The High Shoals messenger. (High Shoals, Ga.) 1897-1???, April 29, 1897, Image 1

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v/i_ t i The High Shoal < Messen ger v-o O. ■ [. Spring ( eting in Merry Mood 1 GOOD I i ORTuN 0 EMILIA •J 1 l n i H % And you Ignore High . Advantages if you do not» in the Benefits offered in this 'A L uII01£ INTI We will give you a few of ou prices • « 3(>-inoh Bercalcs, short lengths, worth Bi jc, U2-inch Cheviot, tile., worth 12jc ' •• l ine White Lawn, short lengths,Tie., worth 10c. Lxtra Hue White I nwn, short length*. 10c., worth 17{c. 8ti-ineh Beiea'vis 8c. Figured Law ns 5c. Wash Goods. Our line of 5, 7j, 10, 12} nml 15c. Goods, for beauty of design and low peas of price, cannot be excelled, 32-inch Silk Mixed Challies 15c,, worth 25o. Check Muslin 5c., worth 8c, , Extra Fine Bilk and Woo! Mixed Challies 25c., worth 50c. Fine French Organdies, solid colors, 20o., Figured 30c. Our line of Ducks, Deques, White Goods, Embroiderie* and Laces, are largest to be found. B^ V foods. > \> FyfungCf c „,y>rs r 12} hi 15c. _ - • (ffeet I colors, 25c. worth 50o. Black n **e, t stri, unti figured, 35c., worth fiOc. All Wt . Albatross in black and colors, 35c., worth fiOc. Eine Woo! Figured Suiting#, 35c., worth 50c, Our line of SEEING IS FREE ■ to It won’t cost you a penny to look through oor Stock see how much you can get for so little money. 0 LEE T AMMELL, GEORGIA. MORE LEVEES BREAK AM) DROWN I XUS RESULT. 'SITUATION IS VERY-GRAVE. lurmiTH Ciimpiiii; On Iht* Hill* INuttii and titlon living Cii n ***** I I»,v tin* KitginjU' " lifer*. A St. Louis special rtf Tuesday sifttes tlw»t the flood situation throughout the ue.ighhorinp: Mississippi and Missouri river territory is one of gravest dan¬ ger. At several points the swollen streams have overlapped their banks and burst through the levees. Already aovem!‘lives have been lost nml many people are. imperiled by '• the rapidly rising waters. Thousands of acres <.f farm lands on both the Illinois and Missouri Sides of the Mississippi river have been inuii luted, or w ill be soon. Stock lias been drowned ami crops destroyed. Accord ing to the weather bureau, both rivers will continue to rise. While Joseph Johnson, William Dalton, Minnie Frazier, Mrs. Ida Bn rg and her two small children were attempting to ford 11 swollen stream in a wagon at Jackson, Mo., the vehicle w as overturned nml the w omen and cbildren were drow ned. The Hunt levee, which promoted lie Hunt drainage district on the tlUnoia aide below Warsaw, broke luring the 'lav, sending tin' Missies . I „,,i river over'one of the most fertile giom in the tallev. ‘for The wildest xcitemcnt prevails, fully. 80,000 cres of land aiid hundreds of homes ill be under water a-a result. The .west part of the district is just helow e bluff, seven miles lack of the cee, and the water is making might for the hills. ^r U SHOALS, GA.. THURSD f ■&-< i!L 29. 