Gallaher's independent. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-1875, August 13, 1875, Image 3

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(BaMfr’s FRIDAY. AUGUST 13, 1875. U. 11. RICHARDSON CO., Publisher*' Agrnu, 111 Bay Strict, Savanna, Ga., ar aulhorlzKl to contruct for Advertising In our Paper. I* OO A L NEW 9. rumen omscToftY. ♦ PUSBYTIMUAW CIICUCH. Prayer meeting Wadnesd ty evening at 4:30 p. Y. Sunday School every Humvty at 4:00 p. if. • Methodist Ohuuui. Rev. W. Lewis, Pastor. Preaching every Sun day at 10;8t) A. M. And Sunday uight at 8:00 P. *r. Prayer Met \iug on Tuesday night at.. 8:00 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 0:00 A. m E. Ivea, Superintendent. Baptist Church. Rev. C. D. Campbell, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday at * 11:00 a. m. And Sunday night at . 7:30 p. m. Piayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:00 r. m. Sunday School every Run da v at 9:00 a. m: O. W. Stephens, Superintendent. Haioutc. Qojtmak Ga., Doe. Dili, 187 t. At A ryrtllur ni' t tinx ofShalto Loilg,'. No. 237. E. .1 A. M., the fallowing officer, worei-ioctou foi the cueuiug manmiic year : M, C. WILKINSON, W. M. T. 11. JOYOF, 8. W 8. J. HaRUKLL, J. W. ,1. 8. BKAMA.W, Tr.ttuircr L. S. WOOD. Soorotarv. W. f>. RFNTLEY, 8. It ,T. 11. I'.BYAN. J. V. ‘ ELI Mci’Alt, Tyler. No preaching at the Methodist church next Sunday. Key. Mr. Lewis, tlie pas tor, will bo in Thomasville, assisting Mr. ‘ Cook, in a protracted mooting. Too Lit Ir, Gentle showers are coming daily now ; they are too late for corn and cotton, but just in time for potatoes, peas, late cab bage and turnips. - ■■ Agricultural Coiiveiilion. The agriculturaloonyentiou which met in Dalton hr. 'JPuesilay last was attended by W. B*Benoett, R. .T. Dmmrk and (’. A. Davis, ns representatives of the Brooks County Agricultural Society. Capt. H. G. Turner left for Atlanta on Wednesday morning to attend the Su preme Court now in session. Ho is the leading council in the prosecution of Nie Thomson the murderer of Captain Hunter. The ease will most probably be reached the last of this or the lirst of next week. The Quitman factory, under the new or ganization, will in a few weeks bo in oper ation with its new and improved looms re cently pill-chased by the President, Dr. Henry Briggs, in the North. This enter prise to the i resent company will doubt less prove a success. Social CoMtcsl ttllh 41 IVllil Cat., Tire Social baseball club and tho Wild Cats of No. 4, J. P. & M. R. It., Florida, will play in Tuesday next. We hope the Cats may be so throughly tamed, that they will not devour the So cials, and leave our town desolate. Some to mourn for their first born and some to mourn foi they don’t know what. i —.♦- Our final Bhlc, On Friday of hist week, Mr. R, I. Den mark, one of our most energetic and suc cessful planters, brought to town a bale of new and beautiful staple, which lie sold to Mr. J. L Beatie, for 14 cents, he being the highest bidder. That's right, Beatie, keep tip the price of the produce of our country, if possible. Wo hud hoped for the sake of our country, that the markets would open at higher prices. Oar Merchant!, A number of our merchants havo gone North to make their fall and winter pur chases. Messrs. Mabbett, Rountree and D. R. Oreeoh, were tho first to go. Messrs. Gazan, Finch, and McCall and Ives, left Boon after. Others will soon follow in their wake ; Hay ton is trying his best to get ready, and Jacob knows the right time to go, and is waiting for it. We aro look ing for large stocks of goods, and a heavy trade this fall. Out planters' ootton all belong to them this year ; they can keep it or sell it, just as they choose, not be forced to sell at low flgnres to pay for sup plies. Excursion. By reforenoe to an advertisement in an other column, it will be seen that at all stations on this road excursion tickets to Savannah and rotnm will bo sold at one fonrth tho nsnal fare, fifty cents added. This ticket will also entitle the holder to visit tho Isle of Hope on the 24th in' t. The grand spelling boo will bo given on that day at that, place, contest open to the whole State, and handsome prizes to be There will 