Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, August 14, 1902, Image 1

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m *>■ e “TELL THE J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. C. L. HENRY, Bus. Manager, SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST !*, 1902 . A BATCH OF HOT Happenings of the Week Broiled to a Delicious Taste. D . K. Quarles is up from Carters attending court. Our meerhants are doing thriving business this week. S. W. Grigsby represented Litth* Murray in the city this week. Hon. C. O. Keith is here this week looking after Mur¬ ray’s welfare John O’Neil, of Dunn, is among his many admirers at this place this week. F. M. Kendrick of Alacul sy, is in attendance upon court this week. Col. Tom Jones is oveu from Dalton this week looking after the interests ol his clients. Gapt- Tom Peeples is over from Dalton mixing with hts many Murray friends this week. Deputy Sheriff L. M. Dou thit is attending to his duties at the temple of justice this week. Rev. Parsons reports a gra¬ cious reoival just closed at Welborn’s Chapel, Gordon county, A protracted meeting is in progress out at Oakland, con¬ ducted by Revs. Davis, De-w eese, Poindexter and others. We hope much good may be accomplished. We have received many pleasant calls from our friends this week, which are highly appreciated We are always glad to have our friends drop in to see us. Our readers will be pained to learn of the death of Moses Holland, which occurred at his home, near Mount Zion, last Sunday at 12:15 p. m , after a short illr.e •?, His re¬ mains were interred in Mount Zion cemetery on Monday. Mr. Holland was a good man and much loved by those who knew him, and his demise will be widely mourned. Our sympathy goes out to the fam¬ ily and friends. Spring Place continues to grow. When our railroad is completed you may look out for a big boom. Within the past year there has been add eu to our improvements up-to-date planing mill, flouring mill ot sixty -if several new stores and dwellings, besides the. opening 1 up of new streets, m a V. i - and repairing ride-' nany » er ,p-v:, improvements. Bud Goble is in the in his usual jocular mood. We will publiish the ceedings of court next The Grand Jury is engaged looking after the terests of the public. Several fine fish have disposed of in the Place market the past David White, a valuable citizen of Doogan, is attend¬ ing court this week. The many friends of Durham are proud to see him out again, after a long illness. Solicitor Sam P. Maddox looking after the State’s ests at this place this week. Judge Fite came up Mon¬ day and is presiding over court in his usual mode. SchoolCommissioner Greg¬ ory reports the schools ofthe connty in a flourishing condi¬ tion. E. E. Daniel is convalescing from a severe attack of fever and is boasting that he now tnebeam at 105 pounds Murray Republicans met at the court house last Saturday to reorganize and transact general business It is report ed that they had an astic meeting. Quite a number of our sub. scribers have remembered us with the “needful” during the past several days. We hope they may prosper and that their shadow ma> never * ess ' Besides the local bar the well known attor¬ neys are attending Thos. court W. here week P. : Skelly W. Dodd, Calhoun R. J McCatny, W. C. Martin and J. B. Terry, of people and friends of Murray Camp Ground are re¬ quested to meet at the Camp Ground on Wednesday, Aug. 27 to dean off grounds and pre „ Camp r , Meeting which , P»« w Ul;b p g in Saturday before the fl<h Sunday in August and embrace 5 th Sunday, ]. F. ’’rindle. of the Eighth, s, among friends here \yeek. 4 Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. HOW BDITOBM GIT RICH. After a good deal of study and worry We have it at last “figured” out why so many ed¬ itors get rich. Here is the se¬ cret of their success: A child is born in the neighborhood; the attending physician gets $L0, the editor gives the loud lunged young¬ ster and the “happy parents” a send off and gets $ 0 It is , christened, and the minister gets $5 and the editor gets $ 00 , It grows up and marries; the editor publishes another long winded, flowery article and tells a dozen lies about the “beautiful and accomplished bride.” The minister gets $10 and a piece of cake and the editor gets $000, In the course of time it dies; the doctor gets from $5 to $ 100 , the minister perhaps gets another $ 5 , the undertaker gets from $25 to $ 50 , the editor publishes a no tice of the death, an obitnary two columns long, lodge and society resolutions, a lot of po¬ etry and a free card of thanks, and gets $0000, jto. wonder so many country editors get rich.