The High Shoals messenger. (High Shoals, Ga.) 1897-1???, April 29, 1897, Image 7

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We hem - that 1/P« •tl. merchant prince of AlatUsOu, is .selling more dry goods, clothing. «h .06 B ami hat a than nil the other lion St* 8 COIU billed. Mis 11 lee goods, low prices and ad', i i ti l .ni,.nit - a.-count Cor it. We are 'compelled to sell 355 ,( 10(1 worth o! "■.!•■ in the next ill Jays in order to catch tip with .spring' busi iirss, and we are filing to run prices down in order to run sales up. tf Tint Monhok Meui'.vnTh.k Co. All' Ethel, Hged four, . bad retired for the night when her ninnniiii asked her if she had said lier prayers. "No, mamma," was the reply. "I was tireil ami 1 asked God to excuse me. lie said ‘certainly. Miss Ethel, don't mention it; ’ ” See Nnnnally's .Sitl buggies, the host in the state for, the money. Mon¬ roe, bn. 8t Tommy—“Oh. maw. we was in the woods today and saw a garter snake most a yard and a half long. Maw "Pshaw! child, gurtei -nakes do not reach that length. " “Well, 1 thought it was a garter snake’eause it was wrapped round the limb of a tree. If there are hooks in running brooks what an immense volume the Missi ss ippi must he at present. Prices are cut to fit the pockets of the people at Nnnnally’s liig store at Mon¬ roe, G a. The latest stingy man lis recently come to light a few miles from here in this county. He is all old bachelor and noted for his closeness. A friend w li s pa sing his farm the other day when lie saw this mail down on a blanch with a stick in hand ns if he was Dying to, kill something, and every now and then tie would chase something that seemed to lie living through the air. Upon a closer ex amination this friend found that lie was killing “dirt dohbers" that was touting Iris dirt off aifd building nests on some one else's land.. We cannot vouch for donh^lk.-knowiiig the truth of this, though we do not the party os we do. Miss Katie McLeroy spent Saturday night with relatives at Gb ndale farm. Kev. William Code, of Wintervill, . will preach at tile baptist church here tin* second Sunday m dune. Mr, Code is a preacher of high standing, and Inis just closed a very successful meet mg at Winder. d. W. Rod well and lady. Dr. 11. F Save and Indy, and Ed N. Center and attended services at Sandy Creek Sunday last. Rev. II R. Ronmrd. former pastor of the baptist church at this place, spent Thui-day night with lion. das. I ra'/ei. Dr. Bernard has a host of friends here, and quite a nice crowd was out to hear him preach at the Baptist church Thursday uiwlii r 1 ’ Hale, of Bogart, wax in town last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. 1). C. Jones, of Atlanta, is nu a v isit to her sister. Miss Mat Harris, nt C-isulan farm this week. T. -It. Baxter, wife and child, spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Whitehall. In the .war 'between Turkey and Greee.e, the former seems to begetting tile best of it. " f Mr. Boh Thomas, one of Morgan's prosperous young men, will lead to Hymen’s altar today .one of Madison s sweetest and iicctlniplisheil young la¬ dies, Miss Mary Lizzie Baynes. The Mh.s*j:ngi:k with a host of friends ex¬ tends congratulations. Why that every time a young lady smiles on a certain young man in town he thinks she is dead in love witlf / " him Our nioflv>L,;i>H-law stuck a rusty naif in "her fool the other day ami- >’ caused her to have lockjaw for day s: We havn’t lajen doing a thing since but hunting rusty nails and stick¬ ing' them around w here she will