1- favorable oppor tunities for visiting other places of celebrity near the city pending the excursion. This is certainly a very favorable opportunity for visiting the city. There arc but few that cannot avail tbf mstlves of this oppor tunity an a matter of pleasure. Many can combine with it business, and make it pro fitable as well as pleasant. Tho company is very liberal in this offer, and we think and hope in this instance that the patron age will be sufficient to justify a repetition of this liberality. The excursion train will be under the supervision of competent and careful men. Now ia theopportunity for a oheap pleasnro trip. Befer to the advertisement for particulars as to time. Surgical. A most critical surgical operation was performed on Tuesday last by Dr. E. A. Jelks, in removing a stoDe from the blad der of a little boy ton years old, the son of the Rev. Win. Price, (colored). The stono removed is shaped very nearly like a hen’s egg, and fully as large as the medium size, measuring 5i inches in circumference one way and H the other, and weighiug something over two ounces. Considering the immense size of the deposit and the size of the little sufferer, the operation had to he performed in the most eminently skillful manner or the result would ueces- ; sarily have been fatal. The little patient : is doing well ; his sufferings have been great and of long duration. He was the object of the constant care aDd anxiety of sympathetic parents, but with the end of his suffering their anxiety is partially re lieved. Wc hope the little boy may he restored to his anxious parents in good health and never suffer from that cause again. This is the second deposit Dr. Jelks has removed from this little sufferer. Drs. Carswell, Briggs and Wilkerson was present and rendered Dr. Jelks, the oper ator, such assistance as the nature of the case required. We now take pleasure in assuring onr readers that we have surgeons equal to any emergency, and cannot he ex celled anywhere. Quitman Acadtmy, The fall term of this most excellent school will commence on Monday, the 30th instant. This institution is under the su pervision of Prof. R. V. Forrester, who possesses in an eminent degree, the quali fications 6f mind aud qualities of heart, to fit him for the very responsible position. We hope to see a fullfioliool of young men and yonng Indies. Wo have ovory facility for building up a high Reliool; wo only lack the energy to work for it ; wo have a delightful climate, pure water, excellent society, board for young ladies or young gentlemen either, in the very best of fami lies at very moderate prices. What other inducement can be offered ? What town in Ooorgia can equal those ? Make applica tion early to Prof. Forrester, or somo of your friends, and he or they will procure board where every comfort aud conven ience will be enjoyed. Un.: Hull. , The contest between the “Socials" of Quitman, and tho “Southwestern," of Thomasville, came off on yesterday. Tho game was called at 1:110, with “So cials” at the bat, having lost tho “toss." Mr. Shine, of Thomasville, umpire. Game called on tho Bth inuiug, on account of dark; score, “Socials," 4:1 “Southwes tern," 20. Finest playing of "Socials” by Finlay on, Harris and Carroll. Finlay | sou's rifle balls was too swift for the •Sontli westerns’” skill and strength. The “Socials” did not show their full strength, playing far below their average. The umpire, Mr. Shine, gave perfect sat isfaction, manifesting entire disintereoted tioss and impartiality. Sandy Provatt won for liimsclf a great name, by his Itiud nesH to our boys. The “Southwesterns" propose to play i the “Socials" on Friday, of next w eek, at ! Quitman. We hope thft “Socials" will - meet them at the depot aud escort them to comfortable quarters, and treat them with that courtesy aud hospitality due to invited guests. TELEGRAPHIC. JOCKSONVILLE AND THE YELLOW FEVER r.U raiiw. JauKronvilmc. Fua., August 10. The following resolution was passed by t ho City Council of this city lust night, for the pur pose of putting nu end to reports of yellow fever being in the city : Ritsotred, That it is the unanimous opin ion of tho Duval County Medical Society, there