Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, December 17, 1891, Image 2

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Jimplecute. CajninteeA rdrctil.nl. n. _ 600. <$*«*•*»* ol til* t’btfftt)« P«ni.f*Jtr«J WTEBV T 1 U) 1 !« 1 >AV, kuA «nte:«u io On feet 09 'is IttSprir,*; iMae» ft.,, ee secsc 4 tUti Blotter. * 9 A. ,/. (J. 1JearfaiH, . Publishers A Pro- priators. '^grvtsrr.rx'^r'r.Y. -rtr a a-fca ' . '.r 1 ■wtcc teKtfc -—-- Sn 1 »crti>tlo» e»* J#»t,f 1 93 iiii moathB, SC-.m 1 ■sT'arce , »e«tlsi, 2 ScenU. P»y»M»i» »<l*aae«. Atidre.;H e-ii ootoonuicaUea* 11 i ot- J'X~ rutcVT* Buiivg I’. 6 a. THi'auiAv; I'ECtwatiR n, imi. x~x "' nap.:,..-, • - — ilarinon v Rover f&ils oxi^t in # praan«rou« commnatty. Avarice Often crowds out »H the better, qualities ot mea iuhI wemeis. Don't be aaaricions. We are its .'cbled to If on- J. C, Olemeate lor (he Congressional record an't oti er pnblie d ic- umente pis'! that -ernindt* us that in Mr. Clement* Georgia ha* a patriot (ittfed for any position within tho gift of her people. Bob Btafford .and Tom Tr*a<> w .;i had a eorious cutting affray iu Atlant* last w«ek in which Treadwell received piittfo! but not fatal injnviaB. fftay 'both have relatives end friend* in (his couo- 13 ’ who will regr«t to learn of tha difficulty. ------ --- Loyalty is not worth a continen¬ tal if it is not practiced among your poop’a at home first. Hhour your good qualities by helping to build up the Iowa or o mutry in which you I’ve, It is batter to be Wpeetod ai> home t,b*k. to ba prais*d abroad. If the people of Spring Place and Murrray county are not all good citizen it is so fault of We have used every means onr conception to advance the ter interests of the county and people in it. A limited has forbade our doing mere than we liav* done, but if th® good peo pie will only lend a helping hand wo hepe to soon he able to give them a much better .paper than vre.litve in the past., Jfcgru Sillied. Marshall Fincher and posse got into a serious row with a party negroea in Doltcus on Friday ot last week iu which Ed shot and Ikilled a negro named .Weil. Don shoo went aid the,"marshall ir» arresting negro but'' 3 ,bi-i cooaship want to ba Ukou so he fight and shot at tDonahoo, ball taking effiot m his eye, wliero- fore hs, Donahoo, dior. tbo twice jn the abdomen which sulted in his death Sunday. Donahoo is affright, or at. least his eye H doing splendidly, and will be up in a fow day*. Didu’t Know It Was Eosdcil. Another deplorable accirtent hm bean recorded atul pUs *d to tbe credit of that abominable tool called a pistol. Harpy Tibbs, a •young man of Whitfield county, "accidentally shot his mother on Sunday, tha 13lh lust. He was handling the pistol, not thinking it was loaded, whoa it was <!is- charged taking effect in his moth- «r‘sleft breast causing her instant death. This is only one of the many accidents arising from the careless uso of firearms and it does look like people should bogie to be more thoushtful whan u«iu» them. Editors Iiwplecute—I would like to wbispor a word into tho esis of ike young people of Murray and adjoining countie* who read your ‘•spicy paper’’ and 1*11 them that thi» Middle Cherokee Association which met with the charcn at Kingston this year, agreed to es- •stablish & High School within her bounds to bo known as the Kyai8 High School, named in hen- er of Dr, Byal'e, of Mercer sity, and appointed a Board of directors through whom the t, mwi- i pi—awi wwi «3*ju»ggP to h* < oE^ucted. Tii.