Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, July 10, 1902, Image 1

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jg 3iPif * Q & 1 mr * pi M 7 i\ m 1 1 •t mm “TELL THE TRUTH.” 4 J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. C, L. HENRY, Bui. Manager, SPRING PLAGE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 10 1902 , . A BATCH OF HOT WAFFLES, Happenings of the Week Broiled Down to a Delicious Taste. D. E. Humphreys, of Den¬ nis, is in the city today. Hon. Pleasant McGhee was in the city on business yester day. John Gregory, of Hassler Mil], was in town on business Monday. We are pained to chronicle the illness of William Pend ley, since Tuesday. C. L. Henry has been real sick for several clays but is improving at present. Dr. J. B. Hughes made a professional visit to Sumach and Cohutta Springs day. Mrs. Ruby Qeartsill, of Dalton, spent yesterday with her parents, Col. and Mrs. L. F. Peeples. Another mechanic has ar rived to assist in getting the flouring mill machinery more rapidly in position. The friends of Miss Mat Me Entire will be pained to learn that she is critically ill at her home near Dennis. Thomas Springfield and Shelton were here yesterday, They both report a splendid ram Tuesday out Mount Zi ou way. Dr. E. 0 Stafford dropped in upon us a few moments Monday. He was on his way to Dalton, on business. Miss Myra Peeples arrived home yesterday from Marshall, Texas, where she spent quite a lengthy and pleasant visit with her sister and other rel atives. Children’s day exercises wiii be held down at Oakland, two miles below town, next Sunday. Quite an interest mg program has been arrang ed, a1 feature of which will be an address by Col. II. A. La " SS!0n ' Our good friend Marion Kendrick advises us that a big picnic will be held at Mt. Su¬ mach Saturday, July 12. Pub¬ lic speaking, flying jenny, greased pole, racing and many other amusing sports will be the order of the day. All invited. Sam Heartsell, the five year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heartsell, was kicked by a mule Saturday aftern oon and received a very severe wound over the right eye. Drs. Anderson and Hughes attended him and sewed up the woumf and it is doing splendidly at present. Protracted meeting begins at the Baptist church Sunday. Ilyden Tyler spentTuesday in town cracking yarns with the boys. James Springfield, Jr., made a business trip to Dalton l yesterday. i Dr. Jonn Steed is now snug- 1 ly quartered m his new office on the public square Harrison Waters and family spent Sunday at the home of Cornelius Turner, down in ! Doolittle | John Loughridge, of Dunn, delighted his Spring Place ad¬ mirers by a brief visit Tues¬ day afternoon. John R. Lynch, a worthy citizen residing one milesouth of town, has''"been j sick for some time. Thomas Turner, of Adairs viile, has been visiting the family of Rev. William Adair the last several days. Oscar Muller, formerly a citizen of this county but now of Polk county, Tenn , was a conspicuous figure on our streets yesterday. Thomas B. Davis, of Oran, reports the first ripe water melon of the season, lie ate one Sunday, June 30, grown in his patch this year. Bill Fields, a prominent . Whitfield farmer, has been in ! j Murray the last few days where he has many warm friends and they are always proud to have him visit them. Teachers’ Institute is in session here this week and all the Murray pedagogues are in attendance. They are a! fine looking body of educators Commissioner Gregory has used excellent judgement in selecting them. The campaign lie is abroad in the land and will wax and grow fat and get bigger and baser each diiy and week from this minute till the polls close on July 30 Look out for it and dodge it if you can. For the Lord’s sake do not start one yourself. lhe r Congressional . . con yen tion of this district meets in Romejn!,- 7 Hon Pleasant McGhee and J. C. Heartsell will represent this county as delegates. Having no oppo rtXT: rouSt. ly cor - Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. thb rotrars m SPEnre puce. The glorious Fourth waa celebrated in great style in Spring Place. More than a thousand visitors came to en¬ joy the sports and festivities and a good time they had, too. .