The independent. (Quitman, Ga.) 1873-1874, August 23, 1873, Image 4

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THE INDEPENDENT. MTI RDiY, Al'tll KT 88, 18711 imcm.Araeci ajbvhti**mi*t*. BRIGGS, JELKS& CO., DEALERS Cl Drugs and Medldafs Family Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Dry Goods, Domestic and Foreign, Millinery Good*, Boots and Shoes, * _ '■ . iO (: v noth lug, •" : ‘§ §> t ■: }■' *h pc -n ftotfcmwf’fßß: WHICH WE WILE SELL STRICTLY FOR CASH —AKP AT— CASH VALUE, Farmeri* Produce, wHcn purchased hy uh, coasidcrctl a* CASH. lIENRI F. MABBETT, Manager. JnneH-tf oraB Cloth, at reduced prices, at lIKSOOS, it Co's. CREECH & NEWSOM, DEALERS IN D R Y Gr 0 0 I) S, GBOCERIEB, Liquors, Flour, Bacon, etc., QUITMAN, GA. mayHMf A few more of tlmse beautiful trimmod Laities Hats. Prices reduced, very low. Call at the store of Baiuns, Jv.mts A Cos. A MODEL NEWSPAPER. THE SAVANNAH DAILY NEWS. The Savannah Daily Mouvixo News is acknowl edged by the Press and people to ho the best daily paper south of Ismisvifle and cast of Now Orleans, Carrying with it the prestige ami reli ability of age, it lias all the rigor and vitality of youth, and its enterprise! as a gatherer of the latest and freshest nows lias astonished its con temporaries and met the warn approbation of the public. During the year 1873, no expense of time, labor, and money will be spoilt to keep the Monxixo News ahead of all competitors in Georgia jour nalism, ami to deserve the nattering encomiums heaped upon it from all quarters. There lias, as yet, boon no serious attempt made to rival the special telegrams which the News inaugurated some yuars ago, and the consequence Is, that the reader in search of the latest intelligence always looks to the Mounuks News. The telegraphic ar rangements of tlie paper are such that Mto omis sions made hy the general proas reports are promtlv and reliably supplied hy its special oor ruapoudeuts. 'Tlie Munxixr. Nbws has lately been enlarged to a thirty-six eolunui paper, amt it* broad scope of type embraces, daily, everything of interest that transpires in the domain of Literature, Art, Science, Religion, and general intelligence; giv ing to the reader more and better digested mat ter than any other paper in the Statu. It is perhaps needless to speak of the polities of the Stoßsiso News. For years and years—in deed since its establishment it lias been a repre sentative Southern paper, and from tlist time to the present, in all conjunctures, it lias consis .tently and persistently maintained Democratic Stabs Bight# principles, and labored, with an ardor and devotion that know no abatement, to promote and preserve the interests ami honor of the Booth. Tlie special features of the Mohxixo News will be retained and improved upon during the en suing year, and several new attractions will be added. The Georgia news items, with their quaint and pleasant humor, and the epitome of Florida af fairs will be, continued during the year. The lo cal department will be, as it has been for the past year, the most complete and reliable to be found in any Savannah paper, and tlie commer cial columns will be full and accurate. The price of the Duilv is $lO (K) per annum; $5 00 for six months; #1 150 for one month. The price of the Tri- Weekly News is #6 00 per annum, $3 00 lor six months, and $1 50 for three months. The price erf the Weekly News is $2 00 per an num; $1 (10 for six months; 50 cents for three months. Subscriptions for either edition of the Hhuum News may be sent by express st the risk and ex pense of the proprietor. Address j n.ramtx. Savannah, Ga. MISCKI.riANBOU* AnVRRTIXir.MKMIB. MoCALL & GROOVER, QUITMAN, GA., Dealers is IHtrOS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soap, Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, FVeufi