—Argus. IK LOVIMG MEH0BY. Edgar, Ga., August 10 —I wish to write a few lines in memory of one of my dearest friends, G. W. Hill, who died in your little city recently. I was very intimately acquaint¬ ed with him for a number of years. He possessed some of the most noble traits of human nature. He was a friend to the poor, as many can testify that when they were without means 0 f support he was al I Wa 10 "' ? S ’ they soeak t0 ^'P of him th '™> in «»d lov mg memory and are in deep with bis sorrowing widow and son. He professed re i IgI on about thirty years ago. I spent a day and night with short time before he died I believe that when his took its flight that he Lucy, the daughter so much loved, and that they are now basking in tne sunshine God’s bright beyond. Lovingly, J. N. Parker. NOTICE. All my Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Pants, Dress Skirts, Notions, Everything T carry except Groceries, goes at cost and carriage, for cash. If you owe me you must settle at once if you have any res pect for your word, I won der if.you can understand. Yours truly Hull Kerr. ESTABLISHED IN1879-*9€. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum. MUMMER MERCHANDISE At Red Hot Prices. Slaughter Sale of Straw Hats. While we have sold many Straw Hats we have many yet, nice, clean But they must be sold. Every Straw Hat to par house to go at once, at half price and others at a little over half price. This it straw hat About three months more of straw hat weather Our $1.50 hats for our $1.00 hats for 50c.; our 75c hats for 40c.; our 50c hats for 35o ; 25and 35c hats for 15c. This is such an opportunity as you never had before to buy a good hat cheap, some at half price, others at just a little over half price. READ ON! BELTS. We have the snappiest line in town. We have cut the ,j ce on these. They must go too. This is really underwear weather and yeu will be gland to hear that we are making some very low prices on underwear. Ladies’ 20o Vests 15c undervests, 10c; 10c undervests, 8o. We are selling a 7£o un for 5 c. We have knifed Men’s Underwear. 35c undershirt and drawers, 20e, 50c quality for 40o. These are all new goods. The very best values be had. GREAT SALE OF SHIRTS. Men's work Shirts, 15c and 40o. These are worth 25c and 50c. Men’s Dress Shirts, 25c, 40c and 90c. These are regular strong val¬ ues, 4oc, 50c and $1.00. Don’t fail to see our “E & YV” Dress Shirts, This is the choicest custom made line of shirts and we have the very latest styles and pattern*, $1.00 to $1.50 each. * , Just received our second shipment of YV. L. Douglass A Co.’a men's They low cut and high cut Shoes. We have them in plain Vici aad patent Vici. are pronounced tne neatest and most stylish shoe in town. Price $3.50, worth $5.00. YVe have received the third snipment of Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co.’a Shoes and Slippers. Our sales are growing better on these goods all the time. Every time we sell a pair we make a customer. They are the best Shoes in the world, because th-y are select solid leather. Because we sell them for less im>ney than other high grade Shoes is no evidence that they are inferior. We put them ahead of all others because they are superior in styll, fit, comfort, quality and wear. We bave about 500 paias of Shoes and Slippers, various makes and odd lots and sizes that we have determined to close out. Nothing wrong with them except they are broken lots and sizes. Come and see them and if you find what you want you can buy them for half price. Men’s Shoe* and Slippers, Ladies'Shoes and Slippers, Children’s Shoes and Slipper* at half price, Our store is full of seasonable goods, all at “hot prices.’' Dress Goods, Lawns, Embroideries, Mosquito Bar, Towels, gunimer Corsets, valises, Trunks, etc. YVe sell the best Groceries and Hardware lower than others, and re¬ member, please, that we are HEADQUARTERS on Cooking Stoves and Ranges, Will sell Cooking Stoves and Sewing Machines on the installment Read this advertisement through and through. We mean business. We are overstocked on Summer seasonable good* and we ace BOt afraid to “cut the price" to move them. See us for Fiuit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Jar Tops, Preserving Kettles, Preserving Crocks, Crockery and Tinware. Conte to as for GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. Cavender & flcWilliams Bros,