Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, November 19, 1891, Image 3

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Jimplecote. v- SPICY SORTS, MW “i" f Hard 'times an.l worse coming Eev.tStansberry o?,Rvov»s* Sta¬ tion is visiting Jus daughter* near town, The Noraial'SchooU/contmonc-'s at Sumach tbs 5th Monday in this month. &Ji88 Aggie KamseyTrft Friday to visit relatives and, frjtnda in Atlanta. Mrs.f Maddox’-.left lasU’wr.ek for tbe'bedf»cfejj;if her sick daughter at Coiu:n’.*us. Christmas 'drawe-h* nigh and it is high,time that the'natives were talking of ,a Christmas Tree. Send us the’ local news from 1 yonr section unddhns let's! 1 parts; of the county be >.a;>resented. ; Oar voung'friend George Harris lns..,';returneJ from Dablonaga,! where he has been going to school, j Price Bates and Dr. Tom Hall; ara attending lectures st tie Grant! Medical 'University in Oh&Uanoogs. ; Eugene Camp pai 1 n« a pleasantj visit ctssful Tuesday; fisherman ha s sl uosfc his brother ns sue- j a as j John. Jof i Ethfredge, J R Terry, Tom \ McGhee and th»ir families have all j returned from TVxag within the, last lew days. \ Bnd W'ellhorn and James Wea j ver of Rock Spring, in Walker county, were over this week bay- ing beet cattle. The most enjoyable social event of last week, was a Pound Patty given hv Mr, and Mrs Humbert on Saturday Might. Dr. McNeil has purchased the, drags and store honse of Dr. Har- ] lis and will move to to«n rs scon j as Dr. Harm goes to Daiton. '1 ha town council passed another ordinance this week requiring Torn Harris to.b.av<s'a better road‘nude around aadf'abont his cotton gin. Mrs. John Webb near iown'guvc the. young people a aottoa picking and dance on ^Monday and the night following, which was immense¬ ly enjoyed by all present. Rev. j It Phillips and son John¬ nie have returned from a visit to Atlanta. The person informs us that he preached two sermons in the Sixth Baptist church in that city. Bob Anderson of Tunnel Hill tells us ;that ha intends making Spring Place his home in the fut¬ ure. We are glad to extend to hiiu a Warm welcome for he is a prince among good fellows You must be sure and pay us during court week. If yoi owe anythingiyou'know it'and wa must have the money for our lef ts must be paid- So conic op, you will feel better and wnd we will too- W H Steed and family will move to Dalton in a short time. Mr. Steed is a good citizen and we re¬ gret to sco him leave our county. He has accepted a position with the finn of John Black & Co. G E Wall, an old resident of this place but now of Delta e mnty Tex as, was arrested and jailed last month on a charge of incest with his daughter. The community in which he lived is highly indignant aud it required great effort to keep Wall from being lynched. Dud; Mr Smith Treadwell, Jr,, near this place died on Sunday after a short illness and was inter¬ red at the family cemeteiy in Spring Place on Monday. He was a good citizen, kind father and devoted husband. iTe extend to the bereaved relatives cad fmndb. The Town Council passc-d an ordinance last week which that ail our subscribers pay their dues before running This is right, and the Council serves the undivided praise of community for the ordinance, as whole lot of fellows have skit the country of late vrhon they knowiogly indebted to us, the gool work go ou. w m 4 m - ■ifl B sf I M Loveman AND Sons, CLOTHING!! ... . have... .... th^large-t stock select from anil sell at the figuies. Owing to the late fall, cloth sales have been rather slow, ON THAT ACCOUNT, are going to make a hig as tojormer prices. Overcoats nfc $ 2 . 