Gallaher's independent. (Quitman, Ga.) 1874-1875, August 20, 1875, Image 4

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(Satlalwr’is j.: r: FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1875. Timely Toploa. Recitations from Tennyson'* “Quocu Mary” are already fashionable in grammar echooli in England. A tew <l*yH ago Mr*. H. C. Hover*, Hr., of Charlotte, N. 0., broke her neck in falling ft distance of only three fact. It ;* likely that Jefferson Davi* will lft> offered tbo presidency of the University of North Carolina. Ho is said to bo engaged iu 4'taUtoricftl work. # Jenny Lind dresses her hair in the same' stylo precisely ua when sho was in America twenty-five years ago. Hho has two daughters, otto eighteen and the other twenty. An agent of tho Russian Government ia now travelling in the Sooth to make e, study of cotton culture, which that gov ernment contemplates attempting to intro duce into Turkestan. Dr. Herman Oroeabeck, son of tho Hon. W. B. Groesbcck, of Cincinnati, has boon made a Fellow of the Mcdico-Chirurgi.ial Society of Bdrabargh ; most distinguish ed honor for a young American physicie.n A now arrangement of musical glasses, thirty Uvo in number, has been invented by a Portugese gentleman, on which very elaborate music cun be played, and which is said to imitate closely the human voice. He cells it tho “copoplaint' ' Tho Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Vic toria’s second son, and heir apparent to the throne of Saxo-Onbnrg Ootbu, in Cer. tral Germany, has sold the light of succes sion to that Duchy to the German Govern ment for the consideration of an annuity of $400,000. Tho evils of croquet-playing were illus trated in Rome, N, Y,, Utc other day, where a married man, who was indulging it; a quiet game with his wife, got into a dispute with her about a point of pluy, and choked and boat her fearfully iu view of everybody on tho street. A rattlesnake, coiled on a fenoe, struck its fangs into the breast of n woman who unwittingly ventured too near. Hho threw it to tho ground, and it bit her on one of her ancles before who could get out of reach. Hho died within a few hours. This was in Mursliull, Telia, Tho Loudon Court Juurnul announces that two American ladies aro just now making a pedestrian trip in the Highlands, and enjoying the best of all ways ‘of trav eling amid mountain scenery. They arc alone, each having her knapsack on her back, and each also armed with u rovolvor. "When Lotil Doffi'iii], the (lovcrnov- General of Canada, and bis wife, arrived at their Iriab home in Ohnndeboy, the other day, they were welcomed with nmeli outhnainsm ly the pooplo at the railway station, and before reaching tho family residence, which is about three miles dis tant, the horses wero nnyoltod, and the carriage drawn to tho entrance of tho man sion by tho crowd. A French journalist writes from Berlin, which he Calls tho capital of “the oountry of stolen milliards,” that ho finds tho Gor man’s just waked up out of their sweet and roams in regard to tho money tl)oy tools from Franco. The fivo milliards in every way turned out to bo so many bitter pills which purged the land of what little good there was in it, ami now it has only dregs and husks to live on. Thirty thousand persons wove assembled in tin? Grand Arena at Milan, on tho recent occasion of an entertainment to raise funds to commemorato tho expulsion of the Austrians from Italy. There ware chariot races, dancing, and a conflagration in which a honso was burned, tbo lira brigade illim trntibg their modes of work. Wliilo this loaf was going on somebody lit a pro gramme and soon thirty thousand bits of paper *eto flaming throughout tho Im mense structure. Tiro sight Is described as very striking. Scribner’s Monlhli/ says that Jarvis, the painter, once saw n foreigner walking