The Athens evening chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 1888-1889, November 08, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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JOHN CRAWFORD & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Drugs, GARDEN SEEDS, Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumes and Fancy Goods. Sole Agents for SWEET WHEAT Chewing Gum! Fine Cigars and Tobacco. 12 COLLEGE AVE, ATHENS, GA. -- ’-I'.. •* ■ ~ ~ "■ - UUWaMUMaMBCMHBnMBIMRm The only guaranteed cure for all blood taints aud buinon*, eruptions, pimples, blotches, scalp diseases and scrofulous sores and swellings, is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. You get a cure or money paid for it promptly returned. Kheutnalism Is undoubtedly causeo by lactic acid in the blood. This acid attacks the fibrous tis sues, and causes the pains and aches in the back, shoulders, knees, ankles, hips, and wrists. Thousands of people have found in Hood’s Sarsaparilla, a positive cure for rheumatism. This medicine, by its puri fying action, neutralizes the acidity of the blood, and also builds up and strengthens the whole body. THE REASON HE DIDN’T SELL THE PIG. A man once gave a boy a pig and told him to go out and sell it. The boy put the pig in a sack, and hav ing flung it across his shoulders went around about through the streets of the city. He did not sell the pig, however, and when he re turned be expressed surprise and indignation that no one should have bought it. “ you tell the people what you had for sale?’ “No, sir; I expected them to ask me.” “Ah, my son; you are too much like some merchants that I know of; you fail to let the people know what you want to sell them Advertise if you want to succeed. A K RNtnew-like Offer. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catan h Remedy bave offvreO, in good faith, SSOO reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy issokl by druggist at only 50 Cents.' This wonderful remedy has fan ly attained a world-wide repu.ation. 11 you have dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharged falling from the head into the throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, and act id, at othc’-s, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody acd putrid ; il the ey ’ are weak, watery and inflamed; if’here is ringing in the ears, deafness, Lacking or couching to clear the tlinut, exp cioration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice being changed and has a nasal twang ; the breath oflensive; smell and taste impaired ; sensation of dzziness, with mental de pression, a hacking cough and general debility, you are suffering from nasal catarrh. The more complicated your dis ease, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. Thousands of cases annu ally, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less ttnd« rstixxl, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. Blue Springs is a temperance town of Missouri whose women would, in a case of emergency, favorably compare with the finest of “our finest.” Twenty-five of them, all leading matrons of the town, broke in the doors of a newly opened saloon on Saturday night and or dered out eight old soaks who hap pened to be there enjoying a game of cards. Haley, the saloon keeper, tried to interfere, but was hit on the avhkis chronicle, DAILY JLISTD WEEKLY, Daily, $5.00, Weekly SI.OO per Year. The Athens Chronicle Job-Office Will print any kind or style of work from ■ A visiting card to a book neatly at low prices head with a tlub and chased down • tLe street by fotir of the masked and inliiriaied women. He escaped in the roller mill. The club room aud all its attractions were smashed to pieces, and an old toper who was trying to save some bottles of first r class whiskey for “medicinal pur poses,” he said, was glad to run away for his life. o OI The Pulpit n.n«l the Mage. Rev. F. M. Shroat, pastor United Breth- I ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says : *1 feel it my duty to tell what wonder. Dr. King’s New Discovery has done for me Aly lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. in weight.” Arthur Love, Manager Love’s Funny Folks Combination, writes: “After a thoi- OUgh trial and convincing evidence, I am ' confident Dr. Kiqg’s New Discovery for Consumption beats em all, and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kind ness i