Newspaper Page Text
The marine™ sleep by the sea.
The wild winds some up by the sea,
It walls round the tower, and it blows
And panes. the sound and the scent of theses.
When at night there's a seething of surf,
The grandames look out o’er the surf,
They reckon of mil their dead and their long years
And they shake rum. their lean fists the
at sea
and its modneos.
And curse the white fangs of the surf.
But ths mariners sleep by the sea,
Bor They the hear hum not from the sound the church of the where sea, the
Bor the psalm crying is uplifted, birds that above them
of are
The drifted, mariners sleep by
the sea.
—Margaret L. Woods.
BY A. X. STBOae.
There have lately been turned out
of the Southern Pacifio railroad shops
at one of the big terminals of that
Toad on the Pacific Coast fonr of the
largest consolidated pattern engines
tain in nse, designed especially for moun¬
work, whose plans and specifica¬
tions were drawn by probably the only
lady expert meohanical engineer in
America, if not in the world. How
ahe attained her present position is
one of the railroad legends of the
road for which she works, but I believe
the story has never been in print.
A number of years ago,about fifteen
^locqted” I believe, some claims lucky prospectors
mining away up in
the almost inaccessible fortressess of
one of the mountain ranges of the
West, and the phenomenal riches of
$ e lead am ply repaid the heavy ex
uses of t ne “mule train” that was
Used road. to Eventually “pack” the the output of tl^e rail¬
the first brought prosperity ad¬ , of
proprietors othel
venturous spirits to the lucky spot and
later a rich syndicate brought out all
the smaller claims on the ledge and
'established there the great mills and
junelt^r? of the Calumet Mining and
Smelting company.
Then the Southern Pacific people
awakened to the importance of the
enterprise, and after a series of cob
saltations with the syndicate, in the
course of whiph a very handsome
financial proposition was made by the
miners, a branch road was surveyed
np through the canons to the site of
the now rapidly growing town. Tho
difficulties were almost insurmount¬
able, but at last toe work was done
and a very crooked and dangerous
piece of track was the result. Its
grades were sharp precipitous in the extreme
its i ’rves to tho last dej > and
V that ■ i 'i, became t ■ - derailed ShW__Alices'
u. car .t was
either demolished against the rock
wall on one side or went to the bottom
of the gorge on the other, there to lie
and rot and rust away. Once over the
cliff the cost of raising au ore car
would almost pay for a new one, and
the company seldom made any effort
to recover the wreckage.
One point on the Bhort road had
always been dreaded by the trainmen,
and this was the sharp curve at the
approaeb to what was called the second
crossing. It had been a prolific source
of wrecks and the rocks below the
bridge were strewn with broken tim¬
bers and bent and twisted ironwork of
dozens of ore cars that had plunged
over the sheer sides of too deep gorge.
This second crossing bridge was at the
foot of the heaviest grade and from
there the road wound through the
beautiful Silver Creek valley to the
"Junction,” where it joined the main
line of the Southern Pacific.
At the point where the level track
commenced, hardly a stone’s throw
from the second crossing bridge,.the
company had built a short siding for
the use of the giant consolidated
engine that was used to push the long
trains of ore cars np the mountain,
and jnst across the main track from
the siding stood the little cottage
where John Clarke, the engineer, and
his daughter, Jessie, lived.
Miss Jessie at that time was nearly
sixteen, and for the last three years
had been her father’s housekeeper.
All her life she had been intimately
associated with railroad men, and for
three years that her father had been
running the big “pushor’ she ha 1 no
other companion than her little
brother, several years her junior.
AU her spare time she spent with
father about the engine, and had made
it an enthusiastic study until, at six¬
teen, she knew its mechanism about
aa thoroughly as did her grayhaired
father ; in fact, it was her boast that
she eonld "run the consolidator as
good ▲ Bhort as daddy.” time before
tho incident
happened of which I am about to tell
you, a tourist delayed by a wreck at
the bridge had spent the day at Clarke’s
cottage. The little housekeeper had
made the day very pleasant for him by
piloting him about the valley, .and on
leaving he had given her a pair of
powerful fieldglasses.
They were her dearest earthly pos¬
session, for with them she eonld see
her father’s engine aa it swept down
the mountain for nearly an hoar before
he would arrive at the siding. ,
The long stretches of road aa *t
wound around the crags up the canon.