Garden Seods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes & Dye Staffs. Letter Paper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, WINDOW GLASS, of all tuts, P Ifctt f, Carbon Oil, Lamps and Chimneys. i 'Phfitcities Pr%ciiptimif Accurately Oampuumled. Boot, Fowdeb, Pracusaiow Capb, Tonaoco, Jyl2-Iy Snuff and Cigars. CURRIER, SHERWOOD & CO., WHOLESALE DEALEKB IN Bootn and Shoes. This is one of Iho Oldest and Largest Boot ami Shoe Jobbing Houses IN THE CITY. All their Supplies are obtained from THE VERY BEST MANUFACTORIES, And Bold to Customers on the MOST ACCOMMODATING TERMS. 476 & 478 Broome Street, New York. A. M. WATKINS, Traveling Agent. Jv29-tf I WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE AT TENTION of the eitisens of Brooks and the adjoining counties, to my largo and select stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, II A II W AME, GROCERIES, Etc., Etc., All of which will be sold upon REASONABLE TERMS and at LOWEST PRICES, ——o——— I would aleo call the attention of Planters to my LARGE STOCK OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Such as PLOWS, ULEVICES, HEEL BOLTS, GRAIN FANS, etc., etc. These goods will be sold at MANUFACTURER S PRICE®, IVilh Freight Added. *T GIVE ME A CALL. -** JOHN TILLMN. julyS-tf MIM KI.LANKOCK AIIVERTISHMKATH. HENRY i JOHN FARET, Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE, i 376 & 378 Broadway, Corner White St., New York, Constantly Keep on Hand a Largs and Well Se lected Stock of MEN’S, YOUTH’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING. o Tills House Is represented hy JOHN H. WIIVTK, or Grifln, On., Mho will visit the Merchants of Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Ju2i-tf T. L. FALK & CO., ONE PRICE Wholesale and Retail CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Corner! Congress, Whitaker and St Julan Sto., SAVANNAH, GA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, TRUNKS, VALICES, ETC. Always on Hand. Manufactory No. 48 Warren St. N. Y Ilraneh House, Charleston, 8. C. maj'24-tf CLEARTHE TRACK When tlie W histle Blows. S. SHAN D A L, QUITMAN, GEORGIA. IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE % CHEAP GOODS Of all descriptions, such as DRY GOODS, CLOTHING , BOOTS AND SHOES, UP GROCERIES, 'o’ HARDWARE. TIN WARE, ami All other kinds of Goods you may need, Call and sec for yourself before "a Purchasing Elsewhere. We Guarantee to Sell a Low as Any One Else, may2i-tf PROFESSION Al* CARDS. JAS.H. HUNTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, QUITMAN, BROOKS COUNTY, GEORGIA. Will practice in the Comities of the Southern Circuit, Echols and Clinch of the Brunswick, and Mitchell of the Albany. ssrOf&ce at the Court House. *B* Juneai-tf W. B. BEN SETT. S. T. EJNOHIIEIIRV. BENNETT ft KINGBBERRY, Attorneys at Daw, Q UITMAN, Brooks County, Georgia. junc2B-tf EDWARD R. HARDEN, Attorney at I*aw, QUITMAN, BROOKS COUNTY, - - GEORGIA. Late an Associate Justice Supreme Court, U. S. for Utah and Nebraska Territories; now Judge County Court, Brook# County, Ga. may24-12mo StiaCKLLANKOVS ADVEKTHE.UEVT*. SALE ANO LIVERY BTABLE, Hitman, Ga. rpHE UNDERSIGNED KEEP ON HAND SADDLE HORSES, HARNESSHORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Etc., etc., etc., For the Accommodation of the Public. THEY ALSO KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF HORSES ANO MULES For Sale, SELECTED BY ONE OF THE FIRM, And Always Purchased on Sucii Terms as to Enable Them to Sell at the LOWEST PRICES. PERSONS DESIRING TO PURCHASE SADDLE OR HARNESS HORSES Can be Supplied upon Short Notice. If not on hand, if a description of the stock wanted is left at the Stable the order will be filled in a few days. C ECIL & THRASHER. mayl7-tr CITY HOTEL, QUITMAN, GEORGIA. The Proprietor Offers to Visitors UNSURPASSED INDUCEMENTS. ROOMS LARGE, WELL FURNISHED, —did— THOROUGHLY VENTILATED. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Polite-.and Obliging Servants. HOUSE SITUATED CONVENIENT TO THE Depot and the Business Portion of the Town. 1). U. McNEAG, Proprietor. inaylf-tf ADV E RTISEMENTS- - MISCELL AN EOU S . . SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. SANFORD, CHAMBERLAIN & ALBERS, Importers, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, WINDOW GLASS, WALL PAPER, PERFUMERIES, STATIONERIES and NOTIONS. ALSO SOLE PROPRIETORS OF DR. HART'S GREAT RELIEF, SYMPHIX, DAMON'S STOCK POWDERS, SANFORD’S PURE COD LIVER OIL, ALBER'S EXTRACT OF BUCHU, Dlt. HARTS’ VEGETABLE PILLS, HART’S BITTERS and I X L STOMACH BITTERS. Being direct Importer# and Manufacturers of the above Articles, we arc therefore enabled to offer I inducements to Southern Druggists and all Merchants dealing in Drugs. I AU orders will receive prompt attention. maylO-tf QUITMAN FACTORY! QUITMAN FACTORY! —O MANUFACTURES OF COTTON ANO WOOL o- TJTrE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC OUR YARNS, WHICH WE ARE MANUFACTUR'D, OF TTffi REST QUALITY, EITHER BY WHOLESALE ORIN SMALL QUANTITIES, TO SUIT THE CONVENIENCE OF PURCHASERS, o Our Osnatmrgfis are Equal in Quality TO ANY MANUFACTURED AT THE NORTH, AND WILL BE SOLD IN LARGE OR SMALL LOTS . TO SUIT PURCHASERS. Will also Fill Orders for HEAVY SHEETINGS, Either 3-4 or 4-4 Wide. o With our Improved Carding Machine we are prepared to Card Wool in the Best Style. We will also Spin Wool either on Shares or for Cash. Special Contracts may be made with the President. Cotton Boughht either for Cash or taken in exchange for Y arn or Osuaburgs. PRICES. Wool Carding per pound lO cts. DR. HENRY BRIGGS, President. Buy 10-if MISCKIdUANBOVS AUVKRTISKMICNTH. SEND US YOUR A DDR ESS And wo will mail von, free of charge, a specimen copy of the SOUTHERN MUSICAL JOURNAL, containing One Dollar’s worth of choice music, together with onr catalogue of Sheet Music and Books, Illustrated Catalogue#-and reduced prices of Piano#; also Mason A Handin'# Organs; juice lists of Violins, Guitars, Accordeona, String*, and Imported Musical Merchandise, and circulars of the Novelty Printing Presses. LUIUKV A. HATES. Southern Music House, Savannah, Oa. may M-ten ' JOHN M. COOPER & GO. Savannah, On., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Keep constantly on hand a large assort ment of MISCELLANEOII, STANDARD AND SCHOOL BOOKS. Sunday School Libraries famished on the most liberal terms irith the latest and best Etujlish Publications. BIBLES, Pocket, Family and Pulpit, I In Great Variety. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS. Any books scut by mail on receipt of price. mav24-tf 1). W. PRICE, MERCHANT TAILOR, QUITMAN, GA., Would inform the citizens of Quitman and sur rounding country, that hi has just opened a FIRST CLASS MERCHANT ANO TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT I IN QUITMAN, AND HAS ON HAND A FINF, LOT OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, SUITABLE FOR MAKING DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS. He ha* also on Hand a Select Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING. CUTTING, CLEANING —AND— It E P A I R I IV G DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Star PRICES MODERATE. -©g JAMES CONNER’S SONS, UNITED STATES TYPE —AND— ■f ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY —AND— PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE, No*. 28, 30 and 32, Centre Street, TV ew Y oi-ls. LARGE STOCK OF ENGLISH AND GERMAN FACES, Both Plain and Ornamental, KEPT ON HAND. Every article necessary for PERFECT PRINTING OFFICE furnished. The type on which this paper is printed is from the above Foundry. inaylOtf