189*; \ territory thirteen miles long by seven miles wide will be. revered with water. Couriers were sent on horse brtek to the houses back in the district and n scene of disorder and fright ev ery where prevailed. Some were lin uble to witlT save anything and barely es Vi iped their lives. It is feared that some have been caught and sur rounded by the flood. The levee was covered all day Tiles day by the farmers and their wives. hurrying their children and their live stock to places of safety. Many with are now camped out on the hills ab¬ solutely nothing left. SOUTHERN PROGRESS. \«‘At IhutublI hImmI in the South During; tl*« I’lint Wt)«k. Southern correspondents report in¬ creased activity in industrial and mer¬ cantile circles, except in the flooded districts, where business is still some j what unsettled. , As to iron nml steel, no material change is visible. The. iron output in , the east is being increased, but piec s are not any better and the demand dyes not yet erpial the supply. Iu southern iron prices arc still irregular, but the movement is tail ly active ami there is a noticeable increase iu the number of inquiries received. I lie . demand for export is moderately good, The lumber trade shows consider able improvement ami snntborn mill men report more activity than for sev end months. Brices are still low,how ever. The export situation G good and prices are being steadily lnftin i tained. ! The following industries are amdng established the most important new The Leather wood the past week: Coal and Lumber Co., capital $100, ' (’lendennin, W. Va.; cotton 000, Little Bock, com press to cost $100,000 at Ark.; the Elba Improvement Co., cap Ytal *172,000, Elba, Ala.; the Edison Electric lHuminating Co., eapitiff $100,000, Bavannah, Ga.; a 75-barrel flouring mill at Banger, Tex.; a 100, 000-bushel grain elevator at New J Braunfels, Tex.; the James A, Davis oooooooomfooooooo 35000000d00000000 .....5i.............. .‘.. . Whiter Wheel Machinery and Supply Co., capital $*>5,000, Atlanta, Ga.; the Southern Mining anil Mauilfiu$ur ing Co., capital $100,000, Webster, X. ('.; the Port Arthur Telephone Eleo trie Co., ett|rilul $> 1,000, l’ort Arlhi> v Tex. ;■ the Gregory Spring'Tire C eapitat $101,000, Atlanta, (la, t Prosperity Oil and Gas Co., cap'* $100,000, Fairmont, VV. Va., am $10,000 lumber mill at Butler, Ky. Tradesman {Chattanooga, Term.) BATTLE WITH ROBBERS. ; Tlircf I! i^h wayincn Milk#* I'liMiCTOiwful’ Atleni)) »t “Hold Up.*' At Hardaway, about eight miea south of Albany, Gn., Tuesday nig*‘ at 9 o’clock, three negroes att*" J to hold up four white men auv in the store of F. F. Putney A C< A number of shots were exci e .gee and the negro porter, Bill Brash, war killed. The robbers escaped unhurt I but without booty of any sort. BHIBLKY MOVES tl\ If*' Makoit h Girin In the FlorlilH Sena¬ torial Knee. ^ Tallahassee special states that (ihipley’s star Florida was in senatorial the ascendaut Tuesday When in the taken in race, joint a ballot was the aessioir at noon the vote stood: Call ;(J . chipler, 21; Buuey. lfi; Hooker io ; Qnrford, 1; Mabry, Darby, Wolff Mallory, 1 each. Bedriek, of Pasco, who has been v( ,ti U g f 0 r Call, changed to Chipley, ONLY A FORMAL RALLOT. .IuiIkc 4 'HHlrell yniiili lluntor Will l.l.tcn Indictments. to No Mot Ip, to The ballot for senator in tho-K*) tueky legislature , J m uesday , aga; was i only each candidate a formal receiving affair, by but agreement vcif ouo . Republicans announce that ail p» . are out and that they will have a 1 l attendance and wil surely