The looking glass. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1894-????, April 07, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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II jit ”--*-'^j-o W - ' 7»^fes»^g^^' ’*£■>£?• 'G- * < '• _j ' u The spring races of the Charleston Wheelmen’s Track Association occured on April 4th and sih, and attracted a good deal of attention. Their trophies, by the way, have brought a smile to the face of every body who has examined the catalogue. The association is a wealthy and power • ful one, but it must have felt the pres ence of hard times when it offered such treasures as these : A $5 pair of pants, A combination wrench. A pair of shoes. A straw hat. A pair of rat-trap pedals. A walking stick. The Looking Glass sincerely trusts that some wheelman, jealous of At lanta’s honor, will go down to Charles ton and come back flushed with victory, wearing the 85 pants, and the straw hat and flourishing the walking stick. If he loses his return ticket the shoes might come in handy. Seriously, the Charleston wheelmen ought to be ashamed of putting up such bric-a-brac as that for men to race for. The best prize of the lot is a medal, which is very vaguely described. An outside pride that lent interest to the event is the “Columbia cup,” hung up by the Pope Manufacturing Co., and to become the property of the winner of three consecutive annual meets. This renders it unlikely that anybody will ever get it to keep, but its possession for a season would be honor enough. The cup is large and made of massive silver, richly chased. Three of Atlanta’s crack riders, Messers. E. P. Chalfant, R. L. Cooney and F. G. Byrd, made the Century run last Sunday. They started at 5:30 a. m„ for Newnan and were accompanied as far as Palmetto by H- J. Piggott, Gus. Cassell and H. G. Caperton. From Palmetto the original trio went it alone and covered the 40 miles that lies be tween Atlanta and Newnan in good condition. Upon their return home they took a supplementary spin of 20 miles to Clarkston, thus completing the Century. They completed the run at 5:57 p. m., making a record of 12 hours and 27 minutes, which, under all the circumstances, was very fair. Both Byrd and Cooney punctured going out but the holes were soon stopped and did not cause serious delay. The only wheel, however, that came out of the ordeal entirely unscathed was the wood rim Victor, which speaks volumes for the inovation. NOTES AND PERSONALS. Riders are complaining of a lot of cross-ties piled on the line to Manches- BAILEY & FINE WI-jISKJES 43 Peachtree Street. Telephone 1039. ter, which spoil this pleasant run for the cyclers. The obstructions should be removed at once. Ed Webb met with a little accident the other day while riding near the barracks. He ran into an obstruction and came near tearing all his clothes off. When he came to he went into the barracks, pinned up the rents with bayonets and went on his way rejoicing. The boys say that Steve Hook sleeps with that new wheel of his. It’s a beauty, and he’s excusable for falling in love with it. Mr. A. L. Kinson, the trainer of the famous Rambler team, spent a day in the city this week. W. L. M. Meade, of A. G. Spaulding & Co., was in the city this week. He is on the road for the Spaulding wheel. Mr. Quinn, one of the fastest riders of Boston, is in the city and hopes to locate here permanently. He has cap tured no end of amatuer trophies. Zimmerman himself says that his last years’ prizes netted him about SIB,OOO. Their value has been fixed at from 88,000 to $30,000 and this ought to settle it. The general lowering of records in dicates what can be done on the ’94 wheel, and proves its vast superiority over all other patterns. It looks like very near high water mark. Ladies are increasing at the Lowery riding school and the class has assumed large proportions. Several new riders have been already graduated and added to the ranks of cyclers. Sweet Charity. The recent scandal involving Col. Hadley, the Christian worker, calls very vividly to mind the visit of these people to Atlanta last winter. One little incident of the convention never found its way in print, but is perhaps as much worth telling as anything else connected with it. The Workers, it will be remembered, met at DeGive’s old opera house, and the visitors, several hundred in num ber, occupied seats on the stage. They came in by the side entrance and passed through the wings. On the second day a reporter for the Constitution came through that way just after the morning session began, and noticed a very disconsolate, pale and shabby woman standing be hind the wing. In reply to his ques tion she said that she was a. stranger, and that all her clothes were in a trunk at the Southern Express Office. The charges were $2 and she came to the theatre in the hope that she would be able to raise that amount among assembled Christians. She had asked the whole crowd, and received exactly 25 cents —two dimes and one nickle. The reporter gave her some change and reached the Press box in time to hear Col. Hadley wind up an eloquent address upon the beauties of charity. Money for everybody—who has port able collateral. The New' York Loan Office, 146 Decatur street. The Looking Glass Statement of the Condition of The Merchants Bank, Located at Atlanta, in the State of Georgia, at close of business on the 31st day of March. 1894. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Bills discounted—demand and time Capital Stocks2oo 000 00 loans $528,143.36 Surplus fund 100*000.00 Overdiafts .. . 9,048.83 Undivided profits ... . 21,000 00 Bonds and Stocks ... 47,330.02 Deposits: Banking house and other real estate 69,126.78 Due from banks and Expenses, salaries and taxes 5,282.47 bankers $ 56,944.72 Cash on hand, viz: Individual deposit. 433,395 84 Due from other banks..s 69,752.4? Certificates of deposit 22,344 14 512,684.70 Cash and uncollected Rediscounts None checks 105,976.64 175,729.(i6 $834,669.52 $834,669.82 STATE OF GEORGIA, FI’LTON COUNTY.—Before me came R. M. Farrar, Cashier of the Merchants Bank of Atlanta, who, being duly sworn, says the above statement is a true condition of said bank as shown by the books of tile in said bank, and he further swears that since last return made to rhe state bank examiner of the condition of said bank, to the best of affiant’s knowledge and belief, that the said bank, through its officers, have not violated or evaded any obligation im posed by’ law, unless the purchase of paper at a higher rate than 8 per cent, be so considered. S7 R. M. FARRAR, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2d day of April, 1894. E. J. DOBBS, Notary Public, Fulton County. Ga. «• / '></ *4* " '' Gj S W V O GAZ Bufzfffes, X** HF e A X " “ - - Hoad U’ag-ons, Surreys, Carriages. Spring Otaadard Wagon Co. of Cay J £\Largest Line, Best Quality / |g fl LOWEST PRICES. S& fl W VsVs. ATLA * TACA - w StilsoN’s Cflsn Sale. I will make a change in business on May ist, and my Stock is too large and must be reduced. I will offer my entire Stock, consisting of Diamonds, W atches, Silverware, Clocks, Jewelry, Cut Glass, etc. at actual New York cost for Cash until May ist. No Humbug. Straight Business. COME TO SEE US. STILSON’S, 55 WHITEHALL ST. Now is the time so AWNINGS. Upholstering a Specialty. 11. L. JO//NSON, 12!> 12. HUNTER ST. Does First-Class Work. Guarantees Satisfaction. Prices as Low as the Lowest for First-Class Work. 9