Weekly Catoosa courier. (Ringgold, Ga.)
- Title:
- Weekly Catoosa courier. : (Ringgold, Ga.) 1872-187?
- Place of publication:
- Ringgold, Ga.
- Geographic coverage:
- Publisher:
- George R. Ghiselin
- Dates of publication:
- 1872-187?
- Description:
- Began with May 3, 1872 issue.
- Frequency:
- Weekly
- Language:
- English
- Notes:
- Description based on: Vol. 1, no. 2 (May 10, 1872).
- sn 89053543
- 20279720
- Holdings:
Check OCLC WorldCat for more information on this title.
- Record
George R. Ghiselin published the first issue of the Weekly Catoosa Courier on May 3, 1872 in Ringgold, Georgia. The four-page paper circulated weekly at a subscription cost of one dollar and supported the Democratic Party. W. H. Walker, an associate of the Atlanta Sun, purchased the paper from Ghiselin in late 1873, shortened the title to the Catoosa Courier, and increased the subscription to two dollars. Owing to poor health, Walker sold the Courier to R. M. Morris in 1878, who was the sole editor and proprietor of the paper for the rest of its run. In February 1890, the Courier ceased publication after Morris sold the printing press to Murdock and Mahan. The new owners intended to use their newly acquired press to publish a newspaper out of Tunnel Hill, Georgia but that endeavor appears never to have materialized.
Provided by: Digital Library of Georgia