Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, August 21, 1902, Image 1

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|!j V * '• m 7 2 ’ “TELL THE TBIJT11. ” 4'^ J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. C. L. HENRY, Bus. Manager, SPRING PLACE. MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1902. A BATCH OF HOT WAFFLES. Happenings of the Week Broiled to a Delicious Taste. Fodder pulling time IT. S. Weems, of is here today. Doak Leonard spent a hours in the city yesterday. James Gladden, of Sumach, paid us an appreciated yesterday. Claude Green is rapidly re¬ covering from a serious ’spell of sickness. Mrs. Rebecca Renibert, of Dalton, spent Saturday in Spring Place. Affable James C. Ellis spent several Carters days on business at recently. Genial Oscar McGhee de¬ lighted us by a short visit Monday morning. Harry Peeples and lady are visiting out at Capt Billie White’s this week: James McGhee, ftecoropa tued . by Mis# Anna made Dalton Harper, a trip to Monday ^ drvnnrl- vStinTrilri JcSS* ^unW IT J en - lends. r ' 1 i A genuine Indian, with a feather in his hat, spent eiM days out in Doolittle lately. ‘ James R. Stuart and family, of White Path, are visiting the home of his father Hon V. A. Stuart. Clever John Anderson, of limlri Onnliftlr ,«.a- ... • '.r 1 :! k L rt ' "’ Tuesflav \ i f, uioon. J arnes ^ • Baynes, the Bull Pen oracle, was in the city Tuesday afternoon cracking ^ iokes with the hnv« T. F Jeffries, of near Rome, has been here for several days visiting the family of W. J . Johnson J and other friends Miss Kate Langston, of Amzi, spent the day Tuesday P? with u tn her ner sifter sister, Mrs Mrs. M MeCa ,ah Lv crett, on Ell,jay street, Miss Johnnie Pierce left for Atlanta Monday afternoon where she expects to spend several days visiting relatives. versatile jom Chamlee, of Uleasant Valley, spent lues p.‘] i'A 1 ' 1 f Uefct (>t 1 e iaie)\ . Ti tie says that i a heavy ram tell m that vicinity Tues day, the first in Several month... Tom snys it was too late comm;r to be of any ben ohl to tne crops out that he \%as mighty glad to see it. as it had been so long since he hao seen a shower he was be ginning to lear he wouldn’t know one if he should to meet itm the.road. Now is the time tosubscribe. C. L. Henry is visiting his father, at Sumach. o Sunday , night . , , , a revival closed out at Oakland, Jace T Robinson r, , • d .to L. Snook “" " , e » l)u8mess tr, p D;ilton yesterday. “Grandma” Dickson is siderablv improved from recent illness. Anderson Votiberg, of the D. A A. Ry., is at home for a few days’ rest. Miss Daisy Pierson, of Dal ton, is here visiting her aipit Mrs. Nannie Dill. Jasper Moreland and lady were shopping in the . city Monday afternoon. r Ld , Roberts . was over from r Dalton and spent Sunday with relatives down in Bull Pen. Re a * AY„ W. Adair was shaki = u hands with his Spring Place constituents Tuesday ^ C arte : S hUn T" fn U ^ U' r,U "» 1 ’ on business with Di. Jim Lr Huges. J. P. Kelly and son have about completed a nice job of painting on the Methodist church. The friends of Joe Greeson regret that he is still right sick with fever and not able to leave his room. Mrs. Wiley Osooru .’. of Paint 1 1 Ro ?h , A, m «: , • 8 h , s. rav “ , D . ,fher ' ■ . vnipy Jones, and other relatives. Rev Newt A. Parsons will conduct a revival at the Methodist churh through next etk, beginning , • Sunday. e P Frank Henderson and fam of Dalton are her ' 8 visit w" the families of Dr W. u ( 1 and l < J John onn Woods woods. Senator Charles Kiny and two V daughters g ’ Miec.e SSCS and , Lucil,e went . shop, Dalton a Hay this week, The families of Frank and John Hampton spent the lust few days here visitino- at the of Harrison Hainnton If all reports be true one of smoothest skin games ever upon an over-credu individual was recently in these hunting which has suddenly poor Lo from the phoe-of ignorant snake to a much higher ped from the loftiest portion which Mocking Crow, a visitor, stands boldly as the king grafter ot his The subject is too for further treatment, Actual Cir«uJation 1200 Copies. Willis Pendley and family spent Sunday at the home of Don Etheredge. Several couples ot Dalton folks took supper at the Temple House Tuesday evcning - lion. Pleas McGhee cante in from Fashion Tuesday to the delight of his numerous town admirers. Miss Maud, a daughter of Hon. Knox Ram U is employed as a ‘ in ull Kerr’s st 0 re. I^aac Shelton and Lcon ard, a couple of Doolit tie's staunchest citizens, f„ hours of Tuesday in Spring Place, Now is a mighty rice time tor the merchant to plant an ad. if he is desirous of garner ing a large portion of the preaching fall trade. A