be likely to step on them, Hester Tata, the daughter' of Mr. anil Ml ., ( 1)an i e | Tlltl . departed this j • uft , , nst Tn „ s dav night, the with 20th. aficr ^ iUu „ HK <l{ SPV ,. r „j weeks pneu | ni „ uift . she wax interred at the Bap t \ H \ oeiiuder-y Thursdaymorning, The | llui|J | ,. X( . n .j ... conducted hv llo „ p nwr . Theheriavedfam j| v lltlK the svmputh v of their f rends in their loss. (Ins Rvnn has vetutned to his home in Atlanta. (’apt. G. M, Napier, editor of ilia Walton News, spent Monday night with Col. T. \\ . I’owell. Rev. W. S. McCarty, of. Monroe, will pleach at thff Baptist church the fifth Sunday in May. Watch these columns next week for the spring ml of John H. Lowe. A WAltJU i;k« I.I'TION. It was a, m. l ie had just eomr home, »blie regarded him for a moment m iilenc . At length she spo>«e. Fm thei more, she spoke at length, his ow a. A r- I ’>■ fji.uii 1 >o you believe that ' marriages made in are lie i veil 1 ) t( ill mi I Vi'uv C lint vva-n’t. nalQ UU.L 11 A , , High Shoals, Oconee County, ” A UEHKI.V Nrwsi-AI’RR. (II. »i. <1 VI 1 11 . I filler *n(t Proprietor. SI l!S( KII’TION I'll It F.. Owe Year . 5(1 cents. ♦ill Months .. 30 it Church, marriage ami death notices inserted - fret Advertising rates on application. Entered at the postoftiett at High Shoals, (in., as second class matter. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ml THOPtHT K- v. .T. T. I (Owe. Pa - lor; Preaching every fourth Sunday and Saturday night before, Sabbath school every Sunday at ‘.1 a vo., l W Powell, * » Superintendent. IUitjht--R ev. <>- B Harris, Pastor. Preaching every second Sunday and Saturday night before. Sabbath school avery Sunday at ‘J a. m., 3. W. Rod well, Superintend! nt. Society meets Woman's Missionary every first Sunday Sirs. immediately after Sunday school. .1. M,. McLeroy. President. tf MORGAN (TRUITT. \ 1 \ 1 'oliSs (lev. I.T. I K» fa-tor fir-' Snl.irusv met Sund ry s.-in. t it p. in. 'I it) a. in. m l -'in. 1 u . **i (per hit' "n. -lit U. 1' hiill. . fim.XMU.rnu -let Saturday Hie! sea - - - -.11 «*r 1 no'ljdeai I. I. SOirg-s Hiatovo i u t ■ n s.Oui'.fa; v4 Sunday mi Ii.d ;l (. n. -2 1 (i. in. third Sunday. Ku|!i!. Ii- \. ’in- yiot**> • . H it \ t. -s. irday p. n , Bmu Ikv > u ’u oil peril 1 ■ id.-et, T. V . f YV. il. Wanted. A good man to solicit subscriptions for the Mkh«f.vuei:. Will pay salary «r commission. LOCAL MKLANdi. ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED FROM HERE AND THERE. VTfeaf in lloln( on Around and About l'» TalU In Brief, Pithy an<l *• ParuarayHa. p ■ >ohr on a . . y, >» dlmu ( esday, (a : i- • •• i with 1 captain ” lun ton. Frank Cook and J. P. Ingrain spent last Wednesday in Athena. Ow ing to the long rainy spell this spring, the spring trade is opening up late, and m order to give it a send-off we will make some astonishingly low prices. Mosnor MmtC.XNTIT.K Co. tf High Shoals is making preparation to entertain a large crowd that w ill at¬ tend the Missionary Rally day here Sunday. Everybody invited to attend and bring a little change along with them. An Arkansas editor gives his delin¬ quent# u gentle hint in this way: “It is said ii New York girl kneads bread with'her gloves on . hut that is no news to us. We need hi end with onr hoots on ; we need bread with onr punts on, and If those subscribers who are so much in arrears don’t pay soon, will need bread without anything oil." For stylish things in liafs; clothing and gents’furnishing goods, see Nuu nally's big stock Ht Monroe, Ga. ■j t A novel way of choosing partners lias become the rage in some of the western towns. At a party a sheet is strotched across the room,: the ladies «taml behind it and nd-vancr, iht-u feet a few inches beyond the.sheet: each gentleman pick - out a .pair of shoos and the Indy who stand' 111 them is the one he takes t.