Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, November 19, 1891, Image 2

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Jimplecute. Guaranteed I’lretH-vUim, - - 600. The Paper if tue PORl.tSSl Et) EVERY THURMUT, and ent#t*d in *-b« Pu*t Office etgprins Piece Re., eeeesnci eleee luelier, usisz S. B. barter, J. C. Heartwtt, Publishers & Pro¬ prietors. Kiihirrliitlmi Mute.: On* year, $! 0# Six mcntV'e, SBcentt:Thre« *c»ths,USceuta. Payable in adrence. AbJrors all cminuniratiune t > Thk J IU - rttdvre during Plant, On. TStlt«S!)AY, KOVEMUER l», I8!>1. air Unity in action will make the people of any country prosperous and h«fpy. The'new'editor of.the Fort Val¬ ley L sulet is undoubtedly a huat ler, as can bo seen by scanning the editorial columns of his paper Thojexchange ficnd’ig tlio great eat drawback to], suecesKful jour nslism in these diggin's. If hi* winning ways ran in a different channel ho would be] a h wling SGCCCSS. Rtrifo Mel di content arc the two principal a'omants which no count for tha dwnotutizod condition ol tha South to day. Not bing short of t he akilllul manipulation of the political and dome tic issues of the couut.ry will again place her on n firm financial footing. g .Wo are glad to^note that a proa* many people are returning to this country from Texas, These same people aro old citizens of Murray hat iike many others they thought b«.*t to sock their fortune in the modern Eldorado and not finding things ao fi mnnhir.g as represen¬ ted are returning with dead loads of costly experience. The morals of the country de- pend solely on the enforcement of the 1ftw. IV petty offenses are per- nntb d to pass unnoticed they will soon develop iuto ' grave nmde- meftnots. Drunkenness and pro* Vanity when given fall ssvsy wilt corrupt any community or coun¬ try. Miss KHen Dortch of the Carnes- ville Tribune seizsa every tunity to vindicate democracy gives the following from Roger Millf--: Here is Democracy in a nut shell as deeci ibed by Mil's of Texas, in a speech : n New York; "A g- crnnient that will restrain one man from injuring auolhor, and should leave every man free, that shall keep every man from faking from the mouth of his fellow' the bread he has earned. That is Democra¬ cy, and the gates of hell an t »n ar my of Platts and Fassetts'ehall not; prevail against it. We advertised a few weeks ago for s>. Gossip and are proud to state that, the rasults are really gratify¬ ing and the town is bountifully snp- plied— in tact we ietl safe in the assertion that cur resources aro sufficient, to supply the demands of any i ister city iu need of such an | in Jconvenience, and all towns need a good Gossip if tfiev would prosper. Until after the Xmas trade is over we shad offer unheard of Bav- gains iu our elegant goods foi oai atdyour-ig, nch and poor, lor we vu eotthe goods r.ml must sell you. „ (o .»d R e, what you want. Tapp & Bro* dt* we ilars Don t waste your time when in Dalton looking for something to give your girl, your friend, or any present you may wish to for wo hav® saved you that troub- lo by gtviug you an assortment of fine goods in watches, clocks, sil- verwaro, etc. r ung man S°t married. Come to us now and bnv your engagement and -wedding ring. Bargains tl,res!,cut our entire etoek. Tspp & Bio. JciVelleis. . t-f HOME MEWS. Old overcoats taken on sub¬ scription. 