Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, May 07, 1903, Image 1

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s» S'/ CUTE “TELL THE TRUTH.” 7 4 I J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. DALTON fllLLINERY COMPANY. We Cordially Invite .everyone to call and inspect our comprehensive assortment of seasonable goods. We now have on display a handsome line of all the Twentieth Century Millinery Nolelties and an extraordinary exhibit of High-Class Ladies’ Furnishings. Among our Gorgeous Exhibits of Spring Millinery, (Unequaled in Dalton, unparalleled in North Georgia,) you’ll find the finest selections, including all the latest Parisian styles and patterns—Superb Walking Hats and hundreds of Ready-to-Wear Hats now on display for your inspection, at Money Saving Prices. Also the finest selections in all the latest creations and new effects in Black and White Goods, Notions, Fancy Dress Goods, Ribbons, Wash Silks, Em¬ broidery, Ginghams, Percales, Madras Cloth, Muslin Underwear, Zephyr Ginghams, Night Robes and Laces, “swell” and pleasing to the eye. Various styles and colors in Buttons. v Just received a handsome line of Stamped Linens in lovely designs. Our entire department is aglow with new Spring and Summer Styles and designs that are the delight of the visitor. Come and see foi yourself. Dalton Millinery Company. A BATCH OF HOT WAFFLES. Happenings of the Week Broiled Down to a Delicious Taste. Guss Pierce is in Dalton to¬ day on business. Miss Elva Dickson was re¬ al sick several days of this week. Quite a large number of ci¬ tizens from all portions of the county were here Tuesday. Dr. Barnum Bagwell made a business trip to the lower part of the county last Thurs¬ day. Dr John Gilbert, of Grego¬ ry, spent a short time among his friends here yesterday af¬ ternoon. Bill Ovbey and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine girl baby at their house last Sunday. School will close at Lucy Hill Institute next Friday eve ning with appropriate exercis es. Everybody invited to at tend. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO OUR FRIENDS • • Come to see us, and let us show you through our mammoth stock of Furniture. We are daily receiving shipments of New and Up-to-Date Goods. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty. Nice Bedroom Suits, Chiffonieres, Hall Trees, Lounges, Leather Couches, Folding Beds, Center Tables, Extension Tables, Iron Beds, Rugs Mattings. Carpets, Frames Portierre and Curtains, Molding: Etc. let We do have framing. a large line We of Tapestry and Rope of Curtains, Lace and Bobinet. Window Shades and Table Covers. Picture us your have a large line Japanese and Chinese Matting at guaranteed prices. Full line of Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares and Linoleums. Our Mattresses are incomparable : if you want to sleep well buy one of our own make. Also buy one of the famous Surprise Led Springs. This Spring is “Uncle Sam’s” choice. REMEMBER that we have a $20,000.00 stock of Coffiins and Caskets and sell them cheaper than any house in North Geoigia. Our incom¬ parable line of New Furniture is choicer in design and larger in assortment than has ever before been shown in Dalton. You cannot afford to miss seeing this magnificent display. Again we invite you to visit our place and let us show you our beautiful line of goods—for seeing is believing. B. D. LEONARD FURNITURE CO. ^ V SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 7 1903 , . Jace Robinson made a bus mess trip to Dalton yesterday, Mrs. Ida Ovbey has re turned from a visit to relatives at Petersburg. Mrs. M. A. Keister has been visiting in Dalton and Chattanooga the past week. Our old friend Solomon B. Martin was up from l! uff Tuesday and spent the day in the city. Dr. Price Bates, John Mor¬ rison, Aaron Nix and Charles Frost, of Dennis, spent Wednesday in the city. Misses Myra and Nettie Pee¬ ples and Nellis Von berg at¬ tended the carnival festivities in Chattanooga this week. Genial John Burks one of our warmest and handsomest Bull Pen friends, dropped in to see us fora brief chat Tues day afternoon. Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. Mining Company Organizes. Yesterday the owners of the newly incorporated gold mining company met here and perfected their organization by the election of a set of offi¬ cers and directors. I Paul B. Trammell, di'Dal¬ ton, was chosen president, C. N. King vice-president and J. S. B Apollos secretary and treasurer, Lee L. Galt ge ner al superintendent The di rectors are Paul B Trammell, N. H. McCoy, of Ardmore, I. T., A. N Nix, M. P. Bates, J. S B L. L. Galt and C.N. King. Arrangements have been made to begin work next Mon¬ day and all the necessary ma¬ chinery will be installed as soon as it can be purchased and sipped. The certificate of stock are now being litho¬ graphed and a limited amount of stock will be offered for sale, the proceeds of which are to be used for the purpose of defraying the expense of de velopment, etc. All the promoters of the concern are highly pleased with the prospects and feel confident that the mines prove a profitable industry. HERE’S SOMETHING WORTH READING. Prepared Especially for the Jimplecute’s Appreciated Friends. from J. Mac Sanders was over Dalton Tuesday, Captain W. J. White spent Tuesday in Dalton on busi¬ ness. Prof. Shriner and family spent Sunday with relatives out in Doolittle. Hull Kerr left yesterday for Atlanta to attend the national convention of associated char¬ ities. Mrs. Nora Keister is visit¬ ing at the home of her father, Qeorge W. Chamlee, near Dunn. Joe Brown and family spent several days of the past week visiting relatives and friends at Cobutta Springs. Bob Fletcher made a busi¬ ness trip to Dalton yesterday and laid in a new supply of fresh groceries and staple no tions. ESTABLISHED IN 1879. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum John Cole made a business trip to Dalton last Saturday. Joseph Ridley, a prominent citizen of Ball Ground, died of dropsy the past week. Carter Edmondson has re¬ turned from visit , a of several days among Dalton relatives. Col. Lnke Henry is in Rome in attendance upon a meeting of the seventh district Masonic traternity. James afternoon Everett spent Sun¬ day quite pleasant¬ ly among friends near Keith’s mill, over in Whitfield. Miss Ellen Peeples, a char¬ ming young lass of Mount Zi¬ on, spent the day Tuesday with Mrs. Bertha Peeples. Messrs. Virgil Pendley, Eugene Shields, Chester Hill and Max Keister are all taking in the big carnival at Chatta¬ nooga this week.