elect. d i ;■ Judge Cantrell has imtmatc.1 t.rij i. he will hear no argument on any lion to quash the Hunter indict Fine Dress Patterns and Suits IV ything yet seen iu (|uality and price. ; to see our line of -^laols. Ooods, we i. iv m all prices. Our line ,if (JhangeaiVJe and Figured Bilks for Waists and Trimiuiu(*s 14 d«' credit a large ci ty. Slippers! Slippers! We ham a comjjjletc line of Slippers in both black and colored from Mm* Jest -^e also manufactories carry full at line all of prases—75c. t? $3. a ^ t Box janrsr’ y» 8EC033 ( J ■>* t » at very low prices. 1 »■ s C- tbj.|<r i Clothir **v r (1*01 r’matn lin, (•, *c- * v’ a- rtren '* 1 Men », >» y» complex' Men’a Anita at $2.50, worth $5.00. “ " $3.00, “ $8.t>0. \ <• “ $5.00, “ $7.50. “ “ $7.50, “ *10.00. “ *' $10.00, “ $12.50. DIRECT FROM MILL TO VJCARER,« tyl ic’i Save;: you 4 Cic Profits. Tha Commission House, Tin I'.'holcsrlsr, Jin JcLb:r cr.i Siars iicaper. NEW YORK CITY. oo.GQ Oar (ltc*t B*trg»lnA $ . 2:08 i SCUT S. FOR I Bey’s Xdouis Suits. Sires 3 to 15, * »ltt extra prtr ol paw*. W.*8 * .Thru Suits art liUAKANl F.ED.tob, m.drfrcm importisl f ' Won| Cftevka, of in liUcI:. Mane tllur, (trey, rlnuble-brr and I rown, ".ter I. in ■' ■ ith /<'S Sa 1 mm lor i to t, years are- up (Collar Collar fancy embroidered—lined vrilh t., .r lUa, k Sir—c iTuyill Safeen’and Patent WaCi hands, Trnrrin up . r I Win k ,u w 15 y ""’ In Charges TUs Style the Size* 3 toy United We with Pair Pant*. Extra any to pay States, part Express \ ,\ tEjy C5 0 0 Oxford, Cheviots D ° c I imported ( J .»bl» otytal l 10 tolr ' 3 *» ah •*tml Grey, in \ lftlr • I’kDM i" him ' *9 and Brown, FeacV ill Olive Blue, Wool When ordering wnd F’rwl Ofllce, Express last Order or Registered and If targe letters, small also birthday, or hi* age. Money cheerfully refunded if B Mtlifaetory. Send measuring, ac. *tarm>* blank*, for gam - tape measure, etc. m We pay Express Chap: (0 any part 1 In the United Suits. Impomd Fwy Wool Cheviot: in Brown. Bhn. Oxford. Grey, Ind 033v: Brown. * * * Money »ge*at for not pie*, Webster’s International The Nrw “taabrldgcd» The Best Christmas Gift WTRSTTR'S A Victlanary of Emlllah, Geography, Biography, notion, Bfrroanom / itamitnipra.nj kD prsmsConrt, the IT‘S Cormimrnr Lrintln*Ofl1rM*,ant1 klMCTiONftHV 1 “s'i “** sci»»iix>oki t ummrodM by #vrry Hm»Ui hub«*rinwe«utuH Of .Stiuxoio* 0> C* Werrinm Co.* Pubs« «r*rtn|tfield, Maos* •dTSrud for tree ptuaphlel oodUIdaok a pec uur u (Marco. »llu*tn*tk*»*. etc. £32.98! BABE! A CUSTOM MHOS TJ GHOUl §16. Slid 7.50 Guaranteed to bo made from All Wool, Drow „ 0 Cheviot, „ y , 8bck> „ Bloe < „ r ,i,..| In *Mt yliur ,1 with Unporlfd In l-.rmef Custom Selin, (nmr.'ed arid finished (he best of Tailor manner. Vow ca.wrot duplicate it in your town tor $16,00. Sires 14 to da. 25 How to me. ‘ure for Men’s a mi Youths Suits M.e a s u r e around the Ureast and Wtlst over the Vest, Crotch and from to Heel fer Pants. * W# Pay Ex prei* *»(t g»«, •houid you not ted satis fi ev. w \ 11 remind the i.toncV. Rciembfr You hiiy direct from one of the largest Clo¬ thing Manu¬ facturer* in America. ra M r ■ M r m 41 yfr m ' tpVj ( “ y'.BS Chariots, '•I Imported & i a o NO. 12. Imported Chariots, *' _-— 6 6m. llnct, Blue, L um