3o sure and come be¬ fore the cold spell is over. When it com*8 lorepai r g vonr > ii ehrs. clocks and j«we*ry wo, are fixed and can gaarantee {erfect <atiaficuon in every instance. Dome to headquarters and ba in ■ he •*swim*'. Tapp & B o. Jewellers- L rgest itfock, fiocRt goods. low est prices—great oargaiuB throng hout o’ur establishment. Gome !o headqunrtera and gav» mon«v A get ju .t what you want Tapp & ILo. JowellerR. The impromptu disappsarar.cf of a nurnbar nt our subscriber’ in pircs ns to give vent to 13 1 > f >l- lowin j. An editor works 305 3-4 days ir year to get out 52 issues of a p:s- per: fhat-s labor, Sometimes oft h« tt'ted ftiend drops in n: bequeathe to him a hoshel t' p - tatoesl that's henoYolence. Oce aionally a i uh&criber comas aloe and pays him n dollar: Ui» (, b nm> ey. And onca in a while some f low tubes thin f amo poor editor'i paper a year and akipi the ccmulr,. without paying for it—but thaie’s a place prepared fur this last naoi a:l creature: that's h—dl, V.'o guarantee all our goods to be just ns represented and should they prove olh.r than we repre- santo i them lmrr 3 ' back to head quarter* and w* will take pleasure in making good,any’deficieuoy. 'i’ap]> & Bro, Jewellers. Kmas Presents at F 0. Trevitt's. Holiday Goode at F. O. Trevitls. F. O. Trevitt has the finest select, line of toilet soap to bo found in any house in t.ho Ametican in a. kst. Terms, live and let live, Bryant A " inchev have just opened up a Palace Drug Store in the Motel Dalton block and invite the] patron ago; of their friends in thi* county. If. U. Tre»iU,’H m Dutton is tbo place to buy Drags. Drugs solil by Bryant «fe Pinchw at,Dalton fire th" b wt because the stock is new arid fresh throughout. Drugs and Medicines fold !>y Trevitt. of D.dton, are fresher and purer than those sold by any other druggist. Bryant <fe fi inched have the mout complete stock of Per¬ fume, ies and Cigars brought to Dalton. When you want anything in the Drug line see Trevitt of DaRof; he wd! fix you up. New trimmings at Herron’s See the latest importations in Laces at Herron’s. By George J that's a pretty suit —Yes, got it at 0?bcy‘s. Th*- 1 latest Paris Notions at Henou’s. When you want the best meal yo ever bad in your life just go to Mrs. Maddox’ N-w j Boarding House and you will j get it. tf. 1 Bargains in all kinds of goods r( Cartwright Bros in Dalton. Come to Herron’s for the j« very latest notions iu dress 00( j 8 ,. lu j trimni’ngs. Examine pihvsin Cartwright | Dalton. Paris Green Velvet, (a new shade just out) Jet and steel - Afailheads at Herron’s. ! ; Go to Cartwricht Bros, for fine j worsteds and dress goods. No i others hue in Dilfco.n will sell vou , the same goods for the same mon- e y. Thfi New y cr!c Millinery store Rt Dalton has received a Inyge stock ot French Imported Novelties and Pattern Hate. Ci. I,. M o 0r e is e! 0 sino 0 a t » lug portion cf his stock of d-oods nr cost. Manly Machine CO. G - qJ GENERAL FOCXrrRV AS» MACHINE WORKS. ARCHITECTURAL A?fD BUILDERS’ IRON AND CflSTiWQS, 54W HILLS, ^ I SMQ/l?- HILLS, Mthl I "SRStiSSS? ii 2 :• F r >* 7 ,..'V, ■r ' *~sSfi5 ' ■ ■? _____ ...L - v- » L, ■ - „ - - tleoks. Settiug wuititUil SappHas, f iiai tu r, C»e»ri*»s »»* Circular Saws, Cent Pull.js. Bslicsa ©sorpa. Ci lalcgue.* Fre;. Near E. Y. V «■ G D*pnt, 1891—tloiliio-l c oiiiiB*.