The Fayetteville chronicle. (Fayetteville, Ga.) 1886-1???, November 05, 1886, Image 4

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THE CHRONICLE. | Tiik people of Newnan are agitating the building of a railroad to Frank- FAYETTKVILLF, NOV. 8, ll»«6 lin. Thi\ however, ha* b.en her ~ r ~~~' T ~ = : constant erv for tear* past. She real- t xTKaKK at run iuvr-ot rirv.. ravtTTs;-; * UI.U.OA.. 4ASM0SiM , •*« that her rival towns, like Kaj ttc- ville, Atlanta ami Griffin, arc rapidly TzLol sA^UMUi. • la Mils, (be Erst lnuo "of The Chron icle,” wo are pleased end (rallied In announce to the people of Fsy^ta county that the long-looked-for end lo : hoped-for railroad which (he pee- fcULlTTATOEY. !encroaching upon her reserved tcrri-jp|« have so gieatlv needed has at Is»t Willi thi* l-.uoofTu* CiiaoNici.a wr .sliito the ;itil>lic. Difficult ira an.I rui li.irra«*mcnt», lo which il is w-mlloM In i all ailcution, arj lo bo cucounlercd nl ihcvsiv ihrciliold of our undertaking: hut reiving. a* wo conHdenlly do, <ni lh» «\ -njiath) and generous ro-opera- lion of I lie good |>en 1 ila of FsvWle suit j r ‘ , ^ t ‘ ri ‘ ncu tu ,ht> prohibition party, .iiljnliiing counties, we launch «tir j While in Pennsylvania last week he , . „... ....... ..r „„ stated that ho had always advocated ijarour i"i ilia stormy waves oi an "n-| j , prohibitory measures, and that in every tried »cs. w here so msny useless ssil-1 ' . .. . •_ .' torv, and they uro now, like a drown-1 bet a started. Laat week tho eagteoers of the Atlanta and llawklnsvllle Hall !ug man, catching at stntwa. Hot, Jamks G. Plains, with that dexterity for which he is so renowned, li .s within the past two months com pletely reversed his political tactics in have flapped the winds.xnd gone down to unmarked wrsek sad ruin, faking slvsnlsge of the experience of others. instance tho Republican party had been their friend mid advocate. Till labor strikes for the post few we shell endeavor to profit by Jicir nu-j yenr* have greatly demoralized all (iiimly end and build on securer foundl-1 classes of business, without doing any tions. We are among the people or j good to the toiling millions; yet it Fa, ptto to .tav. IWistcver of ..icce.s I °- uino1 1,0 ‘L“‘ »fikes are we may have will be largely due to the becomin B ,trwn 8" in numbers and . , more aggressive in their demands, supimrt and encouragement given us ’ v bv l!ic people. That we will perform our part, we here and now pledge the lie-t efforts of lisud sad brain and heart; sii.t we believe that a people ao distlu- guUhrJ as those of Fayette for liheral- it\ end every enterpriae which iooks tc pii.. -w-si moral aud intellectual devel opment, will n >t be vloiv to appreciate our efforts, aud will suitably reward our Inhorx. Anything which it worth doing at all is wdrth doing well, and we a tin 11 strive day in sad diy out, in sea son aud out of settorfl fo'ydve the public a good, conservative, readable |ia|»er. We do not ex|iect to set the world on (Ire. We are warned by the cxpn ien -c of others, that ••II le 1«> ■ ibould keep near sS ire. Whits larger oon a a/ veatqre mors In our aph re of action, with all the uiraDt at our command, we hope lo gl re to the readers of Tni CintoMCLl a weekly pa|Mir aoroad to none in the State fur broad, liberal, conservative views of loral and general po.icics. aud for ralxn. dispasaionate utterancea. This mnrh we owe to the onmniOuily in which we have cast our lot, and for whose good we shall norer cease to labor. . It would be auperflaoua to add that l.ia: Chbosicls will bo Denioerafic, ivarp, filling and woof. With the ron- aciculioua couvietions ciitrrlaiucd by the editors tourhing nalimul affairs, wr shall advocate the importance of Demo cratic supremacy In National. Slate aim county |Mililies, and labor diligently to that end. Whatever of civil and reli gious liberty has been transmitted as h sacred and inviolable heritage to us. linds its safest an I only security ill (he advancement of Democratic measures. The world move*, and we must keep step with the inu-ic of a higher null belter civilization. The Democracy ils.i Is us a sentinel on the watclitowcr of Freedom, and the