00 . Overcoats it $3.00. it a $5.00. worth 25 per cent more. WE Will Sell You Suits at $3.50, $4.50 and $5,00 WodL 40 percent more. The above aie FACTS. FAC I S are ha rd to. DO WN, Come and sceyjp, No trouble to show goods. We want to sell, and will: ask only living Prices, in’ order to do it. LOVEMAN <fc SONS. I am imported now receiving a complete line of dress goods and j invite the ladies to examine them before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. T. J. Ovbey will sell yen clothing as cheap as it can be bought in Ga. The Tenth wonder of the woildj Robinson & Fmehe. have it in the way of a shoe, or rather the name, winch i : No. Gentlemen’s 14 Box Toed, Double S led, Brogan Shoe, Call early and get yourself a pair of them. Look at the new dress goods at Herron’s! New Bedtord colors, (solid and stiipes,) Broad Clothes Ladies clothes, English homespun, Storm serge Boucle plaids, Stiipes and Pol¬ ka dots, Plaid aud striped flan¬ nels, New shades in Henriettas, Camel's hair and Camel’s haii Baiges, also a full line of James town worsted in high grade goods at Herron’s. Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! A select line just eceived at Robinson <fe Fincher. JULIAN & ROGERS Leading Clothiers of Cleveland Tenn., Wanttlie p8>pie of Mimny Co., Ga. to awvbet their cotton here and buy your Clothing, Shoes, IJats, Underwear and everything until or boy wears from theta. ^ You can g t I ha host prices for you cotton and more Clothing for your money here than elsewhere. Com , everybody, and we will please you. Yours Truly Julian A -n) Rogers, Ocoee Corner. TO COTTON Planters MURRAY CO. GEORGIA, D.-nv Sirs—Yn and your families are cordially invited to examine our stock of Dry Goods, Shoe?, and ('arrets. We have ilia largest, stock of any housa here and buy goods' in big lots for cash, which combined with the laet that wo don't sell goods “On Time" enables us to give you more for y ur money than mer¬ chants running th,. “credit idem.** After yon get the Highest Home and Ada at a price for. your cotton, come to our store and got iha low- ©si Nbw York prices on your goods. Brauliful lot Jj a ies Cloaks tart Jackets a Go la*g« let Blankets, Shawls Ac. Dand forgot the place. We Kill make it. *o your intviest. Yours Italy, Chambliss I McKnmy, levoland ( l ‘Opera House Stars”) Tonn P B.—John Robinson's big idiow here ou the 28:.h. We will cffci special prices 1 hat d \y wwwrwraBBpra Bttwgaaawnw-n. rn’i wmm nyt 1891 . 1891 Jo @ v m v w IB ^ 9 Spring Place, Cloiliing! Clotlii^g! * • • I have on hand, and will keep th made clothing, on the market. iSgTVJso a lull stock of Dry-iroods. Hair, Si? ■' i i ware, Groceries &<*., and will sell at low pikas, |,» cash uKWMi'MMm rfji j WI t:, >r*ww"virw - JOHNNY Will They Go? Well, I Should Say So, You could not hold them with a Two Inch Rope. Make a special visit to George Moore’s Big Store and G 'AT YOUR Eyes on the Wonderful Bargains the:coffered m Dry Goods Hate, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware and Tinware, and \ou wil without delay—Bull—not a SUN But your Pocket hook and go home loaded down with gains. No time for me to consider cost or value. My early Full arrivals ate piling in so last I need more Will you help me and benefit yourself? George Moore. Spring Flare, £E, HI :.L H4RRJ3, Dentist. over National Bank Ga. Tee ih extracted vvithou a specialty. Brick for sale by Lata* | Da", is cne mils south of tow ii on B a m - sey road, The best place to get your prescriptions accurately com¬ pounded is at|Bryant & Fin¬ cher’s in Dalton. , inest lnt"of Handkerchief ex¬ tracts and Perfumery ever shewn in Gooi'i in at F. O. Travctt's. Go and see him. Cartwright Bros is headquar- ters lor Dalton's tShoe tiude. NOTICE. All parties indebted to me by note or recount, that is due will have but a few days if to settle it with me and you pay cost y< u biing it on your self. This means business; «•» necessity to talk always. T. J. Oviny. J, & J. B. Graves have now in stock the largest and hauesdmest display of Millinery t ver brought to Dalton, Our friends arid custo- tuer* will call aud see our pielty goods. Two Drives at Herron’s,— 100 doz. Towels 25 pel’ cent unde the market price, edging 150 pieces of Hamburg at one ball regular prices. Mr. B. S. McffEAL, Physician and Surgeon ~f --- _0- Ga. Prompt attention given to cads. (1 y or night. Office at the residence ot Jo it R. Keith. PILES! .Piles cured winlo U’l PAIN. Call on or Address, Dr. McK night, New Drug Store, Dalton, . . . . . Ga. MdMIy I Ee&rtsiil G US' al Job p inters, clevt!la,,c ‘ Te “ ,USM?c - Mum i tor samples and prices, All woik done neat and at very reasonable p'ice. S?r. - ® ■ , J t flL Ml , i nd | Vi amental! pu p SO.