The Athens chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 1885-188?, October 25, 1885, Image 3

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14th Season-First Visit in 6 Years. ATHENS, TUESDAY, NOV. 3. Two perfoimnnces. Doors open at 1 o’clock and 7 o’clock, P. M. BEHOLD TUB Will'S SBEATEBT WONDERS HERE ASSEMBLED. 10 GENUINE BEBOOBN ARABS. Isl BESERT-BCRN, PHENOMENA L ATHLETES. jSS’S’ 5 MEXICO &. ju dfev "o>e MEXICANS x.r'A-Sv WW&* Aa hM. Suit SkSWzwt wwi- ■ 11 VACQUEROsA r W. W. COM’S MW COLOBSAL SHOWS. 4-CIRCUSES-4 Q -Menageries- 2 1— MISKLM —1 1-TIIEATRE-l - =z^^?^^V^^.V= ; , :: =4 Sgaggsy lOh \ |l|| H|| ;11 iinijiUTiFiXUfcixi'J Fi'ftlilih ivy I ■f A JBW .t | aJ M 1-Bicycle and Roller-Skating-1 EXPERTS’ COLLEGE. 1-GALLERY OF WAX STATUART-1 1 ■ >&-x*a.l> <S& Meisicrin .1 * EXHIBITION AND RACES. A INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING ASTOUNDING FACTS : A Double Circus Company. A Theatre with a Portable Stage. All the Presidents in Wax. An Enormous Menagerie. An Encyclopedia of Races. A Museum of Living Wonders. Representatives of all Nations. Wax Statutes of Noted Men. 150 Distinguished Performers. A Human Fly. 12 Genuine Performing Arabs. President Arthur in Wax. A Female Snake-Charmer. French jErial Bicycle Riders. English Equestrians and Athletes. A Circus Troupe of Lady Artists. 14 Acts by Lady Performers. None but Bare Back Riders. The World’s Champion Leapers. Acts simultaneously in the Ring. DeAviin, the Phantom Lady. General Grant in Wax. 9 Motley Agile Clowns. Mexico and the Mexicans. Comical Trained Donkeys. Cnte and Cunning Ponies. Trained Animals of Every Kind. fitr’ -ss^iL-——ifSiiiß ft fW ■» b ’’ *» '%'W i Horse Blondin, THAT WALKS A-TIGHT HOPE 20 FEET IN THE AIR. HIMBNIiK. And 5,000 Features Impossible to Here Catalogue. See the Princely Procession and Out-door Sights Admission, 75c., Children under Ten Years, 50c. Reserved, Cushioned Opera Chairs at a Slight Advance. Also, Will exhibit at Greensboro, Monday, Noy, 2 ; Washington, Wedncs day, Nov. 4. Nothing identified with the past. The Present, a Revelation. W. H. Vanderbilt in Wax. “Sampson,” the Giant Elephant. 500 Specimens of the Snake Tribe. The Largest Tents ever used. A Drove ot Desert Camels. Tattooed South Sea Savages. A Herd of Performing Elephants. Reason-Gifted Trick Stallions. Arabian Athletes and Gymnasts. Giant Australian Kangaroos. Jay Gould, the Monopolist, in Wax. A Snow-white Buflalo. The Mammoth Kansas Ox. Giant Emues and Ostriches. Guiteau, the Assassin in Wax. Menagerie of Trained Animals. Many Bands of Music. Dens of Performing Beasts. Grotesque Procession Sights. Great Street Parade. Teams of Elephants in Harness, y Titanic Tableau Cars. A Monster Steam Orchestrion, Many Mechanico-Automatic Figures. Groups of Dancing Dummies. *jfr;Jl3B 3t- jbqjsf “THE LITTLE HUCKLEBERRY.” There are very* few’ who do not know of this little hush growing alongside of our mountains and hills; but very few realize the fact, that the little purple berry, which so many of us have eaten in most every shape, there is a prin ciple In it having a wonderful effect ou the bowels. Dr. Bigger’s Huckolberry Cordial is the great southern hemedy that restores the little one teething, and cures Diarrhcea, Dysentery and Cramp Colic. when it is considered that at this season of the year sudden and dangerous attacks of the bowels are so frequent, and we hear of so many deaths occurring before a physician can be is important that every liohnc hold should provide themselves with some speedy relief, a dose of which will relieve the pain and save much anxiety. Dr. Diggers’ Iluckleberry Cordial is a simple remedy which any child Is pleased to take. The weariea mother, lo.dng sleep in nursing the little one teething, should use this medi cine. 50cts. a bottle. Send 2c. stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., for Riddle Book. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gmnaud Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup and Consumption. Price 25 cts. and §1 a bottle. Nervous debilitated Sufferers from early Indiscretions, Excesses, &c. If you will send me your name and address, I will send you by return mail a treatise on the cause and cure of Nervous Exhaustion, Lost Manhood, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Vision and all other symptons arising from self-abuse, overwork or study. Neg lect causes insanity and early death. Ad dress T. W. Rice, 249 Fulton sticet, Brook lyn, N. Y. MOTHERS’ FRIEND! Applied according to directions two or three months before confinement, its effect is won derfully beneficial and gratifying. The deli cate organs and parts directly involved are re laxed and softened, and lose their rigidity without impairing their power; while its lubri cating qualities act like a charm, thus assuring a quick and almost painless delivery without physical exhaustion. Its use diminishes suffer ing beyond expression, and death agonies of many hours duration are entirely avoided. J-$T It not only shortens the time of labor and lessems the intensity of rain, but, better than all, it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child, and leaves the mother in a condition highly favorable to speedy recovery, and far less liable to flooding, convulsions, and other alarming symptoms incident to lingering and painful labor. Its truly wonderful efficacy in this respect entitles Mothers’ Friend to be ranked ns one of the life-saving appliances given to the world by the discoveries of modem science. THIS TRULY GREAT PREPARATION, while such an inestimable boon to child-bearing women, is one in regard to which, in due deference to female modesty, certificates cannot, be published; for as was remarked by a distinguished member of the legal profession in Atlanta, when purchasing a bottle of if, “Its superior merits can only be made known 5# word ofmovthy Ladies interested in the above, by addre s the Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga , can have a boOK mailed them free of cost, containing full particulars Best for the Weary I Health for the Sick I Ken and women are often worn down In mind and body by the labors and cares of life. Their nerves give way under the severe pressure, and the whole systemis Involved as a consequence. It is then that Pemberton’s French Wine Coca, acts as a direct means oi restoration, giving per fect health to mind and body, dissipating every feeling of depression and lassitude, and imparting calmness, energy and happiness. Pemberton’s French Wine Coca IS THB GREAT NEBVB RESTORER AND INVtGOBATOB. Gives health to the nerves and the entire system Is restored, for the nerves are the life of man. If they are deranged, all else will be; if healthy then, health to mind and body follows. Pemberton’s French Wine Coca acts specifically upon the nerves, the muscles and the whole human organism. In every bottle there is health and rest and happiness. For further particulars, send for book on Coca. J. S. PEMBERTON & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers, ATLANTA. GA. THE SOUTHERN iWCII INSURANCE CO. Athens, Ga. YOUNG L. G. HARRIS, President. STEVENS THOMAS, Secretary. Resident Directors. YoungL. G. Harris, Stevens Thomas, John 11. Newton, Dr. Jas. S. Hamilton. Ferdinand Phinizy, Albin P. Dearing, Dr. E. S. Lyndon. John W. L. H. Charbonnier, J. A. Hunnicutt. July Sly GEORfiU RAILROAD CO., Stone Mountain Route. OFFICE GENERAL MANAGER, 1 Augusta, Ga., Octt. 3rd, 1885. | . Commencing Sunday, 4th instant, the follow ing Passenger Schedule will operate on this road: FAST LINE. NO. 27, WEST DAILY. | NO. 28, EAST DAILY. L’ve Augusta, 7:40 am L’ve Atlanta 2:45 p m “ Wash’gt’n,7:2o p m “ Un Pt, 5.50 pm “ Athens, 7:45 am “ Woodv’e,6:o2 p m Ar’ve Wint’rveß:o4 a m “ Maxey’s 6:23 puj “ Lexington, 8:33 a m “ Antioch, 6:32 pm “ Antioch, 8:55 a m “ Lex’gton 6:52 p m “Maxeys, 9:04 am “ Wint’rv’e 7:19 p m “ Woodville,9:26 a m Arr’ve Athens T:4O pm 4< Un. Pt. 9:40 am “ Wash’gt’u 7:35 p*m Ar’ve Atlanta 1:00p m “ Augusta, 8:15 