Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, June 12, 1902, Image 1

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|V u \ \ t v i fj\ 1 I c ii \ Li “TELL THE TRUTH. ” 7 4 J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. C. L. HENRY, Bus. Manager, SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1902. A BATCH* OF HOT WAFFLES. Happenings of the Week Broiled Down to a Delicious Taste. Drummer C-us Hall, of Cal¬ houn, was here Tuesday. '< Steve Miller was"a promi¬ nent figure in our busy marts ! Saturday. Mrs Virgil A. Stuart was in the city, shopping, a short time vesterdav ■ Misses Emma Sampler and Kate Keister went shopping, to Dalton, Friday. Patterson Messer, of Car ters, spent Friday among his many town friends. Several couples of the younger element spent Sun day at Cohutta Springs. John S Bettis, one of Am zi’s best citizens, was in the city a short time Monday fore¬ noon. Lawyer Jesse B. Terry came-over from Dalton Mon day, attending to professional business here. Mrs. HaTvey Ellis hasbeen very ill the last few days. She hasbeen in delicate health for several months. ’Squire Jim Leamon, of the Tenth, was here Frioay, shaking hands with his nu¬ merous Spring Place admir¬ ers. Handsome John O’Neill, of Dunn, was shaking the hands of his town admirers yester¬ day. John always finds a warm welcome here. Doah Leonard and lady, of Foit Mountain, shopped in the city a short ttme Monday afternoon en route home from a. np to Dalton. A. J Martin, one of the most prosperous fc.rmers in Murray county, was down from Bea verdale yesterday and dropped in tomake the editor’s heart glad. Frank Vonbergcame down from Chattanooga and spent the past week with his parents. Pie enjoys a splendid position with the Rapid Transit rail¬ way, of that place. A fine rain throughout this section, last Saturday, is re¬ sponsible for the broad smiles to be seen on the faces of all our farmers. Crops ot all kinds were in fine shape to re¬ ceive it. We are informed that Chip Owens has lately bought the mill property, at Cohutta Springs, and will hereafter operate it in connection with his other enterprises. Chip is a mighty thrifty citizen and «.ur county needs more like him, We regret to learn that Mose Holland is right sick. Recent rains assure a good blackberry crop throughout this section. Laws Ellis, a thrifty Su mach farmer, was in town on business Monday. Luther Simpson was look mg after his affairs, near Loughridge, Sunday. Frank Jones and family spent Sunda\ with relatives, near Brown’s bridge. . Dyar and Rosfcoe Russell, of Dunn, were here a few hours Monday morning. Walter Richards, of Su¬ mach, was autographed at the Temple House Saturday night. Children’s Day exercises at Pleasant Valiev Sunday, were largely attended by Spring Place folks. Farris Haggard, of Beaver dale, was here on business Monday, and paid us an ap predated visit. The small grains in this -niy« Wng l™d a flat failure than for several years past. Dr n Thomas T , r Green arrived . . from Atlanta, Monday, and will spend the summer at his father’s country home, two ndles fiorth of the city. ^-Shields t e story to his is already adding ^mmodtns completed the hostelry budding When wtll be matenally improved. L F and Mrs Peeples spent Monday in Dalton with Edit or Heartsill and family. Mrs. Heartsill expects to visit rela tives at Marshall, Texas, in a short time. Carter Edmondson has re¬ turned from college, at Dah lonega. His friends will be pleased to learn that he won a gold medal tor the best oration in his class. James R. Stuart is now in the county, representing New York Life Company. Jim is a splendid gentleman and will treat you square if you are looking Insurance. Spring Place needs a house cleaning the worst sort. streets are badly in need of repair and the sidewalks are next thing to a nonenity. Let the town dads put their heads together and remedy and many other unnecessary inconveniences. Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. Mrs. George Cox has been real sick the past few days. Mrs. Will Smith was quite indisposed several days, the past week. Hon. Charles King, wifa and baby, went to Dalton, shopping, yesterday. Genial Bob Gudger, of Fashion, was mixing with his town admirers Monday af ternoon. The Fourth of July blow out for Spring Place will be the biggest thing ever held in the county, if the present plans are carried out. The follow¬ ing committee has been ap¬ pointed to meet in the court house Saturday night for the purpose of making the final arrangements: N. A. Parsons, J. L. Cole, W C. V°I)' Hearten ilenrv 1 V P L N.’ w King* W Sampler, Robln; T. 1. Ovbey,C. L ° n ’ E 8 Kennw ’ J , , h' Finchur, W. E. Evert'tt, Alvin Jones, L F. Peoples, Willis Peodley, P o. Hilliard and M. W. Shields. V eterans Notice. - The undersigned committee desires to give nonce that John B. Gordon Camp, L . C. V. ot Murray county, will lur nish all (on^ederate Veterans ;™lof same may be had at the next ^andtlim* Ta^sday^lf 'jul^ ; ' l " , A P n friendly P V : K* m ’ A. A K. P Ramsey i