Newspaper Page Text
Published Under Auspices
National War Work Council
Y.M.C.A. of the United States
Vol. 1.
Private Robert Murray Killed
by Bugler Correll. Didn’t
Know the Gun Was Loaded.
An acidental shooting occurred in
Battery B, 109th Field Artillery, Sat
urday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when
Private Robert Murray, of Avoca, Ta.,
was shot by his friend'andx tentmate,
Bugler Earl Correll, of Pittston, Pa.
Thete were six men in the tent at
the time of the shooting and the oc
cupants state there was no wrangle
or trouble. Correll, who is heart
broken over the sad affair, says that
he had been cleaning his pistol and
had left thextent to wash his hands,
preparatory to guard mount. When
he returned, he joshed Murray and
picked, up his pistol. In the “kidding"
Murray said: “Shoot me if you want
to.” Correll replied, “All right. I
will,” and pulled the trigger, not
knowing there was a loaded car
tridge in the pistol.
The other occupants of the tent
could not see the two men because
of the clothes hanging on the center
pole and were startled -to hear the
shot and Murray crying, “I’m shot!
I’m shot!” The first sergeant ap
peared quickly and the pistol was
found to contain but one shell. How
the shell got into the pistol is a mys
Thomas Murray, a brother of the
dead man, is a member of the same
battery and exonerates Correll for the
unfortunate killing. Both men were
the best of friends and there was no
known reason for ill feeling between
the men.
Murray was rushed to the base hos
pital, but died two hours later. He
asked permission for Correll to see
him, stating he was one of his best
friends. Correll is under guard pend
ing the result of the general court
Funeral services were held Sunday
afternoon from the Elliott Funeral
Home, Chaplain James Farr conduct
ing the services. The remains were
escorted to the station by the mem
bers of the battery, the regimental
band and the regimental officers. The
casket was placed on the 2:45 Atlantic
Coast Line train and was accompanied
by six members of the battery who
were given permission to accompany
the body at their own expense.
NOV. 15tFTlimit for
. Christmas mail for members of the
Expeditionary Force in France or
England must be sent not later than
November 15th.
Combination articles will be allow
ed in these packages, but they must
be carefully packed to avoid damage,
and they should, most certainly, be
tightly bound and there should be no
thing pasteboard boxes or other flimsy
packages used. Sealed packages of
candy, cigars, tobacco and toilet arti
cles in the simplest mercantile form
will be allowed in the packages, Sharp
pointed or sharp edged instruments
must have edges protected.
Parcels should be plainly marked
“Christmas Mail,” and the addressee’s
company, regiment or other organiza
tion should be put on the package fol
lowed by the -words: “American Expe
ditionary Forces,” and in the upper
’eft-hand corner the name and the ad
dress of the sender must be placed.
The address should be written in ink
or by typewrited. All parcels must
be fully prepaid, at the rate of 12 cents
per pound, ot fraction thereo.f Red
Cross stamps or stickers other than
postage stamps should not be put on
the address side of the package as
this renders it unmailable. Such in
scriptions as “Merry Christmas,” “Do
Not Open Until Christmas,” or “Hap
py New Year,” may be placed on the
parcels, but must not interfere with
'be address.
Edition for CAMP HANCOCK Augusta,
.- - - -
Brigadier General Logan’s Command Has Practice March
From Camp to City and Return. Greatest Number of Sol
diers Ever in Augusta.
With the streets lined with thous
ands of people, the Fifty-sixth In
fantry Brigade at. Camp Hancock,
commanded by Brigadier Albert J.
Logan, paraded through the city of
Augusta last Friday afternoon in the
greatest military demonstration ever
seen in this city.
In the brigade are the 111th and
112th Infantry and the 109th Machine
Gun Battalion. These organizations
totaled 8,000 men and the march was a
powerful demonstration to the citizens
of Augusta of the strength of Uncle
Sam’s forces in training at Camp
Hancock. This brigade is the »nly
complete war strength brigade in the
army, with the exception of the Rain
bow Division, which has, been re
cruited to its full strength with troops
from all the states.