# Uki>i 1 lift?(, Chattanooga Tenn. When you want pure whiskies, -all on or send to mu, i will guar¬ antee my goods to be as represented Mv corn whiskey is the best r Uiis market. I invite my old Murray county friends to call and see me. Let cash accompany or- der. 4 18 ly “T 0 H bkt-hment.) '. the iffi p.i.v? •t O re? x Y; m -v mm A /• r = Ay cl a m t V . be £ cia-s the arc The cn ZJ Spcct.-.cl-s h,r«t Is geo cs PE*B? e*. ;; 22 ur p n . os 5 • J- Ji want JS CJ c a -r j alton Sil .*ci warty fY AS rz n cJ e 3 V) r*. andYhild knows J. I ! rs 9 rs Clocks. Z Don fiffilSV® <3x a £ a ■ .around D Watches, O "1 O o rs rt re %/ □ a- t- woman We n o p miles 25 rs ■/: o a or r an 4J 2 5 >> Every man, s 3 a Ot K 2 at for 3 'J Q >—( o Memstreet & Leek, —DEALERS IN— Marble and Granite. MONUM ENTS, tITEA DSTONES, 1 A B LETS CROSSES Coping, and General Cemetery Work. Special Prices Given On Application 19 West Montgomery Ave. (.’HATTAV'uflA, Tke’ (’• N. KING. Local Agent, Sprit, Place, Georgia. iiiiMirvwwxiiniHMnran'uiwarE.- -*■**:*c+m*j*e*.ij* --- ■ ________ . 1891 I obi Robinson & Fincher RING PLACE, GEORGIA .... Dealers In. ... Groceries, Prov'siona, Cor,feetior,cries, Cigars, Tobacco, Flour, Meat, Lard. Sugar, Cofice. Syrup and in fact everything in the grocery lino; Queens aud Till ware’: Alsoaseleet Stock of NOTIONS. T1IK CHEAPEST HOHSE IN TOWN TO BUY THE ABOVE MENTIONED GOODS. ,. ..'Will huv all kinds of produce, chickens, eggs, butter, corn,. « • a peas and anything in the produce line, and pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. (’all and see our goods and get prices before you sell your produce or buy -our groceries &e. '***-» ■WWWM. MO* »mM<cm W. J. JOHN§®I ■{ DEALER IN )■ Groceries, Provisions, Confectionery, Ci¬ gars, Hats, Etc. SPRING PLACE GEORGIA The best East Tennessee Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee New Orleans Syrup, Lenoii’s Factory Thread and a select stock of Summer Hats of the latest styles, all of which will be sold at Rock bottom prices for cash or barter. M. V Tk?m, A. T. Login. J. S. Findlky. TEEM, LOGAN & FINDLEY Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. First Class Accommodation: We fioiicit a share of your patronage. KLLIJAY Georgia. FairsiStsire d® Dalton, Ga. Are offering to the citizens ot Murray County the largest and best selected stock of Furniture ever shown in Dalton. We purchased a large stock for Spot Cash and can offer low¬ er prices than ever before. Call and e .am’ne stock and prices. No trouble to show goods. Tho larg st stock of 0AEPET8 iD£;North Georgia, Undertaking; nd Embalming. Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes from the cheapest to the flnest and at the lowest prices. G. H BRAN DON 7 ,’ Manager. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN Millinery Goods. LATEST NOVELTIES IN FASHION ! Just. Deceived at the Mi Hue 1*3 Wtorc of J. & J. B. GRAVES, No. 85, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Georgia. A now and olefcanUssortmontof Mi! in cry and Straw Goods.oonsisting of Stra* Bonnots m>d Lndica’a-<l CbiinrtB’s IIat« [trimmed ar.d untriirmed] NeoV and Sash Ribbons, Vilvflt Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velretsand Crapes, Flowers, Fca tbers,Ornaman ts Sea. Our jrnods were bouj;bt of tbel nrs-cstand bestimportinp Ileusesin Balti- more and New York, and will be sold at very low ices for cash.