Gallaher's independent. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-1875, January 02, 1875, Image 2

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2. I 75. r. rH*^ N • /vp\p'i :■ Lvw. 1 ViyjVM'. i v't **ik '< P Inr| *r >• *lt- j *hl -**!•*• *vh*-l l*n*t*l*'* i . ii ♦!■• t* <r wli.*'li-r In lin< tr u*t i* Mj+M*ikl* f*n Ik - . *i. If n i> '*?"!**• ffl* Hiin-nl. In* iti Mt ffujjr .H arr.MM.'.r * n * t, *‘] r may fo i*iim 7* miti! jtitvin 'ill in niji* 1* au.i rolW’rt tli** wliol** Hfimatii, til** >* talu n ft* m |!5 ufttr** <r not. 3. Tim o*sirthnv *1 t!vit rfnH',wr If !Va tic* vhj>hpt himl *'l s*' 1' <Mnri %*# %% %*s )*•*. vifc* 1 * avinvf t! etn for, jrrimn fnci wvi.l**lK* of in 4liounal fraud. *L. IT IS G n NE! Of nil the of onr Jiingnnjro, there te rone more Solemn, thoityir i Xpn (used by llte lips uiol tongue, it comt-s in nceeutanf uadiies* from the heart of heart a. V Imt, Win hl year is Rom I Old, yen, ohl; three linn Irert ml sixty-five days, in tint ohl? X"*. it |*iisseil the n|lultcil H(‘NutMis mol is gone with its record into the solemn luhl* of the oterioil it is buried, it c.m imvoj* W iiwiiiM'fi'tl ■tfici't* in no no* 15f- for It. II U ami in #*ing further MU <* nrtiief tot the moments are tolil by the d'.il. mol take their flight utter it; hut never n**aring il. n >r. never ivturin-oif to tell whitUet .t is gone, or whither they an going. Jt i gone with its records of joy mol sorrows, its pleasuroN, its |)iiins, :t lilossings, mol its afflictions, to the eternal Im.ok-keeper whose record of tlioo mo tui things is infallible, mo! ntu never In questioned in the Courts of eternsl tidjii (Lcntioil. It entered upon its cuewr il, the dreariness of winter, when the wind were bleak mid pitiless, mol its produces sor tmd rolihcd not me of its (lowers, ol its verdue, of its foliage, and its fruits Jjs tienntiew had hulls!, witheied, drooped ditsl mol fallen, mid whs gone. It ns oeuded the throne, mid took the seeptei it its hand, and commanded the stoim while the winter lasted. Then spake tor pid Nature into new life, mol the enrtl again was carpeted with a lively and lovi ly gre!*n, mol Mo* lilajes io I'rees'of the wild woods was dressed again in new suits ol gorgeous splendor. Till) l nils did mvel Hud hurst to deck the earth with flower* of rarest beauty and till the air with sweat eat fragrance. The ih Ids and the tree brought forth their fruits in the suiumei season, and the autumn harvested and gnrnnred Me m np for the then coming drenrv winter. The flowers faded aim lost their fragrance and beauty; the gras withered its lively hemity, disappeared. The leaves v>i re seared ami fallen, mol all is gone, and skeleton nature is ‘Xnqqsnl again in wintry arms. IX*it is tiiat. all that is gone? la it only in reference to revolv ing years ilMil we we utter die. sad word i 1t nffjy in reference* to flowers tlmi bloom V 5 fade mol die? No, the old year that is gone has upon its solemn pa gt>s the sad word written tlHfllsnmls o times. How many fond 'withers, will hearts grief stricken, who lias watched with a mother’s vigilenoo and uuexiety hit days around the hud of her sick and dying child, waiting the* dreaded issue, has ex clrimed in accents of despair and Madness, it is gone, it is gone! How many hus Hands have witnessed the lender cord breaking one by one by the iey hand of tenth that bound to him Hiol to earth, his loved and cherished wife, and w hen the beautiful rosy tint of youth has faded into the pulor of death. The lips that gave utterance to word* of gentleness and kind bps* is scaled and hushed into* eternal si lenee. The expressive eyes of sympathy end tonderncss is closed and dimmed for ever; and the precious spirit, Ah, the Unsbund’s breaking heart forces the lips to utter tlio solemn word, in accents of grief and sorrow, it is gone, gone! But is ; t| u ,t all that is gone? The flowers that failed, the