can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it.” Free tnal bot tles at G. W. Rush’s, and John Crawfurd & Co.’s drug stores. Regular sizes, 5Uc. and $1 00. > ■ ir v The same sort of a reunion that the monkey and parrot celebrated is going to bave its parallel at Fort Wayne, where W. H. Slewart’s gorilla Angora is matched the bulldog Jack, owned by William Willson of Marion, catch-as-catch can, S7OO to go to the winner. This is the first time on record that the missing link of the African jungle and the English bulldog have been brought together. This is no news paper correspondence fight, but is for blood. Both parties are keeping quiet and have said nothing so far as to their own chances, but when time is called they will toe- the scratch like thoroughbred sports, and who will toe it last can only be surmised. Angora has been in training for over a month, and Jack is reported to be feeling very fit. The I>et ting is SIOO even that the gentleman from the Sunny South will whip his four-legged opponent in three min utes, aud another SIOO says that the bulldog will not come out alive. The bull dog’s friends say that il he takes Angora by the threat it will be with the air of a man who has brought his trunk and come to stay. A Houaebold Remedy. Wade’s Blood Renewer has been suc cessfully used in private practice for the ut»t fifteen y< ars as a general alterative, aud ban succeeded beyond the most san guine expectations of its originator in its usefulness in all status, of impure blood It has no equal in Skin Diseases and Syph% ilitic Eruptions. Eczema, in its most 13 nbh some forme, has been cured like magic. It is a fine invigorator, appetizer and general health restorer. Certificates urnishedupon application. sOcts a bot e. Put up by L D. Shdgq & Co. A Cleveland (0.) newspaper prints a list of the colored people whom President Harrison has ap pointed to office to date. It com prises twelve names, and the aggre gate salary drawn by the twelve colored office-holders is $26,000. The President is not appointing many colored people, and those he appoints are given nd nor offices. They are fed upon the crumbs that fall from the white {office-bold?r’s table. Mr. Cleveland did more for them than that. Kpoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health, marks an epoch in the life of an individual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory, and the agency whereby the good health has been attained, is gratefully blessed Hence it is that so much is beard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many fed they owe their restoration to health, to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troubled with any disease of Kid neys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing, you will surely find relief by us of Eh ctric Bitters. Sold nt 50c. and SI.OO ' per bottle, at G. W. Rush’s, and John Crawford & Co.’s drug stores. 7 1 v \ i Wx wf \ \Vi 1 ILIC PLAYS GOOD MUSIC, AND HIS FIVE LOUDESTJNOTES ARE: FIRST—It is entirely vegetable, contains no mlnera’s or poison of any kind, and builds up ’be system from the first dost. SECOND—It cur< s Cancer of the Skin. No other remedy or treatment has ever cured it. THIRD—It cures Hereditary Blood Taint, even in the third and fourth No other remedy has ever done it. FOUR TH—lt hag never failed to eradicate Scrpfula from the system. FIFTH—It cures contagious Blood Poison in all to stages by eliminating the horrible virus from the system, thus giving relief frog* all the consequences of this bane 3 of the human —. 4-——■ My blood had been so out of order dm ing the summer of 1888 that I virtually had no health at all. I had no anpetite; nothing I ate ag/eed with me. I was feeble, puny, aid always feeling bad. I had tried various remedies without receiving any beneot, until at lengtn I com menced on Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) That medicine increased my weight from 155 to 177 pounds in a few months, and made me as well aud heaLhy as aoy man now I’viog. S. S. S. is undoubt edly the greatest blood purifier to-day on the American continent. JOHN BELLEW, No. 449 North State Street, Chicago, Hl. Treatise on B'ood and Saia Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. A young man of promise, a few years ago in Pittsburg, has just been dent to an asylum a perfect physical and mental wreck. He bad reached that point where he boasted he smoked daily six packages of cig arettes. The consciousness of having a remedy at band for croup, pneumonia, sore throat, aud sudden colds, is very consoling to a parent. With a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in the house, one feds, in sucu cases, a seiiSr of security nothing else can give. Early last summer a young girl at Summerside, Prince Edward Is land, wrote her name and address upon an egg, which subsequently found its way to Boston, Mass., among other shipments. The pa rents of the young lady visited Bos ton recently, and, strange to saj, trod need to the young Bos tonian who had received the egg,and asked them it they knew the young lady—their own daughter. Expla nations followed and a correspond tnce was opened The wedding is to take place in December. Dou’t pul off the payment of your city tax. Pay nt once, and register. —ii » 1 in ANNOUNCEMEATB. FOR alderman fourth ward. Al the solicitation of many voters from the fourth Ward Mr. Geo. T. Hodgson has consented to make the race tor Alder man. He is in the race subject to the priruarj election. FOR ALDERMAN—FOURTH WARD. lam a Candida e tor Aiderman in the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democratic primary. M. Al yers. Editors Chronicle:— Please announce that the ~hame of A. B. Hxrper will be supported for Aiderman of the First Ward at the coming primary election. Voter. FOR ALDERMAN, FIRST WARD. I am a candidate tor Aiderman from the first war<i, subject lo the decision ot the Democratic primary. W. McKinnon. FOR ALDERMAN, FIRST WARD. I am a candidate for Aiderman in the First Ward, subject to primary election W. C. Orb. . FOR ALDERMAN, FOURTH WARD. At the solicitation ot many friends, Mr Cobb Lampkin has consented to present bis name to the democratic, primary, as a candidate for Aiderman in the 4th ward. Many Voters. FOR MAYOR. lam a candidate for Mayor, subject to the decision of the Democratic pi imaty, E. T. Brown. I am a candidate for Mayor of Athens before the Democratic primary. I pledge myself to support the ticket nominated on that occasion. Oct. 11th, 1889 Albert L. Alitchell. At the request of many citizens, I have consented to offer for re-election as Mayoi of Athens, holding myself ready to abide by any decision my people may make. J. A Hunnicutt MW ■ O Southern Mutual Building aad Loan Assorialion of Atlanta* Ga. All persons who desire to take stock iu the Athens Branch of the above Associa tion, will please call on the undersigned.— Aiembership fee is $1 00 per abate ,sixty cents per share each month thereafter til 1 maturity of stock, which is estimated a 84 months. This is the best plan yet de’, vised for borrower or non-borrower. 2w L. & H. Cobb. F»r Male, One vac mt lot on Eist Broa.l street, East Athene. One bouse and lot on Bridge street. Can be bought cheap. Five acre lot, fronting on Waddell street One’bouse and lot on Foundry street. 811ACLBFORD& Hattaway -CIO TO— JOHK L. ARNOLD FOB House and Sign Painting, Paper Hanging, Etc. ■ -J- •• < -GO TO- JOHN L. ARNOLD, BROAD STREET, ‘ for Fancy and Family Groceries. OF Canned Goods, THE BEST OF BUTTER, AND THE CHOICEST THE NICEST And Freshest of Everything Good, JO. C. BERNARD’S CLOTHIN6, HATS, FURNISHING GOODS J. J. C. M C MAHAN HAS JUST OPENED A NBW 1:1 iiTiinii mill i T-171, Clayton Ht. CALL AND SEE HIM. Septi Bdßm. I Monpa, SoufM, Soap* We have received a large shipment ot Toilet Soaps, which we offer at figures never before equalled. We have 4 Cakes in box 10 cents box $ “ “ 25 “ “ 12 “ “ .50 “ “ 8 “ transparent, in b0x.20 “ “ and many others equally as cheap. This is absolutely the cheapest lot of goods ever sold in Athens. Call and examine. L D Sledge & Co. RIGHMC.ID St DANVILLER.I Northeastern Division, Condensed sebeda e in effect June 1611 1889. Trains run by 75tti Meridian tin. Between Athens and atlant? NO SJ—DAILY. NO 51-EX . u Lv Atuens, 7 40a m Lv. Aih ns, & oo| Ar. Atlanial2 00 u’n Ar. A' :u ta, 0 4"p 1 NO. 41—EX. SUN.II NO .- D/ Lv. Atlanta, 5 30pm /tU ta, 8:1 u Ar. Athens, 10:25 “ |Ar. A:h I‘ 3 : ’ t' BETWEEN AfHEN.-' AND T. EAS I NO 53 —DAI i- • 11 LNS? -: > A a J < Lv Athens. 