Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, June 19, 1902, Image 1

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£2 — SI Si: .v Lf I 1 ’J ■{ , 0 i ! -- ii m & '& -W M S 35 ■ 1 pi n P 1 ’ • ^ A 0 il 4 > TELL THE TRUTH.’’ ■i J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. C. L. HENRY, Bus. Manager, SPRING PLAGE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 19 1902 , . A BATCH OF HOT WAFFLES. Happenings of the Week Broiled to ft Delicious Taste. j The town baseball team has been rejuvenated. Bob Jackson and wife were shopping urday. in Spring Place Sat* Whitfield county will have a “stuck law” election at ' nrl >' diUe - Faby Durham, of Ball Ground, was here on busi ness Monday. Dr. John Steed was called to Dalton Friday on profes¬ sional business. Genial Jack Keith, wife and babies visited the family of Dr. Anderson Sunday. Harry Peeples and wife spent Monday shopping with the Dalton tradesmen. Rev. William Adair spent Monday in town, discussing the situation with “the boys.” Dap Gallman and his Mrs. Robinson, of the Eighth, were here on business Satur day. Rev. Newt Parsons Miles Bramlett, spent Sunday in Gordon county, near burg. Mrs. Moss returned home Saturday, after a pleasant vis it to her son and family near Dunn. Miss Vernie Leonard of Fort Mountain, visited Miss Annie Parsons from Saturday to Monday. “Uncle” Monroe McGhee spent several days of the past week visiting Sam II Wheat, at Beaverdale. Capt. J. W. Beard was in town Tuesday, looking after affairs concerning the Dalton & Alaculsy railroad Editor Will Sampler and family spent several ciays of the past week at the home of I). E. Humphreys, near scy. Hon. Pleas McGhee ped in Friday to pass the time of day with us. He is looking prosperous and says the world is giving him a square deal. k rank \ on berg, wife and baby returned to Chattanoo ga last Friday, having spent delightful visit with their pa rents here. Mrs. Vonberg r; ' z?'* the "' for a fe - “ It is high time , forthe cil to give us a Within the past week v boy u ha. i been shot v, * with -,i a . tol, an up-to-date rugger was pulled off within a stone s throw of one of the churche:,, and a lot of private property Sn 0 oi«.ts y S ana no arrests. 1 Timothy Carney and lady are spending today 7 in Dalton, Judge Ovnev and Hull Kerr made a business trip to Dal ton Friday Candidate Lewis Terry was a welcome visitor at our sane tum Mond y Wyatt Wood and daughter.; 1 of Ramsey went shopping to Dalton F11<lay. j Miss Fannie Stuart spent, ,he day with Mrs Johnspn batuiday. , Lewis Thompson and fain ily visited relatives near Fort Mountain Sunday. Bronner Smith and wife, of Whitfield, visited Judge Tim Ovbey and family Sunday. Prof. James McLain and family, of Decora, passed here Monday, en route to Sumach • Miss Lil Cole spent days ot the past week Miss Jennie Terry, at Mill. , Prof. Allison, of Little Mu f-! fay, spent, a day of the past week with friends in Spring! Place. J James Cox and family, of Gordon county, visited Spring Place relatives from Friday till Sunday. Rev. Doss doer, of Fort Mountain, was in town on business a day the latter part I of last week. j William Pendley and fami-; spent Sunday at the hos pitable home of Tom Wright, down in Bull Pen. Commissioner George Hill! was down from Beaverdale Friday, swapping jokes with his city constituents. The many friends of Glen Hill will bo glad to learn that he is fast improving from a serious indisposition of several weeks. On account of excessive dry weather much cotton in this county has failed to come up, J,n d that portion of the will Martin be a flat Roberts failure. | has shut down his sawmillffor the sea s°«* During the summer sea- 1 son he expects to put several | ■ hundred thousand feet of lu, " l : er on ,hc road - M e hear many complaints fiom farmers of sheep being killed by dogs. Canines are useless yri possession, t ^o-aiuuft, anyhow uiiyuovv, they should be taxed j : )ne dog will chew up and destroy more lood in a year than would be required to put a 250 lb hog in condition for K e .h sheep. K l ,he do K s j i Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. Saturday afternoon. Harrison Waters went tc Dalton last Friday, to lay in a supply of fresh groceries. here on bnsiness Saturday. Crops of all kinds are now growing rapidly and give ev ery promise of large yields. Miss Mary Maddox spent the past \v ek in Dalton at the bedside of her brother Cicero Lindsey a bright student of Pleasant Valley SC pr° ’ *P««* Monda )' P nn g 1 lace * Sloan Bkssingmne, one of Oklahoma s most piogressive pedagogues, is here now on ™Jt to h,s father. John oughtnlge and Jim R e druond, ot Dunn, were c C1 ^Y 0,1 business a short time . this morning. Am - ' )S r t* ., down hlh M| H Lieek p anta ion Saturday, affairs to attend the to ness in city. ,. vecsatUe .. mend John , r m -J-Vj’ V \’r ‘ ° Wn 1 vorct i us with' a shdrt’ visit ' . jody of Pleas H par P •* :)nt valley youn tr folks h^. °Seth Gregory’s b °on Wednesday of last” week. '. AldcimanW ,,, i,hs 1 ,, end ley is nGw g’baby al^on accoinit of\ boon" c i n boy. who auto<o-aph ed at his home Saturday ' af ternoon. Wc ' are reanested 1 equesceu to to .>iate iddien . , exercises will e s nay be held at the Methodist church here Sunday evening. Everydody has a cordial invi tation to be present i.\cv o m iiiir] (i s i Konev fill" v . his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday. He delivered able and inter esting sermons at both servi* ces to large audiences J. R. Chaffin, the popular electrician of Dalton Telephone exchange, was in Die city last. Thursday, looking after ness connected with that S ys tern of communication. Give the glad hand to all the candidates when they around. There’s a day coming when most of them a!e a b t ‘t° need something of aa agreeable character tbin ^ a b>°nt. Notice paS- is hereby -riven ftn v 4 de«Iring to ^ d - >■> tuo J^ais may have ,' s wants made Known in these spicy columns for the smal1 sum $ 5 ^ * . N. A. Parsons announces for re-election to the offi ce of tax collector in this issue. Mr. Parsons has served the people of this county very‘acceptably thc P ast t "'° >' ears -d will run a good race. SOMETHING WORTH READING Espaoially for the Jimplecute’a | \ ppl*6Ci&tedi Fn@Ild^ : Our foreman, P. A. Gates, has been real unwell the last several days, j Dennis Walraven was an ! appreciated visitor at our sanc j turn this morning, j Mrs. Flizabetl. Bryant, of Dunn, was in the city a short jtime yesterday afternoon. Will Lackey, of the talcquar nes. was a guest at the home' |. of his brother Bob, Sunday. Misses Eula and Jennie Mae Edmondson of May Hill, vis ited Ed Johnson and farnilj j Sunday 7 . ! Last I. hursday was the hottest of the season, thether ; mometer registering 104 in the shade George ~ Chamblee and Sid ^ Keister came down from Dunn Siiturday, to get another j S< l uare me,d# j Billie Johnson has purchas e d a handsome new buggy rtnt l harness and will s O0 n,salJy i f ° rth toj ° ,lyth ° festive voter ’ ! By ^^rcnce to the announ ! cement column it will be seen that many of the candidates lia ' c decided to go into the ” { P nmary * George Pierce arrived yes terday from Belton, Texas. ]1 c "‘'P’s nH crogs ln thm part 0 f f state have been greatly damaged bv excessive drouth. Mrs. M. A. Keister and Pan sy Heartsell are spending a week visiting the families George Chamblee and Sid PCuistf^r ' ’ in Plpiisaiit Viillpv ' „ r informed that f } rof. e are Charles^Shriner * with his has school become ,* !,satIS 1 ' et at Ducktown, and expehts to return to Spring Place soon, John y\ oods has the finest iot ot on, ?T; s v, ' u ve scon thus s< : asou * hri r<rc expecting !bim to "? us !l fow bunch cs the , next time ne comes to town. r * , . , ™ . ,.. r Ji * meS ""Ik S ! Je '| , a , IU ^ U V .[•" J. 1,1 ' rr'f ^ i j , Jn to lower | jj ur j. ttv where thev ani visiting i relatives and old friend*. J? ' C T ^ <,,Mnson »wiieana , \ Hd ^ j ias been attending school in Atlanta. She intends spend* ing her vacation at home. | ! T In company w 7 ith Dr. n John T . Steed, we went out to Dr. John Green’s country place last Thursday afiernoon where we enjoyed a thanks splendid feast of peaches, llow,,rd, to clever John the g^nltanan in charge, ESTABLISHED IN 1879-’S6. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annua. Harrison Waters and family have moved into a rear room of his storehouse. James Stevens, of Ducktown, spent several daysoflasfc week with Murray friends. Janies Davis, of Holly ,tnn- 'time ped in to see us a short while in town last Friday, Barnum Bagwell and family have returned from a visit to his parents, at Blue Springs. Nick Peeples and family have returned from Ellijay, where they spent the past sev weeks Reuben Pierson and wife, of Dalton, visited at the home of Mrs. Nannie Dill Saturday and Sunday, J Mrs. W. T. Brown and the children are up from Gordon county, visiting her father’s family near Ramsey. J. L Robinson has treated himself to an elegant double seated turnout and now drives around in 3 reat style. They say that James Timms is the chambion angler of Mav Hill, having landed a catfish weighing iSlb. the other day. W R Black and wife, of Oran, were in Spring Place Friday. Mr. Black showed U s a hunch of the finest wheat we have seen, Dr. John Green and family have arrived from Atlanta and will spend the summer months at their pretty country home, two miles north of the city. lf Miss , Annie . . Peoples, n . of n one Chattangooa s most fascinat ing society buds, arrived Fri day and will spend the heated season with her grandmother, at Fort Mountain. Mrs. James M. ,, Campbell, vvho has been in very low health for several months, is improving right along now, under the careful treatment of Drs. Brown and Hightower. The many friends of Prof. A. R. Howard will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his room with typhoid lever, at his home in Ft. Mountain. '“ r JlItah,e r \ ^°ung . t mend, • a .George Berry, was up from Coosaivattee J uesdav and foraspiendidreceiptforinre serving fruits and vegetables l Shenff Bul nai Grores • w just - returned from Milledireville. STSIS where he had been Weldon Durham in the State Sanitarium. We hope that Mr. Durham’s temn^rv aberration is only L able and that he will sooa to home.