Bow for a mile in sight, then disappeor-
ing still among the rooks, 'the only to reappear
further up mountain, were
always an interesting study for the
girl, and but for those fieldglasses, the
yound lady’s practical knowledge of
railroading Southern and her unparalleled nerve,
the Pacific would have had
one wreck that would have coat many
One August evening Miss Clarke
was watching throngh the fieldglasses
the effect of the sunlight on the brilli¬
ant quartz rock at the farthest point
up the mountain, where the track
could be seen from the valley and only
a short distance from the big mills at
the top of the hill. Her father and
his fireman had gone to the junction
for sbme supplies, and were to return
on the “mail,” now nearly due. Her
little brother was "playing fireman,"
and with a big bunch of waist was
rubbing np the bright work about the
big engine. The twilight silence in
the casional valley hiss was only broken by and the oc
of escaping steam the
steady, monotonous "pound” of the
airpump on the engine, which her
father had forgotton to shut off before
he left. She had just noticed it, and
was about to go to the engine and shut
off the steam, when, as she took one
last look, she was almost paralyzed by
the sight of a long train of ore creep¬
ing around the curve. Two or three
of the laborers at the mines were still
on them, but band brakes would never
stop that heavy train, and as it
slowly gained in speed, she saw them
leave the train. Then she thought of
the little passenger train that would
be there in a few minutes and in
another moment she was climbing into
the cab of the big engine and telling
her little bVother wbat to do,
"Open the switch,Johnnie, and when
I get down on the main track shut it
and run down the track and flag num¬
ber one. Tell da(l I’m up the hill to
Catch a runaway.”
Johnnie did as he was told and the
powerful engine rolled out of the sid¬
ing, across the bridge and was soon
tearing up the hill'at full speed toward
the now rapidly approaching train.
As she left the siding her one
thought had been to save the pas¬
senger train from an awful collision,
but as sbe crossed the bridge she
thought of a little story her father had
lately told of how be had once caught
a runaway train with bis engine and
had stopped it before it could do any
damage. She would try it now, des¬
pite could the do awful it, she danger. could. If "Daddy”
For nearly four miles up the hill the
big engine fairly flew, then, as she.
reached a long straight track where
the view was clear for nearly a mile,
she shut off the stearu and gradually
the locomotive stopped.
pointer Ljokedjup at the oleum 100 gattge.
/The indicated only pounds
pressure. Keeping a close watch on
the track ahead, the intrepid girl left
the throttle and, opening the firebox
door, replenished the lire. Just as
the last scoopful of coal .was thrown
in and the door closed the runaway
shot around the curve into view, and,
starting the engine back, the girl
watched closely for a chance to catch
the now rapidly moving train.
Down the heavy grade went engine
and cars, the distance between them
rapidly growing shorter. On a little
piece of straight track, a little over a
mile from the dangerous bridge, Jessie
decided to take the last desperate
chance, and as the engine reached the
desired point, only a few feet ahead of
the flying ore cars, the girl gave the
eugine a light touch of the airbrake,
and then, with mighty impact, the
heavy train struck the engine, then
the airbrake lever was sent to the
the “emergency speed of notch,” the train but that so great that was
did but little to slacken the speed, and
that awful curve at the bridge was al¬
most in sight.
Jessie almost lost her nerve as she
thought of that deadly place. She
knew the big engine would never
round it at its present rate of speed.
Suddenly the escape valve of the
engine opened with a mighty roar,
telling her the powerful. engine was
straining and quivering under the
pressure of nearly 200 pounds of
steam, and then a favorite axiom of
her father's came to her mind:
"If air won’t hold ’em, give ’em
One supreme effort of tho strong
young arms and the reverse lever of
the black giant was thrown over, the
sand pipes were opened, and with
steady hand Jessie opened the throttle,
throwing a mighty force against the
heavy train.
Now the speed of train materially
decreased, but the big looomotive
rolled and rocked like a ship at sea as
she safely rounded the dangeroua
curve and shot out on the high bridge,
and then came another shook for the
sorely tried girl, for standing in front
of the cottage, almost hidden by a
dense cloud of black smoke, stood the
little passenger train with its load of
unsuspecting travelers.
Here again the girl’s knowledge of
railroad craft came to her, and she
knew that no power on earth could
stop that heavy train in time to avert
a collision, but she could signal fofttbe to
them. A brown hand reached
whistle cord, and in a second more
the deep valley was resounding to the
hoarse roar of the duplex whistle giv¬
ing three lond blasts—the railroaders’
signal: "Backup.”