7.40a u.i Lv i. iLem Ar.Wash’tn. 6.53 “ 2a Waso lu. 7 x3p m Ar. New Y’rk l.aOp m! Ar N vl’rkci2 a-m Pullman Palace Buffet alvt .i, carsfrom Lula to Washington and New Y_>rk. Solid trams Lulu to Washington. • BETWEEN LULA AND ATHENS. SOUTHBOUND. NORTHBOUND. C 5 Q 3 s» 9 st S » 3 ETP Passengvi. Pass’ng’l N E R. R. 22 52 50 51 53 “ Stations S M k QOr QdM » qqX ' £_£_ = ? a.m p.m a. mlv ar p.m jMJIpm 5 30 8 35 10 80 Lula 7 50 a 55 9 30 1 600855 10 50 Gillsville 730 „ 855 630 9 11 11 05 Maysville 715 8 10 820 7 09 9 31 11 25 Har Grove 6 50 8 85 7 40 1 730951 11 45 Nicholson 630 ® 15|7 05 8 00 1004 12 00 Center 6 10 8 00 6 85 8 35 1025 12 20 Athens 5 50 7 40 6 00 A.M P.M P. iM AR LV P.M A M P M Trains No. 50 and 53 will run daily. No. 51, 52,19 and 22 will run daily, except Sunday. Trains run by 75th Meridian time—ore hour faster than 90th Meridian time. L. L. McLeskey, Jas. L. Taylor Div. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pass. Agt W.M, TitTman, DEALER IN FLORIDA ORANGES, MESSINA LEMONS, NORTHERN APPLES, NORTHERN CABBAGE, FLOUR, IRISH POTATOES, MEAL, YAM POTATOES. MEAT, LARD, SUGAR, CORN, 1 COFFEE, HAY, TEA, BRAN. RICE, TOBACCO, GRITS. CIGARS, SNUFF, SOAP, STARCH, BLUING, PEARLINE, POTASH. No. 19 E.Clayt m St., O a,. * SOUTUERN Mi'TIJAL INiWIJKAIWCIi COMPANY Y. L. G. Harris, Pres. 8. Thomas, So- DIRECTORS: Y. L. G. Harns, L. LI. Charboaniei John H. Newton, RobL L Hampton Stevens Thomas, Edward S. Lyndon Ferdinand Fninizy, Marcellus Stanley John A. Hunnicutt, Rufus K. Reaves —FOR COTTON GINS, ENGINES AND REPAIEB, AT Bottom Prices, WRITE TO Geo. R. Lombard & i 0. Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Gin Wofka, and Supply House, * ’ Augusta, - Ga Mch7 d& MRS. T. A. ADAMS Is now receiving NEW PATTERN Bonnets and Hats, AND NEW FLOWERS. KF Hopes to get a share of the public Btron«se* For Sale i ! One beautiful, vacant lot—situated on | Baxter street, directly opposite the old E. ’ L. Newton house. A bargain, at S2OO. Five room house and lot on Jackson street, well situated for business. Water works and well on yard. Price $1,200. One vacant lot, running through from 1 Clayton to Washington streets, known as Morton place, next to Marks’s property, about 80 to 100 feet front. Titles good.— This is desirable property. Call on Shackblfokd & Hattaway, Real Estate Agents. C, C.MADDOX ARTISTIC P H°T°G R A P H T ’ [Old Clifton Gallery.] 109 East Bread St Athens, G CALL AND EXAMINE splcimsns of WORK girttlorg. J|«. JAS. C. BLOOMFIELD, PZ/F67CZ4W JA’Z) SURGEON. Office and rooms over Weatherly Bros.’ 196 Clayton street. sepl7dAwlm. DR. 0. R. GILES. GENERAL PRACTITIONER, Office corner College Avenue and Wash ington Street. Resi<l«-nce No. 15 E. Strong Street. House formerly occupied by Dr. Hale. Dr R. M WADE, OFFICE, CLAYTON STREET Over Tahnadge A Brightwell; OFFICE^HOURS —10 to La. m. and 4to 5 P-m Chronic Diseases and Venereal Diseases a specialty. DR. B. 8188 DAVIS, DENI IST. Office, 115 X, U7X and Clayto street. Office hours, 9to 1:80, a. m., 8 to p; m. S >l4- It. 1 HAMPTON DENTIST. Office over Jackson & Vincent’s store, corner CUytou and Lumpkin streets. Office hours from 9. a. m., to 8, p. m. GKO. C.Tn<)MAB. Jno. J. Btricklan* THOMAS & STRICKLAND, ATTORNEYS Atiikns, Georgia BILE IlWfiE I AMTII) B. B. To take edect Monday, Jan. 9 4 .r>, Eastern Time. ** *• ® _ ? ~ A M,P M l’vb. ark. 8 3516 80 569 0 Tall’h Falls 20.9 1240 10 57 850 6 45 390 5.0 Turnerville 15.9 1225 10 42 9057 00 10.3 Anandale. 10.6 12 010 27 920 7 12 550 1.261 Cl arks viile 7.8 1200 10 17 945 7 35 965 20.9|C<irnelia. 0 1185 9 57 Alt. LV. W. B. THOMAS, President and General Manager. BARGAINS - I will save you money. Come and see me. A fit guaranteed in all suits turned out from my establish ment. Will make you a suit from $14.00 to S4O 00. Wfll make you pant, from $4.00 to sl2 00. I open up Tuesday. July 2nd, over I. Morris.’ store, 214 Broad sti-eet Athens, Ga. Respectfully, M. FARBSTEIN. Through Mleeper. Commencing Sunday, October 6th, 1889, the fast train leaving Atlanta at 2:45 p. m.. will have a thiough sleeper for Chirfes ton via Augusia, and Y« massee train, leaving Charleston via Savannah & Charles on radroad at 10:30 p. m., has through sleep-r to Atlanta. Passengers from Athens on 8:50 p. m. train make connection with through sleeper at Union Poinj for Charles ton. E. R. DottsKY, G. P. A. Joe W. White, T. P a. Push's DRUG - STORE, AT CRAWFORD’S OLD STIM, Clayton Street, Athens, Ga., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET SOAPS, BRUSHES ;and combs. Fancy Articles GREAT VARIETY W PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS carefully dispensed. J2o,»n TO Xixnvsi IN OLARKE AND AD- JOINING COUNTIES Inteest payable semi-annually at SIX PER CENT. Commissions light. W. D. Griffetn. Office with O Farrell Ash. 3