*:— Something we cm.’: do out .".ad we :;r« Found to keep it. We. luive read veil and are i'* 1 celviug the laige't line Glothiinr v ’e Fn nylit *«• Snririff If. Place. M e h '■ * market l„r . ........... could he had, and hujiitg it large quantities, enables ns to sell’at Rock Bottom p> ices. T. J. (Lbey NOTICE. I hereby request all parties indebted to mo for professional service, or othei who, to cotne forwHtd and settle at an early date. This is no dun but merely a request and ii you owe me I shall deem it a personal favor if you will come to see me. Very Respectfully, W, W. Akdbrson. We sell the openee: Optical Company’s Hpcctaclei and eye glasses They are ve y fine glasses and you should try them before pu-chasing else- vvhe'o. 8. J. McKiiiuhts New Drug Store, Dalton Cfo. Of couifo I got my cuit at Ov- hcy‘s, no heifer goods can be had in the matk«t. George Moore will sell you more goods for a dollar than any other merchant in lo*vn. Ovbcy is leading i i clotiiiug, 1; you are going west or south west and want Cheap Tickets and Quick Time ad¬ dress or call on W. 15 Sutton or J. L Smith general emigrant ticket agents Dalton Ga. I.A DIBS building Xeoding a tonic, or children that wr*nt un, should take BROM 5 S ittOS »rS?TER». It i.« iMeaJsant to take, cures Malaria, luflsges* fcioii, and Bilioueucw. All dealers it, For totn U s onc p n i\<1 iuoa» m enta 1 work cah on 0 N King. Wh n you;need any kind ol Job Printing write to McKeliv cfe Heart-sill Cleveland derm, They will do your work neat and cheap and deliver it Inc. Notice To The Ladies. We are bound to suit the ladies’ fancy Have regardless received of what it costs a beaut.il ul stock of bvib-G hats aud would h.L-* ‘ the fact tliat they -o- vet y latest S * A c<»!dial invitm p-o ■ T •- FOB DYSrEPMA Ysk? Rrowr. T s Irou Timers* rhysiciutvs revKRrtmo’.d it All tlealers keep it. $1.00 po: LofcUtf. Ocnuine ■ iTRs tratl<y-ma.rk and ero.GTKi mi lines oa wrapper. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOE !!! Go to Robinson & Finch¬ er's to Buy your shoes. Fhey sell sheap for cash. Brocaded striped and plain Velvets, Jet gimps, Silk gimps, Silk cords, Large pea 1 buttons Venetian carpets, etc., Jet and steel Railheads at Herron’s. Don't fail to call and see us when in Dalton. We are al¬ ways glad to show y hi goods. J. Trotter tfe Sons. The finest and cheapest, lot oi hair, tooth and clothes brushes ever exhibited in North l a. at F. O Trevitt-** Diilton G:i. DFC. SHERIFF'S SAEES. State op Georgia, Murray County Will be soli before the court house door in the town of Spring Place, to the highest bidder at pub¬ lic out e*y between the legal hours of sale on she l«t Tuesday as Dec text, the following <.escribed prop 50 wii: B 0 A 1 PIE 0 HOUSE Mrs, M ddox lias opened up n f]r>t ekss Hotel and Board- mg House at Inr place. [Stan lt .p r i v .’j j The Local m ITiavdling j ‘"=“'8' v •. b ,L i ' \ W< '"- .nodat h u* hist class tu . every particular. Meals 25 Gen's. SPRnCPUC:,......... u FEEE* DAL7C1S, .... .... CA. Wilson J; Co, will- for a limited time give one 14X1 l Bust. Life size Crayon’Poitrail to each pe son having * Dok- n CaFinet Pl)otog"ap!is made. The Ibe fMe wdl c-cet only $3.00. They will frame the large Portrait in a hand some six-inch Moulding, Gold <fe Bronze, for $2.75 t hese po:traits when frame.! usually seli foi $10and $12. Cal! fhtir Gallciy wlicn in Dalton and sec -amni'.-s. <.r Geouo a Mvurax Ci . j. W. Roper has appl ed fur ex* emption of personalty : r,d I pass upon the same at 12 o‘?!« c . 