Spring Place jimplecute. (Spring Place, Ga.) 1891-19??, September 14, 1903, Image 1

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I«v.‘ * w ■ c: i yi 1 i If ; c— cs-- AM ■«3C5 “TELL THE TRUTH.” "4 J. C. HEARTSELL, Editor. A BATCH OF HOT WAFFLES, < nappenmgs r . of n the xi vl*eek 1 » Broiled ffcwn ^ to a Delicious Taste. Virgil Pend ley is right Sick with m aiarial fever. Charles P. Durham left on a business trip to Texas a few days ago. The young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones has been critically ill the past two weeks. W. H. Roberts is a large and commodious barn on his farm two miles south 0 t<nvn ' An old time singing in the old Christian Harmony was enjoyed by a large crowd out at Oakland last Sunday. We learn that machinery will be installed at Cedar Ridge in a short time, to quarry and manufacture the immense deposits of black marble there. Taylor Stafford sold one of his pure bred three year-old fillies to Sam Carter for $ 300 . Yet some folks will tell you there is no money to be made raising good stock in this country. A stranger came to town the other day to look about some and now he threatens to bring suit against the town council. He says that the court house fence is so crook ed it made him cross-eyed and he is going to sue for dam ages. We’ve often thought the fence needed something done for it but our timidity kept us from saying so. In a few days 1 leave for the Knoxville Bargain Houses and expect to purchase stacks of new goods of every description. My store is now crowded and room must be made for these goods; prices will do it. Arbuckle’s coffee 10c; Keg Soda 2ft for 5c; Hot Scotch Snuff 10c pack for 5c; 10c pack Arm & Hammer So¬ da 5c; 6 o Calico 5c; 10 c Suspenders 7c; 5c Hdkf. 3; Ladies’ $1.25 Shoes 55c; Bluing 2e bx; Pins lc paper; Lard, Snow Drift, 10c lb; Meat 11clb; Flour at WHOLESALE PRICES. All my goods go at cut price. Come to me for best prices on Produce. See me for the closest prices on anything. Respectfully, I 9 The Buyer’s Friend M SPRING PLACE, MURRAY COUNTY, GEORGIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1903 Miss Mattie Cox is conva¬ lescent from an attack of fever. T Hull , „ -fy Kerr will go to , Tr Knox v.lle next week to buy a line of new goods. Mrs. E. P. Taylor and Miss Sallie Kimbrough, of Peters burg, are here visiting and relatives • Charlie Williams tees Ins groceries to be fresh and wholesome or your coin vu ^* f rices l° w « George W. Cox has bought the Rembtirt farm and is how permanently, located there, consideration was $2850. last Chip T. Owens closed a deal week foi the Dill ty, paying $4000 lor it. He expects to move there as early as possible and will Spring Place his home. La Fayette Wade died last night, (Monday ) at his home three miles west of the city He,was a valuable young zen and we join condolence the community in offering to the bereaved relatives. Mr. F. Vonberg informs us that and his her daughter, little girl will Miss Hattie, j move to 1 Chattanooga next week. He will remain here to settle up his affairs when he will join them there. He and his fam ily are among the oldest and most respected residents of Spring Place and we all very much regret that the}' find it necessary to move away. ) Actual Circulation 1200 Copies. A Destructive Fire. This morning, ''Tuesday) 1:30 o’clock fire was in the s;ore b'uild of Fincher Bros, but the had gained .such head way that the P eV ie were powerless to save t’e building, as pied well by as George the d we ,C jtings•occu¬ and Bill •x Henry. NearA' a*ll the household effects were saved from both the nothufgTfBfaken Cqu mma iienry bous|s but fr6m the slorc< Fbcher Bros, carried Si 7 od|hsurance tbe sjtore, g »o > and Cox dwellirftj# «|lotal but lost- M r Henry j Si 000 suf- by destruction of |is house. ds Ispm^lTso^o^^of in the Fin her * 00 C' store itU no The fire originated on the irside of the store and it \s tie general opinion that it wy the work of an incendiary, though direct suspicion points .to-no partic¬ ular person. Ke ,. ley 0 want to sell in os. 011 ^ oul & Iocones l -- - "I — Go to Williams 4>r freshest best and cheapest! groceries. Williams sell the best green 1 ever fry brough to Spring lace, it and e-' happy, Low Rates to Atlanta. Loop the Loop, Vanity Fair Dmmy Wajthour, lave Stock, 01 se alu ^ °ultry Show, La¬ ces every day. Remember the dates. Atlanta s Great hair, October 7th to _4th. r rank Vy ELDON, Sec. Charlie Williams solicits you to pay him a visit whenever you get hungry and want to buy groceries cheap. •> SOMETHING k& WORTH READING. Prepared Especially for the Jimplecute’s Appreciated Friends. Mrs. Tay Steed, of Dunn, is here visiting relatives. 1 here is quite an epidemic of malarial fever in this section at present. Joe Brown was called to his .home in Tennessee last week to attend the bnrial of his mother. A report is in circulation that work will be resumed on the Dalton & Alaculsy rail¬ road soon but we cannot vouch for its correctness. George Chamblee has pur¬ chased a house and lot in Spring Place and expects to make this his place of perma¬ nent residence in the future. He is a splendid citizen and it affords us much pleasure to extend a warm welcome to himself and family on behalf of the citizens of Spring Place. line Kelley Bros, handle a select of tabl ,3 delicacies. Call. To my customers : [ have moved into the store vacated by the posoffice and, having increased my stock, am better prepared to serve you than ever. A continuance of vour trade is solicited. I now have a splendid Soda Fountain and serve all kinds of cold and re freshing fountain beverages. Robert Fletcher. I have for rent one two room dwelling and one large warehouse. C. N. King. ESTABLISHED IN 1879. ONE DOLLAR Per. Annum Hull Kerr asks you to read prices in his ad, this week. Mrs. L. F. Peeples is visit¬ ing her daughter, Mrs. B. L, Heartsill, in Dalton. Anderson Hardy Phipps and John have purchased the Berry farm, one mile north of the city, for the sum of $2500. Charlie Williams has open¬ ed a nice line of groceries in the old Linn comer, George and Sam Kelly have engaged in a similar business in the old drug store. For Sale, We have a splendid farm of 198 acres for sale lying two miles from Spring Place. 70 acres cleared; balance woodland. 125,000 feet saw timber* such as pine, oak, gum, etc. Three wells; one ing/ spring; four-room dwell¬ good barn and 4 acres in orchard. It is an excellent corn, cotton and stock farm— fine for peaches. Price $1250. L. D. Snook & Co. BuciipLZ Restaurant, Dalton, Ga. Ladies’ Ice Cream Parlor And Dining Rooms. We want your trade And guarantee satisfaction. Bucholz. I will save you from 25 to 50 per cent on all orders for Enlarged Portraits. Be sure to save your work for me. Robert L. Bates.