■ Everybody was in perfect good humor and on their best behavior, not a single unpleas¬ ant incident occurring to mar the pleasure of the occasion. In the opinion of all it was the largest and most orderly body of people ever before assembled in Spring Place. Of course the candidate was here in all his glory and daz¬ zling beauty and each and every voter got dead loads of winsome smiles and cordial as well as convivial handshakes, Nothing in the way of a set program was attempted, more to social inter-mingling and seeing the various contests, The prizes were awarded as follows: Boy’s foot race, $i; Bates Wood. Bicycle race, $j; a tie and divided by Homer Davis and Fred Brown. Whistler’s cot,*sl, $1; Claude Green, Terry. Men;'viboi race**!!;; , ra-s Girl’s foot race, $2;' Sallie Johnson. , Boy’s sack race, $1 ; Jim Kerr and Clinton Kelley tied. Men’s sack race, $1; Sam Blassingame. Greased pole, $3 ; Charley Adams. The scramble tor pennies was the feature of the day and more than half a hundred anxious boys pushed and grab¬ bed, tumbled and rolled each other in dirt and dust in their eagerness to secure as many as possible of the pennies as they were thrown broadcast, handful after handful, in their midst. Long live the Fourth and the glorious principles which it commemorates. Ida Greeson and the bilby bave Jee n v,sit wg her P^nts near the . city. Rev. W. R. Lackey, a high ly respected Bull Pen citizen, was in the city on busiuess yesterday. ’Squire Jim Kelley and fan,. ily went out yesterday to the creek and spent the day fish¬ ing. A party of young men went along to manipulate the seine and they met with ex¬ cellent success. During an electric Tuesday evening b the barn of Joseph T 1 Yu Phipps • was struck , by lightning and one of his hogs killed, but no serious damage rented. On the »me after noon Jim Dickson and Claud Green both recieved shocks here in Spring Place. Much LwSffl parfsTf tins countr^°by duringthepast %% 5 HERE’S SOMETHING WORTH READING. Prepared Especially for the Jimplecute's Appreciated Friends. Mrs. Laura Fincher shopping to Dalton yesterday, Jolly Chip Oweus, of Co hutta Springs, was here yes Krday. was Nclse^Baker, m Spring Place of the Eighth, busi-; on ness Monday- ! Jason L. Robinson is quite! improved from a recent at tack of indigestion. ; Ivverett Bill Isenhower Sunday and Cageri spent with their families in Sprng Place, spent Prof. last.week Sampler and McDaniel’s, family j at : near Calhoun, visiting rela tiy es. F. Vonberg has been spend¬ ing the past week visiting his son and daughter, at Cbat tanoooga. Wash Swanson, of Doolittle, was in town yesterday morn ;..g .”•:<! ant .with ..a brand new mower. Mrs. Maude Gudger and children, of Fashion, visited her mother at May Hill sever¬ al days of the past week. Brigham Young Pulliam came up from his Gordon county farm to attend the big celebration here on the Fourth. Luke Mitchell and Lee Bowman and their families, J of Gordon county, spent sev eral days of last week at the home of George Cox. On account of the recent death of their sister the Miller boys have postponed their picnic, which was to have oc at Mitchell’s bridge last Saturday. . On last Friday evening ^little Per K - j his ry ten( erec j a party and luncheon hontr of his birthday than forty of the little were present and they given a royal time till the night. R. T. Bond died at his home, near Fashion, Tuesday morning after a lingering ill ness of several months. He was one of Murray’s oest citi* zens and his loss will be keenly fclt b > both ^nreb end community. Our sympathy goes * out to the bereaved c ' Grt< Tax Receiver Miles Bram blett is now busily digests® engaged making up the tax of this county for the current >ear and expects to have them completed by August the 1st Tf c^y«Ts*r ESTABLISHED IN 1879-*96. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum. Amos L. Keith was in town on business Monday afternoon. Lewis Thompson received a large shipment of new goods this week. Digs Williams and daugh atives ter spent in Sunday visiting rel Bull Pen. Now is the time to subscribe in order to get the news of all the approaching elections. Bart Coker recently return ed from Central Texas, where he has lived the last few months. Candidate Billie Campbell, of Doolittle, was here on bus. iness a short time yesterday forenoon. Dr. Peak was up from At¬ lanta Tuesday seeing after the insurance business m Spring Place. Rev. Hull Kerr preached two the Methodist interesting sermons at church Sunday, morning and evcum’gV ' Way land Calloway, of Dal ton, and Mrs. Emma D. Pat- ■ terson, of Atlanta, attended Ordinary’s court here Monday. ular Judge Obey held his reg¬ monthly session of Ordi¬ nary’s court Monday. The usual amount of routine bus¬ iness was transacted. We are requested to an nounce that Children’s day services will be held at Mount Pisgah, near Ramsey, the fourth Sabbath in this month. Kate, a young daughter of Judge Tim Ovbey, accident ally cut her foot quite serious ly Saturday morning. The wound was dressed by Dr. Steed and is doing nicely. These prosaic precincts were brightened by a bevy of young lady teachers I uesday afternoon, who came look on as our ponderous ground out logic the news of noteworthy all over creation. rp ^ . ie County _ ^ Commissioners ° ugbt to buy a sufficient quan* . rubber hose to be used in s P rayin & and sprinkling the ff not f ets weather extremely and a thirsty good wa¬ this tering three or four times if. week would be of much iudr*- ad vantage MaddSt to it iind S : nce "Lgh fo was aonat- the seed it is as tittle as iffie authorities could do to s^e that the sras&.is k^ntfr<»«h Thu attractive tiqss of our property.