down Broadway with a cigar box under his arm. Jarvis dropped in behind, and whenever he saw a friend, silently motioned to do the same. At length the foreigner, upon turning into n cross street, was astonished to see a number of men marching solemnly after him in single file. Facing the pro cession, ho exclaimed : “What for do deb bilis dis? VV hat for you take me, eh ? What for you so much come niter me, eh?” “Sir,' M said Jarvis, with an air of profound re.Hpeot, “we saw you going to tho gravo alone with the body of your dead infant, and wo took the opportunity to offer you our sympathy, and to follow yonr babe to tho tomb. ’’ Tho manufacture of stamped envelopes was begun in 1853 by the government, and lias so increased that during the past year 149,760,400 wero made. The work was douo iu New Yolk city, by George .11. Baev & Go., for eight years previous to hist September, nml since by tho Plimton and the Morgan Envelope Companies combined, at Hartford. Uncle Sam un dersells tho trade, furnishing envelopes, exclusive of the stamps, at lower prices than tho stationers can afford. A largo propor tion of the stamped "overtop*® used nro printed to order, with tho names and ad dresses of the purchasers, and a request to return the latter if uncalled for. In the manufactory, 325 persons, 30 stamping machines, and 70 printing presses are em ployed. A government inspector has a general supervision of the manufacture, .fits duty 1 . lot a rigid compliance with the contract. 8' TATK OF tiF.i >KIA, BISOOKB 6WSTV. Wlicrc*B, W. D. ltountrec, executor of the last will Midi*-luT.iont of X,. w. Ariiugton, tlo ceaaed. repreaoui# t the Com' In hi- eetition. duly i.hol lu- has MXiuuiietered on 1,. C. Ar ,i:)Kta'# JWiatv. This in. .therefore, to cite nil person* concerned, iindrtHi ai.4 creditors, t show cause, if any th#y .an, win -..ides- niter dumfclnot he iXisctisrgfsl nod i t .'. ivs IftMwa of (hfOui-iion <m the fa st Mvu dev m U Uij t lS'is. il.: July i-t. is,'s. J. M sJIHUtEK, juh-2-3mo! (friiinsiT. The Flint of lire Hen son ! AT THE SAME OLD STAND OF ' JACOB BAUM May bo found a Splendid Stock of SUMMER (iOOI)H! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES,. LADLES' DRESS GOODS, In endless varieties. HAVING PURCHASED IN PEItSON, In Eastern Cities, exclusively for Cask, Ho is prepared aud determined to SELL CHEAP 1 HSr-OENTLKMEN arc invited to call and examine his FINE STOCK of BEADY MADE CLOTHING. • LADIES are assured that their tastes cam ms suitisd in his lino of DItESS GOODS. "Ml Cull early and examine tho complete assortment of JACOB BAUM. April 3, 75. ! John M. Cooper, OoorgGT. Quantock J. 8. F Lancaster. JOHN M. COOPER & GO. Comer Whitaker and St. Julian Streets, Huvnnnali, Gn. WIIOLKHALE AND IffITAIL DEALEfiK IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. Copying and Seal Preset!*, Surveyor*’ Compeise* News and Hook Printing Pa per and ink. Hold Pena, Pen and Poncil Casas, Desk aud Pocket Knives. LEDGER, WRITING & COL. PAPERS. Playing. Visiting U'liri Tivtcrll < eftrd*. Poi-tUMmsUi, die. School Furniture and Scholl Requisites At Hehminahom Co'* Price*, for whom hh* are Afyimt*. IhtaJiH OnUrvdor finpviied at Nvw Fork rate*. We feel con ft fieri that we can soil a low as the lowest, either in Charleston, Augusta, Atlanta, Macon, or any other Houthorn city. f Writo or (mil aud loam our prices. __ inaym, T. 11. BOLBH AW, 152 St. Julian and 140 Bryan Streets, SAVANNAH, - - GKOUCIA. Sale Agent For Georgia FOB IIAIU'.ER'S PATENT FLY TRAPS. Till* THAT has boon ased extensively In Geor ?;ia and Florida, and Inns never failed to give sati sfaction. Bond for Circular containing tedtlmo nialo. In Store, a Full Line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, CUT. LERY, FLASKS, KEROSENE LA’MPS, and CHIMNEYS, at tho Lowest CASH PRICES. Orders hv mail promptly