The signal was just in time; as the
passenger train backed out of the
way the big consolidator Mid its string
of ore cars rolled heavily by, the train
now under control, but still moving
with sufficient force to have done con¬
siderable damage.
As the train passed the siding,
Clarke and his fireman climbed on the
can and soon stopped them; and as
Jessie jumped to the ground she
almost alighted on a tall gray
mustached old gentleman. He was
Charles Archer, vice-president and
general manager of the Southern
Pacific, and a man who never failed
to reconize and reward merit; and it
was at his hands Miss Clarke received
the education that fitted her for the
position she now oocnpies abd who
placed the lady’s name on the "merit
roll” of the Southern Pacifio railroad
at a salary of $1500 per year, work
or play, as long as she lives.
The Sleep of Plante.
Like animals all plants require in¬
tervals of repose, during which the vi¬
tal functions are slowed down,' and the
organic structures undergo repair.
Some plants repose during the rainy
drought, season, but otherf*j^"ring plants periods sleep of
during toe cold or"fhe comparatively
cold season of the year, others again
take their rest when the average tem¬
perature is high. It occurred to a
Norwegian observer to investigate the
sleep of plants, more particularly with
the object of shortening the period of
repose, and this hlr'claims to have at
tained by subjecting the bulbs or buds
to the action of cloroform vapor. He
asserts, indeed, that plants thus treat
ed subsequently develop more rapidly
than those whose repose has not been
intensified bv tfce narcotic action of
tbis drug, and the observation is not
without considerable interest.
If follows his ofyperv^tiojis are trustworthy,
it that Sleep in plants is not
strictly comparable to that of animal
life, for we do not suppose that the
period allotted to sleep by animals
could advantageously be shortened by
the administration of an anesthetic,
Sleep, on the other hand, is a relative
rather than an absolute condition. Its
vaTue as a restorative depends in a
very marked degree on its intensity,
and* certain individuals derive more
benefit and recuperate their jaded en
ergiesmore effectually in five or six
hours than others do after twice as
long. This recuperative energy is as
serted to be an indication of a high
standard of vitality, and common ob
serration certainly lends color to the
view that diminished recuperative
power is indicative of Medical physiological
detcnovation.VLondon Press.
. '•—<—*----—
great sham on the affections.-George >*?*■ *
10 •
Life is a train of moods like a string
of beads, and as we pass through them
they prove to be many-colored lenses
which paint the world their own hue
and each shows only what lies in its
Beligion cannot pass away. Be not
disturbed by infidelity. Beligion can
not pass away. The burning of a lit
tie straw may hide the stars, but the
stars are there and will reappear.—
Thomas Carlyle.
I do not believe the common man’s
work is the hardest. The hero has
the hero’s aspiration that lifts him to
his labor. All great duties are easier
thau the little ones, though they cost
far more blood and agony.— Phillips
The Bible is a book full of light and
wisdom. It will make you wise to
eternal life, and furnish you with di
rections and principles to guide and
order your life safely and prudently.
There is no book like the Bible for
excellent learning, Hale! wisdom and use.
Sir Matthew
?.. T . w ?. care to . lv f and wa k ln tb ®
Spmt, „ if to be receptive , of
we care
heavenly forces aid to taste the sweet
ness of the true, the beautiful and the
good, we must make inward room for
the best things; we must exercise our
selves to familiarity with the higher
subjects. 0. G. Ames.
One very useful precept for students
is, never to remain long in puzzling
out any the difficulty; but and lay the book it
and subjeot aside, return to
some hours after, or next day; after
having turned their attention to some
thing else. Sometimes a person will
weary his mind for several honre in
some effort (which might have been
spared) to make out some difficulty,
and, next day, when he returns to the
subjeot, will find it quite easy.—
The great problem is, after all, hoar
shall one grow in sympathy and tend*
erness and generosity and considera
tion? How shall he feed on high
thoughts and noble aims? How shall
he be swift to discern and avail him
self of those opportunities for useful
ness to others whioh are the best
channels of his own growth? How
shall he hold clear and close relation
with the divine energy? "Be one of
the conquerors!” said Balzac. "The
universe belongs to him who wills and
loves and prays; but he must will, ho
must love, he must pray 1” In a word,
he must possess wisdom, force and
faithl—Lilian Whiting.
The Walls Are of Kxtrjwmllnsry Thick¬
ness—By Keans of Piped Chemicals the
Temperature Is Kept Below Zero—
Eatable# Kept for Years.