G. Ireadwell, Committee, - NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC J ^dsXIp an" ^ j n t The ‘ b ^ reason f whv wh / , J mV self S and ra y expenses are and see me Bring me yonr produce and get the highest i price for it. Yours for trade, E S. Kenner, “The Busy J Merchant” Strayed: —One cow, size above medium > color black j and white spotted, crooke d horns, long bushy tail, has no mark. Any in-' formation will be gladly re ceived and fuffy P.” paid for. j C. Roney, Dunn, Ga * Pilk ink Cores Piles! Money refunded if it ever fails. I Buvall your fruit trees from W. M. Morgan He is rep resenting the Excelsior Nur sery, of Rome, and can guar antee the best of stock and will sell at lowest possible There is big money 1 jin fruit the in culture this section. of grapes and . Joe Henry made a busi ness trip to Dalton Saturday. B. W. Bagwell and family are at Blue Springs, Tennes see, visiting his parents. Bud Hall and John Tucker, of the Eighth, were here Fri day, in an official capacity. Chip T. Owens and Lewis Terry, of the 1013 th, were here on political business last Friday. Our good friend, James C. Ellis, of Mill Creek, was an appreciated visitor to our sanc turn yesterday Prof. Tim Leamon, of Til * on ' s P en * several days of the P ast week ?’ ith Murra y tlves and friends - Dr. James B. Hughes and wife are now comfortably filtered in their home here, and are at home to their friends * Holly, Bogle Brindle and famiy, of and Sunday spent in Saturday crniTsts night the city, of merchant Wesley Everett and lad Y Rev Alvin Jones has gone to Warren county, Tennes see, and is in attendance up on a conference of the Meth odist Church. waters were In prime condition and some splendid catches have been made. „ u „ Kc „ ^ us an ad yesterday that was fairly bristling with bargains, but it came too late for inser tion this week. Watch for it in our next issue. The many friends of Charlie Maddox will be glad to know ^mmjuniTustamli onfe & A - K, ^ and will be " e in “ a condition t0 »hort time. „ 1 , s ^Gilford „ ff , and Harry a U°^" j Ce -^ es aa Y e rcturt ^, cd Horn a , usiness trip to Stilesboro. taR ^ rc * has had a couple °‘ orscs in training, on the speedway at that place. He is well pleased with the re¬ sult and will take them there again, next spring. Those communications are rather slow coming in. Itisa matter of impossibility for us to publish the community news unless our friends send to us. See if you can’t get us up a letter. We want ev neighborhood in the coun¬ ty represented in these col¬ umns. resident of this county but at present of Polk Spring’Place county Ten nessee, was in yesterday. lie is here for the purpose of exchanging a farm there for property in Murray, Mr. Smith is a good citizen ane we hope he will be able to move back among us. ESTABLISHED IN 1879-’96. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum. Bill Jones was hobnobbing with his town chums Monday. William Brown came down from Kilmer and spent Sun* day with Spring Place friends. Prof. Vining has been do¬ ing some painting and mural decorating on the residence of Dr. Jim Hughes. Brigham Pulliam, a pros¬ perous young Gordon county farmer, spent Tuesday night at the home of Newt Parsons. John and Jesse Morrison, of Dolitrie, stopped in town a short time Tuesday afternoon, on their way home from Dalton. Rufus and Oliver Steed returned from the North Georgia here Agricultural college, *’ the Y have been in school past year, Little Miss Ruth King, of Chattanooga, has been spend ing a delightful visit with her cousin. Miss Mamie King, in L<aSt s P nn S ** ace * Do not forget to rnb up your “old plug” tor the scrub race in Spring Place on the Fourth. The program and full partic¬ ulars will appear later. An advertisement of Pleas ant Valley High.School ap pears in this issue. This is a it is receiving. Willard Pendley, ’Squire Jim Campbell and W. D, Heartsell, all, report cotton squares prior to our issue, a week ago, but the notice men tioning them was overlooked. John for C. McEntire atuioun ces tax collector in this issue. He is well known to the people of Murray county as an honest, clever and ca¬ pable citizen and is sure to ‘ Aaron Nix was in to see us one day last week. He and a number of his associates are engaged in developing a gold mine, out in the mountains east of here, and he is highly pleased with the prospects, The average housewife is living next door to content¬ ment these days. With plen¬ ty of garden sass on hand, and more coming, she looks the world square in the face and knows that ours is a land of peace and plenty. We hear rumors of many probable candidates but, for some reason unknown to us, they do not announce. There is still lots of room in the vari¬ ous races and our advice to those occupying the anxious seat would be that they run. No man or set of men has a trust that controls the office seekers of hope Murray that county and we truly the day mil never dawn when any citizen can be denied the exquisite pleasure and supreme privilege of offering himself as a sacra* fice upon the altar of his coun¬ try.