41 ihc 25th Nov. 1)91 at my office. \V. 1!. Ramsey. Ord'u’y. Hctx Ye! Y vco. Eel This is ray last w 11 an 1 te.s., 1 - rutint. I: _v-.,j ara duo m? anythirg on v i r LA' T year's acooRnt I mi:*t hf Vo She money. All who f-.il to c .w ferwavd wilt. u:« mon¬ ey wi-l fi i ’ ihe<r Recounts m the hand* oi 0 N. Kina f r c lb ct-'n:. G. L, Moore. j ■ . W? mm & ir 1 — — - - - A pamphlet of information r.b- r Astraet or rite laws,snowing How to l-mOMuin SgklUnt*, Ihttents, Copyrights, CaveaiR, Traded 'BrSndwtyf sent frtc.A -4a V a 1 ~ fl V U |§ i. • - u tfulia B LiJirn & Atlantic Mm, •PALACE SLEEPING CARS -BETWEEN-- UI Mitepi Mis C!o 3 .’. Cor.nsctlonsin Union Passsnser Depots. See that your Tickets to CATOOSA SPRINGS --AMD- LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN _ —Read nc3U via— vm _ Western & Atlantic R. R. ROUND TRIP Summer TOURIST TICKETS Ar.d CHEAP EMIGRANT RATES. Only line making- Atlanta, closo eonnwtions in UHIOS PASSENGER Charleston DEPOT, for Savannah. Au¬ gusta. and all Florida points. write For Tickets. call Sleeping Car reservations, Ac., to or up on i S. I- Roger?. City Pass. Agent, Frank Ssvieb, Ticket Agent, C. B. Walker, Chattanooga T. A>? t, Union Depots K. D. Hank. 4 No. 4 Kimball House, Atlanta. CHAS. E. HARMAN, General Pnssou^er Agreat. Atlanta* J, W. THOMAS, General Sfaaajjer* Lot of -and No. ena hnnurfed snd thirty one ia the 8th D st- an 1 3n ; •i etinn of said C' u: tv. levied on as !he property of Sarah 1, IDg’ev bv virtue of a fi fa fr >m Murr . Superior Court, in favor of (SifRi* FMd avairst Sarah El, Bejtley and cthe. s. Alan at the sune time and place forty four seres off of the north side of lot No, 132 tod fifty i.im acres off the garth east corner «1 lot No. 133 i s the Sth f)i»t and 3rd section ot said county levied on vs the property ct J. S. Welch i. virtue of a fi fa from Mu ray perior court iu favor oi the Now England Mortgage Secmity Co. against-J. N, Which. Also at the eurne time and place one house and lot in the town ci Spring I’iaee, being the plrce where Dr. W. W. Anderson now fives, said lot containing s-.-.ven rcres. more or less, and being the iand now undv.r fence and being part <.f lot No -41,in 9th Diet and 3id section said land Levied on as the property of W. VV. Voders on by virtue of a fi !a fro m Superior court iu favor' of G V Hill rs W W Anderson Prin a,;d J A :i5cEnl:tfc “* Also «t the same tirre and p'.ice one town lot in Spring Place known an lot No 53 ami b.irg th« lot si usited brtween the Mr .'armor lot, where J-iinea Cidl h i .- !ivc« and the t'ole fanyavd, tuinirig one halt aero mora - r as the property of W j | JuaficbB Moreland c»ort by v 824tb rhi of Lest a !i G fa f.f I 1 i'av r of D 0 Harris at'ainst W Moreland, and W L Tsnry a.id .1 l M'TCnffrs emloriiiua Also at tap tamp lime and t e id .si ic:li ■! lot. No It'S in St u D»t Rfli! 3rd St-ct s.itl c . ,ui .i \ L;vied on as the property of J i :.ir./d by vulcn* of a fi fit JV-.-m Jus j-ic.-s court S24 •;» g it* tntr A \V Fit - ;v. :i«s: D V . > 1 if hjaid li fa e iti'M ■ i K L f This Oil 27; a lo'.H . .3. .’ M c y -j Cm r::m ,V.’| . r, The app: IM S Jt t j ■ • ' ‘ j apart 1(1 ,»!;«. "0 { f’ i I .J L Yi, • b-m miner V11: i'■ - iv>. • s-sppot t from !be os- f • da ceased, 1 m ve :i*. .< •;r > ! rtjr-h ho l wiii pat.; ao. o th »-->M t* ( Hu! urday'Use 7;'h 189:] d , <»i a u r 189] TW# Oct. 6th W ii ifemsey, Gcotgia Murray County. The appraisers appointed to set apart to M s. Rettie L Stine, widow of Edgar Stine deceased, and her thicc minor chi-dien a twelve month* anpp vt fro-- C-< e.<.f..;• ol said dec.use have fi (L.-ir in turn and 7. will pass upon l-e R-.ta>> •n Saturday the 7 o'* N ,v , 1 SOI. This Or Sth 1S91 W li R m K t.