The progressive era. (Athens, Ga.) 1899-????, September 02, 1899, Image 4

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“You Never Miss the Water Till the Well Runs Dry, * * Bsr new raa/*e ffe value of heslth mtil it is gone. When old time strength Ond.ndgor ere renting. purify the blood by teking Hood"s St’seperiUet soon re stored eppetde, perfect digesttd* steed? j neri** end enen temper mult prome it Is bringing beck the glow of perfect heslth. _____ A Philosopher'* Timidity. The daughter of the famous w-lont tat. Sir David Brewster. Hpcnkn with tender frunkncM of certain character istics of her father. Amoni; those she includes u curious timidity and n great dread of Ist In which he used to 1 express with much freedom. In thin 1 connection she quotes from the letter I of a family friend: “In illtintrutiou of the great philos opher's singular timidity my father used to tell the following story: At ' the time ixirtl Homo's telescope was ! drawing so many scleutitlc men across ! the channel, Nir David wan naked If ' w—goliia/too. said. Tam too much ! .afraid of the sen.’ "My father tried to represent to hhn i whnt a simple matter it was; ho thought nothing of It hltm.clf; he Just I went straight to bed on going ou board, and awoke on arriving nt hhi destination. “Sir David exclaimed, in unaffected horror: “‘What! Go to your naked bed In i the middle of the ocean?' ” Thia Is a Scotch expression for go- I Ing really Into bed. and was Indicative of Sir David's opinion of the enormity of such nn Idea. “Another favorite story sotnewhnt betrayed the philosopher’s lack of self . control. He was talking of a severe tit of toothache he hud had, and my 1 father asked him, ’What did you do?’ ' (meaning whnt remeuy was applied). “’Do?’ said Sir David. ‘I just sat and roared!’ ” He always declined to have recourse to a dentist, never having had a tooth j drawn, nnd hla to any such : proposal always was; “What! Would you have mo pari with one of the bones of my body?'* , Whatever mny have been bls phys ical timidity In some directions. It was truly said of him that be “never fear ed the face of man.” and his great moral courage more than compensate I for such weaknesses ns ho possessed, j Tempt* That Cost ' The cost of Holomon's Temple has ; been estimated by an eminent Ohl Tea- : tament student to exceed goO.tkJO.Otio,- i 000. In the first place, the value of the materials In the rough Is orftimated at •12-500.000,000. a ndthe labor at •3.000 - t 000,000. The vessels of gold wrtV val- I Wd nt •2,82(L-IN1.015; the Vc.sscla of sll- ' ▼er nt fi8,28LT15.06t), the vestments of ■ the priests nnd the rdbes of the singers nt •10,500.000. and the* tiHifii[>eU of gold at |l,000;0oo. All Skin Dlhfbbo* Cared, By a wonderful olatmmt < nllrd TeUvrfn*. “ft {•the only thing that given m»» relief/* write* .Mrs. M. E iSttniur. Biloxi. Mite. >in' Uh 4 iui i Itchy braakhiK out on her ekin. J tcurwj totter, • •alt rheum, and ail olhar akin irtuihlea oOt* per ' lx>x at your drugglßta. or »«u«l tho amount in. •ta tn pa to J. T. nhuptrhie, Savannah, Ga A man has to use both li and * I f ho <iv»r un dertakes to carve nn average apt lag chicken. Can’t Tebscce f f II rrd 1 ircl • Ycur Life Away. To «,uit toi a<vo enrlly ami for* ver, be mag netic. full of life, urrvo and vlgo •, take No-To- I Bar, the wonder-worker, that innkva weak men I rtrong. All druggists, We or tl. Cureyunran teed- Booklet and sain |io fi**c Addreaa Herting Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Hurrying to ret rich generally necessitate* one to be dUhouefct. « 1 m -in" '■JL.'-. 1 1 1 11 I . .-JI ! -- THE REASON WHY For man or beast SLOAN’S LINIMENT Excels—i» that it Penetrates to the seat of the trouble im mediately and without irrita ting rubbing—and kills the pain. ■ , > Famty mW tab* ate— Sala Uy Daalm general! J. Ar. rW&Sau, Awtao. Maw. DYSPEPSIA “ Far alx yoara I w«« « victim of dr*- CrMgi- In Ila worst torw I ruuhl vut nothing ut milk toast. nnd at Uuiostny would not ralata and dlgeslnvon Hint La-lMuretU bacan laktn« CASTAHET* ami ■inentbenl bare ateadUr Improved, until I am aa well aa I e «r MuliMiv Newurl| o CANDY CATHARTIC Pleaaanl. mlalablf. Potent. T»*to OogJ. 1» ooud7 NAYwr Bleken. wtakon. or Grl|-c. MJt. ... OURS CONSTIPATION. ... • ******** s—*r «■—■■». «***’’--1” 1 - NO-TO-BAC I ThsmpMN’stp Water fIRIBW ■ ®A«t Co«<h B/rt>r». j L>e G| CIGAR ENOS JN PARIS. .lyndicatn Propoaed For Those WIM llnlhov the Vile Tiling* In ths Slrhets. ■ | Every visitor to Paris han observed i the ragged individuals who pcrambu- ! lala the boulevard uud peer in among ! th.