being a full attendance, that there has not been, nor ia there now, nny ease of yellow fevor or any disease resembling it in our midst. Jacksonville, Fla., August 10. —There is positively and unequivocally not a single ease of yellow fever in this city nor Ims there been. Tho Savannah papers, it is I understood, are publishing that tlmro have J been several deaths hero from this disease. There have been several deaths from con gestive chill3 ; but not a death, nor a case of yellow fever. Carolina’s late treasurer. Columbia, S. C., August 10. — Parker was brought to Columbia to day, arriving here about 8 o’clock. Andy Johnson, the ! colored man who was taken with him, | wri brought too, arid both are now in jail. ; Parker made a statement in jail that ho 1 escaped through the scuttle hole and at- Itempod to climb down the lightning rod, lint fell when uWont thirty feet from tho gronud. and hurt himself severely, lie fell again in climbing over tho fence in attempting to make his way to those who were to meet. him. He saw people either standing or walking in whatever direction 1 lie went and fear of being recognized | caused him to avoid them. This delayed | him so long that when ho reached the ap j pointed place of meeting his friends had gone, and ho did not see them at all. lie | did not say who they were or where they were to meet him. lie made his way alone to tho house of a colored worr-mi, near tho eastern edge of the city, and while there met with Andy Johnson. He sent Andy into town for several things, nmongat them a map. When Andy re turned, snspecting that ho had betrayed him, lie forced him to go with lute, lie hired a colored man, whose house Ire came upon, to carry them in a wagon to Cam den. After they had crossed the bridge ho sent tho wagon bank, and attempted to walk into Camden. Soon after the wagon left tbev found themselves surrounded and then arrested by two Camden policemen, Parker supposes thnt tho wagon driver be trayed him. He said ho approached the house of one of his friends in Columbia, and saw him standing on tho piazza anil called to him to come to him. His friend inquired who he was. He answered, “I am Captain Parker.” The reply was, “Don’t come here, go away.” lie was afraid to go near anyone else. NEW COS TON. CotiCMBCS, Ga., August 10.—Messrs. : Smith, Murphey & Cos., received to-day : one bale of new cotton, from Messrs. S. H. Dickcuson & Cos., Neal’s Landing, Fla. It was raised on the plantation of M. Amos Ilays, of Henry county, Ala., by a negro man. It classed good ordinary. Messrs. Flournay, MoGehr & Cos., also received one bale from tho same place, classed strict good ordinary. Ejection op Chief of tite Chebokfes. Fort Gibsos, I. T.. August 10. —The election was quiet, except in one precinct. The returns are slow coming in on ac | count of high water, which prevents the j voters from reaching the polls. It is gen erally conceded that Boss is re-elected. The Ross party has the Senate and Conn cil. A Horrible Accident. We learn from Mr. J. R. Groover, of Pickens county, that a Bad and fatal ac cident occurred to Mr. Wm. Page, who resided near Heard’s store in Dawson county, on last Thursday week, the 29th nit. Mr. A. J. Kedey recently erected a new circular saw on Hollow creek, near the Cherokee line, and Mr. Page having never j seen a circular saw in operation went over to see it. When the stock had been put j on and the saw had cut off the first slab, j Mr. Page aud his neighbor. Mr. Nelems, picked up the slab to carry it off, when the saw caught the slab and jerked Mr. Page against the saw, which inflicted a j wound that killed him instantaneously, i The saw struck him between the point of right shoulder and neck, ripping his body open to the lower part of his breast bone, exposing his lungs, while the quivering flesh was covered with his life's blood. He leaves a wife and two or three children to mourn his untimely and sad taking off. [Marietta Journal. Cmth & Sewsomti is the place to get your flour, they keep' constantly on hand Cooko & Cheek’s choice brands, also the very best quality of Kennesaw and Manetta. Don’t go any whore else, a better quality is not made any where. sept 26-tf All of Dr. Jayne’s