* •upper. “You sre a.jewret. aid the gushing youtig man trfhis girl, “ami 1 am go ing to have yen <et. And lie i|iiietly took her in hi- lap. Rev. J T. Lowe filled Ills regular monthly appointment iit the Methodist dmreh Sunday last. J. S. V, Willard, uiiii nf our hand some and sturdy young farmers, is sporting a‘“iicy new buggy and the young h- ‘ ( well, wo won't tell oil him. ' W. 11. NtUlUally A Co., til Monroe, have the largest h mini cost display of millinery in the county. :tt Mr. and Mrs. lb J. Carter have the sympathy of the town in the loss of their two-year old baby The little one died Monday night mid was (aid to rest Tuesday morning. A a IK i MAM JMltERS Of ROTH HOUSES ,0 TO NEW YORK. PRESIDIN ' 1 LEAVES OH SPECIE II e»os- nr <«• e Hold Uriel' and l ornial Bei yy NumlnnlioDK s.-nt irintin r»lli'em*n. Was ..^..on was practically deserted Viy the politieians Monday. Many went home, an d two special trains carried a forge delegation to New York. In consequence the senate chamber lia<J a d< rted appearnnee when the sedsio 1 Mr. Harric, nf r t see, w ax at his desk fo n. in many week'-, a- . . .dated on his recovery frorli lie a .eC < illness. In the al nee of Vice President Hobart and ^’resident pTO tern Frye, Air. Nelson, kif Minnesota, occupied the chair. 1 Dr. MilburuVopening prayer made, eloquent reference to the gathering of ^thousands to pay tribute to the great chieftain, Grant, and invoked that tin; glow of patriotism freshly enkindled may strengthen oiir nation, our gov i rninent and the union of the states, When the Endian hill was reported' back from tlm house an effort was Hindu to semi it to conference, hut Mr. Gorman objected,, saying it had been undo stoiid thaf no business abate . er was to he i rausneted, Thereupon, at l'J:i|5p. ui. on motaiui of Mr. Merrill, the senate atljouTiied to Thursday. II..uni- lintel* l'ormal Si**»l«in. Thc house held a purely formal ses a ion, astnany of its me nil HU s had also to New York to attend the Grant tniiil) exercises and under the nr rungenionts Wa ie Friday after the reading of the journal, iin adjourn¬ ment was immediately taken until Thursday. The president.x message transmit¬ ting tin report of tin* interhationnl houiuhiry lino commission was, lion ever, received lie fore adjournment, I'lTnlilenl t>n III ft M ;i>'. The jn csitlentiul train jnilled out of the Sixth street station of the Penn¬ sylvania railroad at 10:30 Alomlay, hoivml for New York, with a distin¬ guished | .it'ty aboard, all the guci ts of the city of New York, to attend jit l ceremonies connect' i with the liedi (•ntiou of the Grant monument. The train vya- n. ' h* up of sc.oii conches, and it'wu: iiot i-cahio that the president solved iii : •Ivnnce.any might (pics tion of precedent that have rnseu by*him taki'“ \ tin.xlast i couch on the trjiiit. t.uiliutiiinii. l*i-, .,o-iit .tl s Thejire-ident Mo day sent the fol¬ lowing nominations o the senate for confirmation: State \V i 1. am It. Day, of Ohio, t he assistant i erctar; of state. Reliamy Sti rer. ot Ohio, to lie en vov extraordim minister ph n ipotentinry to. Relgitwn. If George M. Fisk, Ohio, second secretary of the enibi ssyof the I nited States at Berlin, Get 1 nany. Huntington VYilsoi, of Illinois, fo be second secretary t the legation of tiie United States at ’.'okio, Japan. Justice Tin >m>>*' district judge for the eas 1 1- t of North ( ai olina.. Edward Brndfo •• t> ■ judge for the district of l)e. ■ interior Cassi - ' . rues, e> (l:i ho in a. to lie i. fv . ('kliiiin bin territory. 