> tables and chairs in front o( the cases in search of cigar nnd cigarette | ends, which they deftly haipoou by nieaus of bent puis on the end of a stick. Thu meguttiers, as they are called, aro now trying to form a mutual protection syndicate. Their reason is thn* the police interfere with them too much, considering they are peaceable folk, aud that the craft, never a lucrative one, is thus ren dered almost impossible. Such, it appears, is especially the case in sum mer, when the streets aro clean aud the best customers of the megottiurs pick up their own tobacco. Tho fact [ that this is the bad season probably accounts fur the present little agitu ' tion. This singular trade occupies three classes of persons—the picker, tho cleaner and the salesman. Everybody ' has seen the picker at work, and ob ! served Low he combines begging ' therewith. In the evening the pick ' era meet at low wine shops in tho | Faubourg du Temple, where they find | the clsanbrs awaiting them. News papers aro spread on the tables, and the cleaners set to work to undo tho cigars and cigarettes. Meanwhile the pickers eat their bread and sausage, and by spending three-halfpence ou a glass of wine obtain the right to sleep in the establishment as beat they can until 2 o’clock in the morning. At that hour tho wine shops are dosed. But they open again at 3, when both I pickers and cleaners enter, and by • taking another glass of wine each may , sleep till tho morning. Dnring thia interval of closing and opening the tobacco, put up iu packets, has been handed over to tho salesman, who dis poses of it in workmen's quarters like | the Place Maubert as the men pass on I their way to work. The purchasers . consist chiefly of masons, who all come from the country districts of Limousin and Orense, and are de lighted to got a large packet of to bacco for twopence. There exist, moreover, real tobacco shop keepers i who purchase the vile stuff and Mix .t : with good tobacco, tho profits derived j therefrom being naturally consider able. This practice does not, bow i ever, oxist to auy great extent.—Pall Mall Gaactte. Non-Setting Hani. The cuckoo is generally pointed out as the only variety ot tho feathered , tribo that docs not rear its young, i Most peoplo will recognize this error i when they aro reminded that tho heg ; horn, Minorca, Hamburg, and Anda i lusiau varieties of poultry are like tho : cuckoos. Even scientists who work i in such'unison aud collect such nuiin portnut data on every conceivable sub ject have generally overlooked this i very interesting if not important foot, j Waj back when Babylon with its hang -1 big gardens was flourishing, the Egyptians wore practicing the artifi cial incubation of poultry eggs, which practice exists to-day with our im proved incubators familiar to every ono. These aucient keepers of tho land of the Pharaohs became experts a( artificial incubation. They erected ■ what for want of a better name we I shall call ovens, put the eg.(s therein ' and let tho heat of the sun du the rest. 'This practice in time became so uni versal that hens were not allowed to set aud hatch out a brood. For cen turies this constant iuturforcnco with tho exorcise of tho most important in i stinot for the preservation of the species was carried on and finally tho instinct disappeared. This instinct once bred out never reappeared. Tn this connection it should be explained that tho more or less frequent tenden cies of Leghorns and Minoaras to be come "broody" is due entirely to the fact that they have now and then been crossbred with varieties which rear their yonng, nnd as this cross-breed ing will always be kept up this pro duct of the ancient Egyptians will finally disappear.