>v. Ordinary The appraisers Geo . Lt Murray Co no v Lizzie appoiuivd io so: apart to Sraitin widow of K B. Smith -Sec. su.d her two I'mior children a twelve months scppnr: from the estate cf said deceased j have filed their l(‘turn and 1 w ii I pass upon the same on the 21st day of November 1891 at my office This Oct 21.1891. W. U. Rak-set Ordinary The Eaat^'Ssnuessee Virginia and G.-drgia Railway rsysfrrc. The T'ei'nk Like to the West B y this route, passengers foi srp*? ZT-Jt w estern States and Tenitories, fewer chang u s o' cars tLau h v rn T <-therV . All classes of pas-engers furnished with com tort a- bie and l ' le s aufc accoiumoda- tions. Time is always the quick¬ est and low rates to all West era points are always in effect. For Further intormatico write to or call on J. L. Smith’ Passenger A<~em, Dalton G:t, or B. W. \Vvenn, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Knoxville Term. Galaway & longest. ' , »£| " Dalton Ca. tiesirc to «»li ike atteatlea of the j,ak« A ail tb« e< p!• tOiirii;, rtpeeiadly -halve are now wide ewake in tke LIVIRT DU IN ESS: h»T!R» pirebased iko entire km.3- ii>e*f *£ Mr S. I>. Pearek* Wejjam j~ard im e-jnttfih/to with Siakle. Whiskey. J v. h ,cli !o Ike people cf Mur- ray an s.fjoirirg cctmtics ihe best of M rooty in Wbiskir s at $1 75 per gali.'.i: a: d will pul a seal of w.'x oyer ei.ct- log » i K g so tha it e.iDiio! ba tan-y-'ied with with- . nt the k JOwlectgM of ths purchas¬ er- Give me a trial. I think joo will be pleated. W U fvivv. Llijay, — - ‘h rrris I Aiu f/V? We * lip ‘ ;> v to cl ; ss * “ iuni be; 2 We V : , K on f- 1 - <|, rn: i: l $ OF if. X. Tinsley! hirst class nu '•ds for only 25 cents. Fourth door North of Dr, Liiii’s Drug S oib Dalton, (ia! Ellyay Seminary, T '* ' ,r eiTiei€:;ry ami cheipaea*. • V rn : ’r nf f nr'at,:. t®|«htr». Buildings w. 11 hpd'V ;' 1 f«r *.’W farpets*. Tuition ' '■ ? *r I-.cide Mul f 5 '’ " l*" B mrd c( 35 1 r ohfar, ,„a dormtl.- " rent fer stud* us who wish to " iJ rKsujh,,. Sflfciai course i Book- 0 !’* r wofUi. StiMeuts admitted 1: ;;:r n ' ,o,r6th,89x *«“ Ur . !s 'h«r iofo mstioF address: ils- . -J. R. Tat.MKT, A. M. I rrsidoot «’)u .«ariri„x Tints sue!] .Star* •ig:.iadcoxl Starr,^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW"" Georgia ’■berupt, attention will be giv t ?i b-.'od busin- >RS m Murtsy a ad adjoining e inniieg. — - —: II AG. K. I IMG :— lawyer M *l>!mg r '!ace, Ga. J. J. Bates, ATTORNEY at I, aw. * 7 fKixa Plaok, lpkcial Gforou attention given to coiiec- Mon.i and ciiminat practice iosennit*! House, O- Si sou SSAVm. ON altd w AUG a SIREETS • ! eoraria. 1 ms House h.-vioj bon tbor»u»!,: .; : , eiPS - ‘id a: i r^Siunl, ^« c r, utlict «d ji st <* & t Boarding - n g d Clean roonjf, eicui l ^apAseud. Ttrn*rt r-?- - M. C WHEt ■ Call at th - > • B Qr«t class c '- a. i .c »a an n f »*, N.. c u; ployed . Our Dacd. «*fT i . i 'nndruff. Shop oppogiue Herron's Store. U. V. Bovtwick Prop. *V ■** -fl- A Houeshsid fismeay $ * ren all BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES m - fa * lyli ii- \ isfsnls Used lab IhSur^fSS'-'igg-SS form o' .talignani SKIH EKUPTIOH & sUk". being eScecbaj in fee- \ system anti rctfcrir.g tfce toning smilis a csnsfliatiss, v W when impair’d free, tty tstise. Jtj Y josiify ?imwt stipernafara! ia Rt-aranieoing' healing prjejrflct 0 L « us a cure, H a direciionaars fe!!ot*etl. | » SFIJT FREE P , BLOOD BUS CO., tm.*-; >;