grass that withered, the leaves that fell, the loved ones that died? No; tile old year that has fled with its records to be tiled in the Temple of Eternal re netnttenmcc, has on every page iwitton, perhaps; rtot fet uttered by liulnfm' tips, Iks solemnity not yet felt by human hearts, bnt to lie realised and uttered in anguish and roworse, when it is too late, too late; (he opportunity iB gone. It is gone. How many dispairiug souls will exclaim: I-conld (have giO*n that cup of water; I could have Rflsited the sick; I could have gone to the puot man in prison, and spoken words of comfort and consolation; I could have soothed the sorrow?^)f the poor toiling wi- u*; I could have given to her and her little ones bread; and me and mine would not have suffered; I could have caught the cries of the orphan off the winds of heav * eii, and bushed them jjito silence, and my bounty would not have been wasted. How solemn it will be when the universal walls ami arched domi s shall echo and reverber ate the dispairiug wailing utterance of millions of souls. It is 100 late, too lab*; the opportunity is gone, gone;, forever' gone I - -*■ -♦♦♦- 4 Terrific Attack. ft will be remembered that sonic three weeks ago wc published an article in* ref erence to one R. A. Gentry, sometimes called tipi. Gentry, bnt gencwiHjr known as the yerker card, or eatsli all of the Mnruirtg A’eirs, in which w said ho had deelared that it was not penflisblo for mefehunts to advertise in eoimtry or in land papers, and we also made some refer ence to his parsimony hv saying that out •of his pocket a five cent piece had never bi-eu known to come. So a few mornings afterward* we met the Gent ry, who de manded mi explainatien. Being over awed, and in our wo frankly confessed that we had published him to 11 liecanse ho deserved it. He rted that he was the best friend try newspapers had, and e, in dity, then and tluje ackuowl ut we ivhiu't believe one word of - -aw— •-.*.. • K R 71,1 W.'AT Cl' rFVK SOI LS, IVK r.'IJ. EXPLODED. Oil TiWsday i veiling last a numlier of young genth incu of oui town, went io Grooverville to attend wind was intended to be a magnifirect Ball, and would doulitlesf. have 111 11, hill the inch uieiiev 01 llio r pi*mibited !• male atteinlauts, and hence, a flilluii). And ill tile drearim ss of the niglit our yoiinu gents started for towny, t>r r ,,11,01-1.. unothei parly inimi diaU-lv on tin n* Way of less pretentions. Ir. U due to truth to slate that G -v. Eoinlei*, the violinist of all this country, formed one of the group, and ioeeiitiird a back seal, in the ptiMKou with Ins iisii.d poiupus dignily, smoking Ins jii|-. Si vi ral buggies followed the phailon m a narrow pluce in the road whn li was some SI iiiltidred yards in h ifjwli, and worn and a*p 11, the travel of many years. Our knights of tiio exploded Ball met, when about half tlirongb the narrow road, Il lour mule Uam and three oxcalU. Iteie was a givi.l diliieuhy to evereome; Inn there was one Irmly for the emergency, who abase 111 his Mageaty nud stisal up in tile middle of tile pliuiluii, and siiiu unto ti e man who was illing the mules, ;ml id i) to tlmse that were driving the oxen : *• Behold, i say unto you. this is the Mayor of Quit mu., and his eatiinet. hetatliue ye are comm U led ti) give the load;" and m about three hoiirannil tweuty miuutcs the Wagon, mules, cart* and oxen, were stored away on the outside ut the road.