vestal tires will The fact thnt Henry George, a cele brated writer on political economy, hns been selected by the wago-work- era, irrespective of % political parties, as their standard-bearer for the mayor alty of New York city, exhibits their rnity of action aud diAcrminafion to become important factors in political affairs. The more extensive the diffu sion of knowledge becomes, the more aggressive will labor organisations be. We may yet live to sec a conflict in America between the capitalists on one aide and Organized labor on the other. But wc shudder at such sn outlook and tremble for the better protection of all rlsssoa when, mob luw asserts its sway. We know that no legislation can increase the wages of any man, nor can governments in terfere, legally, with the law of yon* tracts. Every man haa a right to work for whatever wages he can get, aud no laxly of men, whether capitalists or laborers, have a right to deny any in dividual that iuherent privilege. Tffore should be, under a wise administration of government, a happy medium be tween the two extremes, so that every man should have a chance to live and ovrry class of citiaens the protection of the law. Mob rule and organized factions are *lealrucl.idtkni the lUg-rt lie. me people, IsdwtM thine in terfere with individual rights the law should assert its :>ower. Thk once-slumbering town of Fay etteville has been awakened to a reali- r. it ion of the fuel that bIic is behind the times. Already a reaction is taking place. From differ* nt portions of the State comes the prediction that she wiH soon lead in the race for county traffic, and distance each town thnt heretofore has been controlling trade that was justly hers, hsving lieen ac quired by “title by prescription." The merchants are laying in abetter supply of gro cries anil Is'tter qualities of dres: goods : nd-notions of all descrip tions. Their increase was demanded an extension of territory They ' ' b road began a perms aent survey of ihe route near Atlanta, aad they will reach Fayette county la a few dart. The route wlll|be through tho raatam side of Fayetteville, where a depot will to feas ted, and theace go southward. (Thither it will pass thrrugli l)rooks Station or Senoi is undecided yet, bnt Bid' to Sta tion seems to bo tho moot probable route. Heretofore the people of Fayette have been shut out fron the world—Isolalad, at it were, from the markets—but that is a thing of the past No event in the history of the county, ao far as we know, is of greater importance to tba entire county'than tbla railroad project. In an age of civilisation*Ilka oorr whoa time Is the rseenoe of buelneaa, > c6un- try without a railroad la Ilka a ftoman hi prieoo. Although wa may have a fertile toil, an luduttrious peopfo and a genial clime, vat wllhout focllltlaa for handling our products we ars at tba mercy of the more favored section*. The mere construction of (be road will p-Tdsailly dlabunc leveral thonaaad dollars for labor and material in tlila •ouuty, t<> say nothing of future outlay* fir croestle* aud wood for tha locomo tives, at well ai for labor In keeping the iraifft In rf|»lr. It will enliauce the vain * of the property of tha entire cnsntv, reduec the lairs of tho people, aud giro an easy and convealeat trau*' iKxtation for lx.lh freight and pasaau- gers. With ms i ked and r«mm*adablc •nterprlse, for whteh the jieoplo of Fay •-tie are noted, iliey havo raised by eub- irriptlon flftceu tboutaud dollar* for the road, outside of tho subacrlptlon of llrook* Station.* This w* regard as a good amt safe investment, and it exhib its a spirit of lilicrallty wldch Is highly commendable. • Wc are not sufllrlontly informed to give our readrls the time wlx-n we may expert to have the trains running into Fayetteville, tint ii.dlra- i ions |x>lnt lo an early completion of the road. T le company will be managed by ex perienced men in tbe various depart- nirnta, under the close scrutiny of an side and efficient board o^director., ouc if whom is our esteemed fellow-towns man, Mr. U >\ Blaloek. wbo is iHoacly identified *vitb tho best Interests i*f Qnr people, and Srho wiTI protcet In^ni In their rights. Wc shall, from