMavrf'tn’irS C‘C pom lioiioo Et yro”) Teiiu. I*- G —It 1-m UiJ Li.-: siu-w heie r-n the 2Sih. We will offer specic.i prices {h-:n day Brocatk-d st: ipnl am] plain T r «.']vc.fti, Jet gimp-;, Kilk uimn-g * EJk cortls, Large jk-u 1 buttons \ ciietmn carpet,a, etc.. .I«• t .nm! ■' ' BU‘cJ ljJLlih'EKj.S .at IlEi ron’s. m { j ,( w fail to call and kh> ;;s ' lie in Dalton. \\\> a! ! ^ :r art; I I S ay c/. glad to &lip\v y m good / . J. Trotter & Lons, ( Produce’ Produce! Produce? -1 We want all the pro-) duce have* and all 1 you you can buy for next ten days. Resuera-i bsr that v;e pay CASH and the highest market price, so dont forget to call on us when you have anything - to sell \re ei.pecn.lly ... want Chick- ru ■ , ens Eggs and Butter and will priy fancy prices for good stock. Respectfully, DeJouenett & Co. Dalton Ga. SIIOFS! SHOES!! SHOE-'!!! Go to Robinson- «fe I'inch- er‘s to )-uv your shoe?, ihey He U dioap for cash, — The f 'Li. is nesses Virginia and fUorgia BaiS’.vay : .'•yr-.ism. ‘‘I'nii k'nsjNK Line ro tih: West By thin route, passengers for Texas, Kansas, A; kajisas, Mss- gouri and points in all oilm WT esteni States and Ten buries. u-uike fewer cliang'-'a of car? than b}v ny other. All classes of ve UmMml wuh colpt oit ; tilt?- ami clco’flllt UCCO III MIC* l .T- - ^ ^ Time is always the quick- est and low rates to all West- eru points are always in effect, For Further informalino wfite to or call on «;; f I TOila,. c ’. 5 A g or B. W. Wreim, General Passengev mid Ticket ; Agent, Kuoxvii!-* Temi, |t]||y P temrmrf, ?/ U: ex 0 hi 1 r i* «; IV.e/e.ncy and ebedpness. p . c, t< , ae i ur> , Bandiug* ,v< 15 -.'>”' 1 ' ‘‘ r j,ur P - set. ruinon 'Eit - j , . : ,<-ui h. I a<• ielo a ir:] Die Uo ■^r-.U^r Mil. L .urd clvftap, Di d dormilo- r.v'.- ;;: hi ; !; r- ■ ’. for titude ifj wbo wi.!» to ^ r<1 -•* jif CtaJ course in Hook- L« ©j.t •!;• }>;-. r £L'“iiil. S. 1 u d o o t s ;s d |>, i * f {•' d a UiO • w't'.ui . July 6.i|i 1891 and ^Apii, limb l.tov. i' ‘-‘S' '■ 9 ’■ 1 f ■ •’ i u fui f-•* < ioc u d(I rf‘>'-?: P ■ . . M. T.w,lanv, A. M. * ' - idtrit of Fucuify, KU joy (Hi > v or ' . s >-nep pimI uionnmeutal v ' u ° £ ' K ' n S* \v r i! n \ ou diced anyikiud ol j o1> Fii.-ding Wiitc to McNeilv & Hemt-ill Gh-vcSand Terns. ^ * I(, .V will do youiywoik neat and cheap end deliver it free. \V*e f-ell the 8-pence. Optical Company s Bpcctacicr. and eye "R i! j < “* e ,' ‘‘9’ “ glnsseu and you slsoul I ^ t s\ th , m , K , foie ]IU rlj , sil;i , when*. 8. J. McKmglds New Drug Store, Dalton Go. Ot comae I got my suit at Ov bey's, bo hotter goods can be had in tho market Georg" Moore will sell you more good s', for a dollar than any otfu r me chant in town. Ovbcy ir, leading i i cluthitiy, foiv. DYs?rr«,j l>-« Ir .-A iiittera* I hyziciu :w recoinmeml it. All 6*:‘ftlorg k vp R. fj-i.oo per hotlle. Genuine das t’Atdo-ift&rkand crossed reclines on wrapper. If you are, going west or south west and want Cheap I'ickets and Quick Time ad¬ dress or call on W. E Button ' )V fa8iuitn get.'-ral emigrant jtmket agents Dalton Ga. 1 BITTEHS. It ia plcaiAB.:; to take, ©ares Mulaiiu. Indigos ticji» and BUidasness. All dealers fc<jep ii. Notice 'To The Ladika W o are bound to'suit, tin- . ladies’ fancy regard less of what it costs. Have n-ceived a beard'dnl stock of hats and would like to lb.e r ,..a ,p- y we of p' (i ' V Fleet r!