-and the .Mayor and* ins cabinet, musician and alt i:d:iuts,pissed in safely through the narrows. it. lie then win iied us not to mention Ins inline ii) mu* paper Itgnii , and we were no alainieil ami oveumme* wiih fei.r ilmi in the prest iiee of the Rev. Mr. Is tvis and die Hon. A. T. Mclntyre, pinmmed linn that we would not do it until we felt lilti i and Aad an oppottiliiity. Now atti - many comments upon our article unit lut ing gathered from them some data, we tin that we owe Col. Gentry an apology, h we are credibly informed, that on m occasion when lie was appealed to by poo, logger that he, without thinking, dl*e> from his pocket a piece of motley and, upon reflection, put it in murtlier; there fore ill that we did the Golem 1 irij'iNtiei •Hid offer this im an apology, but wc f el bound to ilMNDl't that the Cohen I did no. act ill i.ocoiduiKV willy scriptural injune lions, for he lit his left hand know what ms right hand done. We offered him the opportunity, thnmgli flic columns of our paper, to deny having said to nierebnnts that it did no good to advertise in country pnpera, then we 1 would prove that he did. XVe understand Mutt the Colonel, in lys rage, saya we have waked tip the wrong piiksellger, tiiut. may lie (rue, but w. think in our anotliing iiininl ilify, we are trying to lull the right one to sleep. It is a great convenience to a minister to have a large until her of well arranged nod thoroughly matured sermons, hut it isn’t beat to have as many faces ns Gentry, fol* they wear out, and the makri of such faces us ho has been wealing i now dead. As n matter of course, if n country pa per can do no good, it eun do no hufiu, and Gv-nt’ must not complaiu when one of them speaks tlio truth in it [airily and uimplioity. Patterson Tliweatt n Omiin Old soldier vve endorse you fully, niul publish your arlieh) without comment, as it needs none: A’t/itOi'S Jkrold A (lvr<;iiiu: I see the SftViunnth A 'etc* gives you credit fol* advo cating the ni]Kiyn*rniot BaUvraon T’hyveatt's salary as Clomptroler-Gcuerai deling the war. tlmve read his phiimphlet through aud*through, nud viewed it from every stumlp.iint, aud do pot see any justice m it, his "vidualile services” and "111*. Hill’s proviso” to the eoiilrary uotwit(istudiiig. lb re is a man who occupied a boml -proof position during the four long years of the war, who had his large, comfortable oflioe >n which to render his ‘valuable service," ♦with his hluzeilig fires, all at the expense of the State, and when his day’s work was done could go home and sit down by his own fireside and enjoy the sweet society el his wife and children, and was drawsagr a salary of <52.000.00 a veal', jatid iptnrfevly, .ml who, according to his own statement, had, when his fi st quarter's salary was due iu 18(12, enough Confederate money to support his family lor two years. Tins geutleuum at tlio eud of tlio war, lmd m*-. cumulated thousands of defiant, which he could have invested iu real estate lmd he chosen to do so; but like thousands of others, believing in the ultimate triumph of our cause and lmt his money was per fectly good, ho choose tint to do so, Imt burned it in the ground, and after the war, when he had come to resurrect it, lo and behold, it was of no value. Unfortunate man. Now, Messrs. Edit!”*--, you say this man ought to bo paid again, Thiuk of it; while this mail was laying up those thous ands iiUdjOeaun proul, living with his family iTFfIWirP how many thonsauds of brave soldiers there wen-' bo.oiog the brunt of the cruel war, facing the bullets al most daily, marching day and night, iu the cold or heat, rain or snow, sleeping ou the cold wet ground, by their camp tiros, reo.-iveiug only the pitiful sum of fkfti tinlltir* jwr month, w hite their families ut home wile, iu many instances, suffering or Arms/ Many of These soldiers suyed their wages until it umouuted to a few hundred dollars, (the writer one of them) i with the hope ol being, able, with it, to ■ relieve the suffering of tbei&huuilies per -1 haps to rebuild their housed burned by ! the enemy—and they too. like Mr. j Thweutt, found tlieir money worthless at the close of the war. Many of those men ; never were paid* at all; aud they are now haired by the action of the State Convon | tioli from ever lieing paid. Where is tlio justice in [laying this boom-proof over again when these soldiers cannot bo paid? ! And remember, if he is paid it sets a precedent for thonsauds upon thousands !of similar claims, according to Til*. I ThweuU’s own sti temout. And remember, j too, if ho is paid it is to come ; ut of the , laxos of those very same soldiers who pass led through those foiu' long years of war, aud by tlio widows of others w hose boues ■ now* lie bleaching nround Richmond, I’e -1 t.