For four miles, the troops lined
along the roads, leaving the camp at
1:30. The troops marched for fifty
miutes. then rested for ten minutes
and the rest period was utilized by
many of the men in singing popular
ditties, which were enjoyed greatly
by the citizens along the route. Some
of the song hits were “For Me and My
Gal,” and “Where De We Go From
Here,” the latter being sung with
great vim.
Georgia-Carolina Fair on All
Week. Fine Midway and Free
Beginning on Monday with a parade
of several iivic organizations, the an
nual fair of the Georgia-Carolina Fair
Assoriation was formally opened, for
the twelfth time. The opening day
was a great success and most of the
agricultural and liberal arts exhibits
were in place.
In addition to the splendid agricul
tural exhibits from Georgia and Car
olina, the fair promises to be full of
interesting features. Chief among
them will be the midway, where a num
ber of clever attractions will be seen.
The free attractions are all high class.
Yesterday, a special feature was the
football game between two teams from
the 110th Infantry. The live stock
display is reputed to be unusually fine,
and Camp Hancock soldiers will find
plenty to interest and amuse.
The fair will continue all week.
Jess Willard on Saturday.
On Saturday, Jess Willard’s Buffalo
Bill Wild West Show will entertain
at Fifth and Hale Streets. Willard
appears personally with the show and
will give a scientific sparring exhibl
toin at each performance.
Newspapers and news syndicates
were appealed to by the signal corps
at Watshington to release experts in
photography for service in France, in
developing and printing photographs
taken by.the American air forces.
Owing to the importance of speed in
army tactics, said a signal corps state
ment, plates must be developed, printed
and placed in the hands of the intelli
gence officer for transmission to head
quarters in about ten iniputes after the
plates are received from the airplanes.
Men who can work with this speed are
few and mostly are connected with
news photography.
OCTOBER, 24, 1917
A detachment of military police led
by Captain J. Clyde Miller, headed the
parade, followed by General Logan
and his staff. Applause was frequent
throughout the city, as the men
marched by at regulation gait and
when “Dixie” was played by the bands,
some of the spectators yelled them
selves hoarse.
The practice march was a great suc
cess and' the troops returned to camp
after covering a distance of ten miles,
all in good condition. Upon arrival at
camp, the brigade was reviewed by
Brigadier General Price, acting com
mander of the division. Following
was the order of the parade:
Order of March:
Headed by Brigadier General Albert
L. Logan and his staff the parade left
the camp in the following order:
Col. George C. Rickards, commander
of 112th Infantry, and staff.
112th Infantry band.
112th Infantry, in columns of four.
Col. E. L. Kearns, commander of the
111th Infantry and staff.
111th Infantry and band.
111th Infantry in columns of fours.
Field and combat trains,
109th Machine Gun Battalion, com
manded by Capt. C. Rehm.
Young Women of Augusta De
lightfully Entertained. Regi
mental Band Furnishes Music
One of the brightest military social
events that has been held since the ar
rival of the Pennsylvania troops, was
staged on Thursday evening last, when
the members of Troop B, First Pennsyl
vania Cavalry, entertained the young so
cial set of Augusta with a dance in the
regimental hospital.
Shortly after the arrival of this troop,
Mrs. N. P. Kemp and daughter. Miss Na
talie, entertained the members of the
troop in the Knights of Pythias hall with
a dance, and the affair held Thursday
evening was a return compliment to the
young ladies. Mrs. Kemp and Miss Na
talie, assisted in arranging for the affair
as well as Sergeant E. E. Mong of the
At 7 o’clock, the young ladies assembled
at the Kemp home where automobiles ’
were waiting to bring them to camp for
the festivities. They arrived at camp at
7:30 o’clock, and were met by a recep
tion committee. Dancing was the feat
ure of the evening, but the biggest feat
ure was the music, it being furnished by
the regimental band, under the direction
of Sergeant “Eddie” Calhoun. And mayj
be be didn’t hand out the harmony! From
the start until the finish, the musicians
were filled with “pep” and all the latest
song hits were dispersed.