1 Frank 1). Dekuhagh vegiffler of haul oflice at Olympia, Wmh. . To he reciviy ers of public moneys John Oii, Scobev, at Olympia. AA hsIi. - Porter Warner, at Rapid City, S. D. * I’oiiiiQtnnn Hur^likv. A queer c()mplieatitm_in hnrglnnsm developed at the capital Monday when Policeman .Tnmes E.. Pierce, of tin Metropolitan force, w*« arrested for rubbing.two house, on his heat. 'The families were away at the time and Pierce improved the opportunity to carry away n large imoiint of glass, clothing, poreelnm ami other portalih vuliiuliles. Detective; searched his bouse and recovered about §1,500 worth of plunder. Pierce lias been or the force fuUr years. He coiifessetl his guilt, but refused to say where all his booty wa betTeted, The Mexican Treaty Passed. The treaty between lOreot Britain and Mexico settling the boundary line between this country md the colony of Belize or British Honduras, has passed the Mexican senate. Garibaldi Is Patriotic. Lieutenant Manlio Girihnldi, of the Italian navy, has sailed from New York on the Teutonic w ith the purpose of aiding the Greeks in their present struggle, as his brother is about to do. Y'oitdffNewell for ( Hawaii. President McKinley sent to the sen¬ ate Thursday the name bf Harold M. Sown!!, of Maine, to hoi envoy extra¬ ordinary and minister plenipotentiary of tiie United SlAtes to Hawaii. * 1 imei * TTT J ' We carry in tick tin stylish cud I’tu a pi mi in be touud “ Athen H, tvh \\ » • W U ' f'lcusV vrn:. Misses - Rmdherry. Next- I >ou( 1" 1 ’ostoffices Ad HENS. (I a. t.U Fine . . Millinery TIif Leu MiliiiM 11 .» of lladison r . Bessie Trail •! M ADI SO ft. (I A fte. 111 ! & *ll. x I .f Clothiers. Furnishers. Hiltlws. tlHflUii Stet. l)Pi) 3 :it? Postoffilu ^THEWSi, GA. PROGRAM For the Missionary Rally Day at Shoals, Sunday, May 2d. ..Opening Song—Py entire tion. Scripture Lesson By Miss Mat r is. Prayer. Mrs. An¬ Introduetory Remarks By nie Anderson. Song By the choir. “Tlic (.1 rounds ot Missionary Duty By Mrs. .1. M. McLeroy. Twenty-two Questions and Answer: on Chinn By member,-. Song. the( “ The Mortuary of By Mrs. J. P. Ingram. An Original P.-say tm Buddhism - By Mrs. F. E. Florence. Solo By Prof. 11. -I Langston. Reading Jiy Miss Claire Bostwiek. “A Brave Deed' By Mixs-Zuitie (linn. Song By the choir. Reading—By Miss Claude Landers. A collection. Recitation By May .McLeroy. I hixology. Dinner. , EXKUCJSI S HOI V I TI.IlNOON. Song- Bv congregation. An < higinal Essay By Mrs. J. T. Eovve. “The Sfiitly ot Profit and Loss" By Mrs. J. W. Lea. "Reflex Influence of Missions By Mr . W. 1’. Price. Recitation By Mi s Daisy Antler s« > n. Song By choir. An Original Essay By Miss Helen Powell, “The Lord Wants You” By Mrs. 15. F. Haye. (blest ions and Answers By honora¬ ry memhers. Hong By choir. "Maggy's Gift" By Miss ldaSiiiith, Reading By Miss Blanch Gwynn. Reading By Airs. F. E. ITorencc. Collection. Exercises By MastersClmmice tei and Holly Ginn. Song By choir. Beiiediftion. 1 tinner will lit* spi v ed iin the gronuda. Everybody invited. 'The juvenile mis loniiry entertain¬ ment will be held at the church day night. CUlKYIMT things too I Vi;. W illie—Y ahs llmt Broadway ( able Car ( oinpauy is an out wage oil.every decent New Yorker. They wiiii every tliing in a liijth hamii d manner. W hy, the other day they actually earn ie i Bobby and 1 two block, beyond where we wished to yet out. Atiss Level head — Yen. they do cat thing* too tar sometime*. WANT COLUWiN. Adve, tiseun Uts will he inserted in this I - '.'