\u; and • A c.udiai invitation to all. T. J. Ovm.v. ic ssgai ^ -j Kasj gat ; M#tel Cn oth- © £ ^3 Q any >> Q « m- . C\ C! o CZ £ AO VX O F3zri P*a : ,, £ fe>> g than v wt. £Q i © m q > /*ai <sv ip Cj V&W cp2 & lower 03 \yrJ K ^ -■■■■* mm '-Xi> . • (£i\ ' '15 ^ ,td TO ©nr are. o O TOsi Q e E®n f. I Watches U PDffl fsa- ,•« rj Scuth. 4-' er. © X.* tv5 TO /Ami o t a££i 1 © ■P PS w u. .. ,«• iffi on "the- .o '■*' /Essaszj o 9 ■Xi ^ 53D prices cr c(5 <Tn (* B| Vsaat Mm C-2( a STN Our house in a o S) o in ^ ’" hi ■: ) ©| TO o er ® rss m ; i -• • v■ M ©sii§f r © e f Ik £s ©ek —dealers i >:— ill aid kass 9 S E and Granite <3 MON EM NETS, HEADSTONES. TABLETS CROSSES . Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Spec!A i/ Prices Givfn Ox Apxm.ioaxiox 19 West Montgomery Are. ('llATTAO OQA. * Tjia&. 0 . JN. '.KINO, Local Agent, Sprit Place, Georgia. *<»McaMto*b. rseuesR* »>«*...... 1 89 i 1891 Sobinson & Fincher, I’.rXG PLACE, u ECP.au ... .Bealkucj In,... Oroocrica, rrovl«ior.e, Co; fe.eHoa.jrit*, Cig»r«, TobaoeFlour, Meat, Lard, Sugar, Coffee. Syrup avd in fact everything in the grocery line; Queens and Tin ware; Also a select Stock of NOTIONS. ’i'l.K CHEAPEST I IOCS E IN TOWN. TO BUY THE ABOVE' MENTIONED COOBS. V • • .Will oay a;l kinds of ptddutt, cliiokcns, cgygij bntferfeorn,.,, j per.B aud rrylhing in the produce line, mu] pr.y the ' HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. (’nil ami see enr goods and get prices before you sell, your produce or buy • cur groceries Ac. Oli -^v- i- kx; V J —vt* rn Wo oi) o J' CJ Ea B ® m M 9 '4 -{ DEALER IN j> 'cTOceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Eats, Etc. SPRING i PL AGP GEORGIA N be lnii-l; ifaht/i oLmssce Fiour, Paeon, Lard, Inigav, Ooflte New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Bummer Hats ot the latest- styles, all of which will he sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. 1891 & 1891 . - T © i; © €1 V II E Y 9 Place, Georgia Glo fMng! ClotMag! Clotliing!! 1 have on band, and will keep the best line <-1 Gents ready.— nuuic dothing, on the rm.rkef. tef Also a full stock of Dry-goods, Ilat?, Caps, .Slices,'Hard¬ ware, Groceries tfcc., and will sell at low prices, for cash. . ««■»* ■», S * V V; V«u« Ur^U»MNvW|> UKwQan M. V Te ii, A. T. \s. J. E. Eindlev. TEEM, LOGAN & FINDLEY Li . , very, feed & Sale Stable. First Class Accommodation: W« solid! a shavo (J’your patronage. KLfJJAY -- — — Georgia. Cherokee IFcirnitrar^ TO- a on -3 Are ofb ring to the citizens of Murray County the largest and best selected stock of Furniture shown ° ever in Dalton. \7e purchased TO large dock for Sjiot Cmh and can offer low- er prices than ever before. Call and etanv.ne stock and prices. ho trouble to show goods. Tho iarg st stcck of Ca.dP TS iD^Worth Georgia, Undertaking; nd Embalming. Casket?, Coffins and Burial Robes foni the cheapest to the finest and at the lowest prices. (R Ii. BlTOldDOk*,- Manager. NliW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN m 21 - I ii e r j €w CN)i § © LATEST XOVELmis IS FASHION! Ju*l 5!f.culvf :i :,l thf .".miiu-rj Mf ur » of J. S' J. /. G LA .-I'-B, No, 8;>, Iianiiii(in btract, Dalton, Georgia. 2> - wci-8 lioaslit cl the-' argestiUHl best impovUng Konecein BaWi- [ nore and Ne;e Vore, and Kill be at very lew iees for safb.