-rshurg, Gettysburg, Wilder ness and I'hiekau) iiiga. Vi a, iijiou ail the luitth*- ■ liel Is Will-re the country called them to luty. Win reii fin* legi dhtor ti nt would vote for sin Ii ail ni j ist. disviiuiliialioti? I rhink, IdesHiH. Edo-as, tle-re are Imt few, f any. Two legislatures have already refused to •uy thl, pret, tided claim, and the next lit do likewise. Mr. Tliweutt’s Very ■cut aud ''valuable service,” in my opii • n, was nothing more than any oflmr mi st officer woi Id have done. No doubt I I f. Thweatt made a good oflleer; but ere there not hundreds in (he army equally ns competent that would In-va e.x I changed places with him and done the work free of charge. Yea and even pan) largely for the swap, and who would mil ask every legitlnfure from now to infinity (which proposes to do) U) [lay them once, niueh less twice. Obtl SoI.DIIC'I s*v - - A Ch istmas Legend. It WHH Chrislmas Eve. The night Was very dark and the snow falling as fast to 11, imi*iin, the. thareoa'-hiiruer, drew his clonk lighter ai'oniid him, and the wind vvliisth and ticreelv throngh the trees of the black forest. Hn hurt been to carry a \ Io n castle near, and was now hasteniu; | homo to his little Imt. Although he work j rd very hard, lie was pour, gaining fanrh ) eiuntpii ini* tlie wants of his wife and foie ! little children, lie was thinking of them, when ho heard a faint wading. Gmd and ly the sound, he groped about and found a ii*tits child, soantiU uio-lled, shivering aud sobbing by itself in the snow. "Why, littlo one, have they left thee here all alone to face this erne) blast?” Tin* child answered nothing, hut looked piteously up iu the charconl-burnei's face. “Well, I cannot have thee here. Thou wouldn't he dead fa-fore morning." Ho aaving, Hermann raised it in his arms, wrapping it in his clonk and warm ing its little cold hands in liis bosom. When he arrived at Ids Imt, he put down tho child and tapped at the door, which was immediately thrown open, and the childrjsn rushed to meet him.* “Here, wife, is a guest to our Christmas Evo supper,” said lie, leading iu tho little ore, who held timidly to his finger with its tiny hands. "And welcome lie is,” said the wife. “Now come and let him warm himself by the fire.” , The children all pressed mind to wel come and gaze at the little new coiner. They showed him their pretty fir-tree, decorated witli bright, colored lumps in I honor of Christinas Eve, which the good mother lmd endeavored to make a y*W,* for the children. Then they sat down to supper, each child contributing of its portion for tin* guest, looking well a Invirntion at its cl ar bine eyes <uel golden hair, which shone no as to shed a brighter light in the little room; and as tiny gazed, it grew into a sort of halo round its head, and his eyes lien in, si with a heavi nly bistro. Boon t* i white wings appeared- at his shoulders, and 7 nii F.ixer roc sc ckxtlfmax of our to irv proposed to ac- COMPAXY THE YOFSC I,AI>Y HOME, HUT sHE GOVt.DN'T SEE If IS THAT 1,10 HT. PRESS OX YOCXG MAX, PERSKVEKEXOH JSD A SLICK HAT WILL Do WOXDEKS. | he seemed to grow larger, and then tin* lasoitifid Vision vanished, spreading out j his Imuila as in benediction ver them. Hermann and his wife ell ou their ! knees, exclaiming, in nwe-strnck voices; ••Tin* tioiy chnsl-rhil'.j!" aud then em | lirue* and their wutnleriug children in joy and | tnauk ulm ss that tlicy had uutertaincd the ; tieiivemy guvst. Thu next morning, as Herman passed Inr I tiio place where he