—Tho Pathfinder. A Hurae That Plays.l Uall. Two juvenile baseball teams have boon playing ball for tho last two months ou a vacant lot near the stock yards and adjoining an indlusure whore a milkman keeps bis horse when not delivering milk, says the Chicago News. Tho horse has watched almost every game of ball this season, keeping close to the fence and noting tho fine points of the contest with evident appreciation. In fact, the boys had come to regard him with more than friendly interest, and one team had oven adopted him as a mascot. But tho other day all this was clmuged, wLou tho horso saw his op portunity aud attempted to join the game. Tho ball was accidentally knocked into tho horse’s playground aud ho immediately began to put it into play on his own hook, seizing it with his teeth aud tossing it iu tho air, meanwhile jumping and cavort ing around with the most intense en thusiasm. Two or three boys attempted sev eral time to sooiiro the ball, but the horso charged aud chased them over the fence onch time. Finally the boys gave it up and stood watching the animal. At length ho stopped prancing and, abandoning tho ball, trotted into his stable. Four Gauarstlons In Four Wars. A monument recently placed in a cemetory in Louisville. Ky., bears in scriptions to the memory of John Aus tin, a soldier of the Be volution; James Allen Austin, Lis sou, a soldier of the war of 1H12; James Grigsby Austin, Ins graudsou, a soldier of tho war with Mexico, aud James Richard Gathrlght, his great-grandson, a Confederate sol dier, who was killed at Murfrees borough, Tenn., January 1, 1303. All were privates. Dssstr at Cherry Milk. A newspaper correspoudi.nt usked a ; West End doctor of cenildvraMe re ' puu* if It was a fact that c terrles and ; milk taken together were poisonous. ; lie admitted It was dangerous. The ■ clicrry tree is akin to the laurel, from the leaves of which prussic acid Is made, and ts the cherries had a ten dency to l»c overripe, ns was very like ly to be the case so late In the season, they would cause such fermentation among tho milk ns would surely cause' trouble and no doubt n deal of pain, but he considered that a very large quantity of cherries would require to be taken to bring .about fatal results.— London Correspondence of New York Herald. The Mew Torjw’l*. A ymiliff Kwedo hue Invented a torpedo orernled s,.|»ly by invisible rays of HSSt, vrbli-b i-nat-ire It Io raphide at Wilt beneath Um en. my-e fleet. lii a like anbUe manner Hostetter a rti.mai'li luitera ottacke and coh quota nit aioinaeh troubles, when a-aufferer lr. m e. i.aitpntlon or d>a|>a|ata or liver earn rlatat takie the Bittern lie la euro of eno tbluy. Sooner or later, and that to cure. • Soo tbnt n pilvats Revenue Ktamp covers neck of tho bottle. A man lias one big aMoysaoe sack dap and n woman has a duaen small ones. To Cura CeastlpaMoe Ferp’ev- R k. o m» Beware or Olatsnauta ibr Catarrh That Contain Mereury, an mercury vIU sorely destroy tbs oeaao of smell and completely doranfe the whole sMa* when enioria* Il through iho asnoouo MUfeooe. SiM-h articles should never bo used escopt OU I>re»-riptl<ma from reputable pbyotataaa, M tae damage they will do Is ton foltllo the good you ran puoalbly derive from them. HaU’o Caiatoh cure manufactured by y. J. Cheney A Co* Toledo. <>.. oonialaa no mercury, and to taken liitsrually. acting directly upon ibe blood aad n eyeteot. In buytas Hall a Catarrh Curs be sure to get the genuine, "a** Toledo, 9*l*?:. j ■ tTteney A Co. Teottmoniale f roe. ?.?* <I J ,r brupirtsts; price, TSc. per bottle. Ueil’e Family Fills are the beet. ~ The man who is anxious to buy usually gets the Wontef the barrels. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBJP OF FNS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the ootnbhiayon, but also to the euro and skill with which it is manufactured by acicutiflc prooesses known to the Caupobbia Fra Sravr Co. only, aud we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Hyrupof Fights manufactured by the CAUromtiA rw Sraur On. only, a knowledge of that fact will aastat one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALX fobnia Fla Hruvr Co. with the medi cal pvofeauion, and the satisfaction which the genuine Nyrup us Figs has given to niiilions of fuuiHica, ma tree tliu name of the C ompany n guaranty of the excellence of its ictuudy. It is fur In fldvsneu of all other laxatives, ns it aeta on tliu kidneys, liver and Lowcls without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of tliu Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN rUAMOIOOa, Out. ttot-uviLis. k». t aw IMX.XI. Au Old Rtfie. Old rifles, like old houses, way have histories that hold n vital meaning. A writer in the Huinano Alliance de scribes one that Is greatly valued by the descendants of Its original owner*. The following bit of Its history Is of general Interest. One night, when the “men folk” were nway. n panther leaped up on a log nt the edge of thn clearing, and standing iu the moonlight juat onside •the shadows of the forest, uttered that marvellous ciy which sounds so much like the wail of a lost child. But grandmother's cars were not deceived- Shu waa a young woman then; tier tyes were bright, an<l she saw the panther plainly. The riflo thrust Its muixlo through a bole in tho shed window, and grandmother aud the rifle together drove the messenger of death straight into the brain of the great cat and rolled him over dead. Rhe just felt that she eould do it, and so did the rifle; and ao the deed was done. Uard to Mastisete. Mr. Dukane-Jonosy Indulged in a linguistic diet yostordny. Mr. Gas well-Whnt do you mean by that? Mr. Dulcano-North side man made him eat his words.—Pittsburg Chroni cle Telegraph. For Over 80 Years Wlntorsmlth'a Chill Curs has stood st the top outch si » rrllnbls remwtr fur chills and l«ver. naih «uccav«guarauteaelta talus. It cures -where oths. a fsil. All druguiste tall IL Address ahthuh Pstsh * Co., Luulsvltla, Ky. tn Japan mo.t of th? horses are shod with straw. No-To-llnv for Fifty Cento. Ctiarrtitr, <t h.l acre bsbtl cure, makes wrak n rn siu-i'g. I>1« d pur,-. fCv, 11. All druggists. Knulaud in ikes 15,000 ai lillcl 4 limbs an tiunlly. | Planlalinn Chill Cure is Guaranleed 1 To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, bo why not try na ’OATOR’fi MXAL Ifee T>aalc Fate of a Promtalaa Philadelphia Peg. *You can't take that In here.” said tiMi gatokeer«r at the Philadelphia Zoo to a woman with a wiggling little ani •mal in her arms, “it's against the rule®.*.’ "“Why, little Teddy wouldn’t hurt a thing, and I'll promise you he won't leave-my arms a minute. 1 can't take him away back home now, and I do ro Want to get In and see the animals.’’ -«ow it la a hard thing for a man to withstand the fascination of a pretty face, and when a dimpled, lieaecchlng mile accompanies it—well, the young Braman got into the Zoo, nnd little Ted dy went in too, leaving the gatekeeper hoping sincerely that nobody In ait -1 thority would see the animal. It was a i very diminutive efesture. so small. In ’ Jact that if she bad chosen bls fair ! owner might have thrown her linnd kercblef over him aud taken him in ; Without difficulty. > *Tbe Okies were bright, the animals eM in a good humor and Teddy seemed : to enjoy ft Immensely. The big ele phant wm In his pool taking a dally Hath, and when, sucking up a trunk of wgter, he treated the spectators elephantthe shower bntli. Ted- J'Sfta joy knew no bounds, nnd his mls maa thought surely he would break ■ Away. ' in the course, of tho afternoon they ' fitone to the shady rustic bridge which ■Mm the slimy .gully where the huge ; aßlgntor blinks his life away. The ' ypnng woman had never seen such a me specimen, and she was completely absorbed In the spectacle, forgetting ! eten Teddy In her intense Interest. «ly was somewhat nearsighted, aud ed to get a closer view of the great, scaly object, ed with a gentle tag he disengaged btmeelf from his nUstrese's arms and jumped headlong igto the ditob. The alligator opened jjp- sleepy eyes at this unwonted dis ttrbance, and seeing a visitor lifted bls bead to make a survey. .Teddy’s eyes, meanwhile, were pop ping out so far that you could knock tlem off with a stick. The alligator