time to time, keep our readers informed of th« progress tp-dr in Imilding the mad, and all matters councctcd therewith. HUMOROUS. Twenty years ago a Cincinnati man failed in busincts and paid but ten per cent. Two weeks ago he paid all rediton tho other ninety per cent, and last week waa sent to an inaane asylum. . "You did r.ot pay very cloac atten tion to the sermon, I fear, this morn ing." “Oh, yet, I did, mamma.” “Well, what did the minister iayf” “He said the picnic would start at ten o'clock Thnnday morning.” A Western (taper speaks of “Dakota aa a summer resort.” When the ther mometer in that part of tbe oountrv reaches 120 degrees in the shade, we should say that altogether too rau*. summer resorts there for comfort. will control trade here that m in lane while wr stand finnl* ami went to towns adjacent and On Ihjc of iqiiaivli up to the principles of.Icffcr.un some railroad. Public spirit pre.lom- »ml Madison. Wc i’iaII not be s!o-.v to inatca, and each Aftizcn seems to be ci'inlcmn erruc, when il become-, appa >' ^'"K w *tl> Lis neighbor os to who rent, nor shall wc hesitate to apple the I "Lall do more towards building up the caustic to running m„vh on tho * ,,Wn and count y- Evct Y ««™ing „ .... ........ 4l . t iK rou P s ,nen be seen on the politic. NV li.ftHoovcr tinned tre tru^, 1 heretofore uei»orte<I street* (iineusninir ivli U*uc\rr tlnniffl are jimt, n li*t-.oevci | . .. nome new enterprme. Men diner at “""K" w,, »ti.x>\c | tilings sr | wha , wi „ , M ., mo#t ^ vl , nUgeoui f or | himself can have a better time in that Whatsoever thing, arc of goo,I lhc HU . n , ly improvement of a city, and j l ,ri ' on thtn "home. Hp can’t under- I, pul,- , if there hr an. virtue, and if the opinions expressed here show no j " t! * nd wh y *° ra * n > mcn m » k * ,uc h » tlicic lie an) praise," we shall think on deviation from the general rule. All J ff rcft t kick about going to State prison, ilice (lungs. I arc, however, in unison on one point 1' »pl* of Faystu, wc greet yaai. Tlui | and that u that the town is beginning j ao strict that a beajle mfy crawl 4'ftrn ics'iuiivs of tom eoniit. are inexhaust-M'fc anew. The usual amount of; a private’s back wiien he i* InifM ,1,1,. H1M ) V(Hir , |imn tl . j, a , H wlnl.iiotiH ' ‘^waking” is lx-iug indulged in by the ranks and he mult not iudulge In,the “old fogies" who deem advancement a slightest evidence of perturbation. He sin, ami think that the halcyon days of must simply nope thnt the boctle will the county were buried with their | crawl up again. vouih ; who have no desire for increase | A „ lnditnA m sn named Thompson twithstanding it. im-| wcnt ^ a ccmctcry 0H pur ,, 0 , c to ,p it on a certain grave and lira-' «l«»ut it. The law couldn’t touch him, but ho A convict recently released from Sing-Sing say wthat a man who behaves s* that w Ill'll ble >r iuu <>, -to-1 at llu- pilgl HU »n ami r ■ a Pure s. - the vine-clad hills e d o inant life blood | d the similes of Val- ! - w sice, tirighl *kic-, i- And. heller Ilian all, if i mil -"il. amt dnugit- i s llu ills population II Aland second to uc boric >1' llu engine I - In sol "II II prodm 11 of tier-ml. mil wc contidcnih predict that hi hire another crop matures the cars will be running tlnoiigll the county. I.*t n< tic up and doing. I.ct old things pass away, a’ld let us eo In ward* the head of the column of ail - prm fluent Wi'liax i ing , Ion. Il, ri ligi gci far Miner in the Mati inhabit anti, of culture nil Real estat. moral tendencies. Aim means of attend- i a. Ii one according to his ; * "in i, cam "lie an or' mg to his WM jj.qj ngninut a fence while forty- Ig"."- I., lief; ilueational advanta- tw0 porilonM , )BMOlI by 8nd , pU in face at clone range. “I want to aak you a question," re marked the Major. “Proceed," replied the Judge. “After the Sheriff haa hanged one of these Chicago Anarch ists would it bo proper for him to sing out ‘ncckst?’” “It would kgot.”