hud tonud the fair j child, he saw a cia* ter of lovely white flowers, with dark green leaves, looking | 118 1 hough tilt* BIIOW iw4 IliuHHOlOwl. Ht rinmi jiluckrU nue t ami curried tbem ; ! t*vrt*utty iioiuo UkiincliiUlreH* wht> tr®a- I tli* fuir hj(>*B>m > KD<i tt)ded them | cartifully In riniaWwt' of Unit wuudr -; ful (-hiiMtninH JSve, isaliiug Chryt*an- I theiiiiia; and t*vnry y J ur, n* th tiim? came ! roMttd, luey |>iti Jidda a p*f4uii of their I IflMlt aud tfUVt* It to Mia poor litUtf child, /iccikTiling to the vrol ot Christ: “luiw j much us yo have dole it uuio one of the | iuiht of them* my bNtlifou, yo have done lit ditto me.’ — H, Aivhtjitw, — J j TOJrniiiTilßW"• "Tr DEAR FATHER COME HOME. [This inqironKivc sin! popntsr song illustrated.) The night was dark, ands gentle rain was falling, and the hoy had not yet re : turned, and as the night grew older the | paternal anxiety increased, and after the 1 noon of night was past ho arose from his sleepless conch and went in search of his ! wayward boy; found him with cue in his hand defineing the geometrical angles on ' a billiard table. Tho old gentleman ile | fined some lines across his sons rear guard ami went home with him, eras near to him as he could as the little boy was ; in -pi it” a lmrrv to find his littlo bed, in ] which to go to sleep. He has lost all taste for the angles now j and prefers to pocket himself early in liis | little bod. TELEGRAPH NEWS. | lIEATH OF EX-OOVEIIVOJt WAIIMOTH's VICTIM. Nk% (>ki.ean, Dec. 28.—Daniel C, By erly, who had a eollissiou with Goveruoi Worm,,tli, is dead. Byeriy was a printer, (SI me to Now Orleans in 1845, was forty eight years old, and at Mie time ot tho un fortunate occurrence was managing editor of the Iht/Min. A duel was piimling be- I tweeu Mr. Jewell, of tho JhtUeHn, and ' Governor Wormotli, which was to have ! tieeu fought to-morrow, ill Alabama, with ! dueling piatols, at ten paces. Eighty carriages and hundred- on foot, ; followed Bvt-rly to the grave. Tho Byeriy inquest will be held tomor row. Tiio doctor says only one wound is superficial, and that either of tho other live were mortal; two in tho bock of left sice entering the spleen, and others ou tlie I side between tlie fifth and eighth rit s. any one of which would have proved fatal from pneumonia iu a couple of weeks. MHUABI K AXO THE VOi'E. Bfjimji, Dee, 29. —The OfflcLU OntHte of tu-llav [inblishes Bisiuarek’s eirenlm note of the 14th of Mav, 1872, which was read in secret session of the Von Arniui trial. The mat- (tri-Wei that Iwmisk- ~ the deolaration of the dogma of the irifali liility of tin- Pope it is desirable that tin j powers should take steps toward con ertert - action in view ol tlio next Papal election. Tlie (.arbor of Keel fa frozen over and navigation is suspended. (iKXBHAI, KMEIIV. Nkw Oiu-eans, Deo. 2!l.—Tonehing tin reported assignment of Gen. Sheridan to the commi lid of the Department of tin Ghlf, Gen, Emery said to a 'Timm repor ter: "I have received no official intelli geuce concerning tlie reports alluded to, nor any measures looking to my removal. The banditti in Washington, who are writing tor the newspapers, are nitrelv trying to create an opinion against mo, all other efforts having failed.” wheat. Loxdow, December 29 —-This week’s Mark Dme Eeprrex says: “Tho wheat crop of Great Britain is above tin- average, and we shall enter the year 1875 propiti ously. We have had n splendid seed time. The continental markets are quiet, with no change in prices.” Bt'RXBD. CtncAao, December 29.—A fire at Otta wa. Illinois, to-day destroyed th Opera House, valued at 866,(KK), and Russel! & Bun's funiitnre store; loss 815,000. In surance on the Opera House 825,000, and on tho furniture store 80,(KH). THE rAUI.T.STS. Aladbid, December lms taken place at the town of Risla. m tlio Proviuee of Barcelona, between a body of Carlists ami a body of National | ti*oo])s, in which the former were defeated j with a loss of 50 men killed. A modest dividend. I New York. Deoember *2o.