Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, June 04, 1903, Image 1

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c HR r I ! 1 »Lr 1 m ■ m ! ; 7 , j -.Jt; “TELL THE TRUTH.” *4 J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. A BATCH OF IIOT WAFFLES. Happenings of the Week Broiled Down to a Delicious Taste. Cullen Bryant, of Dalton, was in the city Tuesday. Van Bishop, of Resaca, spent Tuesday in Spring Place. Dr. George T. Downey and Col. Tom Skelley, of Gordon county, were here on business Monday. fames Dickson has been right sick the past ten days and unable to perform his du¬ ties at the shop. J. L, Cole went to Dalton today and brought out a brand new hack to be used in the undertaking business. Laws Ellis and wife, of Su¬ mach, spent several days of this week in Spring Place, visiting at the home of Robert Dunn. There has been much com plaint among the farmers of a poor stand of cotton but the late rains will no doubt up as much or more than they care for. Mrs. Clara Anderson and children and Anderson Von* berg, of Chattanooga are here attending their mother, Mrs. F. Vonberg, who is very low at the hour of going to press We hope that she will rally and may yet recover. MILLINERY AT WHOLESALE PRICES! We have bought the stock of Mrs. Rosa Copeland Freeman at a great sacrafice and for the next 6o=days will absolutely sell it for Wholesale Cost. This Is no fake: come to be convinced. An opportunity to buy Hats Cheap. fBT" NEXT TO POUND STORE. HERNDON & KAPHAN, SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1903. Miss Mary Maddox visited relatives in Dalton Tuesday. O. P. Ballew, of Wells, spent a day or two of this week in Spring Place. Clifford Moore has resigned his position at Horan’in Dalton, and is at home for the summer. George Kelley has been doing some artistic painting and repairing on the front of Fletcher’s store. Col. Luke Henry spent a portion of last week in Atlan¬ ta, attending a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. }. L. Robinson and family spent Sunday at the home of Tate Thomas, visiting his daughter who has been very sick several days. Quite a number of Spring Place folks attended the clos ing exercises of Pleasant Valley High School last Fri day evening and all report a most enjoyable occasion. John Leonard and Rev. O Parrott made' a business trip to Dalton yesterday. John tells us that our friend D. F. Peeples has turned most of his attention to the cattle busi¬ ness. There is money in it if properly manipulated. Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. Perry Hilliard, Virgil Pend Lewis Tnompson, Victor Pierce, J. L. Cole and Robert represented Spring Place in Dalton yesterday. Miss Lizzie Lsl1 " ston were united in the ho’ state of matrimony at the residence of Prof. Charles H. S miner, Judge T. J. Ovbey offi> iating. Many of the farmers are now busily engaged h ’.west¬ ing the wheat crop. I eports from different section 1 of the county concerning th s crop vary but we gather from them that something near a 1 aver¬ age crop will be ma ;e this season. The friends of Sam 3. Car¬ ter and wife will be interested to know that their da ughter, Minnie was married to an Alabama gentleman by the name of Massey. San.4 writes that himself and family comfortably situated .s.t Cole City and in the enjoyment of reasonable health. After an extremely painful illness of several months Mrs. Maggie Anderson, wife of Dr. W. W. Anderson, died this afternoon at three o’clock. Her remains will be interred in the family lot at the city cemetery tomorrow after¬ noon. Our genuine sympathy goes out to the bereaved band, children and relatives, She was a noble woman and her place can never be filled in the home her made bright for so many years. HERE’S SOMETHING WORTH READING. Prepared Espscially for the Jimplecute’s Appreciated Friends, Pol. Jesse Terry, and Lieut. Bob Bates were over from Dalton Tuesday. Dr. Price Bates and John Gregor)?, of Dennis, spent today in Dalton on business. Handsome John O’Neill, of Dunn, made his town admir¬ ers glad by a short visit Sun¬ / day afternoon. Colquitt Cole has retuined from Athens, where he has been attending the State Uni¬ versity the past year. L. D. Snook, our enterpris¬ ing real estate man, has been in Hawkinsville for a week and he will probably locate there permanently. James Everett thinks he has discovered a large deposit of tripoli on his farm two miles south of the city and expects to test the matter at once. B. W. Gladden came around to see us Tuesday and says that he and Hon. Pleas McGhee had a glorious time at the reunion in New Orleans last month. Jack McCarty, of Dalton, was killed by a street car in Chicago Tuesday. His many friends in this county will be deeply shocked to learn of his sudden and tragic death. John L. Rouse and Lawyer Charles King spent yesterday in Dalton. Jack Keith and family spent Tuesciay night at the home of Dr. W. W. Anderson. Postmaster Everett and | Rev. Shields were guests of Whitfield county friends Sun¬ day night. “Uncle” Johnnie Robinson has been real feeble the last few days but is considerably better at present. Charles \Villiams’ leg, which was broken some time ago, has healed nicely and he is able to go about without his crutches. Dr Barnum Bagwell in forms us that he expects to enter college at Sewanee, Tennessee, in a short time and remain until his medical course is completed next De¬ cember. Spring Place and the sur rounding country was visited by a fierce rain, wind and hail storm Monday afternoon. The hail was the heaviest that has fallen here in years and the wind was very strong for a few minutes. Considerable damage resulted to crops and much fencing and a few out buildings were blown down. ESTABLISHED IN 1879. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum