Trench and camp. (Augusta, Ga.) 1917-1919, February 05, 1919, Image 4

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TRENftERN CANDY MANUFACTURING CO. Camp B AUGUSTA, GA. w 510 BROAD STREET. PHONE 1873. Ttibtehed w*y—Peanut Candy. Camp Supplies. ■» rosu ep —— i Vol. No. ii- FILMS FINE CANDIES YOUR NEAREST DRUG STORE ASSOCIA _ IS _ SUMMERVILLE DRtIG CO. ICHAS. ARE Prop. PARTRIDGE INN. “THE HILL." A Complete Sic -I. of Gentlemens Toilet Requisites. Jorre ant see us. | B AND B CAFE _ FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. | Phones: 3013-J; Long Distance 9155. 930 BRO D STREET MEET ME AT The King Pharmacy COR BROAD AND THIRTEENTH STS. Beat Ice Cream, Candies and Cigars. Prescriptions Filled Promptly. * PHONES 615 and 1233. Attention Men! When You Are in Town and Feel Real Hungry, Don’t Overlook the Most UP-TO-THE-MINUTE RESTAURANT IN THE SOUTH. Excellent Food Real Service Fair Prices Everything Home Cooked. Camp Hancock Men, your Business is Earnestly Solicited.. Case Lorraine Masonic Building. Broad and Eighth Streets. Men of Camp Hancock Visit our store when down in the city, where a hearty welcome will be yours. f HIGH GRADE CIGARS CIGARETTES, ALL KINDS PIPES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS SODA WATER, ICE CREAM, CANDIES. BILLIARD AND POoFTaRLOR Blirdell Tobacco Company 752 BROAD STREET f AUDLEY HILL CO. ■I Triangular Block, 630 Seventh Street. ■ \ (Near Union Station.) I WHOLESALE FRUITS, PRODUCE | AND GROCERIES. 1 We Cater Especially to Mess Sergeants. 11 PROMPT TRUCK DELIVERY i • Our Aim: I. Quality, Service and Fairness. I . IF IT CAN BE HAD, WE HAVE IT \, ... »**”•■* t> p, - >* Hot Coals From the Infantry Machine Gun Company By Pvt. Frank D. Smith. When do we get our warrants? "The fire went out last week. That’s why we didn’t have any hot coala." That would be a good excuse, but un fortunately not a true one. and, as we have a high regard for veracity, tye'll have to fall baric on the truth. A certain party objected to our use of the desk on which the hot coals were prepared, probably fearing that the heat would Bpoii the finish of the desk, and, as a silent rebuke, we decided not to advertise the company for that week by sending in the hot coals. The silent rebuke being administered, we re with you again, and, as we're now using an ordinary packingbox, in lieu of a desk, we hope thia certain party won’t hutt-in any more. "Are ye with us. Dlnty?" Discovered! The reason why Simon Prather is so anxious to get home. Simon has a widow and eight children waiting for him back home in Cov ington, Ky. Sam Bush likes the army a good deal better now that he is on speak ing terms with the Colonel. With Solerstrom, it's different. He says the next time he meets the col onel, tie’s going to pass right by him without speaking. One of the sights »f the camp-Corp. Warner taking the shoes oft a black horse. Handsome Harry Newbold will be able to find his way home through the Walton Woods very easily now. Jack. Thomas goodheartedly made him a present of a new flashlight to use when Harry’s meandering hts way home ward in the wee sma’ hours. Wonder what sort, of eats they're getting in the motorised company that they make such a lot of noise over getting ice cream for last Sunday's dinner? We et the ice cream so often that were almost sick of it, not to mention butter three times a day. What Is it that top-sergeants always say, "forward, whoa!" when what they mean la "forward, gid-dap?” Sergeant Parent wants us to an nounce that hereafter all the fellows In his section' Hofers end Soderstrom especially, will have their shoes pol ished for Retreat. All right. Surge, we've said it. It looked for a while as though we weren't going to get- any money for January as the days passed and no pay-roll made it's appearance. Hut, at the last possible moment, on the evening of the twepty-ilfth, when some of the fellows were already in bed, the belated visitor made it's ap pearance. and everything is serene again. Oh, boy! Wo’re happy when the ghost walks. The Maching Gun School sure made a dandy showing in the Field Meet last? Saturday, and took the honor of being tile best athletic-aggrogntlon In camp sway from the Training Battal ion. Harry Newbold and .luck Thomas were the stars of the meet, this getting to be a habit with Hurry. Thomas got second in the JOO-yd- dash, arid first in the 220-yd. Newbold got his usual two first places, the 100-yd. dash and the running hrond Jump. Then, to prove that it was merely u techni cality that prevented him from gar nering more honors, Harry did five feel, three inches in the high Jump, which was won by a Jump of four feet, nine. The Training Battalion was going to walk away With out bufieh in the Tug of-war; that is, before the contest started. Did you notice the result? We simply stood them on their heads! Hot Dog! Anyone else got a swelled head? Besides these, we got first in the shot-put, first and third in .the three legged race, and walked away with the relay-race. We would have got some more only they didn't run any more events. Oli, please. Mr. Big-guy-whos re sponsible, won't you give us back! our weekly dances at the K. of C. Hall? ! We're lost without them! A newspaper friend writes us from ' a little town in I.uxeml urg, knocking i it. He says. “It rains here every min- : nte of every day. but it's no worse than I the town deserves. It ought to rain here forever, if I had a dog that was satisfied to live here, I'd shoot him!" Oh, if we could only describe Camp Hancock so eloquently! Sergeant Clubh is raving mad be- ' cause all the privates in the company rank him. as he-says. Last Saturday he had to wait till the end of the line to get his pay. Not only that but lie’s sore because they moved the guard house when he was on guard the other day, and he says he had to do fatigue at the same time be was op guard. The main trouble is the Sergeant’s homesick and wants to get home to his wife. Notice that happy smile Sergeant Parent ig. wearing lately? There's a reason! This popular sergeant has heard a little birdie tolling him that he’s to be furloughed to the reserve shortly, and he’s so overjoyed that he can’t keep it a secret that he’s long ing to see his . .fe and baby back home. Here's luck, Sergeant! Well miss you, but we're glad to see you go. Why is it that Wilson takes two hours to read a little letter. He must read it more than a couple of times. There's a rumor that ,Wardrop took the job of rail-orderly so no one could see how many letters he ggts each day. from a certain little girl in the Bronx. ■loin the army! Seo the world! One soldier, who has been at Camp Hancock for a year, being transferred from one company to another remark ed recently, "Gee, I never knew the worl was so small!” We hear that this is to be the last issue of "Trench and Camp." If it is, we’ll have to put our notes on the bul letin-board hereafter. Here’s the words of one of the new popular songs: Poor little me. I'm on K. P„ I scrub thh floor on bended knee. Against my wishes 1 scrub the dishes To make this wide world safe for Democracy. Sort of strikes a sympathetic chord, doesn’t it? Ray Sheehan is back from the hospl- ' tai, and as Meeting is also back with us. all we need is for Pete Thompson and Jimmy McLaughlin to get back from their furloughs to have our Cham ■ pionship base-ball team back to it’s full strength. "Pygmy’' Vogel Is also back on tltu ' Jeb. He doesn’t appear to have lost any weight. When do wo go home? PVT. FRANK D. SMITH. ITEMS FROM 370 SERVICE UNIT MOTOR TRANSPORT CORPS Sergeant Erickson, “alias" the Swede, Is pretty busy these days fixing up the Honor Roll. Sergeant Vollmer, cur carpenter from the Golden West, is so hard boiled that if he would smile his jawbones would crack. Our friend, Sergeant Pabst, the elec trician, better known as Smiley, the Magneto Wizard.' Sergeant Agee, known In camp as Motorcycle Mike, has taken an awful fancy to the ladies, O'Toole, the argument kid, is very anxious to get hack to New Orleans, ns he seems worried about some little girl. Cheer up, old top. Red Huguet, the motorcycle w zard from Green Bay, Wis., Is thinking pretty seriously of matrimony. I don’t blame him. Borne girl. Schneider, the grouch with the voice of .1 fog horn, and his favorite song, "The Good Ship Kangaroo.” Clarence J. Miller, known as Cutey. Girls, take notice to his description. His hair is horse chestnut brown, pale blue eyes, prominent nose, teeth of pearly white, dimpled chin, and a shape like Venus, and his disposition is as mild as the southern breeze, with a. voice soft and charming. Diamond Dick Diffy has not much to say, thinking pretty seriously of some thing. Segeant Flshvogt, the Dodge expert, is the champion tobacco chewer of the unit. Thpre must be a powerful magnet to draw Houdley and Horne eighteen miles from camp five or nine times a week. Some Tils! The cushions op the chow truck must be pretty soft, as Red O’Connor and Haller are on the job before quit ting time. Forrest C. Miller, the developing kid, is always talking about S. C. Ds and a little girl In Augusta. Be care ful. Percul and Blevins, the stock kings, are in the new field rpbberiztd rubber. RU*ch. the new typewriter, has just arrived In the unit from the rocking horse brigade. Twilly, the crack machinist, the man with tlie dreamy eyes. Did you ever see anybody come cleart from St. Louis? Well, Pranger did. Bobbin Mauch missed his calling, aa he should have been a minister us he’s up with the chickens. He is so quiet that he can hear his whiskers growing. Gallask, known speed, from Hori con, Wls., is a speed demon. Dalloseo, the midget of the unit. He stands three and a half feet high bare footed. J. P. Nuttie. the radiator expert, is n man of few words ami u demon on the magazines. Zusliana, “alias" French}’, the offi cial K. P. of the unit. Lenvllle,,the laa. with the touch-me- FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS —AT— “THE PRETTIEST SHOP IN TOWN” CONVENIENT TO ALL CARS. STULB* NURSERY “Augusta’s Leading Florist.” 203 Eighth Street. “Just Off Broad.” Phones—Nursery, 549. Store, 570. 1 ffi3s»W sSS'ia* THE LENWOOD Augusta’s New Brick and Stone Tourist Hotel. East Front of The Lenwood, showing the South Wing, the Main Building and the Auditorium—The Three Buildings, with Connecting Glass Corridors, Have a Total Frontage of 360 Feet. The Lenwood Near Camp Hancock. EUROPEAN PLAN. ’ Club Breakfast 40c to SI.OO Table de Hote Luncb, sl. 00. Dinner, $1.50 —or ala Carte. Music 7:00 to 8:30 P. M. Beautiful Ball Room. The Ideal Place to Hold Balls, Social Affairs etc. not disposition and Oldsmobiles h.. fa vorites. Conrad Roelke, the saurkraut from Milwaukee. Tell him, kid, you got the education. Don't kid me, big boy. Cheer up, fellows, only six more months to serve with the apologies of G. H. E. T. P. > Three cheers for Lt. Clark of the 370th Service Park Unit, Motor Trans port Corps. If an of tio above names have been misspelled, don't blame the printer. He's not a very good guesser. LARGE EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC WORKS Partial reports from twenty-eight states received in answer ot question naires of the Council of National Defense, snow more than $58,250,000.00 in expendi tures already authorized for roads, ca nals, reclamation construction, and the erection of public buildings, In order to provide necessary employ ment for returning soldiers, sailors and war Workers, the ('ouncil us National De fense, Washington, I). C., has asked the aid of all state, county and local com munity councils in fostering this work. It is probable that is now a total of more than $100,000,000.00 worth of public wor kauthorized or financed. The $58,250,000.00 already reported is a con servative figure, as it is made up from funds already issued for actual projects In speaking about heroes the soldiers i are not in it. with the girls. The other | night, in a certain camp town, a grand military dance was given in honor of the men in uniform. You should have seen the girls “carry arms’’ when they start ed the evening’s pleasure. PISTOLS. SAFES. Razors and Razor Blades, Knives. Flashlight* and Batteries. HEMSTREET & ALEXANDER 647 BROAD STREET. FIRST CLASS REPAIRING. Telephone 679. AUGUSTA, GA. YOUR BANK We want you to know that when you are a custom er of THIS bank it is to all intents and purposes YOUR bank. Hli Capital $1,000,000.00 Surplus $200,000.00 Deposits $7,000,000.00 I M. TANENBAUM | DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY I Silverware and Optical Goods. MILITARY GOODS A SPECIALTY. Fine Watch Repairing. P 1154 Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA. | o < pr-rnr— '"■■■ m'-mi mrtm ——rngnnr— ■aacaoi ■ = New Planters Hotel European Plan- 945 Broad Street * WAtttemarofc Vr Shoe Polishes QUALITY ’ VARIETY Especially adopted for cleaning and polishing leather boots and puttees. Easy to apply and quickly gives de sired results. Put up in either Oxblood, Brown or Russet. Oldest and Largest Manufacturer in the World. j..- '' v EsSl few S I® B fate wo il|r ■ MSM jzzzrzaete. —■— -~ 7 The Home of “SWEETLY YOUIDD Good Candies for Good So’diefs. HOLLINGSWORTH CANDY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. ■MHriamifnwTißiiwiiißiwß wiiibiii rn w-etimbb icewgmßMßMßßaww Augusta Optical 803 Broad Street MASONIC BUILDING OPTICIANS JOE’S SHANGHAI RESTAURANT I REASONABLE PRICES. QUICK SERVICE. JOE’S (THE BOY FROM YOUR HOME TOWN) Chinese and American Restaurant 316 Jackson Street (NEAR OPERA HOUSE BEST MEALS DUnMF 9fiaQ- S NOTHING TOO IN THE CITY GOOD FOR YOU W Foundry, Machine, Boiler I1 B IwE K 91 Works and Min Supply MJ If fi JO I aiuii-y Store. Contractor’s Ma-| si I/” ? tot l .4 crfincii chinery, Supplies and Re- HlJUu3lA,bEvKblA. pairs. Wire Cable and ■■■■■:', i 'in Block. Burrows Shovels, Reinforcing Bars, Chains, Etc. Cotton, Oil, Gin, Saw, Grist, Fertilizer, Cane' Shingle Mill Supplies, Repairs and Castings. Boiler Flues, Stacks, Tanks, Pipes and Fittings. FORD CARS AND SUPPLIES. tr j ON SUMMERVILLE CAR LINE PARTRIDGE INN I Special Table D’Hote Luncheon and Dinner/ 1 Military Rates. American Plan.