Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, January 22, 1903, Image 1

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t a* ^ £ fe- im '*¥ [< : m i3 m P> & "TELL THE TRUTH. •• 4 J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. A BATCH OF HOT WAFFLES. Happening* of the Week Broiled Down to a Delicious Taste. Mrs Fannie Johnson went shopping to Dalton this morn lag ni «»? h rleS D h™- ° f Dunn, D,mn was here h on business Monday. Wyatl Wood, one of Ram ’’ 8 " the rrerv° ra ^O' 7 ,n K f n ' Vn y ’ 011 0t ^" bUS1 il ’ ' ness Monday. M As stated in our last issue, we need wood and need it like grown people. Wilburn Williams, ot sler’s spent Monday in Spring Place's busy marts. Mrs Kubv Heartsiil, of Dal ton, spent several days of the past week visiting her parents here. host of his town admirers this morning. Mrs. Charles Roney panied her hushand ro his appointments at the Baptist church Sunday. Blair Adams and Rev. Orange Parrott, of Doolittle, made a short business trip to the city yesterday. Messrs. Upshar and Max well, of Bartow county, were autographed at the Temple House Tuesday night. ’Squire Jack Baynes, Wil¬ liam Morgan and Taylor Os¬ borne represented Bull Pen at the big mule sale here Tues¬ day. Hon. Virgil Stuart and Thomas Wright a couple of Bull Pen’s cleverest and best citizens, spent Monday in Spring Place. ciefit Mjs^jLela teacher Wilson, in Pleasant an effi Valley High School, spent last Saturday shopping with Spring Place merchants. Thoughts of early garden¬ ing will soon be rankling in the minds of frugal house wives, and the goed-for nothing men folks shall see no more peace till they begin to tickle the earth with hoe and rake. 1 he ,, Supreme ruler , of the universe, in his infinite wis dom, has so arranged the seasons that it’s passably pleasant a portion of the time, wofullv hot for a season and diabolically cold at other times. It’s cold now and when it’s cold we need wood if we haven’t already got it. We’ve got a little now but it won’t last long. Hitch up v>*ur team and fetch us a load ^uicb. SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903. George fierce was a guest at the home ot Bob Fletcher Sunday. * A ?“rt le Wilkes Gro '7 s ’ of n Doolittle, was on our streets Tuesday, 1 Frank Peeples, of Doolittle, 1 thul t r ”^ poraertoto ' vn Jo l , ?k■ G J eaS ° n “"a "' ife ,m ' P o Spnng • Plane. f? ce " oon sho PP m « ,{ ob Maynard, a prominent Tilton citizen, was in town on ; business Tuesday. FriinU Jones and family spent Sunday in the city, guests of his mother. i: Miss Mahnda : Shit*l is spent, Tuesday in Dalton, visiting her lriend Mrs. Charles Wii ! kerson here on business Tuesday forenoon. Popular Charlie Adair and brother and young Mr. Poag, of upper Murray, spent Tues day in the city. Billie Brown, the genial D. & A. toieman, has been quite ill and confined to his room the last day or two. Messrs. John O’Neill and Charlie Ross, of Dunn, paid us a welcome visit while in Spring Place Tuesday. Amos L. Keith spent a short time here morning and paid us an ap preciated visit during the interim. Miss Jim Vernon has re¬ turned to her home in Cartersville, after a delightful visit of one week to Place friends. Bob Fletcher has added a saddle, harness and shoe shop to his business, with a cotnpe tent workman in charge, and solicits your patronage. Drs. Brown & Steed are , . ^ , bone tbe ■ aavin & a e P P ut 111 j r °“ lce - I he central office will 1’5 muvef 5 from Browns the leraple “ ouse to resi de,,Ge * b ul ,he ^ hone fU the doctor shop , is to he fitted for public in the up use transmis s ion of messages to Dalton and all other points on the hue. The count} board is consid ering the advisability of erecting a substantial foot or wagon bridge across the river in Doogan district. That something of the sort is much needed bj the citizens of that community cannot be disput ed and the authorities will, no doubt, act favorably in the matter. Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. Lee Galt made a business trip to Dalton yesterday. Mark Parsons made a busi¬ ness trip to Dalton today. George Cox made a ness trip to Wells last Friday. Luther Dunn, of the Tenth, visited his brother at this place the first of the week. °f ° today J Spriny 1 8 Place ce^;Teft P o^ taJness'trip to p ort Yy Qr th ’ Texas ’ Edmond" oi“'of Jfln McCamy,°a progressive Sumach farmer, delighted B a host of SprinK p k „ e friends by a short visit Moncay. Mrs. George Cox was in the city yesterday afternoon, hav ing the baby treated for an inflammation of the throat. Mrs. P. McGhee and dsugh ter, Mrs. Florence Lowry, spent the day Sunday with the family of Co!. Charles Ring, at this pl%ce. around his reside c c n , which o appear ance tbe premises, We are pleased to chronicle that four of Will Lackey’s children are convalescing from illness extending chrou g h several weeks, Thomas Ramsey, of Duck town, is spending a short vacation at the home of his c * ather rT H °n „ Knox Ramsey, > r ®P orts the Murray boys at Ducktown a “ doing well. Our friend Bill Jones sus taine . . d , ainfuI . r , thou , h 5onie P S not danKcrous , external ap¬ nes in a runawa y a few days a S°- rhe bu gg}' he was driving was totally wrecked. Advises have reached here f f ro ™ XT ]Nasbvdle u which -• , virtual- . fe. refute th f re P or t tbat Ed Kin S was found dead 1 there recently. Ed has not yet been heard from but his people feel confident that the matter was a case of mistaken identity. John McKamy, of Shuck Pen, was here a short time Tuesday afternoon He tells us that his brother, Col. Jim, is in right feeble health now and is not able to be out much. We hope that he will soon regain- his usual vigorous health. Sam H. Fincher has accept¬ ed a lucrative position in Atlanta and leaves today for that place. His family will follow him soon. Mr. Finch¬ er has been a useful citizen of Spring Place as well as one of our leading merchants for several years and has a host of friends who regret exceeding¬ ly to lose him and his family. For the present the business of Fincher & Rro. will be conducted by Mark Parsons and his sister f Miss Ethel. HERE’S SOMETHING WORTH READING Prepared Especially for the Jimpleonte’s Appreciated Friends. William Pendley made business trip to Dalton da y. Senator Charles King made a business trip to Doogan Tuesday. Elijah Curd, of Sumach, spent Tuesdaj here on busi¬ ness matters. Thomas Fletcher, of Amzi, was here on business yester¬ day afternoon. Mike Willbanks, a mightv clever Doolittleite, had busi. ness here Tuesday. ' ’Squire Sam Higdon and friend, of Alaculsy, spent Tuesday in the city, Sam, the young son of W D. and Mrs Sarah Heartsell, has been right sick the past week. Next Tuesday will be the last day on which suits for the February term of court may be filed. Kinion and Frank Bates, of Dennis, came up Tuesday with a load of fine wheat for Owens & Harris. We regret to chronicle that Mrs Maggie Stuart continues quite feeble, at her home on East Ellijay street. John Miller, one of Shuck Pen’s cleverest- farmers, spent a few hours of Saturday af¬ ternoon in the village. Hon. Pleasant McGhee, of Fasihon, dropped in upon his town admirers for a tew hours’ social intercourse last Friday. Electrician Chaffin has been over from Dalton several days repairing the Murray tele¬ phone hue and it is now in excellent condition. Mrs. Lewis W. Thompson has been confined to her room most of this week on account of a slight illness but she is improving at the present. Editor Theron Shope and Mr. Shelton, traveling auditor for the Southern railway, ac¬ companied by Misses Clare Johnson and Marguerite Det tor were over from Dalton and toot? dinner at the Temple House Sunday. Zack Butler delivered a highly interesting as well as instructive religious lecture to an appreciative audience at the courthouse Sunday after noon, Zack’s methods are quite out of the ordinary, but there is much ot human na ture and more of real logic in what he has to say, and we are frank to state that there is much that we can commend in his characteristic dis courses. ESTABLISHED IN 1879. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annua. Hon. John Black, of Dal r was here on business Monday. James and Sam Davis, two clever Dunn citizens, are in the city. fesse W. Langston, of. Amzi, spent Tuesday in Spring Place. Revs. Newt Parsons, G. B. Barton and Meedy Shields are in Dalton today. Editcr Harley Tobos, of Ellijay, was in the city on business Tuesday. Bud Poteet, a solid Doogan denizen, spent Monday among his numerous town friends. Sheriff John Johnson is over from Dalton this after¬ noon, business. attending to official Thomas N. Peeples and Faby D^-tnffn, of Ramsey, ornamented our streets Tues¬ day afternoon. Hurley Owens and Bill Hansford, (the famous fisher¬ men) were up from Ball Ground Monday. Bachelor Jap Isenhower came down from Hassler’s yesterday to the delight of his many town friends. Mac Simmons, the “old re¬ liable” tombstone and monu ment man from Jasper, has been in the county this week. Dr. Thomas Colvard and Mrs. McCroskey, of Temple Grove, took dinner with the family of James Arrowood last Monday. Boniface Shields has recent¬ ly added materially to the appearance of his hostelry by having the surrounding trees topped and pruned. Joseph Barron and two nephews, Cook and Thomp¬ son, of Cherokee county', are here visiting at the homes ot Lewis and Babe Thompson. Notice :—All members of Spring F. Place Lodge of I. O. O. are requested to be present at The our next regular meeting. newly elected officers will be installed and we will also have some nice refreshments. C. L. Henry, Noble Grand. Bill Isenhower informs us that the commissary will be moved from this place to Crandall during next month sometime. We shall very much regret to give up Mr. Isenhower and his most es timable family as residents of our town, and their absence will prove a distinct loss to the eoQimunity,