family medicines and other drugs for sale low at Karros’s New York Stoke. BUSINESS NOTICES. W C. McCall Esq. wilt attend to ail business calls at my office during the next two weeks. Ang. 11, 75-4 t. J. 0. McCALL. —. o— — The most beautiful Dressing Casess at J. M. Wrrr’. o Best J shirting at 9 cents at, E. T. Dukes & Bro. Flour in largo quantities, at prices loss than since tho we*', st Kay ton’s New York Store. Great bargains, chenp goods, full stock at Kayton's New York Store. Look to your interest for now is the timo to buy your furniture at J. M. Witt’s. NOTICE! Tho finest aud latest stylo of Ladies Hats at E. T. Dukes A lino. Roman candles, .rockets, fire crackers, spit- devils, flower-pots to. at * Hall & McNeil’s. Allot Hall A. Mi Neil's stock of Dry Goods, Harilwa.e, etc., vie., at New York cost. Ask yonr neighbors, who have, bought from us, aud invariably yon will ho told that yon can do as well with v* as any where else, perhaps a little bettor. So consult your interests aud try Kayton’s New York Store. Fresh goods just, received, which were bought for cash at very low prices, and will bo sold the same way. Call early and .secure the cheapest goods Jet sold. No humbug. At Kayton’s New York Store. Full lines of goods to suit, tho seasons, and fresh goods almost weekly from New York aud oihor nisri.eis. fill early and get the late styles, at reavouab’o p- ices, at Kavton’h New York Store. Y)<mt Dt-lsiy, Cos tut: (in irk. J. M. With sja 1 1 ex' ted a largo sup ply of new red e'e\. it >.* ■' i* e. and he is deieriniced to .o'l c’'t’ >C you come qti’cn. 1 1 you del. y 10-’g he v. i” raise the price, so hi" v up while i o stock is large and prices low. Bargains in Heal Estate. iVe aro authorised to oiler for sole a plantation, lying within one and a half miles of Quitman, on the most favora ble terms. It is offered cheap, a sin 'll amount to bo paid when possession ; s given, and all the ballanco in four annual payments. This is a splendid farm, con taining four hundred acres. ALSO. A eplended house and lot, conveniently situated to the business portion of the town. House containing six rooms all well finished, with e’l l'-ecisnry out. build ings, everything iu - cod order. This will also be sold cheap r *d o i favorable terms. Persons desii iog ojv chase can call at this olliico ss wen - nuihoyzod to sell the same. may 28-t,f NEW A DVEIiTISEMENT. QUITIAN ACADEMY. “ 0 \TfE WOULD RESPECTFULLY GIVE NO \ V ticti that the Fail Term of this school wi” commence ON MONDAY, AUGUST mh, 1875. and continue four scholastic months. Tho Board of Instruction win ho as horctofoio, viz : Alt. V. FORRESTER, A. M., Principal. MUH. IS. V. FORK ESTER, AnUttiuU. 51188 BELLAWAY, Inltrnotrmin Music. Board May bo Obtained on Libera! Terms with the Principal aud ether Citizens of the Town. By close attention to tho interests of pupils we hopo to merit, as wo have received hereto fore, a liberal share of Patronage. Tuition dm at tho close of term as follows : Ist C3as, per tire term . BOR A,i <• “ *• “ ia oc ;j,| *• < o 11l OO 41In “ • “ JfiO OO Music, Instrumental or Special Vocal lea sons aa OO For further information apply to R. V. FORRESTER, Principal. Quitman, Ga., August 13,1873.-(3t.) HO! FOB THE SPELLING BEE! Atj.antk' and Gulf R. It. C 0. ,) S.Lvnnrr ft, Ang. 9, 1375. ( Excursion tickets from all bta tiuus on this road to Savannah will be sold AT ONE-FOURTH THE REGULAR FORK FOR ROUND TRIP, FIFTY CENTS / DDED. Tickets good by trains arriving at Savannah Aug. 21, and uepia ting August 21, 25 and 2G, aud wi l ' entitle Uni holder to visit the Second Great Spelling Bee, TO RE GIVEN AT IL, E <> F HOX E ON THIS 34TH INSTANT, under the ans rices of tho Savannah, Skidway and Seaboard Railroad. Contest Open to the State. HANDSOME PRIZES will be awarded to Hie successful contestant,. While in tiie cifcv persons will have an oppor tunity to vist Thunderbolt, Beach Hammock, Tybui- Island, etc., at reduced rates. The HOTELS o" the city will toko visitors on this occasion at GREATLY REDUCED RATES, JNO. EVANS, augl.?