Newspaper Page Text
Agency, Inc.
4599 Jonesboro Rd.
Qllaytntt bounty Nma anb farmer
The Clayton County Unit of The American Cancer So
ciety is concerned to learn from statistics that busy business
men who are vitally interested in the "gcod health” of their
business seem not to be able to see the need for the same
vital interest in their own health. Time out for a check-up
with special emphasis on cancer is never time wasted—in
stead. it may mean extra years of time added, since many
kinds of cancer can be cured if detected in time. It is known
that a lesser number of women succumb to this dread enemy
because they have more "check-ups”—can you men possibly
let it be said that women have more sense in this particular
field? Os course not. It just means making those few min
utes to get the job done. An insurance for yourself, your
family and that most important thing, your business.
Chamber to Assist Youth
The Youth Opportunity
Committee of the Clayton
County Chamber of Commerce
will again this year undertake a
project toward assisting youth
of Clayton County in securing
employment for the summer.
Mrs. Larry Pearson, Chairman
of this committee, stated that
sixty-three requests from teen
agers were received last
summer for help in finding jobs
in in reply to the Chamber’s
appeal to local firms, more
than twenty companies ex
pressed a desire for extra help.
Mrs. Pearson and her com
mittee will conduct a survey of
local firms to enlist their sup
port. Letters with a question
naire are being mailed this
week. The success of this pro
gram depends upon the
response and interest of Clay
ton businessmen.
The purpose of the Youth
Opportunity Committee is not
only to help acquaint local
youth with the private enter
prise system which has made
America great but to develop
our young people through
honest work and constructive
activity. “We want our young
people to know that Clayton
County cares about them and
wants them to remain a part of
this community upon comple
tion of their formal education
and training,” said Mrs. Pear
For further information or
applications, contact the
Chamber at 478-6549. In
terested youth may also check
with their school counselors.
CB County
Variety Show
The Clayton County CB
Club is sponsoring a Variety
Show in the North Clayton
Junior High School Auditor
ium, College Park, Georgia,
Saturday night, April 26, 1969,
beginning at 7:00 P.M.
This Variety Show is for the
benefit of the new Clayton
County General Hospital
located in Riverdale.
There will be all types of
entertainment such as WPLO’s
Johnny Kay, Van “Q BALL”
Temple, I’he Traveleers from
Forest Park, Brillo Beauties
(College Park), Country Boy
(Morrow, Ga.), the Ballew
Sisters (Morrow, Ga.), Mr.
Lamar Northcutt (Clayton
County Representative), the
Kinsman Quartet (College
Park) and many more.
There will be a CB Radio
and Portable TV given away at
10:00 P.M. The admission is
SI.OO for adults, 12 and under
just $.50.
The Clayton County CB
Club is interested in making
this one of the best and biggest
shows possible so everyone
come out and make this bene
fit show one of the best.
Serving All of Clayton County
^Forest Park Prrss
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To Visit
FP Moose
Supreme Governor Cecil I).
Webster of the Loyal Order of
Moose will visit Atlanta area
lodges on April 27th. He is a
native of Burlington, North
Carolina and one of America’s
outstanding I raternalists.
The Hapeville Moose Lodge
will host the Supreme Gover
nor at a 2 P.M. meeting at the
lodge home.
Sunday evening the Forest
Park Moose Lodge will pay
their respects to Supreme
Governor Webster. A buffet
dinner and other special activi
ties will be enjoyed by those
All members of the Moose
Fraternity are invited to attend
these meetings.
Written by Ed Crumbley
State Civic Chairman
Cecil I). Webster of Burling
ton, N. C., a trucking execu
tive, was elected to the top
elective post of the Loyal
Order of Moose, that of Su
preme Governor, at the annual
international convention in
Webster joined Roanoke,
Va Lodge No. 284 in July
1940, is a past governor, and
served as secretary from 1941
to 1946. He moved to Burling
ton in 1947, found no Moose
lodge there, and was instru
mental in organizing Lodge No.
649. He served as secretary of
the Burlington lodge for 13*/z
The Supreme Governor was
active in both the Virginia and
North Carolina Moose Associa
tions and is one of a very few
men to actively serve as presi
dent of two state associations.
An active member of Tar
(Continued on Page 10)
(Georaia and Old Dixie Hwv.)
A 9
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Gov. Maddox Speaker
N. Clayton PIA Meet
Governor Lester Maddox
was the guest speaker April 14
at the North Clayton Jr. and
Sr. High School joint PTA
meeting. The Governor com
mended the PT As for their
efforts toward improving com
munity and schools in the
North Clayton area. He men
tioned accomplishments made
in Georgia through his adminis
tration thus far. Many gains
have been made in education
made possible by the courage
and foresight of educators and
representatives, the Governor
stated that even though his
program had slowed down to
some extent that the adminis
tration was not ended yet. His
efforts will continue for im
provement for education, in
dustrial growth throughout
Georgia, self-reliance and
patriotism, liberty, free enter
prise, states’ rights, law en
forcement, moral courage and
leadership necessary to raise
our state and nation above the
low lands of the average and
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GOV. LESTER MADDOX guest speaker at joint meeting
of North Clayton .Junior and Senior High PTAs.—(Photo
by Hooper.)
Howard P. Wallace
In Election for
District Attorney
Howard I*. Wallace an
nounced today that he had
qualified with Secretary of
State Ben Fortson to run in the
special election for District
Attorney to be held on May 3.
The special election is being
held because of the Court De
clared tailure of election of A.
Ed Wallace. Jr.
Wallace is the brother of
push to the heights of super
iority. He invited all to join
together in a campaign to build
a better Georgia and Ajnerica.