pm L’ve Wash’gtn 4:20 p m NO. 1, WEST DAILY. NO. 2, EAST DAILY. L’ve Augusta 10:50 a m L’ve Atlanta 8:00 a m “ Washi’gt’n 11:20am “ Un. P’t 2:20 pm “ Athens, 9:ooam “ Woodville2:39 p m “ Winterv’e 9:55 ani “ Maxeys, 3:18 p m “ Lexington 10:30 a m “ Antioch, 3:36 pm Antioch, 10:58 am “ Lexington 4:13 pm “ Maxeys, 11:10 am “ Winterv’e 4:59 p m “ Woodville 11:36 a m Ar’ve Athens 5:30 p in Ar’ve Un. Pt 11:55 a m “ Wash’gt’n 2:20 p m Atlanta 5:40 pm| “ Augusta, 3:35 p m NO. 3, WEST DAILY. I NO. 4, EAST DAILY. L’ve Augusta, 9:45 p m L’ve Atlanta 8:15 p m Ar’ve Atlanta 6:45 aml Ar vAugusta, 5:50 a m No. 26 will stop at Lithonia, but not at Ber zelia. Trains No. 27 and 28 will stop at and receive passengers to and from the following sta tions only: Grovetown, Berzelia, Harlem, homson, Camak, Barnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle. Covington,4?onyers r Stone Moun tain and Deactur. The Line” con nects for all points east and hjrtbeast, west and southwest. The fast mail rare through sleepers between Atlanta and Charleston.— Double daily trains to and from Athene in con nection with trains 27 aud 28. For rates to all points write to Joe W. White, General Traveling Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga. E. R. DORSEY. Gen. Pass, '.per JNO. W. GREEN, General Manager Work Neatly and Promptly Executed at the CHRONICLE OFFICE Agents, Attention' I STATE OF NEW YORK. I | B . a . ll* • • | CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YORK. J 3 * The M Book ever published thUaie War, z I- _ \ Field, Fort, and Fleet,” wit tun the i»ast thirty tnued Btau* *« «» 2 s»froit (to. U / Sworn to before me this Utday otMayUML & Counties. NICHOLSON, PHINIZY & CO. DHY GOODS GROCER E3, OUR FALL STOCK IS IN, AND WE PROPOSE TO SELL CHEAP. A SPECIALTY MADE OF STANDARD Di-y Goods and Cx-i’ocei-ies. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING! -OF- NUM M And Blinds, 'At T.JLEMM X- SONS. STILL IJST TLTLLEIMS! T*o tne SParmer’.-s of nsr. Tfi. C»-0,. lour especial attention iscalled to the fact that I have the most popular RST. < OStfE TWO-HOBSE WAGONS! In this State. T also have in stock a urge lot of HOME-MADE BUGGIES, made bv mvself and FULLY WARRANMED to GIVIj ENTIRE SATISFACTION. My stock of Wagons and' Buggies will be kept complete from tow ou. My Wagons HAVE BEEN IN USE FOR OVER 30 YEARS ! under my own name, aud if there isone that has not given full satisfaction, I have not been in formed of the fact. I most respeetlhlly ask the citizens of Athens aud surrounding country to CALL AND INSPECT my s'oek ts Wagons and Buggies before purchasing elsewhere as I think it will be to their interest. Aly kind of vehicle made to order that is not in stock. ’ REPAIRING will receive spacial personal attention. Prices as low as any. Would re fer to any person using my Buggiesor Wagons. You will find me at my old staiid ou Spring street, near J. H. Reave’s Livery Sable and Reaves & Nicholson’s Warehouse. Respectfully, JP. BUGGIES! BUGGIES! BUGGIES! THS! B.IGWELL & G9WEI«IES 5 WIfiBXS,FOR SALE BI T1 W AY. Where you will also find the largest and most complete stock of HARNESS, SADDLES Etc., iu Northeast Georgia. Befoie buying, call on * * ■O7-0-. JEA.fA.TS Y, CLAYTON STREET, NEAR POSTOFFICE. THE PATEYIHAME FASTENER. GREATREDUCTIONINPRICES AT THE iUARKEE WORKS OF A, H. Manufaclnrer and Importer of F.reign and American Marble and Granite. A large Stock of finished Monument and Tombstones on hand, ready for Lettering, ° o»xi.