attended to. marlJMf. FITS CURED FREE!! Any pernon suffering from the above disease is requested to address i>u. Fnuvs, and a trial bot tle of medicine will be forwarded by Express. KUF.K! The only coit being thy Express ehnrgea, which ow ing to my large bufunesfb are small. Dr. Price hae made tho treatment tf PITS OH KPII.KPSY a study for years, and ho will warrant a cure by the use of b e* pemeJy. Do not fait to send to him for a trial bottle; it costs nothing* and ho WILL CURE YOU, no matter of how long standing your ease may be. or how many other remedies may have faded. Circulars and testimonials sent with FHRK TRIAL MOTTLK. Bo particular to give yonr Express, as well as your Post Office direction, and Address, DU. Oil AS. T. PII ICR, 07 William Street, A’eve York, Adiiiinirirator's Notice. ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER next after the date hereof, application will Ih* made t 6 the Court of Ordinary of 1 hooks coun ty for leave to sell at private sale, a lot of land, number one hundred and aewnty-Htx (170) in the 7th district of Dooly c* mty, the bftUftnce of real tMUati* of didaii i-Hil'vel], Sr., deceased. Wold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. This j illy 30th 1875. il AO 11A EL HOLW ELL. a’ug C-4t. Administratrix. Sheriff Sale. WILL B$ SOLD BEFORE THE COURT W House door in the thwn of Quitman, Bn inks county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN SEPTEMBER NEXT, between the legal hours of sale, two lota yf Lana, number twenty five 015) and twenty-sift ((!>) in the Mth'distrlct of stud county, by virtue iff a ii fa. issued from the Court of ilrooks in favor of .T. TL Wtvlo vk. Jam* ci King a? principle andJ. B. Finch security on stay of executidh, Proper tv pointed out bv domes King this August sth, 187*5. .1, T. THRASHER. angC-td Sheriff Brink* 00. OUR MOTTO: SMALL PROFITS AND LARGE SALES; i * SOLOMON BROTHERS, 178 and 175 bXt'sTREET, SAVANNAH, : : ; : GEORGIA. % HAVING enlarged onr premises to double their former capacity, we aro prepared to offer to the Merchants of Georgia, Florida and Alabama, a full and varied dock to select from, comprising in port! 500 barrels Flour, of all grades; 200 barrels self-raising Flour; 200 barrols Biscuits und Crackers; 100 boxes assorted Cakes und Crackers; 150 barrels Sugars; 150 sacks Rio and Java Coffees; 100 half barrels of Mackerel; Also in largo quantities, Bi CarbSoda, Sal Soda, Potash, Lye, Pickles in glass, Sauces, ProSorves, Jellies, Raisins, Almonds, Nuts of all kinds, Batter, Choose, Mas tarns, Starch, Bluing, Sprcee, Matches, Wooden ware, Bottles, Flasks, Corks, Liqnor Labels, Sardines, Salmon, Lobsters, Flavoring Extracts, Lemon, Raspberry and Vanilla Syrnpa, Blacking, Broshes, Brooms, Letter, Note and Cap Papers, Wrapping Paper. Gnn Caps, Prize, Fancy and Plain Candies. All our goods havo been selected with care, and with tho intention ou our part of meeting to tho fullest extent tbo wants of Merchants making purchases for tho interior. Tt prompt and paying customers we are prepared to offer the usual facilities. We will, as heretofore, give our utmost attention to tho produce consigned by our customers. 0 0 TV o Cjt ood h n, t Reta. il. Oct S-Elm .1, M. WITT’S FURNITURE STORE. I S THE PLACE WHERE ALL CAN BE AC L commodated to whateyer article* of Furni ture they may deaire. Fine Solid W alnut Chamber Sets, Com p let e Ward robe s, BUREAUS, DRESSING CASES, TA BLES, STAMPS, CHAIRS of Every Description. BEDSTEADS <>t ALL QUALITIES and STYLES lIIIUAL CASKS of all Sl*rs and Dcscrip tiOVUß, and incited everything kept in a furniture stern can bo Purninnod to uuKtomors as cheap a* they oo sold in any city in the south. Furniture made of tho bent materials and man ufactured by the best establishment in tho northwest. Call and examine. nov* tJft-tf. .I AS. F. WAT KIN A CO.! (SDGCKfiSOUS TO ORFF, WATKINS A OO.) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND STRAW G O O D S, SAVANNAH, .... GEORGIA ami 13 Ciingrcßs Street. novTdf - CREECH & NEWSOM. DEALERS IN D R Y GOO D S, GROCERIES, Liquors, Flour, Bacon, etc. QUITMAN, GA. maylft-tf Tlu> Baltimore BELL & BRASS WORKS. K&Ublifclmd in JOSHUA REGESTER & SONS, 53 and 55 N. Holijday 9r., Raltlniorc, Mil., Make the finest foiled Bells in tlie country, and 'u all cases givo'geuii si sjtiyn’tion. Our Brass Yorks surpa&sqpi any uh*T manufactured. Send icircular before pnr*Lain| elsewhere. Tho mammoth Beil, REGESTER,” for the new City Hall. Baltimore, was erected by Joshua Register A Sons. Orders from the South aulicito deciy-tf 200 barrel* and half barrels Whiskey; 50 barrels and half barrels Gin; 50 barrels aud half barrels Rum; 25 casks Wines; 25 casks Brandin*; 1,000 bore* Cigars; 150 kits Mackerel; QUITMAN FACTORY. /CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL ABSOIIT- V MENT 4-4 SHEETING, 3-4 SHIRTING, OSNABURGB, STIRPES, TWEEDS, OOTTONADES, COTTON YARNS and a varioty of other COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS which will bo exchanged for cotton or wool on fair term*. Price for Carding Wool 10 Cents Per ound N. 11. Wool received from, ami Rolls returned to any station ou the Atlantic A- Gulf Railroad, nt an additional cost of out* cent per pound. Merchants and Dealers generally, are invited to call and examiuo stock before making purchase*. HENRY BRIGGS, jmic2o-ojm _ President. 1 WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE AT . TEN’I'ION of the citizens ot Brook* and the adjoining counties, to my large and select stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 11/V K I> W Alt E. GROCERIES, Etc., Etc., All of which will bo void upon lIKASONABLE TEBMS and at LOWEST I'ltlOES. o—— and would call tho attention of Planters to mj LARGE STOCK OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Bnch &a FLOWS, CLEVICES, HEEL BOLTS, GRAIN FAS®, etc., etc These goods will be sold at MANUFACTURER S PRICES, With Freight A tided. A3- GIVE ME A CALL "8* JOHN TILLMAN. sop26-tf HOPKINS a HIGGINS, FINE OLD KENTUCKY BOURBON AND RYE WHISKIES Nos. 3 Main & 4 Washington Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. W. H. SEBRING, General Agen For sale only at CREECH & NEWSOM, Quitman, Ga. july 25-1 y UEOHt-U A— BliOOKy OOUNTY—To all whom xt may concern. John A. Goiter, having in proper form applied to me for permanent pot ter* or iadministration on the estate of William R. Colter, late of said county—This is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of WiUiam U. Colter, to be and appear ai my office within the time alk>W'ed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be gran toil to John A. Colter on M il liam It. Colter's estate. Witness wiy hr.nd and official signature tins J. M. SHEARER. Orffy. MARSHALL HOUSE, SAVANNAH, - - - - - GEORGIA. 0 Your attention is respectfully colled to the above Houae tta A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL in every respect. The House ban been repaired and refurnished, and ia now provided with every neccusary ooimmieno© ft>r the aocom /udNation and comfort of its patrons; the room* .are large, airy, and neatly furuishifll, and amph means are afforded for bathing. Tho location i desirable, and convenieut hi the busmens portiou ol the city. THE TABLES will at nil times be bountifully furnished with meats, etc., from tho North, and we have all the v ogoi&blAi and delicacies which tho market af fords. THE RATES OF HOARD have been reduced to $3 per day, and liberal terms wilt be offered to parties wishing to engage rooms by tlw month or season. AX EXCELLENT LI VERT STABLE is connected with the House. Omnibusses and iJaggfigo Wagons will always Ik. in attendance at the various