.<i.iii at One Cent a. word for e.-ocii insertion. . W WI LD A w ife. Apply to tlie “devil. " at this office. W AN I'I’ 1 >' Kveryho<ly tu know that T>. Ii. riiompHon, Madison, <*a.. sells Huggins, Wagons,. Harness, 6to., t*heiv\vi*r than any one else in to\yn* \Y ANTED A gentleman, aged be¬ tween 80 and HI years, who lias a nice com 1 ■to ' home and a loving heart, wish ii correspond with a young lady iu.ler 25 years of age. - Object w ell, wrip-and sec. Adilresa Bachelor. High Shops Gn. * I WANTED Everybody that goes to . Madison to inspect the stock of Hard¬ ware, Buggies, Wagons, Mowers, Reap¬ ers, etc., at the Leak Hardware Co. WANTED. A few gentleman cor¬ respondents by a pretty brunette of 20; only real gentlemen need write. Address Brunette, High Shoals, Ga. WANTED —To know Why yon can’t Convince a pretty gill that she is pretty. WANTED Everybody when they trade with the merchants that adver¬ tise in the Mksskm.kk to tell them that they -aw their ad in the Mk.h.xkn OKll. WANT ED You to subscribe for the Mv.ssknoei! at 50c ii year. WANTED, A young clerk, with some money, wishes to correspond with a yretty young hidy with some means; object, copartnership. Address “Clerk,” High Bhoals, Ga. WA N'TI'.D—•Evcryhody to know; that John H. Lowe, High Simula, Ga., has received his spring stock of dress goods ami he is offer ing them at SUC rtfieing prices. FOUND That you can save money by buying your dress goods of T. \V. l'owcll. High Shoals; (in. FOUND—A “note” written by a young music teacher to a young man in Atlanta. Written in 0 sharp. Owner can get the note by paying for this nd tisement. FOUND -The best place to buy your groceries is from A. JT. Medlin A Sou. High Shoals, (lit. FOUND That High ghouls pos¬ sesses a few very smart young men that she will dispose of very cheap. Address most anybody at High Shoals, On. FOUND—One young man who doesn’t think he knows more than his father. Admission, 25c. gllWL* /iii.t. I.. >f. Thompson, i of Madison, carries a lull line of cof¬ fins, euskets lilid burial robes that he i»s save you money on. LOST- Strayed or Stolen—A very large, loving heart, When last seen w ax making its way down in Morgan. 1(1.50 will lie paid for the young lady finding it. Address J. B., High Slioals, (hi. LOST Money By not buying your Coffins. Caskets, etc., from J»s. H. Lowe, High Shoals, Ga. LOST- Five or more golden mo¬ ments in each day by everybody. They are lost forever. LOST A good chance to secure bargains by not buying wliat you need from the Monroe Mercantile Company-, Monroe, Ga. LOST Money- Those who bought their dress goods before inspecting the stock of J. II. Lowe, High Shoals, Ga. i A uu A -i BUS i j Itll IMIS, <sil. ‘--Ti liolBsalfi Dry Gooos ) - r,. Nolions. : Sloes ail Hals. l.arcest Store in North Georgia. U -t ham will do well to get on "prices before inlying. . MICHAEL HBOS • * ATHENS, GEORGIA. (8 m ( -r- - not a i*m/a i ii». “No," sighed llie farmer, a* he iniilv coulemiilatftl his poster e nv ■-1 fa if I „a> that 1 eiimii'b r her a v -v bkety animat, hut we all hav" our sliortcoiiiiiig'-, 1 -up pose. mru:e rue.* - m kd. Dr. I.m It- There's iioibui;' s . an* me mailer with M 'ileubfi 1 think n bite ieip and vie, n ii; do e. a- nine, 'on 1 :: *. any n Yirs. Alme,-they I MOHver Oil ill Ui :ive it t hnu heb-er o: a".lier Ie..- mini's(