-2t. General 'Ticket, Gulf House. G. VV PA KN ELL, Proprietor. THOMASVILLE, - - - GEORGIA. rpiIIS HOTEL OFFERS INDUCEMENTS TO I the traveling public aw good us can be ob tained at the majority of countiy hotels. It is locate*' neap tuc depot and conveniently situated near the business portion of the town, which makes it convenient for all. The proprietor plcd. p s himself that his guests shall find hist house unLurpawscd in point of good fan; and attention. The Finest Billiard Room in Southern Geor gia connected with the house. Baggage transfeared free of charge. ju1y16, 75. Cl TATE OF GEORGIA, BROOKS COUNTY. £5 Whereas, W. I). Rountree, executor of the last will and testament of L. C. Arrington, de ceased, represents to the Court in hiw Motition, duly filed that he has administered on ju. C. Ar rington’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not bo discharged and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in October, 1875, this July Ist, 1875. J, BH RARER, july2-3uio. Ordinary. Change of Schedule. ATLANTIC A GULF R. U. C 0.,) Offu k General Seterinteni'ent, > Savannah. Ga. May Ist. 1875. J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 2d. Trains on this Road will run as folIoHH: EXPRESS PASSENGER. Loavo Savannah daily at 4:00 p. m. Arrive at Live Oak “ 2:55 a.m. Arrive at Quitr.l.ui “ 8:23 a. m. Arrive at Ruin bridge *♦ 7: Ip >a.m. Arrive at Albany “ 9:20 a. m. Leave Albany “ . 4tfo l\ m. Leave llainbridgo “ 5:15 p. t. Leave Quitman “ 9/7 r. m. Leave Live Oak ‘‘ 10:05 p.m. Arrive at Savannah “ . 8:50 a. m. Connect r t Live Oa.k v ith trains on tho 3. I'. A W. R. R. .bv* ana fro.n Jacksonville, Tallahas see, Eoo. No <’lii\n r ,o of ori s hotweon Savonnoh and Al bany. Coso co YPCciion at Albany with trains on tho Sontliwosworn L. R. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN-WESTERN DI VISION. Loave Dupont (Sunday excepted) at 7:00 a. m. Arrive at Quitman “ . . 10:15 a. m. Arrive at TbonniNvillo *• 12:15 p. m. Leave Thomasvillo ‘ 2:10 p.m. Leave QuHroan “ 4:08 p.m. Arrive al Dupont “ 7:80 p.m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ADR ANY DIVIS ION. Lor \ o Tlionui' ville Tuesday, Thursday an*’ Satur day “ pi, ‘ 5): *0 ”, m. A riTi’l (’.uniha * 5 *) r. m. A .vc r. A'*), oy ‘ . 7:. << p. M. liOave A tv 4 . 9: *0 a. m. Leave t 1 nbi.k ‘ ; :<7 a. m. Auivc aii'> .’o.cnHvi f, o 4 .. -:'sp. m. Connect a: Al >. ny v.':,h trains on the S. \Y. R. H.y arriving in Aloany feu..bay, To.esdry r.ul Sat uraay at ... 7:15 a.m. Mail S;p-mcr leaves every Sunday ovenins .'or Apalachicola. IT. S. HAINES, may 7-2 t Gen err 1 Superintendent. BRIGGS, JELKS & CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, DRUGS and MEDICINES, RA TS, ROOTS and SHOES, &c. Invito Special attention to tlieir lflrgo ntoek of readies Dress (Joods, Which they nro soiling off at ltediiciil l’ricfs. IIENRY V. MABBETT Manager. may 28-4 t O. A. I’. M . 'X- . xq XJ IN AN DKAI.EB IN CUtOCEIIIKS, AI.EB, WINES, LIQUORS, SEOARS, FRUITS, Ac., Ac. A choice Be'uc'doa of Fancy G rocerics Constantly on hand. PICKLES, CATSUP, SAI/CKS, JELLIES, Preserves, Potted Meats, &c., &c, M. T. QUIN AN. S. E. cor. Drayton A ftroughton, (West of Marshall House,) SAVANNAH, GA. ang 29. ly Adm I nistratoi’s Notice. ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN KEPTEMREIt next after tlio date hereof, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary or Brooks coun ty for leave to sell at private sale, it lot of land, number one hundred and seventy-six (176) in the 7th district of Dooly county, tho biillaucc of real estate of JohnHolwell, Hr,, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirß of said docnased. This JulySOtii 1878. RACHAEL HOLWELL. aug B-4t. Administratrix. Sheriff Sale. \THLL BE BOLD BEFORE! THE COURT \\ House door in the town of Quitman, Brooks county, Georgia, on tho FIRST TUEh- DAV IN HEP 1 EMBER NEXT, between tho legal bourn of wile, two lota of Lanrl, number twenty* live (25) and twenty-six (26) in the 14th district of said county, by virtue of ail fa. issued from the Court or Brooks County in favor of J. JI. Wade vs. James King as principle andJ. B. Finch security on stay of execution. Property pointed out by James King this August sth, 1875. J. T. THRASHER, augG-td Sheriff Brooks Cos. G 1 EOItGIA, BROOKS COUNTY. To all whom f it may concern : John ll* Brown and W. W. Walker