< Board ha a located th* «ebo* 4 at Snjar V,.f]#y. <jordon county, about 16 miles bslow Dalton th? K, r l. ou V. k. G. It R, There hs»* bsn donator] to th* school, by the S«- 'ni Valley church, a splendid two f-l/iry build,ng which' i non 0 a 4 srt"ju* 5 j eomo irnpmveraents. The location is u fine one, healt h - 3 ', good eoeiety, and a church clow* by where iho ft u<1?nts may attend ««mcc8 atid ftnndsy school and thus the re h pious an i moral as well no i:i• r -1 !?,e! n j.1 qn-tlif iea of the pupils will b-j in a continuous state of advancfement. Xtev, W. H. Cooper hso been unaeimon ly ckoson Principal of the school. Tail to* nod board can be had an rcsrjonab’.a tsuas. 1 1 any one reading this would litre to uSUn.j the rcliool 'which epons 1st el' .Tstnrtary 1 would b« glad So give them any information they should »i-,1s. J E. Hudson, Dalton Gft. Dec.Tth 1891-' * Don’t forget us when hctve any produce to sell. We specially want this week Eggs Tur- keys, Hens, White Peas and Cow Peas. See us be fore you sell. DeJournette &Co. What mskcn ',/,0 nice a present as books tor Chtistmas? Faru. «orth.Bros. We offer you more induce¬ ments t Ion nny otber^Hto&e for Chris trass goods and you are wise*. Farnsworth Bioo Drugs and Medicines told by Trovitl, of D-d ton, tiro Ire tior and purer thas tho'o cold by,any other druggist. Bryant & Fiuchui have the most complete slock of Per- tumejie.% ami Oigrrs ever brought to Dalton. Sell your Produce to DeJournette Dalton Ga. DeJournett will al¬ ways buy your produce and pay you^cash. G. L. Moore is closing out a big portion of his stock of goods at cost. The best place to get your prescriptions accurately com¬ pounded is at Bryant & Fin¬ cher’s in Dalton. Th» Now Acrk Storu Dalton, is sslliug out their fin® millinery at greatly ‘reduced’ ratss to malrs room’for the large stock of Xmas goods expected-this wsek. Finest lot of Handkerchief ex¬ tract s^aRd Perfumery ever shown in Georgia at F. O. TrevoU'e. Go and eeo him. I fia dow receiving a complete line of imported dress good> and invito the laffioB to examine thorn before dealing elsewhere, Ovbey. —-—*—• —— — ^ - •mr - — ■ — — Brv.tnt & Fincher have just opened up a Palace Drug Store in the Hotel Dalton block and invite the patronage of their friends in this county. F. O. Trovitt ha* the finest select fine of toilet soap to he found in any house in tho American mar- kef. Terms, liv© and let live, T. J. Ovbey will sell ycu clothing as cheap as it can be bought in Ga. Georg? Moore will sell you more goods for a dollar than any other merchant in town, D’-^gs sold’ by Bryant <fe Fincliei at Dalton are th* best because the stock is new and fresh throughout. Of course I got my suit n.t Ov- !)cv‘r, no better goods can be had in the market. —-—• -- When you want anything in tbo Drug line see Trovitt of Dalton: he will Ox yon up. 9£9&& ??2!!Z Manly Machine CO. GENERAL rOIJKDKV ASU Jf.U'ntSE WORK*. AROHITeOTUML AND 8 UILDBR 8 * IRON A Hfc CAST 1 NQ 5 , 5AW MILLS, 5'sPSdR MILLS, ENGINES, FILERS i 5|V\ «£ fMCHiNERT. J llXi Slg U'M •.a' __________—^ V* Circular Hi’.ws, Cni-t Uovlt*, licltlo^ S«i.pUe«, ^»u«u?. *—•• • li<S «" Dalton ©eorgia. C. laWigu-'s Free. KnrE.T.V 4 C JOopot, 1891 . 