The almost perfect system to. which
cold storage has been brought in this
oity and its suburbs is known only in
a general way to the average citizen.
It will donbtleasly cause surprise the to
persons who are not familiar with
facts to learn that a quail they eat for
breakfast has been dead in some cases
for one or two years, and that qnail
and other game birds, fish and meat
are frequently and then sold frozen in for good a year or
more as a con¬
dition hs they were the day they were
put into the great ioe-house.
The business has grown to snch di¬
mensions that it is estimated roughly
that market men, shippers and others
interested in the trade have $15,000,
000 invested in the business, exclusive
of the cost of the buildings. Large
structures, usually located adjacent to
the markets or the railroad depots,
are in demand for oold storage ware¬
houses, and there are several on upper
West street, more near Washington
market, others located near the Fulton
market and nnder the arohes of the
Brooklyn bridge, that seem particular
in adapted the oa 80 for of fruit the purpose. and snchvege- „ Ex
tables as are destroyed , by freezing, it
18 are 8 sold , J? to the consumer seldom that upon provisions arrival
J? m 1110 * 1 W1 £ ^ 10 « s > of , courB0 B an ^. * ^ bave en
there * 8 ** overstock of chickens,
•Wf* be ?/> fish * “•»* or 8un llar co “;
“*’■** * . Packed . cold
> 8 away m a
storage warehouse, where it is held
prices justify a sale,
wlntsr >» *««" tbat dB game, it was of the only state last
game warden came to this city to find
? ut wh J certain restaurants were sell
ln ® venison, , pheasants, quail and
every other sort of game out of season
The deputy game wardens h id quail
* or “ September, when the
law said that they should not be killed
natl1 December; venison for dinner,
w ben deer can only be hunted mJan
and woodcock and snipe Then
they made a list of the restaurants
where the game had been obtained and
arrested the proprietors. The pro
P rle tors gave the names of the men
from whom toey had bought the game,
“ d these were found to have obtained
J* fro,a * b « warehousemen. It was
l earti ed tha.t some of the game had
bee “ klllad m0la tba n a year before
dunhg the. regulai . season.--"There
were expressions of consciousness and
wonderment on tho faces of the game
not been ^ olated .
“We certainly have developed the
business,” said one of the ware
housemen, “to a point that is un
equalled in any other part of the world,
Europe has nothing like toe cold
-warehouse system of this city. Even
royal personages have to take their
vegetables, meat, fruit and game in
season. Here we do not. The cold
warehouse system has been growing
bo slowly and yet sorely in this city
that it would be considered a hardship
by citizens if they had to do without
ik We have developed a pampered
taste that requires fruit at Christmas,
commodities that m the ‘good old
times’ we could get only when nature
provided them, at times, months after
the time they are grown or killed.
Bich men want trout at all seasons of
the 7 he » **“ ^own that they
can only be dbtamed in the spring
Xouc <* cbl ok en8 c \ n ? ot he obtained
except at their , . weight in gold during
* ba
the cold months and killed just before
b eln * U8ed ; Dy nieaus of the cold
storage-system , they cost little more
on New Year’s day than they do in
May. Spring lamb, that was obtain
able formerly only in May and June,
j g car8 fully packed away in toe spring
and 80 i d the BU0Cee ding winter and
weeka be f 0 re the earliest spring lamb
of the following spring is born. Beef
Bnd mut ton are uot kept nearly so
long—no need to do so.
"Blnefish can be obtained only at
certain seasons, yet they are on sale
1 *11 the time. The is true regard
ing bass, mackerel and other fish,
Oysters and clams are also kept for
months at a time and frequently from
one season to another. ”
A visit to one of these warehouses ie
interesting. The walls are of extra
ordinary and filled thickness, sheathed with
wood with huge ice-boxes,
in some of the more modern ware
honses the some chemicals used to
make artificial ioe are circulated
through the rooms by means of pipes,
which keep the temperature several
degrees below zero. The fish, meat
or game to be preserved is packed in
the ice-boxes, which have double
walls, and the iee is packed around
them. With the atmosphere around
them below zero, the articles to be
preserved are kept at a temperature
that would make an Arotio explorer
shiver until they are wanted, when
i they are taken days, out and sold, some
times in a few and as often in a
few months. The refrigerator cars
I have helped to develop toe oold stor
■ age business.
There are about twenty-five large
cold storage warehouses in this city
and a greater number of small ones.