etched bls hungry eye on the dum fdunded animal, and struck with the tenderness of hla fat little legs, wig gled leisurely toward him. Bo quickly that Teddy had ao time to give a fare- VNdJ yelp, the denisen of the swamps OMned his grinning mouth and swal lowed the dog whole. Then, licking life jaws and blinking his eyes, he rglad over and went to sleep,, well contented with the free luuch that had been so providentially provided. The young woman’s silent distress wis pitiful to see. Without a word she walked hastily to the entrance, and with a sheepish glance at the keep er walked out. "Ain't that tho lady who took the png In?’ said the keeper to his com panion. “Why, sure it ip,” he made reply. "I what she has done with —— ll ■ i Nine Tkeoseea Vtvtaeetioai Cases. A* Parliamentary return shows that dnring 1803, 0,161 were performed under licenses In England and Bcotlnnd on living animals. Os these, 7,040 were In the nature of Inoculations, or byi>odermlc iujee tlons, wlileb are the only experiments performed without anaesthetics; while out of the remaining 1,611, I,(mis w4Be without pain, complete anses theeta having been maintained frurt the commencement of the experiment utgl the animal Is thled. K Ireland there were 803 expert m<|nts, of which 110 were on dogs, 1 on| a rat, 16 on mice, 11 on guinea , pigs, 145 on rabbits, and 12 qn birds, i Tltoee are said to have been “on tho I wbple free from pain or only moder May painful’’—London Mall. DR ' MOFFETTS ■ taß’tem, I tt I nln 11 swVto itliififS. ■■ TEETHIWB POWDERS Rmot ketrt by dnurrUta mall M cent* to C. J. MOPFKTT, M. ST. LOUIS, MO. | Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is simply Iron and First Tasteless Tonic : o Quinine in a tasteless ever manufactured.. AU , ; form.... Sold by every A|i other sa _called “Taste* ' : druggist in the malarial less" Tonics are imita- J sections of the United tions.. Ask any druggist StatesNo cure, no about this who is not pay.... Price, 50c. nHk My** PUSHING an imitation. WHOLESALER. WillUbftt CONSUMER. Or. Ixmn, M0.,F0b,0, UK. _ _ „ .... ' *ABM Uaototva Co., City. _ „ , Wullll *» 0 » 0 ‘ To».. Bop. U, UM. RBTAILBR. lp» t null >MBcUU. Joah T. yntTABD. JAMES D.BOBDBB. The West Important Point. Having an appolntuient to pr<*ach at an Insane aayh’.m for the flrst time tho | editor of The ChriKtlnn Register aske.l | the medical director for some points. He snld the most Important thing was | to avoid any attempt on the part of the preacher to neeouuiiotlnto himself to Ills audience, ns If they were differ ent from other people, _ He tsald: “If* you attempt to adapt yo'liraelf to their , condition they will Instantly discover It, and they will hate you.” Tn 1893 Russia had a merchant ma rine of 2.398 vessels, of widen GUI were propelled by steam. Arc You Vniitf Alien’s Voot Kase? It Is the onlvcßhjitor Kwollun, Hmarttna, Tired. At-hlog. bwesting Fuot. Coras and for Alton's Foot- Esse, a powder to be fflnken into the shoes. Hold by nil Druggists, Grocers and shoe Stores, 26c. Bampio sent FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmstod, Lei toy, N. Y. Th* BQtom«bll* Is svidently » hnnahty carriage—judging from Uio price thereof. Beanty la Blood Deep. Ciena blood tnecos n elctui skin. No beauty without It. Cnsnarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood end keep it clean, by stirring ut> |he laxy liver and driving all loi purttiss from the body- Begin to-day to banish pimples, bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly billons complexion by taking Cascarets.—beauty for ten cents. Ail drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 26c, 60e. Shallow men are despised, but they don’t r< quire as much watching as deep ones. fits permanently cured. N« fl's or nerrou*- uesesher first day’s use es Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. <x trlsl boule and ti'eetlse tree, ba. H. U. Ellis, fill Arch St.. Phlla.. t’a. After six years’ suffering I was cured by Plen'aCnra.