1891 . T t' € V m E Y, Sri: r no Fdace, G Flo SGI A Clotlimg! Clot liirig! Clothing!! I have on hand, and will km p the beat line <d trenu nrady- made clotbiag, on the riun ket. tyAlso a lull stock of Dry goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes,*,Hard ware Groceries <fec., and will sell at low pi ices, for ca* b. JOHNNY Will They Go? Well, I Should Say So. You could not bold them with a Two inch Rope. Make a special visit to George Moore’s Big Store and GET YOUR Eyes on the Wonderful Bargains* theie-ulVred rn bey Goods ■ lints, Shoes, Groceries, llardwia e and briwure, *nd yveil without delay— Pull—not a GUN But your Pocket book and go home loaded down with gains. No time for me to consider cost or value. My early Full arrivals ate piling in so fast I reed more Will you help me and benefit yourself? George Moore. Spring Place, Mrs, Haddox lm« opened Board¬ a first class Hotel and ing House at herpHee. [Stan property,] The Local andTravelliug pa¬ tronage is solicited, Aceom- modstlions lirst class in particular. ecT’MeaH 25 Cents. snm place > FREE DALTON BAi Wilson & Co, will for limited time give oim Bust, Lite size Crayon to each person having Doz-n Cabinet made. The Photo’s will only $3.00. They will the largo Portrait in a hand some six-inch Moulding, $2.75 & Bronze, for portraits when framed sell for .10 and $12. Call their Gallon’ when in aud see -amnles. Keitli Dealer In j>- Whiskies, Brandies^ s nd WINEB, tor Sacramental purposes. 103 East Eighth Street, Chattanooga Tonn. When you want pure whiskies, call on or send to me, i will antee my goods to be as represent cl My corn whiskey is the best in this market. I invite my old Murray county friends to call and eoo me. Let cash accompany or¬ der. 4 ig-ly FILES i «■ Piles [cured WITHOU 1 PAIN. Cal! on or Address, Dr. MoKxrdnT, New Drug Store, Dalton, . . . • . Ga. • 1- ii. HI jJL Dent ist. Office over Natiomi] Bo: k Dalton Ga. Teeth extracted withou pain, a specialty. hr. «. S. McNKII h Physician and Surgeon Spring I 'lace Ga. PnoMPi attention given to cads, d y or night. MeWell y I He«r tsi Gt neral Job Printers, CltvplanS TeimesMc. Send tor samples and prices, All work done neat find'’ r.t a very reasonable price. YV hi n you need any kind of Job Printing write to McNellv A Heart-sill Cleveland Term. They will do your work neat and cheap ami deliver it free. Georgia Murray County, jfssc ^ Pearctt 'bus applied for exemption of poisonalty} and I will pass upon the same at 12 o'clock m on tho 20thk*dar December 1S91 at my office. This Dec. 3ih 1891. W H Ramsey. Ordinary • ———---——---1- Georgia Murray Co., „ E A , McCollum oss appiied t- ’ exemption of personally and ret¬ ting apart and valuation of home¬ stead and I will pass upon the same at 12 o'clock, m., on the 30l b day of December 1891. <tt nr? of¬ fice Thir, Dec 9, 1891. W H Ramsey, Ordiaar/. Notice to the Trav- eling Public. P * eUi ie .V MI £°“ : Gouth - , ' J r er any direction, vnl’ save money and time by calling on ; or writing to J. L. Edmoud-I son Trav eling Passenger ] Agent tor W. & A. R. R. 1 Dalton Gm,. Office in ML A.i Depot. Informal! m I with pleasuir. as. «hehife>s SAEES. Stats or Gioscia, Hxrrs» County ’//ill be sold before the court house door in the town of Spring Place, to the highest bidder at pub lie out cty between the legal hears of Mile on d-e I at Tncs Tar m Jan. '■ex’, the following dercribrd prop • rty to vrff: One hnedred and twenty five acres. more <r lees, ttS <<f the North side vf tot of land y o. JIT, ati-i being all of *&:** lot ex?epf those pertions ovn cd by Mrs. J Y Baynes, and Amos Bishop—A To, severity one acres, "••ore or le*w, iu the South W eii comer of lot of i t N , 2 ',* 7 , ail 5 n the 9 th List. a*?d 2 rd -’©ct. ol’sAtd county. Levied on as the prop¬ erty of T ty r Stoiford by virtue of a 5 fa from the v ustica cmirt- of the 3221 <i 51 of c.vlti coality ill fare.r of Vf W Smith T