—At a meet ing of tlie Directors of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, held to day, a dividend ”f three-fourths of one per cent, was declared, payable on Feb ruary 1. DEAD. Bayonne, December 29.—The Carlist organ, Cnartel Real, asserts that the well known Spanish statesman, Espertero, died on the 21st inst. A SMALL BtmiNESS. AlteonPa., December 29.—A man named Frank Cramer was arrested here to-; day ou a charge of manufacturing coun terfeit nickels. TILTON. New York, December 29.—The bill of particulars is denied. Tilton may intro duce all uis papers in court. THE BARN-BERNER. Chicago, December 29.—Lieu ten a i General Sheridan, accompanied by Gen eral Rucker, Major Geo. A. Forsyth, and Colonel M. Sheridan, of liis staff, left here last night for New Oifleans. Washington, December 29.—There need lie no doubt uhont it; General Sheri- , dan has documents in his pocket attaching Louisiana to his Department, which he may promulgate at liis discretion. ARRESTED. New York. December 29.—John Pitgh, a Roanoke, N. C., pilot, •nestml iu . Jersey City last night, on a charge of hav- j ing stolen the steam propeller Sparkle, ! which Was under seizure at Gowanus Bay. j resumed. New York. December 29.—Tho Pacific I Mail Steamship investigation was resumed this morning. Testimony was adduced as to false entries iu the books of the com pany. ANOTHER. Milwaukee, December 29. — A woman, who refused 11 raise her veil, left a child resembling Charley Uu.--S. 49 NEWS-SUMArART. It i r* ported that Bryant link sent no : | lice ol contest to Hon. Julian Hurt ridge. They are afflicted with matrimonial le-1 I vei in Tin urns county. It ms urn to have i j become epidemic. A firm in Rome sold*7so ponad* of can j i fly on • dvristuins day. Sombody is talking about starting n new ! paper at Orlando,* Florida. Good heav .us j : w hi re is this tiling to end. A Colored female in Marianna brought 1 three infants into the world the other day. The latest authority on sporting ninth is i .-tales that the original "home stretch” is - he stretch across the muleuial knee. Ml,eon would not let the lvrH shoot ‘ their lire-|'p(-i*s on C’lirislteas day. Tin j mayor laid an embargo on said sport. The Lunatic Asylum now contuins five , ] Inn,died and liiuely-livt-patients. Mr. West Harris, one ol Cutlibertli's j obtest and most respected citizens, Is 1 dead. Doings of the "week" is the latest style | id noticing fmtfrii'*< s. i Two brothers named Ezell, living in ! Putnam county, have killed thirty-four wild turkeys this fall. George W Watkins, son of Harry Wat kins, the comedian, while in a drunken lit I .-.tabbed a woman named Emma Cooper, !in Augusta, on Wednesday night. A umu ; named George Keruaglmni lTiterleared, : when went lor uiui with liis little j knife. A prisoner in the jail at Gainesville lit a the other night and barbecu. and nim.-cll m spite of everything that could be dime. Loyalty in the Dominion must be at a low ebb when a paper over there Is per mitted to speak ot her M jesty as “the old laily over the water.” The Eagle and Pbranix Manufacturing ’ tk.mpany, ut Columbus, gave Its opperu- I tives two days tass Week to rest, and sup plied them with fat turkeys and other dainties. There was a general joiificutlou and all were merry and happy. "Only a woman's hair,” remarked Spi j veils, musingly, us ho gazed down into ills plate; It U headed woman, at that! It j may oe very si utimetitul, but it somehow j gets away with uiy appetite.” i Mitchell Smith killed John Hinson wi h Ia time. T hey were faith sei reely twin y I years of age, and got into a ip.arre! uiamt | ii hat, when leaving a party at Mr. Cobb s * ten miles from Culiifalt. Delouega hiul to forget the usual egg i uogg and CUnstulas tix.ugs, because lie I liens in that