Also on the same night new
officers were installed for the
incoming year. For the high
school the following were
installed by Mrs. Virginia Den
mark, President of the Sr.
High: President, Mrs. Flo
Lynch; Vice President. Mr.
Harold Roberts, Secretary,
Mrs. Jennie Morris; Treasurer,
Mr. Paul Stevenson. From the
Jr. High School the following
were installed: President, Mrs.
Lois Bailey; Vice President,
Mrs. Frances Stevenson; Secre
tary, Mrs. Virginia Gore; Treas
urer, Mrs. Bettie Searcy. On
the program was Dr. R. C.
Moore, pastor of the College
Park Second Baptist Church,
who brought the inspirational,
Mr. Julian Mock who intro
duced all special guests, Repre
sentative Lamar Northcutt who
introduced the Governor.
(Continued on Page 10>
Albert B. Wallace, whose term
as District Attorney expired
December 31, 1968, but is no
relationship to A. lid Wallace,
Jr. Wallace has served as an
assistant prosecuting attorney
during his brother’s term of
office, under appointment of
Judge Harold R. Banke, and
served during the month of
January until his appointment
A former assistant Attorney
General, Wallace graduated
with honors from the Univer
sity of Georgia and the Univer
sity of Georgia Law School.
During the Korean War he was
a member of the 100th Tank
Bn., Ist Armored Division, and
now holds the rank of Major in
the Army reserves.
He is married to the former
Marilyn McComas and they
have four children, Elizabeth
12, Steve 10, Janice 6, and
Ann 3. He is a member of the
Forest Park Rotary Club, the
Clayton Bar Association and
the Lawyer’s Club of Atlanta.
He is admitted to practice in all
courts, including the Supreme
Court of the United States.
As a memorial to the brave
men who gave their lives in the
War Between the States the
Frankie Lyle Chapter United
Daughters of the Confederacy
will sponsor the service at the
Confederate Cemetery in
Jonesboro April 26 at 3:30
p.m. (Saturday).
A special feature of interest
will be the bestowal of a cross
of military service on Mr. Mar
shall William Dickson, brother
of Mr. Pope Dickson.
The graves will be decorated
with flags by Cub Scouts of
Den 1 Pack 543 of the United
Methodist Church and Den 1
Pack 905 of the Lutheran
(Continued on Page 10)
The number of all-electric
industrial plants joining Geor
gia Power Company lines in
1968 nearly doubled the 1967
total, rising to 127 from 65,
Joe B. Browder, vice president,
marketing, reported this week.
The all-electric plants were
part of a total of 451 electrical
ly heated and cooled industrial
buildings added to the com
pany’s 57,000-square-mile serv
ice area last year, up from the
1967 total of 386.
The Edison Electric In
stitute, trade association of
electric companies throughout
the United States, has pre
dicted that by 1980, most new
industrial and commercial
buildings will be all-electric.
Included last year were such
units as the 77,460-square-foot
Tifton shoe manufacturing
plant of the Blue Ridge Shoe
Co. Blue Ridge is a division of
Melville Shoe Corp.
Rex Fish Fry
The Rex Methodist Church
will sponsor a Fish Fry, to be
held at the church on Rex
Road, Rex, Saturday, April
26th from 11:00 a.m. until
7:00 p in. Adult tickets will be
$1.25 and children tickets
$.75. In addition to the
delicious fish plates, home
made cakes and pies will be
available. The proceeds from
the Fish Fry are to go toward
the Church Building Fund.
Proud of New Clayton
Court Facilities
We are proud of our new
court facilities here in the Clay
ton County Courthouse and we
were extremely proud last
Monday, April 14, 1969, to
have the Governor of Georgia,
the Honorable Lester Maddox,
here to open our court with a
word of prayer.
This has been a regular pro
cedure with our court since its
beginning some four and
one-half years ago, and 1 would
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GOV. LESTER MADDOX, Judge Alvin Foster and Marvin
Miller, solicitor.
Jonesboro Sr. High Band
To Present Annual Concert
The Jonesboro Sr High
School Symphonic Band will
present its twenty-fourth
annual Spring Concert on
Sunday afternoon. April 27.
I he program will begin at 3:00
p.m. and will be held at the Sr.
High Gym.
like to take this opportunity to
say thank you to the Clayton
County Ministerial Association
for the wonderful cooperation
they have given us over this
period of time we have been
able to have a member from
their organization each month
to open court with prayer.
E. Alvin Foster, Judge
Civil & Criminal Court
Clayton County
Your Full-Service
Member FDI.C.
Featured on the program
will be “Variations on a
Korean Folk Song" by John
Chance, "American in Paris"
by Gershwin, and American
i Civil War Fantasy by Bilik, and
Incantation and Dance by John
Chance which was performed
by the band at the sixth dis
trict music festival this year.
I'lie band will also present
the premier performance of
। Frank Power’s Holiday for
Strings by David Rose. Mr.
Power prepared this arrange
ment especially for the Jones
boro Band’s Spring Concert.
He is an arranger in the Atlanta
area and has arranged for
various dance bands as well as
the Atlanta Pops and Band of
The Jonesboro Band will
again become the “Marching
Cardinals" on May 3 when
they will participate in the
Jonesboro Little League
Bowers Is
Among Top
Philip Bowers, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul 1 . Bowers. 1170
Helen St., Forest Park, is
among top students scholas
tically at David Lipscomb
College, Nashville, lennessee.
He is among 111 students
out of an enrollment of 2000
who made the Honor Roll in
the last quarter. A gradepoint
of 3.5 in a 4.0 system is re
quired to qualify for this
A graduate of Forest Park
High School, Forest Park,
Bowers is a Freshman hnd is
following a program in
Business Administration.