aylor Staffoid, principal, aitd M H h-tteSeely. Property in posessioa of T \ylor S .afford. Also a.t the ?kin tiuo .i, 1 place a Iowa ttse^towu oTSpring Place, ItD -wn as lot So. 53 , and situated between ’be Cole ta.t- | yard and A he Sirs. Faimer place, couair.iBg i one halffacre more or lez?. Levied on as f be property of v 7 31 "Mare I and by ^virtue of a fi,fa.,from tfco'Jttstiee court of the S 24 ,l)ist '» M said county in favor of John Black said Mertiaed. Levy made aud re¬ turned to me by 1 ) C Keener L. C. Also at the same time and place Jot *»f land No. ono hundred and thirty one in the Bib Bist. aur^gSrd fectloa cf said county, levied on as tbo property of Sarah Z Bagiev , by virtu© of a ft fa'from Murray Su erior Court, in favor of Miss Maggie F^eld agaiabt JSaruh S Bagley *tnd otbpr?. Also at the same time and place tbo ea?t half cf lot of land No, twenty-nx^in the 9 th district and Sd section of said Jcotjttfyj eou- tainiog 80 acres more or lew. Levied on as the property of M J F Howell by virta© of two Jnsticejeoart.fi f,g from iV.e lOSitlh Din. (>. M. in favor of M M Heweli against W V -• ;r ‘ .*t *• I’o wei). Levy made and roturued to me 1 -J J B Bo.id, L C. This Doc. 3 rd, 1 B 91 . tbe . 0 tim© ar.d place twelve ttcrsw* aud a half of land lyirtg in th* south west’corner of Un of land No 277 in ;?ho 9th List, and 3d t»e<$*$Qn in unirmy county ad- joiain;; t!io la-.vl of Mrs Oai-.aon, John Ed- m-mdsoa and Kol»?rts'on tho b uih ?i.!o. Lov- ied on' by virtue of a Justice court's fa issued froui the 824 district 0 ?.t of'said count, in fvv.i of JC Jlonry ngaintt Aaica Di-hop. l*v, unids and rolurned'lo me by DO Ken- I r L. C. ■ '.I.’* it t ’he -tam© tinio ©nd place lot of land No 234 being o** e hundred* and tixty acre* more or !e*» in th© 26 th Dist. and 2 ud Section. Levied ♦>?; as the jiroperty^of Ataos KGhop by virtue of three fi Lia Lpued from th© 824 ih Diit. Q M of paid c maty, or^e in t-ii ' r of J. r r. Chiider?. and two in favor of John ChUrtcrs, against Aiaot Bishop: property pointed out by defeodaul, Ani'-s Bishop. Levy mad© 'ar.d returned to me Hy J, M. Campbell, L. 0 . TVi* Dee. 3 rd 1891 . J. ’.u r:.Kn kfi. .Sheriff. Gfoi'i*i* Vtu'ifcv !,v« iMT Jrb.i ! If am. K( t'ntt r : ’ : yi.ri'J'-tr- . vjaG estate rcpr©Sf*ni« to tP© euu?r !n« j-cti- tion (iu : ,v filed tl.i.i .I.- f-.r r. ;■ .ini ! P ,. ( ) said os/iti'- uccoriii-u t- <jha>.iii ef sal -1 i.-- ocayevi. Till;! »S Da fHr* i*.• t } den c.Hirer!,«'i to stow can a: if V-' Tr«», eeitor i-ui.ij w t v.. •*-d trust a«<J r*5:ei»e >•:«*■ o rii.«i,n-j. on i,u fi.st.MoiuUj 11 Aian.-h it 1 ./;. x.,is r j. U 81 . r *'. ii. ID’iskv O r ' ! insrv (}t*©ry» H .'{uuay Coub r J. B. \VhUeootto -1 l»»s i . due. fcrjii udj.TGJ to lb© undersigned f r penoa*ier.t :<>r< Administration on f 1 s©'©sta.t« of Ptuch Tread¬ well, Jr., late of stud county, decease 1 and I will pa?s upon said application ow tho ? st¬ Monday in January 1892 V/itues* my hand aridofiiei il avg'notnr-®, thi* Dec 3 rd 1891 . W H Ramsey. Ordinary, (tttojgifi Di.irisy Oiumly. W. D. Gregory Ros io Joe i*.:rJ to tbe umleraigQ.il for j*«t iuanei-t lt-;:ere of Ad ministration on ifi.- ecato '! ' jifitri K. Gregory laloofr.i.i e-niAty, 4«f.ea«cil, *cd 1 will pars up»n ssi i apfiionii ... rm lh« Sret Monday in January 1 • :■ ' - tines.: .ay Lsn i and official eignaturo, this Dae. * ,i i?9l. W 7 ; t < -/.. . . Ol d in j, ry Go r«?s, Murray ‘-..nuntv: Thoms* J Bryant A imi: . tratnr o f Drury Wheat doeeasofi je- rea'-./s to the court iu his pe’ltion duly Si«il tiuu h<- he* fuliv ad- minis U re cl sa ; S i-./tate. This is to eita u|) personae nesrnei to show rause if any they cart idiy said administrator sboaid not be discharged from bi- u«*t, and receive letter* of ditmisvlno on tbo 1 st Monday j ;i MatchlS92 - iw»D»«.8rd 1881 . IV. 11. Kamsiy, Ordinary. . Th * E«*t, iViieir?), Virginia and Georgia Railway ?