In all they employ nearly a thousand
men.—New York Commercial Adver¬
The Pressing Process.
In mining for gold in Siberia the
ground is kept clear of snow, so as to
permit the cold to penetrate as deep¬
ly as possible, after which the surface
is thawed by fires until a shallow
layer of earth can be removed. The
freezing is then allowed to proceed,
and the thawing operations repeated,
and this is continued as long as the
oold weather lasts, says a writer in
the Engineering Magazine. In this
way through the long Siberian winters
open excavations are made to the gold
bearing rocks, the depths obtained
being from twenty-five duration to seventy-five
feet,, according to the of the
cold season.
Artificial cold for purposes of exca¬
vation was first used by Poetsch in
1883; by his well known process of
cold brine through a series of buried
pipes the most difficult quicksand may
be made hard enough to be excavated
like rock. In the article under con¬
sideration are given general illustra¬
tions and details of the apparatus used
in sinking the shafts at the Courrieres
mines, together with formulas enab¬
ling the safe thickness of frozen wall
to be computed for dimensions. round or square
shafts of any given
Among the important applications
of the freezing process are noted the
sinking of the shafts for the oylinderB
of the hydraulic Fontinettes, elevator and for the the canal
lift at Les con¬
struction of a tunnel at Stockholm.
The latter work was executed en¬
tirely by the introduction of cold air
into the working chamber at the head
of the tunnel, the cold preventing in¬
filtration of water until the beton lin¬
ing wa3 built, and the work of excavat¬
ing and mining being carried on at
temperatures ranging between zero
and 25 degrees Fahrenheit.
Left oa a Desert Island.
Wise scientists went forth from San
Fransisco on March 3, on the schooner
Wahlberg, to gather specimens of sea.
life. They were college professors,
ichthyologists and men like that.
They put into San Diego on July
27, with five tons of deep-sea treasures
and four marooned miserables whom
they rescued from the desert island of
Natividad—four wild, wretched crea¬
tures who passed eight horrible months
on the island.
The four men are Sergeant Sanford
and Private Connors of Company H,
'JacRDainpieiy First infantry.of and'Witliam San Diego Andrews, bdrraeks;
who were rescued when on the verge
of death on Natividad Island, San¬
ford and Connors had been on a three
months’ furlough and went down the
coast with Dampior and Andrews and
others on a guano-poaching expedition,
in toe junk Hongkong.
That was over eight months ago.
At Qedros Island the rest of the crew
took the Hongkong and left the four
men on Natividad Island, with quite a
lot of water and provisions and pro¬
mising to return for them after their
cruise to Turtle bay.
There was no fresh water on the
island and no rain fell. They
measured the supply drops, watching:
day and night for a sail. They had
abandoned hope when the Wahlberg
appeared. And indeed they mast
have died had not the scientific party
rescued them.—New York World.
The Sewing Machine.
How many women who, day after
day, keep np the rocking motion of
the sewing machine treadle eves stop,
to think what this invention means,
not only to them, but to the whole
world? And do they know that 90
per cent, of all the machines made in
the world are the product of this great
country of ours?
Sewing machines have revolution¬
ized many branches of bnsiness; espe¬
leather cially is this toe case in all kinds of
work,from the heaviest harness
to the lightest gloves.
A really first-class machine ready
for market costs about $20. From-,
this figure the price drops to about;
$14,with possibly $12,for toe most in¬
ferior grades of what are considered
tolerable machines, Hundreds of
thousands of persons make their en
tire living by means of the sewing ma¬
chine, and probably millions are gain¬
ers by its use. During a period of'
over 30 years the value of the exports
of sewing machines was something
like $70,000,000. In 1896 they were
hundred considerably fiver $3,000,000. Three
and fifty thousand pairs of
shoes were sewed by machinery prior*
to 1877, and this product has multi¬
plied almost past belief since that
date.—New York Ledger.
An Eagle's Cariosity.
M. Cabalzar, a French aeronaut, re¬
ports tha.t he met with a strange ad¬
venture in a reoent ascent from An¬
necy, in Savoy. Feeling that the bal¬
loon was being pulled violently, he
looked out, and was amazed to see a
gigantic eagle climbing with extended
wings down the ropes toward the oar.
Here it remained, staring fixedly at M.
Cabalzar, till the balloon neared toe
ground, an hour afterwards, when it
was frightened away by the shouts of a
crowd ofpeasants.—DetroitFree Press.