Depots and Steamboat Landings to convey passengers to tho Hotel. Tolograph and R R. Ticket Offlca in the Hotel. THE LAUNDRY is excellent and its service will be expeditious and satisfactory. THE BARBER SHOP has been re-fitted and is in charge of a skillful mid atieutivo man. THE SEWS ROOM will be regularly supplied with all the Daily Weekly Papers. The Bar is supplied with the best Wines, Liquors, Sugars, etc. The Proprietor begs to repeat emphatically that every care and exertion will be exercised by himself and his assistants to make the Marshall House in every respect unsurpassed as an attrac tive and satisfactory place of home resort. Honin'' b? obtain a liberal share of patronage, i remain, yours respectfully, A. B. LUCE, oct3l-tf Proprietor. BRIGGS, JELKS A GO., DEALERS IN DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, DRUGS anfl MEDICINES, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, Ac. Invito Spocial attention to their largo atoek of Ladies Dress Goods, Which they arc Belling off at Ueilucril Prices. HENRY F. MABBIiTT Manager. may 28-41 * GRAND CENTRAL GARDEN OF SAVANNAH, 96 Broughton St, Opposite Harshall House. The Boat LAGER BEER and tho Finest IM PORTED WINES, LIQUORS and SEGARS al ys on hand. music in the evening. CHARLES SEILEII, Proprietor, June 4 G-m. Savaanfth, Gn. g% JR 11 YASSERS wanted for tw'o superb works IwLfl of French art , “EDtic Runaway nml her Pet**,'" and the pretty pair, *‘Tlc Dinner, and the Nap.” These pictures are worthy of a plaoe in custly homes and inexpensive enough for the simplest. Selling rajrkuy, and take on sight. Wo guarantee readv sales, good profits, and quick returns. Any active person who will take hold can make a handsome income. Send for our best terras at once. ,T. B. FORD A CO., julylfi-Sra 174 Elm St.. Oineimmli. 1,000 cases Canned Goods; 300 eases assorted Liquors; 300 boxes and caddies of Tobacco; 300 boxes aud half boxes Candles; 50 packages Toast 50 barrels and half barrols Vinegar; 600 boxes Soap; BARGAINS OFFERED! O' ■ The undersigned, having just returned from the Eastern Markets, where be has lieen for sometime selecting and purchasing a large and splendid assortment of general merchandise, embracing almost every article kept in City or Country retail stores, to-wit: FAMILY GROCERIES. PRINTS, DOMESTIC GOODS and DRESS GOODS; Various Qualities and Prices. PIQUES, Every Style. NOTIONS OF EVERY KIN D MOURNING GOODS, Various Qualities. LADIES’ LEATHER AND SILK BELTS. LADIES’ AND GENTS’ LINEN CUFFS AND COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, AC. KID GLOVES, Any Quality. PERFUMERIES, Any Kind and Price BOOTS, SHOES, GAPS AND HATS. o LADIES’ FANS and PARASOLS, Every Quality aud Price. RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS and LACES in Endless Quantities. TISSUE VEILING, Every Color, LADIES’ LACE VEILS. CLOTHING, HAP.DWARE FARMING IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS of Every kind. At Lowest Prices. Special inducement* offered to CASH CUSTOMERS. R. M. MCCALL. April 3,1875-3 m. SPRING GOODS! PURCHASED BEFORE THE RISE NATHAN frAZAN HAS JUST RECEIVED A SPLENDID MAMMOTH SPRING STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS; DOMESTIC AND PLANTATION GOODS; i LADIES’ DRESS GOODS; FANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS ; WHITE GOODS, PRINTS, BLEACHINGS, HOSIERY j TABLE FURNITURE, TOWELS, PARASOLS, NOTIONS, &C. gsgr” ALL of tho LATEST Patterns and most FASIONABLE Colors and Make. *&-THIS STOCK was purchased JUST BEFORE THE GREAT RISE in the f: Northern Markets ; therefore, I am enabled to sell LOW DOWN FOR CASH 1 W3-N0 LIQUORS SOLD AT NATHAN GAZAN’S CHEAP CASH STORE. “SC I • y. 000 kegs Powder; 200 half kegs Powder; 300 quarters kegs Powder; 300 casks Baeon Sides; 300 casks Shoulders; 300 boxes D. S. Sides; 300 boxes D. 8. Bellies,