-y s D-ra. * T HE Trunk LlS'S TO THU Wkst By this route, passengers for fex&s, Kansas, Arkansas, Mis¬ souri and points in all othe. Western States and Teri itories laake fewer changes o* cai’s than by any e ther. AH classes of passengoi's ate furnished with "comforta¬ ble and elegant accommoda¬ tion:!. Time is always the qmck- est and low rates to all West¬ ern points are always in effect. For Further informalino wiite to or call on *■ LSanrf Agent, Dalton 8a, or B. W. W renn pAss-rw-'crui " liCKet * ... K.noxviiie T- i eun. & Longest, ■ " » • - *■ wtt*wii«fVaaiisa|3^i^SSSf W« d#,?ir© to call to© atteatioa of the pab. anl tb» te<pi* i f Mar:zy, fifeci»l)j we sr« £»••?? ^rid© avrahe la the LIVERY T: L: >, caving purefenstd the •£ It re !»*<• «f Mr. 8 . D. Bvareh* Waga& yard >v with fstafela. WIilskey I will soli to tK«s j.eople cf Mnr* r«5 and a<fjoiinri*a counties the best of HorDtiin VVhiskb'ij at $1 75 per gnil.'i,, a;:<1 will put a seal ot wpx over i «ch i or Krg so tha it. car u>'t bc^atnpcJO'! with wiih- out t.bo know'o igc ot the purchas¬ er- Give m 0 % frisl. I think vea will be pkased. W. H. SnvET. Etlijay.':: — — Georgi*. Attention! Wo m»;.ii*ve our PLANER“»a tip-top dares order and at* prepared to to J rtai>h nit kinds ot lumber in Ufa uratest rr, a liter, Wo will, also, rnr. ("nr Grist rsu i on Fruhiya and ary timo Pknor i* rnrning.f CtisjiA.iCo,. —1 Spring' Place, G». The New Rest&arant O-f L. Is, Tinsley!. First ola«S .lUeul? for Olll, 25 cents. Fourth door Forth of Dr Main’* Drug 6 Store Da]t«JJ L/UitOU, Ga' 08 . Ellij Seminary. L «rsc©l.*»| for ef?-: **ny a.u*l chcapma. Yaen’.ty ©• faur shl© teacher*. Baltdiv^s woll equipped for »31,«oi parp©se9. Tuition ? 5 i fo |;2 p«r rionth. Ineid© .:?! fee 2 & cf.it.i p«r term. B©ard *?bc:«p. a»»d dorsffi?©- ri ** p? rout for stude'tA wu© to fru fhtiuvieivas. Special course in Boek- $3 ptr nomh. SluJeliu i.UsaUted r .«7 t.-.,, July Sth isn !>nd Apri, tto ! Stk JS 92 . -I #r fu.tUfrr address: K«v. J. e, T^r.lAxr. A. V.. fttiin.rt •nfttuny, S!lj,.y «a. Se.m P. Miiddes, 1 > «»jai»i] (iitar- %Miuhfo'<:J Starr, ^ ATTORNEYS AT LAW I'tihon , Georgia «dentiun "ill b» giTSI a ‘ ! buiiin' , 8S i/1 MurtftV etdj'inir.,.' «; jimfies. had. r-T. 1 ircQ :~I lawyer a* Spring ’dace, Ga. J. Bates, ATTORNKr AT 1 AW. S " :!f0 6 Special r. B «,A attention given to collcs- hoiiH and criminal practice ioEGBilte Mouse, HA 1 IU.TON *ad WAKCE #1 MEETS. Dalton ,.. • • • ', Yieorgia. This Boas* having boon thoroughly elesos- *“ ict * J'tEtted, wiii be eondcote/l as * Srel B«»rdi»g*nil Lodging Boase. CUaa roowi, clssa bed* »nd & tails aa- ?e!‘p»*.ed, Tsnna reassaabls, M. C. SHQLEY, Preprislrete, T'-tf*" tssn WHEN IK D ALTOS C*l! at the K 2 W BARBER SHOP far a Shave er » ;sty!i»li Hair C*l. na ®t J ooin s A Dying done ia vrorkaaa-iike hat While Barbers Oar Daa draff Era lioator is a dead jh*t f» r Shop eppesiue Herron’s Storo. G. Y. Bostwick Peop. h HsiisshsSd fiemwsy j FOR ALL SLGOD ani>8KIN | SI 82 A 8 ES i> Pa 8 B. , , . B§lmk Wmi libs fsrm s l 4sa d b«i»g aailgnaRt 2KW l» SEUfilOS, fcrlns iho Sw* $ \ b’s srcswRtRr®* ffit? j S’!.'"”', hutme. 1 ffiJrJSM | 8181 &L9S-? FRSE 5ALS SO., $ ? .vifaeli, to. ■ ■ ■ v _ r,•. v-e • v