merry oarty of Place folks went up to Cohut ta Springs and spent the day JiTTu U n ^ aV * a ^ on k '' e,e , Fannie and Mary Johnson ; Misses Anna Harper, Malinda ShieWs, and Agues Carney; M essrs . W J. and .1 E. John son, Bob and James McGhee, Lee Galt, and T F\ v Jeffries. --- Mas. l. c. tilton dies suddenly. of apoplexy, she and her nephew had just from an afternoon drive when she was seized with the fatal stroke. Mrs. Tilton was the last surviving m ^ m ^ er °* die Dwight family, S' no came here in ante-bellum from Charleston, S. C. Ileis was a most lovable f ha [ actc1 ' and her whole life has been beautified by a strong 0 ,^ «*& u. teachings. Her remains were in the family lot here Tuesday at noon, the being conducted in a impressive -A manner by Re\ M. m I). iv Smith. c xxr We join ■ ■ 1 her T ) r iends in bereft offering con to the relatives, peof. p. p. claxxoh, p r ,,f PedVo-no-v p P. Claxton of the Chair " of ‘ h nf thoT T ni v ^ S1 ty of f T lennessee, Knox- { r ville, will address the citizens of this connty Tuesday, Sep f em ^ er - n ^- iTol, Claxton ’ s a mem ^ er °f the Bureau of ^ n ^ orm;U ion of the Southern Educational Board, the Su perintendent of Summer School of the South held at Knoxville, and also secretary of the Southern Fd ucational Association. He has recently made a tour 0 f the southern states and is well acquainted with the con ditions and educational needs of the S O uth, and is also an orator o tj-i note. We bespeak for all those who hear Prof Claxton a rare educational treat. Come out to hear him and bring your wives and children and friends. ESTABLISHED IN 1879-’90. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum. MEWNDISE At Red Hot Prices. Slaughter Sale of Straw Hats. Eiile we have »old many Straw Hats we have many y*t, nice, clean goods. But they must be sold. Every Straw Hat id our house to go at once some at half price and othera at a little over half price. Thia ii straw hat season. About three months more of straw hat weather Our $1.10 hata for $1.00; our $1.00 hats for 50c.; our 75o hata for 40c.; our 50c hata for 35c; our 25and 35o hata for 15c. Thi« is such an opportunity as you never had before to buy a good 8traw hat cheap, some at half price, others at juat a little over half price. y READ ON! BELTS. We have the anappieat linp in town. Wo have cut the price on these. They mast g® too. This is really underwear weather and yea will be gland to hear that 3? driest for 5c. We have knifed Men’s Underwear. 35c undenhirt and drawer*, 20 c, arid t° be 5°‘| had. <D a % {or 4{)c - These are all new good*. Tbe very beet- value* :r? GREAT SALE OF SHIRTS. Men's work Shirts, 15c and 40c. These are worth 25c and 50c. Men’s Dress Shirts, 25c, 40c and 90c. The*o are regular strong .val. ues, 4 oc . 50 c and $ 1 . 00 . Don’t fail to see our «E & W” Dres* Shirt*. Thi* i* the choice*t custom made line of shirts and we have the very latest *tyle. and pattern., $ 1.00 to $1 .so each, j* w a w,x. I**#*. * 0 .* low cut and high eu. Shoes. \Ve have them in plain Vici aid patent Vioi. They are pronounced tne neatest and most stylish *hoe in town. Price worth $ 5 . 00 . We have received the third spipnjent of Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co/* S h «es and Slippers. Our sales are growing better on then good, all the tlrae - Every time we sell a pair we make a customer. They are the best Shoes in the world, because th y are select solid leather. Because we *ell them for less m„ncy than otner high grade Shops is no evidence that they are inferior. We put them ahead of all others because they are *uperior .0 M ,r ; . comfovt, quality and wear. .' ' W e have about 500 paias of bhoe* and SJipper^v^ou* make* and odd lots and sizes that we have determined to clo*e, 9 ut. Nothing wrong them except they are broken lots and sizes. Come and see them and if you find what yo.u want you can buy them for half price. Men’s Shoe* and Slippers, Ladies' Shoes and Slippers, Children’s Shoe* and Slippers IP half price, M at b , ul | of M „ onab , e g „ odl> at -hotp™.., Dress Goods, Lawns, Embroideries, Mosquito Bn, Towel*, Summer Corsets, valise*, Trunks, etc. We sell the best Groceries and Hardware lower than other*, and re¬ member, please, that we are HEADQUARTERS on Cooking Stove* and Fange*. \N ill sell Cooking Stove* and Sewing Machines on the installment llU1 - === Bead this advertisement through .and through. We mean husipe**. v Ve are overstocked on Summer 8 ea*onsble goods and we are not afraid to “ (:ut the P rice " t0 mov them. ® See us for Fiuit jars. Jelly Gla»«e*, Jar Top*, Preserving Kettles, gooUS°!nd ° KreSf L Ti " Wlr “ Come to us for GOOD ' Cavender & Williams Bros.