having filed their petition in proper form to mo, praying for letters of administration with the will annexed, on tho estate of Hezekiah Brown Deceased. Thin is to cite nil legnjly interested in tho exe cution of thin application, fcredi tors, legatee, next of kin and others interested, to be and appear at the next September term of tlio Court or Ordi nary of said county, and rthoW causo, if any they can, why letters or administration with will ar oexed, should not bo granted to John 11. Brown and W. W. Walker. August 2, 1875. J. M. SHEARER, augo-4f. Ordinary. GEORGIA— BROOKS. COUNTY-To all whom it rnay concern. John A. Colter, having in proper form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the cstato of William It. Colter, late of said county—Thin ia to cite all and singular. the creditors and next of kin of William R. Colter, to he and appear at my office within the tirno allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not he granted to John A. Colter on Wil liam R. Colter's eg tote. Witness my hand and official signature this July 24th, 1875. juiy34-4t J. M. SHEARER, Ord’y. T. B. LITTLE, SURGEOK DENTIST, Thirty Years in Prcatice. A LL WORK WARRANTED AND DONE ON i\ better terms than ever before in this coun try. FULL SKTS, Upper anl Under for S4O, not to be excelled in beauty, use, fit and natural appearance. OFEICE: YOUNG’S BUILDING, BROAD St. THOMAMVILLE, GEORGIA. july23-tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL. ’ “1 Sm FA LL. * S. WAXELBAUM & BRO S. NEW YORK JOBBING HOUSE, M ACON, (* A. :o— 6:-—■ ■ Still Another Change! Immunise Alterations & Additions! OUR ALREADY MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT INADEQUATE TO OUR JM moiiKvljmcroascil putroimgo, wo were forcod to -lilargo mu Imihlliig, making <uu- tho lar- H< t DRY GOODS HOUSE in the South. Wo shall divide our departments in tho following ordor: BASEMENT, PACKAGES, DOMESTIC ; FIRST FLOOR, DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT; SECOND FLOOR, NOTIONS; THIRD FLOOR, CLOTHING ; DO. DO., HATS. Wo wilUvnvc nothing undone to make our Selection n. Attractive ll ny Stork North. OUR DEPARTMENTS will embrace everything needed iu thin section. OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT Ih now THE LARGEST IN Tltß SOUTH Everything purclianod from first handfl OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Will ombrnen A FULL LINE OF LATE STYTjES and in quanticH nnequallod in the South. HATH mirehftßod from commißHionod liouhou only, aud will Hell as low as any Jobbing Ilouso the United Htatea. IN OUR DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Wo offer EVERY INDUCEMENT, Cfl“Morchants aro invited to call and examine our stock. S. WAXELBAUM & BRO., 43, 43 and 47, Second Si., and <J’J ( ‘H und 20, ('otton Avenue, Macon, iin (fttig'rt-tf) * W. B. SINGLETON. T. J. HUNT. YV. S. SINGLETON. SINGLETON, HUNT & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, THUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, ETC. 0 —o: —~ NEW YORK FRIGES DUPLICATED. ORDERS SOLICITED; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, :o—o: Our fitoro lias rooontly Leon greatly enlarged by additional rooms and stories. Our inereaHod patronage rendered it indindenHahle. Our room is ample and our stock largo. Our entire stock in made to order by the l>OHt maiiuiacturern, all of which wo guarantee. SINGLETON, HUNT & GO., 49 Sccuinl Street, and 28 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. (augfi-tf.) J. W. Latlirop, J. W. Latbrop, Jr., J. L. Warren. J. W. LATHROP & CO., Cotton Factors —AND— COMMISSION M EKCII A NTS, OH Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. J. M. HopkiSS, R. H. Hiooins, Win A. ( AUSVVEI li, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon. Quitman, ----- Georgia ATF-Offlco (up-stairs) over Tillman's Store. April 10-tf. NEW YORK TRIBUNE, ‘ ‘ The Leading American Newspaper. Til K BKST ADVERTISING HBDIIJM. Dily, *lO a year. Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly, Poslxge Vne to tile Soltsci ihev. Spec, men Copies aud Advertising Kates Free. Week* ly, in clubs of .10 or more, only sl, postage paid. Address The Thibuhe, N. Y. jau23-ly , HOPKINS ft HIGGINS, FINE OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES Nos. 3 Main & 4 Washington Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. W. 11. SEEKING, General Agent. For sale only at CREECH & NEWSOM, Quitman, Ga. July 25-ly DR. E. A. JELKS, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN, Quitman, Gra. OFFICE- - Brick building adjoining tho store 0/ Bright*. Jclks and& Co.,Bcrevtm street, may 10-tf Alll VAK3EKB wanted for two superb works In II n of French art, “Little llonaway and iter Ptto,” and the pretty pair, k *Tle Dinner* and the Kup.” These pictures are worthy of a place, in co/Uly home s and inexpensive enough for tho simplest. Selling rapidly, and takKon sight. Wo guarantee readv sales, good profits, and quick returns. Any active person who will take hold can make a handsome income. Send for our beat terms at once. J. B. FOJID & CO., julylC-Jm. 171 Elm St., Cincinnati. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, - - - ‘ • OnOUOXA. o— Your attention 1b respectfully called to tho above House an A FIUST-CL.ASS HOTEL in ovory respect. The limine has been thoroutfhllr renaued and refurnished, and is now providou with ovory neecHHary eouvenienoe for the accom modation and comfort of it patrons; tho romnu ore large, airy, and neatly furnished, and ample moans a. c aflordou for bathing. The location lu denirahle, and convcnlout to the burtinoss portion ot tlie city. TIIR TAIILKN will at nil times bo bountifully furnMlHd With meats, etc., from tho North, and wo havo all tlici vegetables ami delicacies which the market af fords*. TIIK ItATKS OF HOARD have boon reduced to 43 per day, and liberal terms will bootiered to partiew wishing to ougage rooms by tho month or season. AN K\CRUFxNT UViCRY MTARLR isconnoc.’ed with tlio Hoino. Omnihusses and baggage Wagons will always be in attendance at tlie various Depots ami Steamboat Landings to convey passengers to the Hotel. / Telegraph and R. It. Ticket Office in the Hotol. TIIK LAUNDRY is excellent and iissorvicowillbe expeditious and satisfactory. TIIF. IIAUBER SHOP has been re-flttod and is in charge of a skillful Mid attentive man. TIIK NF.WS ROOM will bo regularly supplied with all tho Daily and Weekly Papers. Tho Par is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors, Hegars, etc. The ITon. 'etor bogs to repent emphatically that, every c. o and (uceiTlon Will be exercised by himself ai"' b's rfHDiuanu* to niako Lie Marshall Horse in eveiv resoect um,'-- ns an nttrac t;s-e ands. .ti'sA ,ci,ory piece or home . csort. Honin'- io oblaiii r p'boi l slim eof patronage, i remain. yo< 1 ioeccf'’ ,l y9 a. b. luc£, oct9l-tf Propriitnr. John M. Cooper, OoorgnT. Quuntock J. 9. F Lancaster. JOHN M. COOPER ft GO. Comer Whitaker and St. Julian Streets, Savannah, Ou. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. Copying and Seal Presses, Surveyors' Compasses News and Book Printing Pa per and Ink. Gold Penn, Pon and Poncil Caoos, Desk and Pocket Knives. LEDGER, WRITING & COL. PAPERS. Playing, Visiting ami rlntcr’s Cards. Pot tmonnhs, &o. School Furniture and Scholl Requisites At SckcrmahoTn <fc Co's Trices, for whom ice ora Agents. Hooks Ordered or Imported at Note York rates. Wo roe] ronflilon that wo can mil an low as the lowest, either in Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Macon, or any other Southern city. lie- Write or call ami learn our prices. mayast, T. H. BOLSH AW, 152 St. Juhan and 149 Bryan Streets, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. Sale Agent For Georgia FOR HARPER’S PATENT FLY TRAPS. This TRAP hns born used extensively in floor* pin and Florida, and lias never failed to give sat isfaction. Bend for Circular containing testimo nials. In Store, ft Foil Line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, CUT LERY, FLASKS, KEROSENE LAMPS, and CHIMNEYS, at tlio Lowcat CASH PRICES. Orders by mail promptly attended to. marlS-tf. EDWARD R. HARDEN, Attorney at Law, QUITMAN, BROOKS COUNTY, - • GEORGIA. Late an Associate Justice Supremo Court tJ. 8. for Utah and Nebraska Territories; now Judga County Court, Brooks County, Ga. may24-12mo S. T. KINGSBERY, Attorney at Law, Q UITMAN, Brooks County, - - - Georgia. june2B-tf