Intermission was had at 9:30, and the
crowd was taken to the mess hall where
a light lunch was served by the troopers.
They returned to the hospital and danced
until 10:30. when the ladies departed for
their homes. | It was a grand success
from start te finish and all the young
ladies were highly pleased with the man
ner the soldiers entertain.
The ten thousand recruit for the
British and Canadian armies was en
rolled by the British and Canadian re
cruiting mission ip New York City.on
Sunday. The mission announced that
recruiting is improving steadily
throughout the country.
Many Prominent Men in Or
ganization. Machine Gun Com
pany was Second Organized in
United States. Officers and
Men Regret Dissolution of Old
While the Thirteenth Infantry retains
its identity under the reorganization
schedule, there is keen disappointment
among the officers and men who have
been transferred to the 109th Infantry.
Approximately 1,350 men will- go to the
109th, leaving about 350 with the old
command. Nearly all the lieutenants will
be transferred, the staff and other line
officers remaining to receive th men of
the national army.
There were many factors which led the
men of the Thirteenth to believe they
should be given consideration over other
regiments. It is the fourth senior regi
ment of the state; it was kept on the
Mexican border long after the other regi
ments returned to their homes; it did ef
ficient police duty in guarding strategic
points from the time war was declared
until sent to Camp Hancock; its persons,
nel of officers and enlisted men is very
high, but like true soldiers, the men will
hide their disappointment and bow to the
mandates of those in authority.
History of Regiment.
The regiment was first organized in
Scranton, heart of the anthracite coal
field, in 1877, and has been commanded
by some of the tnost prominent men in
Northeastern Pennsylvania. It was the
pioneer among many movement to sys
tematize the military of Pennsylvania and
was the first, to inaugurate and maintain
systematic rifle firing and target prac
Its first colonel was H. M. Boise, author
of a notable work on “penalogy.” The
second commander was Col. F. L. Hitch
cock, prominent pioneer resident of the
city; then came Colonel Ezra H. Ripple,
father of the present colonel; Col. T. M.
Ceursen, who commanded the regiment
while here in ’9B, was next. The next
commander was Col. L. A. Watres, former
lieutenant-governor of Pennsylvania, and
he was succeeded by Col. F. W. Stillwell,
present commanding officer of the 55th
Brigade at Camp Hancock. Then came
the present colonel, Ezra H. Ripple, Jr.,
who, like Colonel Stillwell and his prede
cessors, acceded to the command after
passing through all the enlisted and com
mission grades.
Colonel Ripple is a prominent attorney
and referee in bankruptcy in Scranton,
and at the time of the Spanish-American
war was private and corporal in the same
Lieut.-Col. Edmund H. F. Conrad is a
veteran of ’9B and served in all the grades.
For years he was enlisted in the Illinois
National Guard.
Os the field officers two of the battalion
commanders, Major Robert M. Vail and
Major Ralph A. Gregory, served in ’9B
and Major Vail saw active service in the
Philippines at the time of the insurrec
tion. Major Carroll J. Kelley, command
ing the 3d battalion, has had 20 years’
experience in the military and is at pres
ent senior instructor at the machine gun
school at Camp Hancock. He is assistant
postmaster at Honesdale, Pa., when at
home. Major Vail is superintendent of a
water company and Major Gregory is
cashier in the Third National Bank at
Line Officers’ Service Record.
Many of the line officers have likewise
seen long service. Captain Chester B.
Smith, Co. B; Captain Thomas H. Russell,
Co. H; Lieut. Claude E. Lester and Lieut.
David M. Arthur of she Machine Gun
Company having been either in the army
at the time of the Spanish-American war
•or in the foreign service. To Capt. J. F.
Cooper this also applies.
The Machine Gun Company of the 13th
was the first organized in any national
guard unit and the second in the United
States. It is the senior of the Pennsyl
vania Division.
Taken as a whole the regiment is one
of the most cosmopolitan in the service.
Its enlisted personnel contains many vete
rans and ex-army men; representatives, of
nearly every creed and denomination;
(Continued on cage two!
No. 3
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