— Arkanunw Traveler. those of anv town of an equal number of As for soeiejv, in point I refinement, the best, i- on a boom, and there are not a sufficient number of houses f'fr lent to supply the demand. If an increase in population, followed by the erection of business houses and resi- deuces does not show an improvement vsneing rivilizstion. We again salute in a town, then wo arc at a loss to do- just ns bright ns coroners’ juries in the >oti and ask your aid. mne it. , East. The other day wnen a stranger Coroners’ juries in Wyoming are with two ballet holes b hie head waa inquested, the verdi*, afUr mat me deliberation, waa: We believe he came to hie'death, bet can’t eay for why." School Teacher—“How, wfllch of yon can tell me what goes round and* round and yot ought to be levelV Bertie—“I know." School Teacher—“You may answer, Bertio." Bertie—“Ma says pa’s head.—Tid Bit*. Thoy Attempted to ouat a school ma'am in Csmrf because she didn’t know whether Lord Cornwallis or Oon. Washington surrendered to tho Prussians at Sedan, but as none of the board could spell of Christo pher Columbus correctly, she waa per mitted to tooch on. Pastor (appearing suddedly): “While we all is s waitin’ fer de funeral sar- bices ter begin, I dosn wan’ ter hear no mosh ob dot sr glass chinkin’gwyne on in'die yerroom!” Chief Mourner— “TainH nuflto but der dock.” Pastor— “Dat am de fust clock ever I see what done smell of npple jack!"—Tid- Bits. Old Mrs. Bentley—“I see, John, that this new faith care hat been the mesne of savin’ s great many people." Old Mr. Bentley—“80 Pve hoerd." Old Mrs. Bentley—“Well, the fust time you pass s drug store, John, I wish you’d stop and get a bottle of it.”— N. Y. Sun. A dry goods olork who died at Kan sas City last week confevsod that ho had not tho slightest hopes of heaven, on aooount of the gigantic amount of lying he had indulged in for twenty yeai s. He cstimntod that he had told at lenst 8,000,000 lies in working off half-wcol gloves for all wool. NOTICE. I tsv* lbs notes and aceouati of Dr. J. S Dcnottt in my hind, f.n cmlrction. All p*t- -ona indrtx* I In him for prolsuionxl service- men make in nt*di*i* smtlemem with me, or your acc<mi Is will lie placed in the hands of an Attorney si Ism fur cullecnon. Ropecllnlly. N. K Uxadlss. "buy goods! A '* g, and VAiiixl si ,k t lowest p ices si W. H. SriWAST S. o HOCK KIE8. Flos., M *>, S«tf.>r, Sirup, Meal, CAeod Coined Goods to vsntiy at W B. STpwAar s. Cl A) Till NO. La'gest Slock in Ions. Fins mils, cheap Auiu, oversost* at W B. Stswast s. SHOES AND BOOTS. A w.I’.*,leued il(KS, and at axon'shingly 'ow peicaa. They most be »>!d, aad will g.. h.n luz Ihf cash, at W. B. STSWAtT't. HAKDWAKE. Eeeeiihlag ta flu Uaa a-ually kept in a oantry eluee at W M. STSWAU’a If )oa «aa your mans,'• .due and goods at ra-lr ad pnea-, coma aad aaa n ex W. B. Stswast Faveiievtlle, C«. Thompson bros.’ DXALXK* IJT + FURNITURE,4 ORGANS, AX» Undertaking Goods! NEWNAN, GEORGIA. BED ROOM, PARLOR AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE I WB DAYS FOLDING BEOS, EASY CHAIRS, OFFICE CHAIRS, ANY- THING YOU NEED. K8TET AND QEO. WOOD A CO.’S -0ORGANS6- WOOD AND METALLIC Burial Cases. jl|jP‘Ord*rt filled at aay Ubm, day or fJLAUM THE TEHCHt puk ml jjfutomttk | 18 COMING. out? * mm Alt* SELLING AT Bfellafefei Iiim Berqihiag ia Liu* *1 DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, OROCERISS, MEDICINES, TOBACCOS. Fla* Lia* of CIGARS! Th* bast Fix* Cast Cigar ("Th* Gesad R« psbllc") ia th* wotM. Call aad wa will prove to yea what we say. CAMP k PARKER S. T.& A.’ 0. BLALOCK Havo jod issdv id too. tho Nashua sod Enters markets tho largsW aad hart »starts! STOCK of GOODS *v*r heoaght to FiyotUvtll*. W* casey as lug* a st oak of good* m any horns* b*tw**o ATLANTA avd HAWKIN8VILLE. Gtv* m a calk sad wo wd soO you oaythiog you Med, from a payor at pia* to a slam* en gine, at pets** that Defy Competition. We bay dir*ct from tha mauafartaten, pay NET CASH, and gtv* our cuitoaara tha baoefit of th* dii- count. If you want WAGONS J BUGGIES, MACHINERY OF ANY KIND, gtv* waa call. Wa also carry a complete aaaort- mcat of WOOD AND METALLIC Burial Cases and SHROUDS. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Moors " SMOMS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES' AND GENTS UNDERWEAR is new and Complete. Call oad examine ow stock of goods, whathsr you smut to toy or not. 8. T. A A. O. BLALOCK