<3.C3re>t IVXy Price®. M. H. MAEO.N. c. ». FEANIGEA m. s. a ©o., STEA.M FTTTETiS, And dealers in Engine Supplies, Pipe Fittings, Steam and Water Guages, Vhistles. Hydraulic Rams etc., CLAYTON SinEST, ATHENS, GA. All work guaranteed to he first-class and satisfactory in every way. THE FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION H. E. GBOHCIAFAIB ASSOCIATION, WILL BE HELD AT THEIR NEW AND ELEGANT GROUNDS, GA., TLEHUAV, WmsDAI, TUMAV, FBIDH, Nov. 3,5, S, 1885. A full and comprehensive premium list will be offered, and all meritorious articles not men tioned in the premium list, will be awarded pre miums. The management made an earnest ap peal to the people of Northeast Georgia to en courage this worthy enterprise by contributing of their handiwork to compete for premiums, and for exhibition, and to attend in person this, their firsr exhibition. The buildings are all en tirely new, of large dimensions, and an abun dance of space can be procured for the display of all aritcles. The grounds will be under police controll, and the best of order is guaranteed. Positively NO DRINKING OR GAMBLING ALLOWED. For full particulars and premium list, apply to S. M. HERRINGTON, Sec’y., Athens, Ga. EAM AKBOQKCKBEBV. M. MYERS & CO.'S ARE FILLED ~ WITH FASHIONABLE I GOODS, AT POPULAR PRICES! Ist. SHOE STORE!' All Kinds and Qualities —Every Pair Warranted. Q-m O-oods and ©lot a Complete Line of Each. 5 CtmTAINS* Ul 11.9 SCABS'SAMPLE OR PIECE. J.4K Wholesale department. 1 in Which We Will Duplicate any Prices Given. WE HAVE THE GOODS AND INTEND TO ODXXESJ&X,, LOW PRICES WILL CARRY THE DAT RESPECTFULLY, SI. IvIYERS & CO., College Avenue. DOWN WITH A 1 To Shell The WOODS! J.H. Huggins Is preparing to supply evurvboily with CROCKERY, CLASSWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODs gener ally. In a few days we will have a display ibat will be Worth. Seeing ! Our whole large store room will be turned into a GRAND HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS EMPORIUM. TIN WARE, of all kinds, BUCKETS. TUBS. BROOMS, TRAYS, &c„ &c We will make a specialty of WOOD WARE aud TIN WARE AIERCIIASTS wanting these goods will do well to give me a call. II tve just recieved some FINE TEA SETTS, and will berecieving FIKIM GOODS rebularly until Ist October. We guaran tee to save merchants money if they wib leave tbeie for CROCKERY, &c., with us. J. H. Huggins. ALW.HS AHEAD! FIVE CARLOADS OF Just added to our already splendid assoitnient. A full line of OUR OWN MAKE of TIN WARE, which for excellance and durability has a reputation SECOND TO NONE. A carload ot CHEAP GB.ATES now on display. In fact, we have the hand somest store, the finest stock, and the lowesj prices ever in Athens. A call will repay you. MADDREY & JONES, 6, Broad street, Athens, Ga. PARR BROS., II <ll MAB StlttNf PAINT BBS, Wall Paper, And Paper Hangers. 49 CL4YTON STREET, ATHENS, GA. SEE SAMPLES OF WALL PAPER. TELEPHONE NO. 17-2. —THE— Popular and Reliable BARBERS Os the city, have their patrons among the all classes and their prices suit everybody.— The shop is the neatest, most COMFORTABLE AID AIWTIVE snot-IN THE CITY. Ladies arc attended in all parts of the city. WOOL! WOOL! I TAKE this opportunity to inform my old patrons, and new ones, that I am now pre pared to CARD WOOL. Call and see me at the Wool Factory, lower end Broad street. Respectfully, fuly-183m. H. T. FOWLER. * c,aitics! l g HiKimi, I M | ICream ** Pipl Cheese, { YAMMOUTHjM SSIMPORTED | BLOATERS, SARDINES, J o Egmont Bay BARLEY, Columbia —BIVEB— .S®?, SALMON," GBAHAMk< h 3 ii.oti:, p| GOLDEXBI'IE L t BRAND FLOUR, ® fe arojiATOEs 10 F ° B 6 ° UP ' farinaF 6“ EXTEA g h finm < I |New Orleans WIflH. j fa j SYRUP lOTffilli B WMOil. HODGSON SHLOE > », 8., WE HAVE A ! Iffll IM | —IN— EVERY DEPARTMENT. I YOU CAN GET A BHO1&T NOTICE. We will give a wrttten guarantee with every job, and guarantee the best work for the LEAST MONEY. Don’t fail to call and see us. I£t.EHT & MLAUTIW, AT- jHWg, GA. wlraß lffiy & ijifTO filffl . ATHENS, GEORGIA IROX AXD BRISS CASmGS ’ 1!ILL AAD GIN Gearing, Cotton Presses CANE MILLS. EVAPORATORS & MILL SUPFLIES OF AL^ J KIfVDS ’ are now offeringing SPECIAL BARGAINS in nG ™ 40 c,KILAI BAI I,LM Turbie Water W heels, Mill BOLTING CLOTHS AT SHORT NOTICE HINCOiK INSPIRATORS, The Great Foiler Feeders TOMAS SINGLE HAND IMhCTORS, Low Prices and None Better, ft JO pimG > VALVES AW Fl ™ *■ W< Pipes, Jet Pumps, Steam Hose, &c..&0 fST'Let us know what you want and get our pricess before buying Address, THOS. BAILEY -A.grt-, Athens, Ga.