-MABV Thomsox. MH Ohio Ave., Alleghany. Pa.. Marek IS. 1891. Mr«. Winslow's Soothing Syrup fnrohlldron 'refhlnv. softens tbs gums, redness inflninini llon.allays pain.curs* wind vuhe. 25,. a untile. A man’eourn good breeding Is the best se - eurlty against the Ul-siaunors of others. Fdueafe Tour Bowels With Caaearets. Candy Cathartic, curs constipation forever. Me. foe. If C. C. C. fatt, draggftto refund money. When some people attempt to i ut on airs they P’lo cyclones on top el hurricanes. ipwi Look st your tongue! If it's costed, your stomsch is bad, your liver out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 23c. All druggists. BBCKIHfIHMrSDYEWMIsJ aux juwru” nr. ifoetfltaaauMi r>J FOR SALE. A Fint-Claas Corner Drug Store, doing a paying business. Fixtures are modern and up-to-date. Have the finest soda apparatus in tho city. Would I exchange for real estate. Address, A. L. CURTIN, Atlauta, (ta. /’'ARTERSINK —None so good, but it vests no more than the imurcet. WAMTKU AGKNTS lor our Cotton I Hooh ; It brains at Sc. and run* lo He.: ■ flxureathe Iftlhe and SOtb* from 300 to TOO ■ (K.uude: a t<CO hook lor only 00c. It sells ■ like ••»!« t<-aki-*;’’ Wins liberal. Also lor ■ the Hlble Looking Gins*. Itteacheathc B Bible by llliKtratluns; *scnt*inaklnK Iroiu B i *I.OO to 010 00 per day. Write to day. S J. 1.. NICHOLS « CO., Atlauta, «a. g ; A Letter to Mr Pte '■ ham Brought Health ~io . 'Archambo. 11, , M ,I I 1 1 - I I. TM ---—ls- • »• j (LttT.n to ::sc. KO. sMUU I •• Drab Mra. limchah-Fop two year* 1 felt tired nnd so weak and dizzy that so: c days 1 could hardly go ui-o.iud the bouse. BiWiracho and head acho nil the time aud my food wonlfi i not di<vcat and hnd sneh pains in. ths womb anti troubled with leueorrbcsto ' aud kidneys were affected. “After birth of each child I grew weaker, and hearing ho much of th® good you had done, I wrote to you and have taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, ono box of Lozenges, one lx>x of Liver Pills, ono package of tsnnativc Wash, and to day I am feeling as well as I ever did. When I get up in the morning I feel aa fresh as I did when a girl and eat aad sleep well and jk> all of my work. If ever I feel weak again shall know whore to get my strength. I know yourmedicine curod me."-rMBS. &AUMA Abchamdo, Cuaui.kmont. Mass. The present Mrs. Pinkham’s sxperi enee in treating female Illa is unparal leled; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had sole eharan of the co— her great ousinesa, aa many as a hundred thousand ailing women a year. All women who suffer are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkha* at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which will be promptly giken without charge. GOLDEN CROWN LAMP CHIMNEYS Are the beet, jtek for them. CoMneraoro than common ehlmueye. All healer*. riTTSIICUG GLASS co.. AUesbeay, Fa. e PITTS’ * Antiseptic Invigorator yoB The Stomach, The Liver, The Bowels, The Kideys, The Blood, The Nenes, Contagious Diseases. Antiseptic Invigorator is a genn-killer, a diuretic* a blood purifier* a stomach and urrwe tonic, a cttmulant for tho llwer and bowels. Manufactured by PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOfi CO M THOMHOX, GA. W. L. DOUGLAS <3 A $3.50 SHOES jft'oj. t Worth |4 to •• cMtserMlwith olher ir.ekto. IndoHcd by over 1,000.000 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES VUK ounxx km W. L Bm<l»c’ mm. m 4 yrle, ,uam< «• telteaa Take no eubMitaM claimed to be » good. LeagMt maker* of as and 83. W rlioea ill Uie world. Your dealer ilioutd keep them—ls not, we wlll tend you a pair on reeeletofarieo. Slate kind of end or cap toe. ■LL-POUfras 3w%po..eStaa, »aae~——ev GIN REPAIRS WB ■w SAWS, RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, 40., FUR ANY MAKK OF GIN. I ENGINES. BOILERS AND PRESSES And Repairs for Mme. Shafting, Pulleye I Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. THE ~~Z Offer* thorough practical coureca iu Bookkeep. I lug, nnd Shot tband aud TypeSriUnx. Students j hlncod in positions without extra clierge. Re duced rate* tu ail entering school this month. I ( all on or address, TIIK ATLANTA BUSINESS < "I.I.KGE, IMS, 130 Whitehall Bt.. AUtata Ga. writer*, st .todoate last rear from 1 State*. ■ Mh year. Send fur eatalogne. Addrem, D*p*l K. ■ J