seuriuU ha)e uegugtcd to do i tlieli duty. The GuiuesviUe tri-woehly Knylc h.issus -1 peudeit. The defeated candidates in Macon have ! hehl a meeting tor condolence. Not one j will bolt the nomination. Some of the Grithli hoys rocked the j M.iCou ami Western train on Wednesduy i wi it pustot ti tuc city. livelier Icctuits on tlie ulow groth of | oburactor, with au after puce on toe ouaii : ;e of looking it. Experto crtite. A (X)iored trooper trum iiaiuiiritlge, re ! port* tutu, on i UcSiiay eveuiog tic x Ut up lut the Uiveru oi Mi *. Collier (eoiortd, j mluj ik room was acuiee, he wua Vo I bare tue bed of u Mr. “Cnclivt, wuo at j i tuly morn wu# iouu d uot u> te tii**ie. us | uiu \%it tle u lot earn it uoioteU uuopv. 4 JOcket tXHJik. Tine gletuuiug knife and the ahrill-tout'd ; pmtoi pmycU dti impntaui i-.s to kuc .co | UVllho Wivk. A;t iuteliJgvUt biiu k man at a eok>rcd au euug iu e..u'ingiou .aai Mommy auSU. ; ‘ 1 tie time liua com. u lit u the h* s * l * [ CUUUUI le UWVvll ivy i.n pwit** itao d.u, . riugf* once luaU inu tit our uutit-h juuVc ; i Uteii removed, amt t>y the tu.p ut Ciuu, 8 UetiueU, Vte Witt Vole ua wt pkc—M*. The Terry Home Junrmil i r. poysibU tor the aiait mt iit tlmv a cciiutii cauOidule ; paid the tare ul twenty eight hi glue* from Tort t. l.ey io Ttrr> oil i ue.-duy mat* a. and that eVeiy uuo ih the homtu.k.AOU votea ugaihist lit hi. The Pans police has forbidden tlie use ; of sU ee id to the people with vei os i 1 pedes, and CouiUiaiided that in ah others | uiey must carry hello hy day juke sleighs, ; aud lanterus ai niglit. The New York it arid asks Gov. Tildeu, (it New Yolk, to intercede witu iTesn e t Grant in beUail oi tli>: poor fallows wi o have heeu long lying m Albany I'cnucn tiury upon conviction upon the ivu-Klux law. It is a pity that Steam hasn’t got a battalion ot political pimps like Johnson of Lake City. Where in the duce is that honest man Conover, gone to? Little field seems to be lying rather low, It is a source of great regret to all good men that such a light as the iiuu. Abijaw Gilbert cannot he unanimously re elected to the United Slates Beuate. Sawyer, of the Jacksonville Union, has a nose for rings, aud he is a perpetual thorn in the side of several disinterested patrons in his neighborhood. Tuesday morning, while three white ! boy s were out gunning near Springfield plantation, Chatham eouhty, they came upon a uegroboy, when, its we learu. utter some .words, one of the, w hite buys dis-! charged one barrel of his gun at tlie negro, ! the charge, small shot, taking effect in his ! hands, tmgbs and arms. “And you have been married three times, have ycu Patrick?" ,“Y'es unhide, sir.” “Aim what de you say of it—weich wife did you like best?” “Well, Becky O'Brien, that I married tho first time was a good ivoniau—too good for me; so she got sick aud died, and the Lord took her. Then I got married to Bridget FLmna gan. She was a bad woman, sud got sick atnl died too, aud the devil traik her. Then, d—m fool that I was, I got mar- : ried to Margaret Haggerty. She was worse, very had—so bad that neither the * Lord or the devil would have her, so I have to keep her myself.” “Woman is a delusion, Madam!” ex claimed a Crusty old bachelor to a witty old hidy. “And a than is always hugging some delnsisn or other,” was the quick retort. Yon say, Mrs. Snlth, that you lived With | the defendant five years. Can you show ft marriage certificate ?" ‘‘Y'es, yer honor, three of ’em—two \ gals and a boy.” Flowers are beautiful thoughts that grow np out of the ground, and seem to talk to us, pointing us upward *3 God and Heaven. There is no joy great as that which springs from a kind act or pkau>Rt deed. I W. D.R. MILLAR & CO. m Manufacturers of WAGON GREASE —AND— () I L S. MINED PAINTS, WHITE LEADS, Bolting, Pr-elting, YViiirtovV Glass 1 MILLAF. S PAT VILLA, and ROOF PAINT. Eir.I.V.V.LT, - ----- (JKQJIYUA4 nox.Uy